>He's a villain because he..."tortures" toys
He's a villain because he..."tortures" toys
wonder what he's at now, I mean, after all the years of therapy to deal with his psychological trauma
I tortured animals as a kid and I turned out alright. Sid will be fine.
Sid became a happy go lucky garbage man. He turned out fine.
he's a tresh man
Most of Pixar villains aren't bad guys at all. Here are some films from Pixar either without a bad guy or where the bad guy doesn't do anything really wrong:
>Toy Story
>Toy Story 2
>Finding Nemo
And then we have Up, where the reasons for the bad guy to become bad are stupid and contrieved
doubt that bro
>toy story 2
That fat fuck literally stole Woody, that's pretty vile
This and there were actually 2 fat fuck villains - prospector was a cunt too. Basically the moral of the story is that fatasses are dicks, don't trust them.
Are you suggesting that "evil" characters in kids movies are only mild annoyances?
I think you better simmer down buddy.
Yes, hes the toys villain
The movies is about living toys
Didnt the guy in ratatoskr try to steal the business?
When I was a kid I would make "cyborgs" out of all my toys, similar to Sid but I didn't do it to be cruel but rather because I thought it was cool. Other kids at school loved my cyborg toys.
Toy Story 2 had two villains, the collector and the Prospector and both get what they deserve. Wall-E had the HAL ripoff as the villain.
You too.
you are not even a subhuman, you are a complete scum, bottom of the barrel.
Closet psychopath
Meh, so I killed a few animals as a kid. Get over it, pussies.
He seemed happy, enjoyed his work
>I turned out alright
That statement is doubtful for 99% of the posters here. Add on the "I tortured animals" line and it becomes 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% untrustworthy.
Al was the antagonist, but his toy avatar, The Prospector, was the villain.
he wasnt even bad
anyone that really didnt do stuff like that didnt have a childhood or are just pretending
i mean we did it all right?
>kick cats
>pull their tails
>throw frogs at cars
>fireworks in mole hole
hell I even tied girls to trees and then just went home to have dinner when i was a kid
that manlet in rataroni was definitely evil
You deserved to be bullied, faggot
hurting animals is important to your development because you need to feel and experience the shame of pointlessly causing pain to something weaker than you
>hell I even tied girls to trees and then just went home to have dinner when i was a kid
that's fine because women are lower than animals
I used to wrap mice in paper and burn them. Sure it was cruel but they were only mice. And one hamster.
>implying those retards didn't enjoy it
but im an adult now and am sweet to anyone
kids do fucked up shit like that man its normal, at least it was before internet
kek it somehow probably started my bdsm fetish
hmmm thats kinda cruel but i once launched a frog with a bottle rocket
most people enjoy it in the moment of doing it but in retrospect wonder why they did something so cringy and cruel. IQ at this point dictates where that wondering leads.
weirdo lol
Nah, it just was fun at the time.
I honestly have never had any urge to physically hurt something weak for no reason at all.
based reddit spacer
What? Torturing animals is just children’s morbid curiosity due to their underdeveloped brains expressed via sadism. Same with excluding and bullying others. It’s a primitive thing.
more like mental illness or low IQ thing.
Because there are few life forms that are weaker than you lol
says the faggot that tortures animals.
t. monster
Maybe he ought to torture a different kind of toy.
>The dark knight
>is not a knight
I don't know if it's universal but I had the same developmental experience that he had. I used to shoot things with my bb gun and do cruel shit to insects and toads, feeling gradually worse and more guilty every time, until I was 11 or 12 and I shot a bird, and it was flapping around with 1 wing and I kept shooting it until it died. In the moment I felt the rush but afterward felt like an absolute piece of shit and buried it out in the woods. That was the last time I ever did anything senselessly cruel in my life and now it disgusts me to think about. I actually volunteered at animal shelters on and off from 16-22 until I got a full time job. I think he's right about it teaching you about empathy.
It's all about perspective. Like that "evil" chef in little mermaid who was just trying to capture a crab to cook. Do you know how many people cook sea food on a daily basis? You can't even imagine.
What mental illness would that be? It’s antisocial behaviour, but it indicates nothing else and is usually grown out of.
Woody is the actual villain.
ITT people who don't know that antagonist doesn't mean villian
nice spacing, creep.
as another user already said, it's a clear sign of a psychopath
This is actual, unironic reddit spacing. Fucking dumb psychopath redditurd
>t. Mr. Potato Head
Some of the hybrid toys were pretty creative desu, pretty impressive for a kid.
>Toy Story
Sid did nothing wrong
>Toy Story 2
Al stole Woody and Pete tried to essentially kidnap him
Uhh I guess the dentist had no idea fish were conscious either, like Sid. But is stealing tropical fish from the ocean to keep in captivity even legal?
