Why did people choose to stop developing crt tvs?
Why did people choose to stop developing crt tvs?
why would anyone want that big retarded ungainly box in the back if they have a choice
I am old enough to remember carrying around a 21" monitor. I'm never going back faggot.
Low res, heavy, take up space
terrible warped picture, ugly as fuck, uses far too much space, raises temperature of the room, can't put it on a wall etc etc etc
>Advancing technology
>Newer tv's are much easier to mass produce & cheaper to make
Besides those obvious reasons, CRT's take up space & are a bitch to move around depending how big yours is.
My old 20 year old CRT STILL shows colors and especially black better than anything else I own
But I don't often use it because it's 4x3 aspect ratio makes movies look very small even though it's got a decent size
look inside a big crt, look all the components and imagine the supply chain for everything
CRT's are very expensive to produce. If you have ever looked at the innards of a flatscreen TV you will find very few components.
>My old 20 year old CRT STILL shows colors and especially black better than anything else I own
Buy an oled
You can pick up tube TV's for bargain prices at thrift stores. Most will let them go for $10 or less.
They’re fucking heavy
>shows colors and especially black better than anything else I own
you own garbage
What exactly made them so fucking heavy?
I got strong doing lan parties with a 19 inch crt.
They have to have lead shielding to protect the users from radiation
Big thrift stores don't even take tube TVs anymore. You can find them on CL too, usually for free or just a couple bucks.
>warped picture
maybe in the 1940s
>take up too much space
also opinion
>raises temp
so do flatscreens
>can't put on wall
>this is what zoomers really believe
Thick ass glass screen. They where awkward to carry because all the weight is up front.
I want to get a bunch of them and build an 80s style TV wall like a supervillain
the main reason is because they take up more space
>Low res
Bullshit. There were PC monitors back in the day that could do 1440p at +60hz. Only reason we didn't see CRTs with 1080p was because there wasn't any content around for it.
because flat panels were liek so cool when they started coming out
that TV in the pic you posted has a warped picture, not a flat screen
Plasma TV's were the benchmark for quality until recently because of the picture quality and the 600hz scan rate, which completely eliminated flicker. The drawbacks were that they weighed as much as arnold schwarzenegger, and they consumed 500+ watts. They also had burn-in issues and the phosphors eventually quit, so the TV faded over time.
This. They're significantly cheaper to manufacture than Carts were. Also, because LCD/Plasma/OLED TV's are so thin, it costs far less to ship large numbers of them across the ocean from slantland, since you can fit 5-6x as many flat screens into a shipping container as you would CRT's of a similar screen size.
I want a launch control facility like in wargames where the monitors are slanted and set in the desks I always liked that. bunker in goldeneye was neat too
Everyone saying they were heavy and bulky etc could that not have been helped if they continued development instead of moving to flat screen lcd/plasma etc
Also, it's hard as fuck to build a CRT TV that's bigger than 36", which is tiny by today's standards. Sony sold that 40" one in the early 2000s, and it weighed over 100lbs. That said, I'd love to see someone build a 50" widescreen 4k or 8K CRT just for autism's sake. That would be pretty rad.
People dreamed of flat screens in their home for decades and now you whiny millennial bitches can get them for under $500.
had better picture quality for a while not now tho
had better sound.
they were ultra comfy
just to heavy
Except it's literally true bruh
See , the glass contains lead, it's to shield the user from the electrons and shit emitted by the CRT/phosphorus screen
Fucking thing is emitting particles to display images
Magnets, copper, glass, etc. Every step up in resolution or inches meant you got exponentially heavier.
These days, most LCDs and OLEDs are basically just circuit boards, some chips, wires and sheet metal and a thin-as-fuck panel.
back to the future's thing was such shit. even before people dreamed about them, there were tvs with wall cavities. my old house had a whole wall of bookshelves and cabinets and a tv cutout so it was flush. it's nothing new to want a tv that is set against a wall
zoomers will never know the joy of a crt monitor with windows 7 on an hp desktop. it was indescribable . it litterly made you happy.
CRTs have leaded glass because it has better optical clarity, it has nothing to do with radiation
I have one of these for muh retro games.
