Living Single >friends

Living Single >friends

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But whites are better than blacks...

>show is called living single
>it isnt about antisocial people who cant get someone else to like them
>its just about normies having a bunch of relationships

>better than friends
>I literally have no memory of this show
Big yikes from me


they had way better chemistry on that show, not even trolling.


>living single
>2black guys

I guess the rest is going to be sinlge mothers then?

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All black mothers live single

I always thought the one on the right was fat but now I realize she is barely overweight.


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My black gf always makes fun of me for not seasoning my chicken.

well she should, do you just eat plain chicken?

>Eating plain chicken
Wh*toids are fucking pathetic. Go shoot up another school you incel little shit

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There is one reason why friends is better, i'll let you figure out what it is. The clue is it rhymes with figure.

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better to be a virgin and white than a black chad

Then why is Friends more popular? Checkmate black supremacists

the cast of friends are Jewish. Checkmate whites

Eat your watermelon Tyrone, the lack of sugar is making you mad

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>I always thought the one on the right was fat but now I realize she is barely overweight.

Being overweight is fat.

>Living Single
>In Living Color
>Fresh Prince
>Family Matters
>Sister Sister
>In the House
>Hangin' with Mr Cooper

Black sitcom kinos were so comfy, bros

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Genuinely curious about how that would taste.

What happened to black tv shows?


you forgot my wife and kids

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Give black milkers

Friendly reminder that regular highwaist jeans and a plain white t-shirt is the most kino look for women.

You know, besides fatties.


Holy shit based

we have "blackish", where the title and plots all revolve around identifying as black and feeling special


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Again, haven't seen either.
But fatty in the middle looks like Queen Latifa so I assume it's more likely *Literally anything >>>>> powergap >>>>>> Living Single*.

I don’t think so

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>when you start making fun of a white persons food but then you realize your food is just "too spicy" or "diabetes sweet" vs white people's thousands of different flavors

This was 100% written by a white person

>white people's thousands of different flavors
That doesn't all of those are good.

of course, blacks can't read or write


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When will you fuckers learn that no one wants to watch a show with static, unlikable characters who never accomplish anything or do anything interesting and barely interact with others at all?

Nice. Does it have a name?

>no Wayans Bros

Cocoa Cow

Google told me that's just a chocolate milk stout.

for me to poop on

Wonder what that would even taste like .

Does anyone remember this? I watched it but was too young to understand the jokes

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The guy is just saying that the show is incorrectly titled, he isn't saying that there has to be a show such as the one you described. I mean imagine if Friends was about a loner guy who didn't have any friends and mostly just had to deal with bullshit at work all the time. What would the point of naming such a show Friends?

>white people think white show was better
>black people think black show was better
>more white people than black people
Friends was better

Bernie Mac show

this was blatantly photoshopped.

The best part of this is that black people's food sucks. Southern food is just Americanized French cuisine. Black food is processed cheese and fast food.

dammit. now i gotta go through my chocolate beauties folder. why to people do this??

Oh no. That sucks.

>he doesn’t eat jollof rice and yassa

Missing out

>white peoples thousands of different flavors
You mean the billions from the other races they steal to be exotic? Lmao

I'm pretty sure that's her

>white people's thousands of different flavors
imagine being so caught up in wanting to hate other races for no reason that you end up genuinely believing this
there's a reason Europeans quickly adopted native cuisines everywhere they went
There's a reason foreign food shops are so popular in the anglosphere

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Probably not because it's full of blacks.if I wanted to see that I'd take a city bus.

>Being anti-racist in 2019
Big off and yikes

Black people over-season their food which is why they have such a high incidence of diabetes.

And yet I have never even heard of this show.

Seasoning doesn't have any calories

Soul food is just bastardized southern cooking as well. Using mainly slave meat like pig ears and feet and shit like that.

I refuse to watch anything with Queen Latifah

Keep telling yourself that as you bathe your green beans in butter and sugar Tyrone

The biggest mindfuck is southern fried chicken came from white Scotsmen. Blacks still get credit for collard greens, though.

Wasn't subversive enough. Too "segregating."

Who is 3rd from the left and why is she so cute?

>white people's thousands of different flavors

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>white people's thousands of different flavors

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You forgot smart guy

>no K&K

Not a mindfuck at all. Blacks steal everything and claim it as their own accomplishment. They even stole the language and cuisine of the French after they murdered them and call it "Creole". Murderers and thieves, that's their culture.

>Murderers and thieves, that's their culture.
Do you understand most of all foods and traditions come from other cultures? You can't steal a tradition. If you did, every one of us is a thief.

I know I watched this when it was on, and I know I liked it, but if you put a gun to my head right now I couldn't name a single character.

Colored greens