What exactly were they thinking with this casting?

What exactly were they thinking with this casting?

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He is a mossad agent right?

yes, but in the movie he plays a random US mercenary

>original features an idealized Germanic hero

No, he's supposed to be US special forces operator turned mercenary

he needs to grow his hair out agian

Hmmm so in the movie its basically the same thing.


well done guys, i laughed.

Jesus look at that fucking face, I'm growing payots just looking at it

Why does Hollywood sometimes randomly try to make dopey-looking guys into action heroes? Same shit with that big-eared The Office guy.

This was a decent flick tho desu. Not *good*, but it was tolerable. Unlike those AvP-ones, or the latest predator catastrophe.

>"We thought casting a physically 'Schwarzenegger-esque' character would have done the original film a disservice", said Antal, "and would have done this film a disservice because we are not trying to remake or copy the original film. I told everybody early on that I can make anybody look tough. What I can't do is teach them how to act".
What do you think, did Antal succeed at making the protagonist look tough?

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He looks german to me

well brody was pretty ripped for it

>a fucking shotgun in the jungle

IRL spec ops soldiers very rarely look like Arnie. it is not a practical body to have for their line of work.

He also had charisma of a wet napkin. Come to think of it, how many charismatic Jews can you name?

It's not about the muscle. Predator 2 had Danny Glover who wasn't exactly ripped, but he also didn't look like he was chugging onions by the bottle every day.

Debatable, but he made Topher Grace pretty menacing, which is arguably more impressive anyway.

>Come to think of it, how many charismatic Jews can you name?
The entire film industry is built on charismatic jewish actors.

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