>Natalie Portman had her hair shaved on screen for the film. The footage which was shot in a single take as her character cries while being imprisoned in a concentration camp. When asked later how she felt, she said that the tears were real since her own grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Huh, I never knew that.
Natalie Portman had her hair shaved on screen for the film...
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is the guy though? Did V put an ad on craigslist "need barber for 1 day. must not mind dungeons"?
>her own grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz
That's pretty impressive. Mengela probably took a look at how she pulled that one off
how does one 'survive the gas chambers'?
hold your breath when they tell you to go into the shower
Likely one of the credited hair stylists who worked on the studio produced feature film.
The cremation rollercoaster derailed that day, the whole park i mean camp was scrambling to recover.
>>Natalie Portman had her hair shaved on screen for the film. The footage which was shot in a single take as her character cries while being imprisoned in a concentration camp. When asked later how she felt, she said that the tears were real since her own grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz.Huh, I never knew that.
which film tho?
Kek what an insufferable cunt.
She crawled out through the ventilation shaft and then killed like ten guards and the whole camp clapped.
Look at the image name ya dingus
>spamming this trash
Fuck off to Yea Forums with your cancer.
In the story numbnuts
>Natalie Portman is one of the few who actually had her head shaved while the cameras were rolling for V for Vendetta. Not only did she have to deal with the shock of losing all her hair at once, she also only had one take to get the scene exactly right. Of the experience of shaving her head, Portman said that she was excited to have “the opportunity to throw away vanity for a little while and go around with no hair.”
OP is a nigger because niggers don't tell the truth.
Every Jew's grandmother survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Some survived more than once.
It was just a /pol/baiting post.
My grandmother was killed in the gas chambers when she was three years old, you fucking nazi.
>ventilation shaft
In the story he's likely a concentration camp orderly.
Fucking kek.
The big reveal is that there never was a concentration camp, it was all V in his little subway lair.
The door in the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz opens from the inside. Just open the door and walk out.
Because there never was any "gas chambers," jews are pathological liars
well that expected saying from a nazi
I'm a 19th century German soldier? What the fuck?
National Socialism is from the 20th century, dumb goy
Too be fair, any shipment of particularly old and frail jews from the ghettos probably had a half dozen or so dropping dead feom the de lousing. So one jew tells that story, the next jew claims it was a full dozen, ect.
Don't care, "gas" yourself Shlomo
The red cross said around 200,000 jews died and no one of them because of gas. The majority died of typhus or malnutirtion after 1944.
nazi lover
How can you dumb goyim possibly win when you can't even count the centuries? You're just like cattle.
But that's obvious bullshit. The mass graves outside the ghettos have been found. And yea, controlling an open aired city prison is tough and sometimes you had to just murder 50 dudes to maintain control. No one denies this.
filthy murderer
by the grace of G-d
>th-the documents are all forged /pol/ told me to
>also only jews were supposedly hurt by the Germans my retarded educational system that I hate told me to so I believe it
There was only room for 100 she was 101
Some pervert
Pube headed hunch backed hook nosed foreskin chewing blood drinking parasitic rat kike
What documents?
It was operating until July 1943 then it was changed into a shelter and the facility was moved to Birkenau (4 of them in fact) and because the one in Auschwitz still stands it was partially restored to its original look for the purpose of the museum.
But if you spam this shit in these threads from time to time you've definitely heard this one and just playing dumb.
So, the barber Is V's real face?
Some germans might have killed a few thousands jews (NKVD comissars or partisans) or some Ukrainians or Lativians might have killed a few thousands jew after the Germans liberated them from the Soviet rule.
But that's irrelevant and its not the point here. There is literally not one jew who died of a gas chamber and there is no scientific data to prove that one of them died because of gas.
>t-the Red Cross are nazis ;_;
How can kikes possibly win, when they've been banished over 100+ times in recorded history? History always repeats itself and jews always lose.
No because V has hideous burns all over his face.
Various official reports from various sources as well as documentation from the contractors such as Topf and Sohne describing various facilities and technology used in the camps.
