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What would have you have done if you were Kilgrave and you mind controlled Patsy at the end of season 1?
I'm rewatching season one for the first time since it aired.
The best individual seasons of any capeshit TV show are Jessica Jones S1, Daredevil S1, and Legion S1.
Nothing since has even come close.
Tbh she is more interesting than JJ at this point. Somehow the Alias Investigation comic made heroes with shit powers more interesting than this TV show.
I always found Patsy to be an annoying train wreak. But she was more interesting this season (despite the stupid shit she did).
Sad ending desu.
Mind-control Jessica also and then have Patsy and Jessica make out
meant to post jpg
This season was shit
DD S3 is the best one.
This shit is still going on? I could only watch the first season of this and daredevil, I tried the rest but everything seems so low budget and low effort and the script feels so drawn out and stretched. It's just dull to watch.
They've all been cancelled by now
Jessica wasn't able to be controlled by him at that point how the fuck would you accomplish that? Next time don't fucking post if you don't jack shit about the show.
allahu akbar
lmao calm down autismo
And that's a good thing
Yeah I'm thinking I'm going to watch this
Doom Patrol.
Her legs are the best I've seen on tv not gonna lie
If you're going to watch for this, don't bother. It's only in it for 5 seconds or so. Her real outfit is just a black out fit plus mask.
*angry bee sounds*
tell Jessica you will kill Patsy if they don't make out. Its a small ask and she will prob do it.
Is trinity a good person?
she is and she was the same this season. It gave me strange feelings because no one called her out before but now that everyone had lost the moral high-ground to do so, now they started talking.
anything without purple boy was shit. s2 was no better.
>It gave me strange feelings because no one called her out before but now that everyone had lost the moral high-ground to do so, now they started talking.
It feels wrong how the Punisher has running around New York mowing down bad guys and gets off without going to jail. Patsy does the same thing. But she pays for it. Feels wrong.
extra wrong because people who "got" her are also killers,blackmailers and all around shitbags. yeah patsy is natso but so far she only killed bad people. at least 1 innocent would have been fine to balance it. IMHO she should get called out more for how she used the situation to get powers and how she was obsessed with powers than about the killings.
>introduce a great Bullseye to the MCU
>won't use him as Hawkeye on Dark Avengers
I hate how they created a whole connected universe, but refuse to do crossovers because of pettyness.
Nuke did nothing wrong except listen to Jessica.
She has a nice ass, not that I screenshotted it or anything