That is quite impressive

that is quite impressive

Attached: 1550689033795.jpg (1918x954, 199K)

why can't you nigger faggots keep your shit on reddit? why have you felt compelled to poison this site for years

seething zoomer go away

based mentally ill twitter tranny

Go back to redd!tand take your normalfag meme with you

Get the fuck out of Yea Forums, faggot

u mad lol

>/pol/ bogeyman
Rent free

This is some pathetic paranoia.

agreed they cant handle the BASED fr*cking banter xD

>stop talking about things I don't like!!!!!
Stay mad nigger

>Go on catalog and see a dozen reddit-tier capeshit threads at any one time, for the nth year in a row
Really activates my almonds

Why is Yea Forums so absolutely mentally ill these days?

I mean there was a fair share of literal autists back in the days aswell, but now it seems that every other poster is a literal schizo. It's just soijack posting from phones and "REDDIT POL AAAAAAAAAAA" screeching ad infinitum.

I fucking hate capeshitters.

>everything I don't like is reddit

>9gag tier memes
get the fuck outta here zoomer cancer

Attached: 1539068458243.jpg (750x747, 52K)

It's the continual influx of people born from 1997 onwards. They're genuinely subhuman.

>dude why aren't you okay with /pol/tards ruining this board

>OP picture is a literal reddit screenshot
Either retarded or master level bait, have a (You)

You can actually judge his size based on how low the horizon line is put compared to usual shots of humans.

>six replies
good bait bro

>being baited this easily
you're the summer zoomers you stupid fucking retards, you're the reason shitposting is so rampart, because you bite on all of it

>he fell for the counter-bait
Get rekt nerd

Attached: 1560339112704.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

God I cant believe any of you actually finished highschool, look at your posts here ITT and tell yourself you're a real man.

>taking the post-counter-bait

You're on Yea Forums in the middle of summer on a Sunday, tell yourself you're a real man.

literal reddit

t. 1995 subhuman who thinks he's human


Yes because of his tiny ass head and past experience

t. 1993 subhuman who thinks he's human

>everything I don’t like is X
This is redditspeak. Go back.

>middle of summer
>june 23rd

When the hell did Thanos go to mars? I don't remember that scene at all.

It's because the internet used to be decentralized, with lots of small, specific communities. Because of the smaller scope of these communities, people hopped around multiple, and being nice allowed them to integrate better and faster. Now, any internet denizen will call one highly general site their main site, and feels it okay to not be nice because they have their own general home to fall back to (and bring the negativity from being involved in an argument with a member of a conflicting community with them). This is pretty much unavoidable as the internet grows, but it sure is sad to see how hostility can grow. The internet now has lots of separate cultures, and is thus embroiled in constant culture war.

>compare him too

I was born in 91 but I think 94 or 95 is the cut off point

How pathetic do you have to be to think this way

Being obsessed and seeing /pol/ everywhere might be a sign of mental illness.

Shut the fuck up, Incel

Attached: 14586755672331.jpg (800x820, 149K)

But this is arguably the most /pol/-filled board outside of actual pol. They are everywhere. Since they swarmed this site in 2016 every thread gets derailed by those plebbit assholes

behold the terminal cancer. Didn't even bother hiding themselves anymore

This and /pol/tards as well.

I AM a real man, now kiss my feet.

>It's because the internet used to be decentralized, with lots of small, specific communities.
>The internet now has lots of separate cultures, and is thus embroiled in constant culture war.
So, nothing has changed?

Attached: images (55).jpg (383x384, 23K)

Attached: 1535425413866.png (644x790, 59K)

Attached: npc reddit soy.jpg (680x940, 63K)

You say that as if there's anything wrong with using Reddit. There's literally no reason not to use both Reddit and Yea Forums.

Attached: redditors fighting.png (1280x720, 1.31M)

Nah eventually redditors stay too long and become one of us. Cause remember you are here forever. So sit back relax and enjoy the game.

whoa.... so epic......

Attached: reddit soygrug.jpg (456x429, 34K)


You’re one of them

>shut the fuck up, incel
This is redditspeak. Go back.

It was kept at an absolute minimum compared to this shitfest that sits so unwholesomely in our communities. Back then people were happy. Not just us, the internet as a whole. No politics, fewer normies, phoneposters were barely a thing. Constant excessive cynicism hadn't become the norm at all, now the concept of cynicism is a meme. Look at a thread back in 2011 and you can tell the vibe was very different if not better.

Once this place was reported on mainstream news its secrecy was unfolded and people of all kinds of colors flocked and shilled here which as completely changed the face of some boards, If not the whole internet as well. Ever since that orange boomer was elected every possible situation or topic is just another battle to be won in this dumb political culture war.

I hope you get raped to death by a pack of niggers.

This is such an amazing shot, he's all alone - and still he looks so huge.
Definitely a big guy.
If any movie ever deserved an Oscar for CGI, this movie does.

Attached: shrekk.jpg (800x597, 52K)

Attached: End of Avengelion.png (500x199, 150K)

Being polite is not the same as being nice. Learn the difference, cunt.