>retarded educational system
>not pushing jew propaganda
Congrats, you played yourself
Can you use the word various a couple more times? Obvious horse shit, gullible fucktard
>>also only jews were supposedly hurt by the Germans my retarded educational system that I hate told me to so I believe it
I’m pretty sure holocaust deniers don’t believe anybody was hurt by the Germans and the educational system DEFINITELY teaches that the Nazis wanted to get rid of blacks.
And you believe parts of that propaganda that you rage against. You're rebelling against the version that was popular in your country after 1970s with the works of historians like Yehuda Bauer. You played yourself hard.
Well, they didn't do a very good job of "banishing" them if they're still here after 100+ attempts, and more powerful than ever.
>2 traitor fags who said all kind of shit to their jewish interrogators otherwise would get their balls crushed
nice proof
Why is your image nothing but random people and writings under duress if there is official documentation all over the place?
>the Germans gassed themselves!
Jews are ludicrous
evil brute beast and blood thirsty murderer
Yet you still believe in the 6 gorillion like a good public educated boot licking lemming, kill yourself
The bigger they are the harder they fall
You're literally talking about kikes, research Blood Libel. Jews are sick blood drinking demon worshipers
Based Seinfield
Not only we have many many reports from different sides of the war (and I don't mean just testimonies also official government reports) often from enemy countries. Tell me about your version of history where all sides of the conflict were secretely on the same side for the benefit of one ethnic group that they often have problem with.
Hey, why didn't the Lithuanian government spill the beans about this secret when Israeli government refused to arrest a communist war criminal active in the baltic states in the 40s? many such cases
she opened a window
>I-I don't believe it now. It doesn't support my version of events now! /pol/ would never lie to me
Kill yourself
The Balfour declaration destroys your argument.
>public school would never lie to me, the jews dindu nuffin and 6 billion of them died!
>30 years after jews won WWII
yeah nah, i'll trust the one that came out in the 40s.
by not geting tifus
You're just another retarded burger stop implying that everyone has the same narrow view of the war. Don't care what your idiotic edication told you to believe it's not our problem. It's not just about the jews but I guess all those christian martyrs and purposefully destroyed historical articats, old buildings and art doesn't fit the narrative of /pol/ infographics. The number of all civilian victims of the war definitely goes into millions and that's been the case for many European wars ever since the 17th century. Hard to believe if someone still lives in fantasy land.
Gee who was harassing German contractors in the early 40s and Polish underground state to write something like this?
Did they shave everything?
so who is the barber?
Thats the fucking questioned I asked in the very first post before all these newfags got baited into arguing about the holohoax.
The first war where the casualities were among millions was WWI. Before then, Europe just didn't have the weapons, technology or even the population for such big casualities.
I recon they mean she was put in the other line to go be a worker instead
Yet you believe the jew fairytale fantasy of roller coasters and gas chambers? Pathetic
A prison with only one inmate can't be a concetration camp.
Nice that you agree with the Red Cross that they never got to inspect the camps, the documents or never published anything about the total death toll aside from number of death certificates
nazi are the very manifestation of evil.
and you love them cause you're a murderer and
filthy to the core
nazi loving degenerate
Because there was none, It's all lies from jewish and bolshevik mouths.
I wish my grandma knew when she was killed in the camps despite being only 6
Genuine question: do zoomers not believe the holocaust happened, or do they just joke about it because it happened so long ago?
you complete all the sidequests and then you get the magical amulet that gives you poison immunity
>t.mentally-ill tranny
Neck yourself, abomination.
I don't care about your infographics, fake quotes or some literally who testimonies that were never part of any investigation, research and don't show up in historiography at all. Your obsession with some random group is no excuse to be such a massive fuck up about a historical event especially if you don't know how historical research about anything is done and what sources are considered most important.
Zoomer here. I believe the Holocaust happened, just not well enough
I've seen the original documents and the Red Cross was invited along other foreign organizations to check the camps. The Red cross entered the camps, they checked all the death bodies and numbered each of them, categorizing the bodies for ethnicity. Jews were 200k. This is the original report, everything else has been modified or falsified to fit the Holocaust lie.
Why did 6 million keep getting brought up before the holohoax supposedly even happen
Is /pol/ such a massive circlejerk of tinfoil retards these days that it spills over to other boards? More than usual I mean it seems we get far more /pol/ baiting threads now than ever before. The rules should be more strict about this I'm tired of these faggots they lied to me one time too many.