Do you even know what CRT means?
Cathode ray tube
Cathode ray = electron ray
Electron ray = beta radiation
This is literally beginner tier stuff how can you not know this
Imagine making claims on a subject you know nothing about
>"dude just buy a $1000+ TV"
The high energy electrons hit the phosphos which convert them into visible light. There is some small amount of potentially dangerous energy coming through but most of it is filtered out by the phosphors and the glass itself.
>windows 7
is this bait?
>raises temperature of the room
God lord, this. I had a 36" Trinitron in my bedroom and I couldn't use it during the summer months. It also took two people to move the fucker.
50'' crt tvs were absolute kino.
upgrade from windows xp
by the time 7 came out everyone had flat monitors
Yea that's why I'm telling you the glass contains lead and is heavy as fuck
But since all that is a quantum mechanical process you still are getting bukkaked by electrons lead or not
I don't think CRTs are legally even allowed to be produced for retail use anymore
Looks like shit , big as fuck and fucking explodes from time to time. If you drop it, it literally becomes a small bomb I used to own a bug fucking 50' one
OLEmemes are not comparable to CRTs in the blacks. They are better than regular LEDs though.
Who is this semen demon?
>teacher rolls this in
what are we watching?
Born in 2000, can't relate to this sorry
I actually found pic/related for 23$ at a thrift store in town with a DVD reader that still kicking
I would give Greta a global warming, if you know what i mean
you got ripped off
I have a 42" flatscreen Sony CRT sitting behind me but I don't think it's been turned on for five years now. Only reason it's still sitting here is because nobody wants to break their back trying to move it.
Stop buying CRT we need them
Im old. Also we're watching The Mummy (1999)
HD tvs were a mistake, resolution is the biggest meme going
I was born in 1987
My TV is still a CRT.
Art Attack
Witches of England (I think it's called)
Back to the Future 1
Some home movie 7th grade made 5 years ago at the school with some barbie and ken dolls it was fucking weird, the story was ken was banging a different barbie and they had a fight. They called eachother slut, skank, bitch and it ended in the dollhouse burning down and ken jumping out the window. The kids that made it all turned out really methy and I have no idea why the teachers made us watch it in 5th grade.
I have an air guitar to sell you
The EU banned the use of lead glass in crt tubes. The replacement would have more than doubled the price of CRTs. Some are still made in southeast asia but they are low quality and not imported to the west.
Me too!
>Be starting second year of college 2004
>All moved in early so I could skulk around freshman girls
>Help one stunning blond
>Help her haul her stuff up the stairs of Gilchrist hall at FSU
>She has a big fucking CRT TV and another monitor
>I haul both up one under each arm
>God's I was strong then
>Help her set everything up
>It works
>She proceeds to push me into the shared bathroom
>Locks the door on both sides and sucks my dick
>Left and never talked to her again
We're never going back again are we bros?
But somehow when I put a bottle of whiskey in the center of the coffee table I'm a degenerate
shitty quality. Too fucking heavy. Just looked ugly in general.
Only literal boomers who feel nostalgia for everything from their childhood like them.
It work's fine aside from some video cables not working the way they should have to switch to three different ones
Those were for another time, better, comfier times, now all you deserve you zoomies is your cellphone screen.
They are still the only television with true blacks and no display lag
The issue I have with PVMs is that they're too small, I'd rather play on a regular 30" Trinitron.
>>take up too much space
>also opinion
you mean circumstantial you dumb cunt
weird how I used to sit so far away from our crt tv and was fine but now with regular TVs and monitors I need them close or extra large
>move back home
>crt tvs sitting in garage
dad refuses to get rid of them because they cost $2000 or whatever lmao. I get it's not my house but what's the point of keeping them when they are of no use nor of any value to anyone?
this, especially for gaming. i still have a crt hooked up to my old guitar hero games because getting 100% on a high level song on expert is nearly impossible on a flat screen, no matter how much you adjust for lag, try it on the crt and it becomes childs play. but honestly unless you are doing something that requires 20+ inputs per second the lag isn't that noticeable, especially in game modes
There isn't enough lead oxide in the glass to add any significant weight, stop being a retard. CRTs were heavy because you had a heavy as fuck chunk of glass in it, the walls of the tubes were thick as fuck, because they had a vacuum inside, and they had to be strong enough to not implode.