Looks like a 3D model on a wallpaper

ohhhhhh no no no STOP BAITING ME

>t. discord tranny tourist that read on /r/chapotraphouse that ackshually Yea Forums was trotskyist marxists before drumpf made stormfront take over despite being such a tiny website but Yea Forums was always shit but it used to be and we ackshually said nigger but didnt mean it and dumb dumb flyover whiteys that are being ethnically replaced and thats a good thing but its also a /pol/tard conspiracy theory and it was her turn
Don’t you have some dilating to get to?

based and Melpilled

Attached: 1528068876542.png (640x266, 50K)

Attached: reddit nobody.jpg (646x483, 150K)

My only regret is that I can only upboat these but once
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind nigger!

Is he serious?

Attached: lurking redditor.png (473x469, 172K)

Being nice was a luxurious concept we had on this site but instead we’re stuck with 2016 faggots like you that dumbs down EVERYTHING.

Attached: reddit soy.png (753x960, 29K)

That's gonna be an oof and yikes for me, chief

Because there's a lot of space to his sides but not much above his head. That's why he looks so huge. Jesus Christ, capeshitters.

Attached: 2_mini4.jpg (350x500, 26K)

disliking things just for the sake of disliking it doesn't make you cooler
have sex incels

Ugh, you realize that you're appropriating Native American people of color when you use coloniast jargon like this right?

Attached: downvoted redditor.png (782x968, 156K)

What’s your reddit username?

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

Attached: reddit.jpg (960x802, 252K)

He looks huge because of his proportions. Redditors are retarded

That arm looks awful. Like a little kid's understanding of anatomy.

Look at the state of this thread right now. 2016 just shot this website in the head and then raped the corpse.

For anyone who is 25 or older, I suggest you find another website to browse because this shit is a Gen Z website now with the quality decreasing every day. I miss the old internet days, but they’re pretty much permanently gone.

t. 27


Attached: enemy redditor.jpg (680x422, 62K)


>low angle
>keep his entire body in frame
>rule of 3rds
>Reddit doesn't know how to do shot composition

Attached: 1555515398361.png (512x512, 184K)

>its an user doesn't get that the reddit screencap was posted to mock reddit rather than unironically reference it episode

Attached: Thanos making of.jpg (1738x720, 73K)

why do you feel compelled to point out something is from reddit every time?
what difference does it make?
Is it that significant?
I want to see someone articulate it and put it into words instead of just posting wojacks
is it out of a desire to feel different or special? because you aren't
or are you just being sheep because other people here say "reddit bad"
reddit isn't one person, same as Yea Forums
it's just another platform who cares
I can understand this type of reaction coming from pedophiles (which there is a bunch here obviously), since it would make sense they reject anything more mainstream like reddit
other than that, I'd like to know what triggers you so much with reddit

mass repliers out

>Frame character so that his body starts from the bottom of the screen and ends just below the top
>WOOOW he did they make him look so huge?
Reminds me of that guy that thought that shot of Dany in GoT needs to be studied in film school

thanks for all the (You)'s Mr. Redditor.
Take this reddit gold

All me

alright guess I won't get any intelligent replies
not surprising
so here's a little funny wojak as a reply, maybe this more to your speed

Attached: fac612be32e1de2df5413f26dc3d0610.jpg (720x303, 27K)

me on the left

Seething redditor


at least I'm not a pedo

It’s the wrong color you asstard

Also he's you can clearly notice how the charter other than being at the center of the scene just like it would appear in classical examples of art works, he's also walking over the water, as a nod to christian iconography .
Such clear, clever and extremely subtle homages from the director to clasiscal western culture truly immortalize this glorious work as humanity's finest masterpiece aka one true kino.

Me too but at least I don't browse reddit

Was ist kino?

Attached: iwmedium.png (1605x1347, 3.97M)

/pol/ wants this board, so they post constant edgy mindless shitposts in an effort to drive everybody else out. It’s exactly how Latin American gangs create brain drain when they extort and harass communities until people join or leave.

Unlike a cartel hellhole, no one on here can come murder me for giving them the middle finger. That’s why I’ve been here for seven years and I won’t leave, not until all the brainlets give up and move out

big ol reddit post

I don't get this need to bar yourself completely from other communities
aren't you a little curious to know what other people think outside of your little hugbox?

big ol pedo

We are well aware of how redditors behave.

have sex

Nuh, bruh, that’s how you get pozzed


what a reddit thing to say
you and I are the same friend

Rent free.

Because look at the varity in respone this post had alone. On reddit everyone just sucks each others dicks for upvotes and quippy comments. Theres no real discussion

Attached: social media flowchart.jpg (800x784, 58K)

They are parasitic cunts that infest everything they touch


Website has been dead before 2016, newfag

That's absolutely rich coming from you

>ITT: redditors telling other redditors how reddit they are
I don't even know why im here anymore, I've all but moved to infinite


I crack up seeing you white bois get all worked up about using reddit. Y'all seriously need to seek out CHRIST and get your mind right. Stop masturbating to incest porn. God bless.

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