Manlet tried to take over a beloved franchise and sell it out by churning out cheap shit relying on the brand image to make a fuckton of money. Remember this movie was the same year as the Disney Pixar buyout
Chick was an asshole
I guess Auto was just programmed wrong right? I don't even remember why he tried to stop them going back to Earth desu
It teaches it to kids who didn’t have empathy already yeah. Kids learn by just doing shit to see what happens. If something has a negative result (guilt) they change their behavior in the future to avoid that outcome. Unless they are literal psychos in which case they keep doing it.
Axiom's computer has no morality, it's literally just a machine doing what it was programmed to do.
Wall-Es villain was the humans who destroyed Earth, and programmed Auto to not let anyone go back.
>I guess Auto was just programmed wrong right? I don't even remember why he tried to stop them going back to Earth desu
The government secretly cancelled the "return to earth in a long time" plan because they realized the clean up earth operation wasn't working out
>some of the hybrid toys were pretty creative
This, in my headcanon Sid grew up to be an artist famous for his experimental sculptures created from found objects.
I once filled up a bucket of water and put a ton of ants in there then left the bucket
Wall-E's villain does wrong things though. I mean it was just an AI executing its programming but still ended up doing bad things. Same deal as the villain it was a reference to (HAL-9000)
All those "I turned out alright" posters are discredited before typing the first letter of their post for the simple fact that they are here.
Gabby Gabby might be the most incel positive character since Officer K.
/r/ing someone photoshopping her into this pose
what are you, peta?
It's only normal for niggers and the chinese.
dont listen to anyone that says it's just a "stage of development" or some shit.
Not a single soul:
Absolutely no one:
user: based reddit spacer
i pried open a potato bug once, and my dad said "congratulations son, you just killed that creature for no reason" i felt terrible afterwards and havent hurt and animal since.
I used to spit on ants and watch them struggle to get out of my spit blobs.
is this the youtube comment section?
Potato bugs are pests though and should be killed whenever and wherever possible, your dad is a retard.
Just smash them though don't torture them.
I used to feed bread to pigeons then kick them before they could fly away.
if you have a garden maybe, they are cool little armadillo bugs otherwise
upvote if you agree, comment if disagree
Unironically based. When I was in grade school my friends and I made a "death pit" where we would put bugs and small animals into to fight to the death atop the carcasses of those that fell before them. The reward for victory? Stabbing with pencils until they bled out.
I used to wrap stones in bread then chuck it to the seagulls to watch them choke
Yes. He attempted to prevent Luigi from finding the legal document that revealed he was Gusteau’s biological son and rightful heir. Pretty messed up.
Is everyone on Yea Forums a fucking psycho?
Bugs are a little different since their nervous system doesn't facilitate suffering the way those of higher animals do. Kids don't understand that though so it's useful as a lesson anyway.
>I've only killed like one, maybe two people. Bet you're too scared to do that, huh pussies?
no I am a good man. AMA
Yea Forums has been awful for a long time. Say a thread gets 300 replies. I’m willing to bet at least half the posts are worthless throwaways like “based” or “kys.”
lmao I could never fathom hurting an animal for no reason. even as a kid. I too am very sweet to anyone and anything as an adult. your logic is retarded and you where a cunt kid. now kys please.
I don't think we're talking about the same insect. You're talking about pill bugs and I'm talking about the striped beetles that suck on potato plants. Pill bugs are fine.
To be fair, it was the only thing that would have kept the restaurant open
Linguini could have gone through his personal story and left his father's restaurant open, but no
>i turned out alright
>browses Yea Forums
He eats garbage
Why do children have ability to be so fucking evil?
Closet psychoincelschizopath
The people saying it's normal only think it's normal because they themselves are not normal. It really is that simple.
Innocence isn't always a good thing. If you don't know or understand what evil is then you can do it guilt-free.
its healthy kids behaviour
if you do it as an adult youre sick but if youre like 7 years old i think its normal to kill animals or play with your toys making believe they die or get tortured
What qualifications do you have to be making that diagnosis?
that's common sense desu
If you kill/abuse animals for no reason you instantly become worth less than that animal, you souless losers should have killed your parents instead they failed miserably and allowed you to become an impure version of your true self
This but unironically
>And then we have Up, where the reasons for the bad guy to become bad are stupid and contrieved
He's obsessed with proving the existence of this bird. For years it's been eluding him. Then these two people show up with some kind of way of attracting said bird and hide and lie to him about it.
from the toys' point of view
burning ants with a magnifying glass is kino
hello facebook