The electromagnetic radiation emitted from tube tvs was not dangerous, in anything built after the 70's, when they changed how tubes were built, because they discovered x-rays were dangerous. Anything built in the late 80's or later was using different designs and components that limited if not removed any risk of x-rays. CRTs were not radiation bombs, and didn't have THAT much lead or other elements in the glass that shielded x-rays and other electromagnetic radiation. The phosphorus screen didn't "emit" anything but light. Stop being ignorant on the internet.
grow up manchild
>Electron ray = beta radiation
I hope this is bait, nobody could be this stupid.
Cathode rays are actually a vacuum, and when inert CRTs actually weigh almost nothing. When you pick it up you mix all the electrons up inside the vacuum and cause it to gain mass. That's why you were supposed to just put it on the dolly each CRT was sold with and let the vacuum settle before wheeling it around.
Neat fact-when you smash CRTs you're actually releasing trapped electrons and expanding the mass of the universe.
Remember the Titans
>Yea that's why I'm telling you the glass contains lead and is heavy as fuck
There is not enough lead in the glass to add significantly to the weight. And, it's not pure lead, they used a lead oxide. Maybe 3,4 pounds of a 100 pound crt would be from the added lead.
>But since all that is a quantum mechanical process you still are getting bukkaked by electrons lead or not
You don't have the first fucking clue what you're talking about, do you? The risks from CRTs was XRAYS, not fucking "electron bukkake', whatever the fuck that means.
"quantum mechanical process" - really spastic? Really? We're just throwing words together now, hoping they make sense?
>I don't think CRTs are legally even allowed to be produced for retail use anymore
CRTs are still produced and have never been prohibited in production or use in any way. They're still made and sold all over the world.
"I don't think" sums you up perfectly. You should try that more, before posting nonsense.
The EU has done nothing of the sort. They wanted to ban plasmas, because of how much power they use, and they throw regular conniption fits over recycling of CRTs, but they are in no way banned. Do you just make shit up to try and have a point?
I remember when plasma tvs were incredibly expensive
that's the tallest tale I've hear I tell ya what
i have a samsung "SLIM" CRT. the picture has this horrible double "wave" effect. i got it at a flea market for cheap because i was excited about a HD CRT for vidya. man did i choose poorly. it's fine for TV i guess but i wouldn't even want to watch kino on it because the close up shots look like somebody wrinkled the pixels somehow. it's literally like looking at a book that got wet and wrinkled up except animated. i've never seen another TV do this highly not recommended
this, have a 32" of the same and it's a backbreaker
I've never actually seen one of these in person so it's nice to know I didn't miss much.
Most home media at the time (including video games up til the 360 and PS3) relied on the resolution and composite masking that CRT's offered. VHS and DVD look alright on a CRT because there's less detail being shoved through the output signal. It's also kinda why the image is somewhat blurry when you use official hookups for video game consoles that were made by Sony or Microsoft or Nintendo or whoever that were intended for HD Flatscreens.
Magic School Bus
If girls sucked random beta males who helped them out with everything they needed there wouldn't be so many frustrated, angry, and sad Nice Guys out there.
Rikki Tikki Tavi. For some reason I watched that like twice each year in grade school
They're of value to him obviously. That should be enough.
You worked hard on this so have a (you).
Bill Nye the Science Guy, Remember the Titans or Rocky IV.
Imagine how much it would cost for a CRT capable of displaying the same image as 50" OLED.
a projection TV? I have one and it's fine. I have a 44" 1080p LCD and a 60" 480p projection TV. Both are fine but the projection TV annoyingly only has DVI. I should really get around to buying some sort of HDMI --> DVI+component converter if I'm to keep using it.
>When you pick [a CRT] up you mix all the electrons up inside the vacuum [...] and expand the mass of the universe
pretty sure 'no'
You made me laugh
Romeo's Ass & Juliet's 15 Year Old Tits (1968)
Trintrons have that annoying horizontal line in the center of the screen.