It was V himself, disguised
What did you just call me?
I DAB on Holocaust and Holocaust victims
Never forget
Normal people don't believe in fairy tales
We love /pol/ here.
V is 70 years old with burn scars covering his hands and face. You can clearly see that guys hands and face.
Cry more bitch
Jews are the very manifestation of evil.
and you love them cause you're a murderer and
filthy to the core
Jew degenerate
>going to gas chamber to be exterminated
>collapses from hunger
>hospitalized by her would be executors
Does no one proofread this stuff?
The holocaust is a hoax and you think believing in it makes you a historian? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Seriously your thought process never made you wonder what about other numbers? Because I was curious once but of course someone was faster and did the research already.
And it's such a low effort attempt anyway especially if death toll for (some) other nationalities definitely rival that of the jews. Again, exposure that some victims get compared to others may be regretable but I don't mix these feelings with actual research. I really don't think of WWII victims in terms of one nationality like /pol/ does unless someone really wants to get into this topic.
Go back to r*ddit faggot
This, the holohoax is like Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny
Holy fuck, what an oversight
The truth doesn't fear investigation.
No shill. The Jew has been kicked out of damn near every country in the world and you think only /pol/ knows their tricks?? The internet has brought everyone together and more people are waking up everyday are realizing the Jew is the man behind the curtain. Why do you think they're pushing censorship online so much?
What are you doing here, pretending to talk about movies you faggot? Go back to your containment.
No. Yea Forums is just very anti-Jew
How are any Jews even left after all those holocausts XD
A fellow revolutionary.
>t. totally not /pol/
There were 17 million of them before WWII.
My favorite part of the holocaust is that there are almost no delousing chambers in any of the concentration camps. Every chamber in every camp was explicitly for killing the Jews, according to our historians. What's so interesting about this is that typhus -- which is transmitted by lice -- killed tens of millions of people all over the world at this time, especially those living in close quarters. During World War I typhus caused three million deaths in Russia alone. Delousing stations were established for troops on the Western front. Fatalities were generally between 10 and 40 percent of those infected, and the disease was a major cause of death for those nursing the sick. Between 1918 and 1922 typhus caused at least 3 million deaths out of 20–30 million cases. You can find photos of delousing chambers online -- those in use during WW1 and WW2. They were everywhere because typhus was everywhere.
So you have all these Jews that are living in these camps. They're living there for years, because they're "work camps", even though I can't plausibly what work they would be doing. What are they doing for typhus? Literally all of these Jews would be dying of typhus without large-scale delousing chambers. So... What did they do? I mean, if the Nazis wanted to kill them they could have just let half of them die from Typhus. Not to mention all the Guards that would be dying from typhus. Typhus killed those who helped the sick (dying from typhus), and we're to believe that the guards were escorting the Jews into chambers, then taking their bodies and throwing them into fires. Uh-huh.
But wait, here's something funnier. Zyklon B -- the chemical they've found on these gas chambers -- it was originally created FOR delousing. So the historian would have us believe that the Nazis used an absurd amount of Zyklon B to kill all of the Jews, when such a chemical would be of immense use in delousing troops around Europe.
Human beings are naturally anti Jew. That's why they need to make it illegal to hate them or even question their narrative.
Every singlr "story" ive heard hasnt made sense. Always either some miraculous wedging through people and escaping into the forrest or the flipside "lol it just didnt come out of the showers and i survived"
It might be time to let go of your paranoid assumptions. You assume holohoax skepticism only exists in /pol/ so when you see it everywhere you assume everyone is from /pol/? Grow up.
When monty presents you with a gas chamber you know that means pick the other door, as the other remaining one is a gas chamber too
Yea Forums is not your safespace you fucking faggot, eat shit and die
you first you evil lover
the jews weren't the one who went on a rampage of evil and cause the fall of humanity.
nazi scum
she shaved her head for v for vendetta. did she shave her v for vagina?
But they only used this gas after the Jews were living in in these camps for years -- again, for no fucking explicable reason.
