's gonna be a comfy night's gonna be a comfy night
at least change the filename next time, you braindead retard
fuck off
how miserable is your life?
You're having friends over right?
Pfffttt that's just a snack what's for dinner?
Imagine the grease on the bed afterwards
>eating and films are bad
Get the fuck off 4channel you wimp
>get excited for a comfy weekend kino session
>order pizza and sides
>get full after 2 slices and half of the sides
Americans are so disgusting. Literal greasy, filthy retards.
But then you have leftovers for later.
you forgot the onions
This is incredibly common. I bet this is a couple.
Infact I just ate a large dominos pizza (yes, i am a chad)
How old were you guys when you grew out of pizza?
>I'm an adult cause I don't like pizza
if you're gunna use a laptop for media get a 2 in 1
Like 11?
What is it with redditors and their weird passive aggressiveness and obnoxious style of posting and typing
>for 1 please
yeah, sounds like my kind of night
a lot of dumb niggers here today
go outside and play
stop fat shaming
>ready for comfy weekend
>get drunk while movie watching and piss the bed
>forget everything I watched
Every time
is posting tiny miserable screens with food a new meme
seeing this everywhere
no one really can think that is "comfy"
Tastier than your cuisine Ivan
stop stupid shaming
Domino makes the worst pizza
we can all see the filename shut the fuck up faggot
actually it's Papa John's (also the most Reddit pizza chain)
I didn't post an image you absolute spastic
*turns on twitch*
thats all a bit pitiful
i make my own
Dominos is fucking digusting, the worst pizza place there is
Now In and Out, thats a quality meal
east coast fags BTFO
That looks a bit, uh, heavy there, bud.
Based, just got back from a 2 day camping trip, might do the same
1/4 of any one of those items is like 2 full meals for me. So you've got a total of 32 meals in that picture
are you fucking eating in your bed?
Dominos>Pizza hut>Ceasers>Papa Johns
what the fuck are you talking about? Do you think posting infantile anime reaction faces makes you sound smart?
rate my movie food
>tfw pizza, vanilla coke and twin peaks
shit looks dry as fuck desu senpai
this kills the pancreas