If your motivation for being a genuinely nice person wasn't getting your dick sucked, you wouldn't be so much of a frustrated, angry and sad Nice Guy
>tfw this & SED were killed by patent litigation and slopes going all in on LCD
What could have been
Whats so good about that
>zoomers have nostalgia for shit frustrating technology that they never actually experienced using
Fuck these TVs I'm glad we've moved beyond them. They used to piss me off so much
At electron scale all interactions are QM processes
Sitting in front of a CRT long enough you're guaranteed to be exposed to beta radiation, although the long enough part may be ridiculously long depending on shielding and the distance
I'm right you're wrong read a book kid
This isn't Yea Forums you faggot
And then everyone clapped
corporate cartels
I work with building designs and CRTs are far superior for our productivity and quality of work
when our company realized the monitors industry as a whole was gonna push the easier made / higher markup / more expensive mess that LCD / plasma / flat screen shits are, our president bought the latests gens crts monitors in bulk, that was what, 2007 I think, we still have some work stations with them.
>CRTs have good blacks
Why do gullible zoomers believe this? They're similar to projectors in that you have to turn the lights off if you don't want the blacks to be washed out.
fuck you
>why don't people still ride around in horse wagons anymore
Slim CRT technology
>tfw physics major and not even getting into this with people this stupid
Yet you're dumb enough to be a Pepe poster
Cool Runnings
the market chose to, lenin
burn in, worse than any other screen tech other than maybe plasma
Greta Thurnberg, she is unironically trying to save us all.
You can buy 60 inch 4K LCDs for like $500. The largest CRTs were like 30 inches, weighed 150 lbs., and would have cost about the same, 15 years ago.
The only way to learn American history
This thread is over so just post more of this qt
Curiously, what do schools have now? It can't cost much to outfit every room with a fucking 30inch TCL bought in bulk.
Cheap price
The rape scene in "Excalibur"
>God's I was strong then
Interactive whiteboards. Pic related is like what we have except ours are bigger. There is a wall panel where you hook up HDMI cables for display input.
>t. teacher
cause they fucking suck
based /sci/poster
>never experienced DeGraff
I hope you're not still in Tallahassee like me
>better than anything else I own
So you don't have an OLED
>Neat fact-when you smash CRTs you're actually releasing trapped electrons and expanding the mass of the universe
The electrons are still in the universe when they're in the tubes, brainlet
You still got ripped off my dude. I bought a CRT that's as big as at my local thrift store for literally $12, and it's lasted me three or four years now with no problems.
Can you say that with all certainty without observing them there?
I actually owned a 37" JVC crt like pic related back when JVC was the shit. Picture quality was amazing but that fucker was heavy as fuck. I'm surprised I used to lift it up almost over my head on top of tall cabinets and shit. Moving was a bitch but there was something pimpin about owning something that big and heavy. Zoomers will never know this feel with their soi by weight LEDs today. Real men used to carry TVs like pic related like it was nothing. Zoomers would literally cry trying to pick one up.
Channel One News
Likely something how Israel and Palestine make believe got along.
Educational videos, duh
is that anderson cooper? he looks so young.. bet he got a lot of dick back then, kek
I know this reply is 8 hours old but the argument still makes me mad.
Normies watch low-res movies on their smartphones nowadays but somehow letterboxing is still unpalatable to retards.
>oh lawd muh black bars on top and bottom *buys pan and scan videotapes*
>oh lawd muh black bars on left and right *turns 4:3 tv shows into lost media*
I pvred French Connection off (sd) TCM and the cocksuckers literally just cropped off the left and right of the picture. You utter sacks of shit, I wish I could skin you all alive.
Because everything under human control must rot.
Yeah, LCD screens are cheap fucking garbage. That's why they took over the industry. Higher profits for lower input for a vastly inferior product.
That's not a warped picture, you fucking moron. You've clearly never seen a CRT on in real life. What actually happens is that you can see a clear picture from just about anywhere in the room, whereas with an LCD screen if you look from anything less than a dead on angle all the fucking colors turn to shit.
Just a reminder that CRT technology is better than LCD, LED, and OLED. The only reason they stopped making them is because the others are easier to make and are smaller, not because they are better at displaying kinos.