And THEN you have all these Jews who "survived the gas chamber". Can someone explain what the fuck this means? So you have chamber you're trying to kill people in. You put them in, you kill them, then you take the bodies and cremate them and put in the next batch of Jews. Alright, got it, sounds reasonable. Were the Nazis trying to genetically engineer gas-resistent Jews or something, is that why they let the survivors live? Like this part has to be the funniest. Instead of leaving these Jews in the gas chamber (there's nowhere to hide in the chamber btw) so as to be killed when you gas the next dozen Jews, you... Let her live? Where does she go? Does she help place the bodies in the cremator? Do they let her walk about the camp, telling stories about the gas chambers? Like holy shit, what the fuck? Seriously, what the fuck? The Jew is gassed, she lives, there's a door to incinerate the bodies and there are more Jews in line for the chamber at the other door. So what does she do? How the fuck can you be a gas chamber "survivor"? I mean, unless the chambers were for delousing...
>crying about /pol/
>on Yea Forums
Fuck off tourist
The fact that you had to made a post with a fake quote to start the thread is very telling it's all you do you fucking liars you really don't give a fuck.
fun fact: jewish holocaust "survivors" and their descendants are paid lifetime pensions/welfare by the German government
latest ed stafford doc?
why is there a holocaust movie every year? Who is going to these besides american schoolkids by force?
>The red cross said around 200,000 jews died and no one of them because of gas.
Maybe if the jews didnt push their propaganda in every single movie they make, we would be discussing films right now.
That's exactly what the jews did and continue to do, christ killing demon worshiping bastards, they're a blight on humanity, cancer in human form.
No, thanks.
I'm not op stupid fucking retard and again Yea Forums is not your safespace, eat shit and die
anyone else ever notice it seems like more people survived the gas chambers than died? And 6 million died, so how many people were there exactly?
>hurr durr da jooz dindu nuffin
What about all the monuments and memorials and museums they build every year too? The holohoax industry
>just exhume the remains, the proof is there
How convenient, fucking shysters
I believe there were slave camps where jews and other untermensch were worked to death.
Now, if you ask me if I believe that a nation with a massive labour shortage would be busy mass killing a slave labour force that cost them virtually nothing, and doing so in the most inefficient way possible, I would have to say no, I don't believe that
Wait a minute...
Are you guys telling me the Jews lied about the holocaust?!
Is any of you that retarded canuck who posted fake newspaper quotes until he was massively btfo by an user with the access to the actual archives. I keep waiting for him to show up again or is he still on /int/ begging Germans to make him one of their own?
>also only jews were supposedly hurt by the Germans my retarded educational system told me so
and the movies, and tv, and museums,
It baffles me that the sad monopoly Jews have erased all the handicapped, gays, etc., that also died.
so they forced them to compete for their amusement?
If the holocaust happened they wouldn't need to make it illegal to question it.
I absolutely believe it happened. But a lot of the stories from the camps sound like BS
They are? There are like two archeological excavation works going on right now. Plaszow and some other one possibly Majdanek. Fairly normal but I know some Jewish sects (but probably American organizations are more influential here) don't want to dig up corpses of specific massacres in some villages probably fearing that the perpetrator could've been different. Wrong SS unit or even partisans or whatever if it may be problematic for them for some reason.
They literally gave ice cream to jewish inmates to incentivate them to work harder. They even had cabaret nights and a theatre for entertainment when they were done working.
I'd hardly call that "worked to death"
Take your pills schizo
>there are almost no delousing chambers in any of the concentration camps. Every chamber in every camp was explicitly for killing the Jews, according to our historians.
Where the hell are you getting this from?
It's been accepted that the majority of Zyklon-B was used for delousing.
>By far the greater part (over 95 percent) was destined for delousing (effects and buildings) while only a very small part (less than 5 percent) had been used for homicidal gassings.
>we're to believe that the guards were escorting the Jews into chambers, then taking their bodies and throwing them into fires.
What are sonderkommando for 6 million, Alex? This is really basic shit, it shows that you don't read.
Try an actual argument
Physical labor is literally annudah shoah!
I hope this thread reaches bump limit.
