Well, which one are you?
Well, which one are you?
Ancient gamer
Wheres the option for thinks anything with a 10 year old girl in it with a great tush is kino?
genre enthusiast, not even gonna lie
Film elitists are pathetic people. Imagine thinking you’re smart because you watch moving images. Cinema is a weak and juvenile art form at its core. Only plebeians are drawn to it.
The creator of the image obviously saw himself as the genre enthusiast, but all four of them are equally shit.
Probably genre enthusiast but I'm not really all that enthusiastic about anything.
I just watch what i like. Genre films, arthouse films whatever. The only films i usually avoid are hollywood blockbusters, the last one i have seen was The Predator and it was garbage.
I haven't seen a movie in months I only come here to talk shit about whites and the alt right
I wouldn't say this exactly, but I agree it's asinine to get upset with someone for their perceived mistaken taste in a recreational pastime. I mean it's just movies, for chrissake - you really want to be an elitist become an art critic or something.
Based race traitor
watching nothing is better than watching only capeshit so you're actually on the top tier on this board, congrats user
A weird mixture of all, as follows:
>believes they like true cinema
>marvel/DC stan
>loves new wave & neorealism
>a24 is god
>up to date and involved in film-related news
>stans brie larson
>gore weird and cult movies are their shit
>owns a lot of merch
>cronenbergian child
>has seen 2,000+ movies
None. I rarely watch movies, I tend to avoid Hollywood blockbusters as user says, I judge newer films by their trailers and the vast majority sucks. Last film I watched was Us, and though the trailer sucked, my brother invited me and I tagged along. The film sucked, unsurprisingly.
That said, I wouldn't watch an arthouse film even if I was paid to do it.
>I wouldn't watch an arthouse film even if I was paid to do it
It's such a useless term, you've probably watched and enjoyed films that could be described as arthouse. Arthouse doesn't necessarily mean overly abstract or avant-garde. Arthouse also covers films from filmmakers like Kubrick and Kurosawa.
Looks like I'm a gay film student
Picked up me mobile to post from just to perpetuate the archetype.
Little bit of all 4.
Enthusiast > Sucker > Bro >Twitter
>using words like gatekeeping or problematic unironically
70% Genre Enthusiast
20% Film Twitter
5%Film Bro
5% Auteur Sucker
>Yea Forums users are Auteur Suckers
Yea Forums is one of the plebbiest communities for film discussion I've ever seen.
Based genre enthusiast chads in the house
i quit watching movies after over 3k of them and gargantuic number of tv show's episodes. I switched to books and i read like 20 a month of them. Best choice ever.
i was a reader before, but it was like 4-7 a month
neet here
I don't watch Kurosawa, I've seen a handful of Kubrick films
>Dr. Strangelove
>2001: A Space Odyssey
>A Clockwork Orange
>The Shining
>Full Metal Jacket
>A.I. Artificial Intelligence (if you will)
but as much as I enjoyed Strangelove and Full Metal Jacket, I wouldn't say any of those are what my idea of "arthouse" means. That I leave it to films like Pasolini's Teorema, which I hated with all my guts.
>I don't watch Kurosawa
I mean that I haven't seen any films from him. I want to watch a few, though, because I love the "ancient Japan" setting.
I'm unironically a film bro
All of you saying genre enthusiast are wrong and worse than anything in the image.
Hate to say it but I'm a combination of film bro and auteur sucker.
>film discussion
i've been here a long time and I can assure you this does not happen on Yea Forums
unironically i am film twitter + auteur sucker + genre enthusiast
film bros eat shit.
probably genre enthusiast
>I wonder which one the creator of the image thinks he is
I'm a combination of the auteur and genre enthusiast
Yea Forums user.
What's wrong with genre enthusiasts?
>70% Genre enthusiast
>25% Auteur sucker
>5% Film bro (I've watched some Godard films but my favourite director is still Scorsese)
>0% Film Twitter (Even if I like Wes Anderson)
That image makes them out to be way less retarded than the other three types, so of course people will want to liken themselves to it.
Nothing. The image even shows that they are the best kind of cinephiles because they don't care about true cinema or this kind of shit
>The image even shows that they are the best kind of cinephiles because they don't care about true cinema or this kind of shit
No shit, the creator of the image made it to look that way. I can't believe you fell for such simply manipulation. I mean, just look at the names and pictures for each of them, it's almost satirical in how stupid it is.
mix of film twitter and auteur sucker with a tiny bit of genre enthusiast, to be honest
I knew the creator made look genre enthusiast cool (especially when he represented them with Travis Bickle)
>genre enthusiast
>cronenbergian child
>makes obscure references
>has seen 2000+ movies
guilty as charged
15 y/o boy is based