Just a reminder that we were denied the superior thin TV technology, SED, because of a lawsuit
They decided not to release them after the lawsuit was over because LCD and LED were already out for years and they didn't feel that people would be willing to pay twice as much for a new technology when people just switched to LCD and LED even if SED is superior.
>but muh new TV looks better than a 1970s CRT
LCD, LED, and OLED technology is inherently inferior to CRT and SED/FED.
Heres an analogy, A and B are racing, A is a better runner than B and it looks like A is going to easily win and he should, but A suddenly stops running and B ends up winning. Yes, B may have won but A is superior and the only reason he lost is because he stopped running for whatever reason. Only a dumb piece of shit would say B is superior just because he won that race.
That said, I do have a high end LCD because I like physical copies and want to view my blu-rays and 4k UHD blu-rays on a screen they were meant for. I watch VHS and some DVDs on CRT. I would much prefer some company to start selling new and further developers CRTs or at least SED or FED so I can stop using my LCD. I would pay at least twice as much for one and even more if it were made in the US.
OLED is inferior technology to CRT and STILL can't produce proper blacks. OLED is shit like LCD and LED. Die shill. DIE
They were going to go with SED because SED is easier to manufacture than FED
SED and FED technology are inherently superior to LCD, LED, and OLED
CRT monitors were in development that were much lighter and more compact, but once the industry realized they could make a fortune off of plastic garbage instead, charging exactly the same price as they did for a CRTs there was no coming back.
If they're in working condition, sell them to gamers, like melee players. Unironically. There are people who will buy them. I even know some. You won't be getting that kind of money for them though.
Until modern flatscreens can run 20th century software at their native resolutions without the image being degraded and also double up as a heated cat beds CRTs will still have their uses.
Have sex.
Because it's true, you fucking retarded baby. This isn't even an argument you can win.
stop guzzling corporate cum
That's a bad analogy. A better analogy is if people started crawling around through the mud instead of riding on horses because their feudal Lord made more money by them doing so and taking away all the horses, but still charging all the serfs the same price as they paid for riding horses.
And this is exactly why capitalism is morally and factually wrong.
Fuck I hated that eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee noise it made
breathe retard
Patrition taste
Don't worry, bro. Your ears probably can't hear high-frequency whines anymore now that time fed you the boomer pill.
That only happened when the internal parts were damaged/old. A healthy set doesn't make that noise. But yes, it drove me insane and other people couldn't hear it which made it even more annoying. A good smack or two on the side usually fixed it for a while.
>press power button
Loved that sound. But hated the reeee sound.
>CRTs? ugh clutter, ugh they're heavy, ugh convenience > quality
>physical copies? Ugh clutter, ugh support the creator and give them a donation for a download instead!
Because they are dog shit?
Nobody wants a low res brick I chucked my last one a decade ago
Muh blacks go suck a black dick oled wunnabe cocksucker
Someone is triggered as SHIT that he didn't get to be a part of the right generation. Shit like this is exactly why zoomers are so inferior. Everything you said is wrong. And it's not even opinion, it's scientific fact that you're wrong.
I'm 30 years old I had 20+ years to dick around with CRTs are most if not all of them had shit wrong with them even very expensive monitors and tvs
And all small as fuck flat/convex 16:9 at best
21:9 concave curved shits over it
Unless your using very expensive mastering studio equipment CRTs are dogshit especially the low cost consumer grade shit that got cost cut in the 00s
Unironically KYS CRT faggot hipsters
Fuck up zoomer nostalgia faggot CRTs fucking sucked and still sucking fuck
You don't want to carry a 42" monster instead of a ten pound flat panel 4K TV?
Again with the bad opinions masquerading as fact. CRTs are literally only worse in 2 regards: weight and size. In every single other regard they are far far superior to LCD monitors, and as has been said multiple times in this thread already they were evolving past those flaws when they were abruptly abandoned because the market realized they could create plastic shit way cheaper and then they removed everyone's choice.
A low IQ and frog pictures won't save you in this thread.