>30+ year old revisionism
>an argument
>notorious for being extremely anal about documentation
>neglects to document people arriving by train
>spends massive amount of time and effort in transporting literally millions of people thousands of miles
>kill them instantly on arrival
Try an actual argument
The guy who's partially responsible (due to the iron courtain and inability for many people who actually lived there to tell their tale) for this state of education in USA changed his mind. I don't know if he's aware that he made holocaust denial a thing.
And I'm not saying that the jews lost most people proportion-wise (if we only take into account ethnic background and not class or function) it doesn't mean that other people weren't specifically targeted for who they were. First couple operations in the occupied Poland were supposed to exterminate specific groups and Jews happened to be the minority of victims there. In Auschwitz too if we talk about this early period.
Obviously swagfag thinks something about it is funny enough to keep up. You know damn well over 6 million redditors have teported it by now.
You first revisionist faggot
>/pol/ defeated by an official document, doesn't know how to respond, cites the date of publication
I don't think it happened lads
Love seeing pol triggered ahahahhaha
>neglects to document people arriving by train
Generally those who were deemed unfit for labor were never registered and sent to die fairly quick. As I've said before to another idiot, this is basic shit, the selection process
Yes, kill the ones that were unable to work.
>neglects to document people arriving by train
We actually have some of such documents, but most were destroyed. The people that were killed weren't registered, but we know they arrived to Auschwitz.
this is called survivorship bias user, look it up
So if a official document gets publicated tomorrow stating 12 million actually died, that makes it true? Fuck off gullible public educated soggy brained s*yim retard
>We actually have some of such documents, but most were destroyed. The people that were killed weren't registered, but we know they arrived to Auschwitz.
How convenient.
documents released in the same year of something happening > documents released 30 years after something happened
Pol mad as fuck ITT
Why are jews such hysterical liars? Only thing more embarrassing is anyone who believes them.
There were some. That's one of the reasons why we know who's on the photos. Of course it's easier for those who came with earlier transports and to Auschwitz not to Birkenau.
It absolutely happened. My cousin was a janitor there. After they shut down the camps he worked at Sandy Hook, which absolutely happened as well.
Imagine an athological short where it's just these jew fairytales one after another
Genuine question: do retards actually believe that the holocaust happened?
You believed the document before when you thought it supported your version. They don't. But what about those that definitely do talk about concentration camps like Gerstein report or the Pilecki report?
How does anyone actually believe the holohoax with shit like this? I mean, obvious brainwashing through public school, but still...
Why do you fags want to discuss the Holocaust instead of discussing the Hershlag?
lmao at the sources
>Blood, too, was found to be a first-class combustion material
How about some primary documents?
Wait, somebody actually took time to fact check this shitty documentary? I don't think anyone treated it seriously in the first place. No I'm not getting into it but I recognize that picture made by some idiot who didn't know where majority of jews and slavs lived and wondering why Germans built most of the camps there. Tells you all you need to know about them. They surely do think outside of the box.
>Nazis stuck things in prisoners buttholes
>They blew up up my cousin Harvey goldenbergs anus goy!
>I swear on my muddas life!
Granny Hershlag is on the family email chain
Why would you believe anything after the official report? Also any other report but the Red Cross is susceptible to bias.
No, thanks. I'll keep the official report of the Red Cross from the 40s
It makes sense if you don't think about it. Stop being a bad goy
How mentally ill are jews to even come up with shit like this? Psychopaths
She's a jew. Don't let her work her Kabbalah magics to seduce you and steal your goyim semen.
Red Cross never got the access to the operating concentration camps, their documentation, they were never shown the full picture and didn't attempt to make a total death toll. Their explanation in the next decades is 100% consistent with what was actually written and how their ""access" to the German camps looked like.
And the Soviets who killed millions of Russians in purges weren't?
And the British who intentionally diverted food away from India to kill millions weren't?
And the Americans who dropped atomic weapons on innocent civilians and murdered millions of indigenous peoples just a few years before weren't?
And the French who had conducted genocides in Indochina and Africa weren't?
And the Chinese who had killed millions in squabbles between warlords weren't?
And the Australians who had been systematically stealing children from aboriginals weren't?
Admit it, the allies were no less monstrous than the axis.
