>Watching a movie
>Character doesn't sneeze ever
What does hollywood have against sneezing?
Watching a movie
What does hollywood have against sneeding?
she cute
Is she still in jail for not paying her taxes?
I wish Alice sneezed on my dick
>depicted as cute, as in should be
meanwhile in reality you're looking a a fucking pile of green, bloody-white moist snot strung between your fingers and hands. i saw a guy do this in a bar-room. the nasty fuck wiped it all under the bar stool he was sitting on. he left and another person took the seat. went to adjust it and got that shit all over their hands. i gagged and laughed. the person looked at me, i told her what the fuck it was. she fucking puked right onto the bar. i almost pissed myself.
yes ;__:
w-what? I need a rundown, user
she got audited and she didn't file over $150,000 she made from camming so she is appealing a sentence for a 7 year prison term.
Imagine her being some 250lb butch lesbo's rapetoy while in prison
the worst is when they cut out all the blinks
Dont they give you a chance to pay first
Fucking hell what kind of seedy places do you hang out at?
The IRS doesn't fuck around
they do in america, don't know about kiwiland
She cute
>she got audited and she didn't file over $150,000 she made from camming so she is appealing a sentence for a 7 year prison term.
Proof of this claim? I believe you.
I hate the IRS so fucking much, but I love when thots get patrolled.
[Х] Doubt
[ ] No doubt
This was literally years ago, way before the thot audit meme. She's paid it all off now.
Isn't she a kiwi?
>sneezes into palm
Stupid dumb whore
>watching a movie
>stealth scene
>character sneezes, alerting everyone in the area of who he is, where he is, and what he plans to do
>villain sounds the alarm
Based. Sometimes when i am upon the bar stool, i remove my pants a little, and grunt out a shit. Then I turn to the bartender and i wink. he knows ive left the next bro a chocolate surprise. he calls me a stinker and i waddle out.
Based American culture
In America, doing this gets you elected president.
t. leftypol nigger
t. magapede
Snot doesn't come out every time you sneeze, retard.
yes it does. look up a slo mo sneeze. remember it the next time some ignorant fuck sneezes into your face.
Lucky cunt
Yes, which is why all the people talking about the IRS in this thread are wrong because they should technically be saying the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).
this guy single-handily btfo'd /gif/
this camslut is garbage compared to the others, why do people like her
>compared to the others
Name at least 5 camslurs that are better than her
is it a woman behind this post?
Just go on chaturbate right now and you find a hotter one
t. magasneed
18+ board btw
I mean I look at a good handful of camgirls and compared to most, Alice is far better.
>read long series of books spanning years
>characters never get diarrhea
Come the fuck on