OK show me a 4k 100hzh CRT go ahead ill wait
Go rub your balls over your CRT until they bake and explode niguhhh
Lots of CRTs had tonnes of dsp lag u stupid faggot as I said Onky the high end stuff is decent and it's expensive rare and niche as fuck
Did you crawl out of your dads cunt recently or something? CRTs have been dead for 10+ years and shit for 20+ generally
Please continue being autistic I'm laughing my ass off on my amoled
My old television nearly killed me twice lol
Based delusional crtfag
CRT technology is objectively superior than LCD, LCD, and OLED technology.
Die shill
Because they weigh 8 billion pounds.
Shill? I bought a 200usd va screen I stupid fucked crt faggit
>friend says he has a nice large tv that his family is getting rid of
>other friend says he'll take it if it works fine
>yeah it works great
>it's a 50 inch monstrosity that comes attached to it's own stand/cabinet thing
>i say i'll help him move it
>we load this thing and drive back to his place and plug it in
>picture is green and grey, no other colors
>next day we ask him about it
>oh yeah the color is fucked ever since my brother hit it with a hammer but otherwise it works fine
>>>>you get used to it quick enough
i miss high school when you could just beat the shit out of your friends for being retards. i want to go back
>development of CRT stopped like 20 years ago
100hz is nothing for a CRT
I bet you only watch bit starved streams which have a fraction of the bit rate of a blu-ray let alone 4k UHD blu-ray
>weight and size
ie the only metrics that matter to the consumer market
I've got a flatscreen samsung crt for my retro stuff. Thing has 4 av ports already built in. Shit is so cash.
Hopefully and Eye Witness documentary.
Sup gramps, '88 here.
It's not true. CRTs have terrible blacks unless you use them in the dark.
All blacks are terrible at any time of day.
Lots of the components in them aren’t legal to use anymore in a lot of countries
I don't know why the "CRTs have good blacks" myth has persisted for so long. I think where most people get confused is when they hear that the screen emits zero light in areas of the image that are black. And while this may be true, they neglect to take into account the fact that the screen itself is not even close to black to begin with.
Where can one even get a decent CRT? What and when were the last models made?
>nobody acknowledges the high pitch CRT noise
Throw yourself in a blazing inferno and die by fire faggot.
>playing video content that damages your CRT
High contrast colour that isn't properly graded is what makes that buzzing noise.
Noice! Love me some Sega on an old DVM Sony 24 inch box monitor.
There was a midget inside to manually control things whenever you sent him a command with the remote control.
Formerly Chuk's
I put a hole in my parents wall trying to carry one of these upstairs to my room and covered it with a sticky note and white out kek
oh my fucking based
I miss it. I also miss that electric feeling and taste when you're behind a giant CRT while its on
>using a PVM for retro games
Based retard
fuck off reddit tranny
Lose weight
I retain water
>you now remember carrying 17" monitors to lan-partys to play WC3
never again
>buy my mother a 36inch tv back in the day
>she loves it
>never lets me buy her another more modern tv
>please, mom new tech, free tv, flat screen HD
>let me buy you another new tv
>Nope, she liked how her shows look on the tv
>Honey, if stops working you can get me another tv
damn thing never stopped working. On like 24/7/365 being she liked the noise in the house and it just would.... not.... die
It outlived my own mother!
It wasn't until she passed away and I took over the family house that I was finally able to get it out on the street for trash pick up day, along with the old busted washer.
I got to admit, I got my $$$ worth out of that set in good son points.
Plasmas are still the best. I just watched a Laserdisc on my plasma TV this evening. That combination can’t be beat.
i remember in high school our teacher let us watched the beheading of that captured american soldier in iraq on his computer monitor in shop class back in 2004.
shit traumatized me back then.
My old tv spontaneously burst into flames one night. True story.
do you live in a 3rd world shithole somewhere where crts are still new?
these pieces of shit are literally junk in usa and other developed countries
If you have a crt that isn't subject to blooming the black levels are better than va, plasma, and oled.
We're talking 0.01 cd/m2 on something like a pvm or trinitron clones.
It's entirely dependant on the lighting conditions.
They have even worse blacks than consumer sets because they were designed to be used in light controlled environment.
No more a measure of a crts black level than it is over in projectorland. You're deliberately misconstruing an industry standard term.