How about no
The funny thing is that your boomer dad believed all of his stuff and actually went to war for this
The Red Cross is the greatest money laundering scheme ever invented you fucking moron.
Too late for that
Yes they did, everything after was damage control
>tfw I never even considered this question
Why am I brainlet
The official report from the Red Cross doesn't support you in any way but I see you're familiar with denial because you're dismissing German and Polish reports and call their authors Jewish because they ruin your theory. You guys are claiming to be anything better than the flat earthers?
Their explaination was redacted to be consistent to the Holocaust lie. In reality, they were allowed to enter the camps, that's how they could provide a precise number for all the death tolls.
Have sex
This is fucking hilarious dude, why are all of these like an episode of fucking Scooby Doo?
i be flossen
True, at least his generation is dying off and we can put this horseshit finally to rest
The holohoax is the greatest money laundering scheme ever invented you fucking moron*
Just dig up Treblinka and show that 800k jews were buried there. That's all you need to do.
>Yes they did
There is no evidence that any delegates of the ICRC inspected the Auschwitz camps. On 29 September 1944, the ICRC delegate Maurice Rossel visited the commandant's office of Auschwitz main camp. He wrote a report about his trip. It is clear that Rossel did not manage to enter and inspect its prisoner's compound (let aside Birkenau, where the extermination sites were located). The prisoner's compound of the main camp consisted of 25 barracks, yet Rossel only saw "six to eight very large red brick barracks". Hence, he only saw it from the commandant's office. Furthermore, Rossel did not speak to Auschwitz prisoners. He only talked to what he thought was the camp commandant and had to trust his word
Rossel: "I arrived at that Kommandantur where I was received very correctly by the camp commander. [...] I asked him...if it would be possible that we would support the infirmary, that we would visit....He said: – No, these are internees, you have no right to see whatever. But if you would like to send help to the infirmary, or medications, you can do that.' [...]
[Lanzmann: How long did this last, your meeting?]
Rossel: Half an hour, 45 minutes.
[Lanzmann: And what did you see of the camp?]
Rossel: Nothing.
Full transcript here: collections.ushmm.org
Hot water killed her, not ze gas.
Jews truly are perverted degenerates who deserve to be holocausted
Such a report doesn't exist. You got tricked by deniers. Don't worry, you're not the first or the last one.
"No you see there were other evils, therefore it is acceptable! Don't criticize my favorite!"
>75 Posters
>237 Posts
/pol/ is loose with the infographics oh boy
Sick fucks
>had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz
did any fucking jews actually die in the gas chambers?
wtf i believe jews now
No, they didn't and they wouldn't be let in. Red Cross never claimed to give any numbers about the total death toll in the camps but you can try and look for it. Despite continued requests they couldn't do anything. And the only numbers they had were for families that receieved death certificats.
Yes it does, fuck off JIDF
I don’t think he was visible in the shot, this is probably a behind the scenes shot or something
It really doesn't.
the lucky survivors were also, completely coincidentally, cured of their louse
Imagine a bunch of anonymous posters in a movie board BTFOing tens of years of fake documents to push for some fake story about the holocaust. That's how weak that lie is.
They are digging constantly and around almost every camp and I keep hearing about new projects why do you such a strong opinion on things that you don't care about?
>survived the gas chambers
redpill me on this. how would you survive being locked in a gas chamber?
Dont listen to this faggot im a jew and i was in the so called death camps. it was the best experience of my life, wish i could go back
I've seen the original one with me eyes. Cope.
How convenient that the camps they weren't allowed to inspect were the ones where all the roller coasters and masturbation machines were, I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
imagine having sex
the archaeologists are all jews
They dig near Christian cimiteries, take out some bones and claim its jews. They are so dumb that they even film this and actually make a documentary about this stuff.
Imagine not being a filthy degenerate pervert jew
It's interesting how Nazi propaganda posters equated Jews with lice.
>grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
What they just didn't gas her hard enough? Didn't get beaten or raped to death with the rest? How did a Jewish woman under the tyranny of cartoon villain tier oppressors somehow "survive" the most horrific, ruthless and unforgiving death camp in all of history?
You couldn't because it doesn't exist. There is one document from 1970s or so showing the amount of death certificated issued by some organization for the relatives of camp prisoners, but that's it.
