I can't watch this shit, why do they speak english? why didn't they hire russian actors?
jesus christ, they had one fucking job
it's like WW2 films with english speaking germans
fuck you, retards
I can't watch this shit, why do they speak english? why didn't they hire russian actors?
jesus christ, they had one fucking job
it's like WW2 films with english speaking germans
fuck you, retards
>It's cringe english-speaking-chernobyl poster and his daily thread again
>I can't watch this shit, why do they speak english? why didn't they hire russian actors?
>jesus christ, they had one fucking job
>it's like WW2 films with english speaking germans
>fuck you, retards
At least they didn't make the actors do a russian accent
what daily thread, you brainlet? this is my first thread about chernobyl here
>Ah yes, they should have written the show and casted actors in a language they don't speak
greetings boris
>what daily thread, you brainlet?
Your daily thread.
>this is my first thread about chernobyl here
No. It's my claim against yours and unless you can provide proof, both have equal weight, let the majority decide.
It's dubbed in Ukrainian for the 1+1 channel. Not sure if it gets russian dub because they are offended as usual.
If nobody says nothing then everyone is saying something. Maybe borrow a template that wasn’t conceived by subhumans.
Agree. I was hyped to watch some cheeki breeki but upon torrenting the first episode I was very disappointed when I got to hear the English voices. Hopefully it is dubbed at some point.
It's Anglo propaganda.
well, dubs are awful
they fucked up at the start, you can't fix it now
>some cancer shilling this trash every day
I hope you get into a car crash and lose your vision for posting this garbage.
t. literal autist
Yeah I don't really know why it got so popular DUH SPICY LEGO
but otherwise, the direction is good but I don't know why they have to speak english
you should stop samefagging
It’s not a precise historical reenactment it’s a television show bitch. 50 years ago you would be watching bewitched and you would would like it because that’s all that’s on. Now shut up. If you hate tv then take up the skin flute.
Wait till you get to the part with the naked miners.
why? I only finished the first episode
Because it's bullshit.
Your faggot ass should enjoy watching naked men, regardless of the language they speak.
They had the actors speak with their natural accents because fake Russian accents would interfere with the acting.
i think it's refreshing to see people speak like you from places that aren't yours
>why do they speak english? why didn't they hire russian actors?
Anglo production for anglo audiences