>Final panel closing
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>tfw this faggot refused to answer and we will never know
Goddamit, that movie was so dumb on every level.
thanks chink
>/v, what do you see?
Come on it was enjoyable sci-fi, what more do you need, lightsabers ?
He saw God. Sunshine is fundamentally about faith and fear, with the sun representing God and faith. Being killed by the sun in this movie was actually a gift.
It wasn't They tried to make another Event Horizon and failed. They nearly but not exactly plagiarized several lines from that movie too, talking about what to do when unprotected in a vacuum.
I don't understand. We saw what he was seeing, it was just a big wall of fire. What's the big fucking deal?
> pic is what happens to all of us when the internet stops working
It was a great movie until the script writer ran out of ideas and said "fuck it, lets just have an insane guy kill everybody off one by one"
>Event Horizon
I forgot it existed. It was so low budget I'm not even sure it was released in theatres here.
The SF parts are actually more realistic and the fantasy/horror parts are more effective. I don't know what the budget was but CGI wasn't as developed then. This movie ripped it off and from what you say I'm assuming it had a better budget? Then there's no excuse for it being this shitty.
I wasn't talking about CGI specifically, it's just that it felt like a VHS horror movie from the 80s, wich could be fun if it wasn't from 97 and hadn't a B list cast.
>I'm assuming it had a better budget?
Actually no, 60M vs 40M...
Can you make a list of what you were watching in the 80s then? I'd like to see those. The B movies I've seen from that era were nothing like that.
I don't know man, things like that, it's just a feeling.
I don't think you saw Event Horizon.
Several times, it was on tv a month ago.
...and you think it's more like The Blob than Sunshine? I'm still trying to wrap my head around Sunshine being good as either science fiction or horror really. I've never actually heard anyone try and defend it, most people admit it's shit even if they sort of liked it.
On the other hand, the characters of sunshine felt like... characters.
in Event Horizon, like all Paul WS Anderson movies, the characters are just props to propel braindead action scenes.
This movie is unironic kino. Not loving it is the surest sign of a brainlet I know.
fuck you I liked the final act
the movie was great only like 20 minutes of it was shit when they tried to do that slasher thing but after it was still great
>beautiful cinematography
>great soundtrack
>well acted
>standard sci-fi movie plot
It's not a hard movie to defend. It's script is a little weak, but it has that in common with damn near every sci fi movie.
If you don't like it, that's fine, but it's far from a shit movie. Especially for a genre with very slim pickings anyway.
>..and you think it's more like The Blob than Sunshine?
Not the story obviously, but the mood. It's like they didn't give a fuck about what they were doing, be it the crew or the cast, like they used to do in those 80s movies.
>I've never actually heard anyone try and defend it, most people admit it's shit even if they sort of liked it.
That's not true, critics and audience are mostly favorable.
checked and based.
I really don't know why people have such a problem with the slasher scenes.
>I'm still trying to wrap my head around Sunshine being good as either science fiction or horror really
It's not a horror movie, I have no idea why retards claim it is. It's a scifi thriller, and it's a fucking BEAUTIFUL one. One of the most gorgeous movies I have ever seen just in terms of sheer visuals and dripping with atmosphere.
>b-b-but there's some crazy guy
Who gives a shit. The movie is beautiful.
>b-b-but in the last scene they touch the sun, that's unr-
That's a fucking visual metaphor for babies. Jesus christ, what kind of a brainlet sees something like that and interprets it literally? I swear some of you fucks can't handle anything more complicated than a commercial.
He saw he retarded final act.
So this giant 16km wide cube of fissile material is now at the surface of the sun, right? And somehow, inside this payload cube, the computers and electronics and air-conditioning are working just fine so that the 3 human beings left alive are still nice and comfy in their 72 degrees Fahrenheit enivronments.
And then at the end, the hero is standing on his gantry walkway as his mini big bang starts kicking into gear, and the ACTUAL SUN ITSELF starts burning through the walls, but our hero stays alive and puts his hands up to the flames itself? He's inside the sun and looking at the pretty flames? Wearing jeans and a t-shirt? All this, after many earlier moments in the film instantly burnt stuff because they were now so close to the sun?
This is a film that should never have been made. It started out with promise, and went down hill the moment they diverted their mission. The ending was PISS WEAK.
>t. can't handle visual metaphors
it was a metaphor
They also state several times that it's impossible to predict what happens under the surface of the sun, because it's so massive it distord time and space. In other words anything is possible.
To be fair, the original cut had a lot more character development and the "questioning reality" act was supposed to play off of their backstories but the producers literally cut like 30 min of the film. They also cut the hell segments because they thought it was too graphic. Event Horizon is a text book example of producers and focus groups butchering a movie before release.
4k bluray when?
It's Icarus finally reaching the sun for the sole purpose of saving it.
This always makes me want to learn the piano but I know I'll give up
I like the film, but that somehow 30 seconds of gore and 20 mins backstory would have made this film any better when it fails to deliver an enganging plot to begin with, I find a bit of a stretch
It's still a silly movie and works better as a comedy than a horror film and some of the performances are straight up laughable and it runs face first into every horror cliche there is.
Sunshine delivers 2/3s of the way but then completely falls flat on it's face with the third act and that it somehow rips off Event Horizon is stupid, especially when Event Horizon some shamelessly rips off The Shining, Alien and Solaris. Event Horizon is a even more derivative piece than Sunshine.
Both are solid 7/10's though.
>fails to deliver an enganging plot to begin with
Technology that allows for travel through other dimensions unwittingly taking us into hell is pretty engaging, at the very least more engaging than, "We have to go reboot the sun."
Launched another Sunshine thread, but I forgot to check the catalog.
Normally it is never talked about here, but I love it. .
Well if youre making a sci-fi horror movie then people are going to say its stealing from earlier sci-fi horrors pretty much no matter what you do, but I get your point. I do think the movie would have been a lot better though, the only real comedy element in the film is the black guy and his death scene, which was added by producers in after-production.
I think the reason people thinks Sunshine rips of Event is atmospherically, they both involve a specialized crew going on a mission to an unknown location with no real idea of what to expect, and it focuses a lot on mysterious cosmic powers that affect the crew in creepy unknown ways.
Supposedly Event Horizon was meant to be a warhammer 40k movie too, but they got their license retracted mid-production and they had to suddenly improvise a new setting, so I get why it might seem shallow and bland.
Like both movies though, but I love cosmic horror no matter what so my standards isnt all that high.
>Technology that allows for travel through other dimensions unwittingly taking us into hell
The thing is that it was anecdotal, we were more concerned about how they could recover from the los of their ship, how they could use the event horizon, and all other aspects, but the "hell" part was a tertiary matter.
>Supposedly Event Horizon was meant to be a warhammer 40k movie too, but they got their license retracted mid-production
This is horseshit, absolute fucking retards like to pretend Event Horizon is related to 40k but it's not and never was.
Speak for yourself, my concerns were what happened to the previous crew, how the recovery team would escape it, and what the hell was up with evil Dr. Grant, all of which paid off perfectly.
Think you are the same guy from a previous thread, but I agree with you. Though before your comment I had never seen the movie in that way.
Space Dementia is common in movies because it fucking happens in real life. Astronauts have testified that it is pretty easy to lose your perspective in space, the depiction is not without actual experiences to base it on. NASA has procedures on how to act when it does happen. It is totally plausible, but you fags get hung up on it.
The final act is kino when you accept that Mark Strong was actually a prophet of the sun acting on its behalf begging for release and not just some crazy dude.