Imagine having sex in the Auschwitz brothel
Wait what are you talking about? I can tell you're referencing some random crazy testimonies that only /pol/ cares about but what is your point here? That there actually WERE such devices and that's why the Red Cross weren't allowed there or that because they weren't allowed some literally who later made up a story for some unknown book? Then why they weren't allowed in the first place?
Imagine having a jew haram with crucifixes carved into their foreheads
fake excavation made for a phony tv documentary. thoroughly debunked
You can go in Geneva in the IRC archies and ask to see it.
Every camp they inspected were deemed labor camps while the ones they didn't were evil death camps. It's obvious all the camps were labor camps, and all the retarded "first account" stories are jew fairytales.
Geez that sure sounds lousey
>The Red Cross did not stop requesting the Nazis to visit the camp. On 23.11.1944 Gustav Steengracht forwarded another such request to Eberhard von Thadden, the official responsible for the "Jewish affairs" at the Foreign Office, with the hope of producing a report about this camp "that would help to detoxify the atmosphere" around it. This was von Thadden's official response
>The camps Birkenau and Auschwitz are, according to the Reich Main Security Office, absolutely out of question for a visit. Even the Reich Germans or even members of the Reich Main Security Office would be allowed to visit these camps only in special cases and mostly only after a request to the Reichsführer [Himmler]. The Reich Main Security Office considers a request to the Reichsführer himself to be futile, but leaves it up to [you].
Nothing suspicious about this.
Anyway excavation work around concentration camps, places of mass execution etc is rather common here but I guess you have to live here to be aware of it. It's not even a big deal I know several places of mass execution of POWs and a cemetary of Stutthoff victims.
>Tfw V brings another oven Dodger to be shaved
I know this document. And like I said, it's not a report from the Red Cross from 1940s. Simple as that. I know all denier arguments, they have nothing new.
Source: HolocaustMemorial.com
What camps they "inspected". And were those "inspected" camps on occupied territories or not? You could do some reading about what groups of people were generally disliked by the Third Reich and a demographic map or something that would help you understand how population placement looked.
They didn't inspect any camp except Theresienstadt.
>Eric Hunt
A guy who never went to college is yoyr best expert?
some didn't die from gas chambers?
Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden durch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland 1933-1945, Band 16: Das KZ Auschwitz 1942–1945 und die Zeit der Todesmärsche 1944/45, 2018, p. 512
From the official report of the IRC:
>In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend.
Vol. I, p. 204 ff
Eric Hunt is no longer a denier and has since debated deniers
feel free to refute the film then
With all respect that I can give to Solzhenitsyn but that's a fake quote too. Not sure about the stats I only once investigated the ethnic background of Bolshevik party members across several decades (all nationalities outside of Ukrainians were overrepresented several far more drastically than Jews) and bolshevik cabinet members (mostly Russian if I remember).
>((((Nuremberg)))) documents
No, thanks.
>Jewish religious law forbids disinterment of human remains
Huh, I wonder when that became "religious law."
he was never a denier. he's a revisionist
Why? Hunt did that himself lol.
This is definitely not the official report of the IRC. It's from Did six million really die? a famous denier pamphlet.
>6 million fewer jews in Europe after WW2
>number of jews living outside of Europe skyrocketed, completely coincidentally, after WW2
>shielding behind other people's experience just because they're relatives
cheap and fake
They read it. You can read it too and find no evidence of gassing or mass executions.
New thread please
they were delousing chambers, everyone survived them.
>no evidence
Primary documents detailing both have been posted ITT. Can't you even read German, Mr. Expert Historian?
There aren't any other documents.
your kind has murdered far more innocent people than any "nazi"
>Regarding my analysis of the TV show and Treblinka in general in the video “The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax” there are aspects of it which I stand behind, but parts, and the conclusion I do not.
>There are other aspects I still stand behind which make one wonder how ignorant Colls really is.
