Cast them
Cast them
I couldn't finish that one with that kid being such a shitposting incel.
man he should have stuck to the shapiro routine not debating anybody who isnt already crying when they sit down. that grifting fuck got owned so bad it isnt even funny
I don't like or support socialism. But I wouldn't call it "evil". That just seems like being needlessly confrontational.
Crowder is fucking retarded but that concept is entertaining
there was nothing wrong with national socialism as an economical system
le epic controlled opposition faggot
What is it with these brave conservatives only debating college kids?
Socialism in concept is not evil, it's just easily exploited by evil people
Thinking about system being one thing is fucking stupid as being right wing on everything because I vote for right wing parties. You'll never truly win an argument if you can accept flaws of the system you're arguing for
If you want a superior BTFOing of Lolbertarian retardation, watch this.
Based Tucker rips Charlie Kirk a new one.
so like capitalism then
So what does Yea Forums think of lads like Crowder?
Obviously more often than not they come off as the more rational side, since most of their opposition are college age and unprepared for the debate. Does that make what he does sinister or is it based for exposing liberal nonsense and outrage culture?
we all know capitalism delivers better than socialism, but could a centralized government not owned or controlled by people (AI) be better or more efficient than capitalism?
Unfunny retard who tries to be edgy. I'm fairly conservative but he's just annoying.
literal retard who is good for laughing at
Exactly like capitalism yes
Capitalism probably killed more ppl than socialism by now the system just hides it better
both play on the notion that "other people steal what is yours!" without ever clarifying context
it's just entertainment shows be it tucker or whomever
>unexpected bug in the system
>millions of people die
Some smart ideas but rude as fuck and kinda likes to just call anyone who oppose him a faggot
Unironic mental retard.
>kid instinctively uses autism as an insult once
>the entire rest of the argument is Crowder strawmanning and saying "bro you used autism as an insult that means you can argue and I'm automatically smarter"
~~{get an ar15}~~
~~{defend your self}~~
its much better at externanlizing the exploitation and abuse. But unlike capitalism socialism at least doesnt inherently require a boot stamping on a human face forever
>Jesus as the white american dude
>Hitler as god
Which makes it a useless thought experiment that will never see worthwhile implementation. Just like true libertarianism, just like benevolent monarchism.
there's no "probably" about it
bengal and Irish famine that killed millions under capitalism?
unavoidable natural disasters
russian famine that killed million?
result of inherently evil marxism, obviously!
There is another way.
There are many good arguments against capitalism, but this isn't one of them. In fact, I would argue that Capitalism saves too many lives that would die in normal circumstances. Just look at Africa, their birthrates are booming and there's going to be 2.5 billion 60 IQ Africans roaming the earth in 2050. Good luck maintaining civilization then.
Why does he only debate college students and not like actual scholars and people who have written books on leftism and shit?
It's the exact opposite. Capitalism has done far more to facilitate the creation of life than socialism ever could.
>socialism is evil because you're taking my money and enforcing your moral values on me
also crowder
>the west is degenerate because people aren't christian, also profit isn't theft but taxation is
really makes you think
he didn't even use the word autistic wrong. what libertarians do is indeed autistic. they're obsessed with political theory and don't see that it's just not compatible with human nature, just as communism isn't.
in fact, I'm sure there are studies out there that show that autism is more prevalent in libertarians and communists.
That graph shows that world population went up when countries applied socialism.
Arguing about socialism is pointless because ignoring 1-2 third world shitholes no country will ever be socialist again and only delusional internet losers think otherwise
Other posters are shills, Crowder is kino and informative.
>bengal and Irish famine that killed millions under capitalism?
Man you are retarded. The Irish potatoe famine didn't even take place in a capitalist system.
>using autism as an insult is bad
>using retarded is okay though
all or nothing bro
Why does every discussion about politics in America result in shit-flinging, strawmanning and namecalling?
I have seen smarter arguments made by children playing in sandpits
Isn't he a climate change denier retard?
National socialism isn't socialism.
Reminder, socialism is a tool of control created by globalist elites. Soviet socialism was little more than a product of Wall St. and American industry. Antifa and other leftists are working for the interest of the bankers they supposedly oppose.
>Perhaps as much as 90% to 95% of Soviet technology came directly or indirectly from the United States and its allies. Now this may sound incredible, but the facts substantiate the claim. Soviet aggression is dependent upon American-made and Western-made technology. In effect, the United States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union its industrial and military capabilities. This massive construction job has taken fifty years. Since the Russian Revolution in 1917, this job has been carried out through trade and the sale of plants, equipment and technical assistance.
Because the left can't have an argument without resorting to name-calling to shut down the conversation (x-phobe etc)
Because politics are made for manipulatiing idiots
capitalism has set the foundation of socialism though
capitalism has lead to automation, automation leads to universal credit for example or capitalism has lead to huge advancements in medicine, medicine gets cheaper because its efficiently produced, cheap meds become norm and we get a single payer socialist health system
cringe and redpilled
Yup, except for crowder. He's also a name calling faggot.
>socialism isn't socialism
Bold position to take in a Crowder thread. Every other sentence he's calling someone gay
Crowder got BTFO there
>forces private companies to produce exclusively for the Nazi party
>Effectively removes private ownership of all industries
>forces "private" companies to collaborate with central planning of the party
>workers now work for longer hours for less pay and don't have the freedom to choose their job
>leaving that job means forced-labor / imprisonment
>Also the national socialist: "b-but it was a war economy!"
Medicine that's actually work is not proffitable so it would never exist in capitalism
crowder is a mainstream ziocon retard masquerading as some sort of edgy truth-spouting radical oppressed by the powers that be. everything he espouses is mainline (((republican))) ideology
>dae socialism bad? xd man i'm a rebel
total faggot
I don't agree with him but Crowder flat out gets btfo by this kid and resorts to cringe worthy straw men, goes on tangents and tries to rally the crowd behind him without presenting any arguments.
Crowder is a complete tool, once he is out of his safe zone he resorts to self-victimization and absolutely off topic...just like when he called Joe Rogan a 'bully' and asked him to stop bullying him once he ran out of arguments. Absolutely pathetic beta bitch with a low IQ.
Tucker was in the right here. That smallbrained Europoor thought he was talking with Sean Hannity.
You see, this is exactly what I meant.
American politics seem to be that way.
*absolutely off topic tangents
there are tons of conservatives who are, but typically they are conservatives because conservative is their identity not genuine principles (just about every single tradthot cancer).
>not being third position in current year
National socialism is literally just fascism with some socialist policies. It's a far-right ideology with a mix of left and right economic practices.