>Like some Revisionists, Colls and other “Holocaust promoters” live in a closed minded world of sycophants. If interested in uncovering the grey area the truth resides in, Colls should have no problem studying Revisionists’ criticism, writings, or communicating with them. Perhaps she would avoid mistakes which call into question her abilities, biases, and knowledge, such as appearing on screen as exaggerated measurements made by Jewish-Soviet propaganda artist and poet Grossman are narrated.
see and
/pol/ general? Should be bannable offense.
In 1944, the ICRC delegate Maurice Rossel learnt of rumours on homicidal gassing in Auschwitz from a British POW in Teschen...
"Spontaneously, the British main man of confidence in Teschen asked us if we knew about the 'shower room'. It is rumored that there is a very modern shower room in the camp, where the detainees would be gassed in series. The British man of confidence, through his Auschwitz Kommando, tried to obtain confirmation of this fact. It was impossible to prove anything. The protective custody prisoners themselves have not talked about it.
Once again, coming out of Auschwitz we have the impression that the mystery remains well guarded."
(Report of 29 September 1944 on Maurice Rossel's visit in Auschwitz
>Jr Jacob Gewirtz
everyone except lice. When will Hollywood portray the struggle and hardship of louse. They are the true victims of the Holocaust.
Just look at this WW2 propaganda
see and
They constantly lie about numerous things.
>According to the Report, "'The Committee's delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions. From information gathered by the Committee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich ... These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy. . . two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6th, 1945. They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit" (Vol. I, p . 642).
Yup, and this is the only camp they inspected. And of course on their list of camps they sent parcels Aktion Reinhard camps are not mentioned (what a surprise).
Gas coming out of a shower room has been refuted by the holocaust historians a long time ago. It's not possible from an hydraulic point of view and there is no evidence of any mechanism in the showers for that. The official new story is that they cut holes in the ceiling and dropped Zyklon B.
jews dont tell the truth
niggers lie
Just dig up Treblinka and prove the nazis wrong
Why'd you stop?
>For various reasons it is unlikely Colls is lying about the hard data. Revisionists say not one mass grave has been identified at Treblinka. However, these are the same people who deny the mass cremation site outside of Crematorium 5 existed / exists. Despite all photographic proof, eyewitness testimony, archaeological evidence, and the existing site today, these people are denying mass murders at Treblinka. I don’t need an archaeological dig outside of Crematorium 5’s cremation pits to prove they existed. The aerial and ground photographs, combined with witness testimony and physical evidence are enough.
Holohoax never happened, all the JIDF itt should gas themselves
dilate neovagina
Many inmates believed that this is how the gas chambers worked. Sonderkommando writings or German testimonies never mentioned any showers in Auschwitz.
fucking degenerates
Wow this totally refutes actual chemistry.
It's good to see people can't stand when someone butchers history for their own political beliefs. The two shouldn't mix. I also noticed a little bit of "god in the gaps" fallacy. Some time ago I think fake quotes and fake stories were the most popular of /pol/ arguments but after considerable debunking (especially the quotes I saw some of it live and it was brutal) the attentioned turned on other things. Now it's the Red Cross and after this is debunked so hard no one cares to mention it again the only thing left will be... I guess random testimonies about things that no historian claims but can be found in some unknown book?
imagine being so disgusting you have to make it illegal to dislike you
That was not claimed
>new story
This isn't new, you just don't read because you're a moron
because that isn't relevant to your claim
The official story was that the Nazis had a machine that sucked off the air from the room creating a vacuum that killed the jews. Then they changed to showers turning water into gas and now its just a hole where nazis dropped Zyklon B from. Fun fact: All the holes were build in 1946 by Poles.
>who counted every single bullet and shell used in kursk
>somehow forgot to count the number of people loaded into a train and then "exterminated"
LOL CIA getting the jitters
you're fucking done retard kike slave
>wall of text with claims
>no sources
>obama appointee
Eric pointing out the flaws in his past work is not relevant?
>The official story was that the Nazis had a machine that sucked off the air from the room creating a vacuum that killed the jews
>All the holes were build in 1946 by Poles.
I've already explained the selection process ITT, moron
It was really and never forget okay
>official story
No. Those were early rumors. The most common ones were shower or steam machines killing Jews. These rumors are very old, first appearing in 1942. By 1944 everyone knew the Nazis are using gas to exterminate the Jews, but people not involved did not know the proces.