characters you're slowly becoming
Characters you're slowly becoming
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw look similar to plainview
>exact same hair
>growing a mustache like him
I'm gonna drain it bros
Unironically already underway to becoming him, as in all my friends have left me and I'm gathering more and more money and nothing to do with them
I'm just like Daniel except with the money or ambition.
So I'm basically a broke ass misanthrope that hates people.
OP, you won't convince us you're rich.
which one?
whoops I'm and I meant without. I've got no money.
I wish I was your friend
I started treatment this week lads
literally me
literally me rfn
Did I mention check em?
> I tell myself I bear witness
Is that review brah?
The fat guy dipping like 7 waffles into a vat of syrup playing IRL second life in Surrogates with Bruce Willis, couldn't find a pic.
it's not my fault, society is forcing me down this path
It was a Christmas joke.
I really tried becoming him.
Someone call the police
>hyper-competent functional alcoholic that's well-educated and passionate to a fault
I doubt it.
Yeah that fat Fuck. Kill me.
I'm slowly becoming joe pesci's grandma from goodfellas.
>tfw keep making too much spaghetti for people
>tfw get very hurt if they don't finish it, ask if it's because they don't love me any more
>tfw keep asking people when they're going to find a nice sicilian gf
Me on the left
You also like plenonasms you narcissistic piece of shit
>TIL: pleonasms
I'm Travis but without the psychotic rage, I look like him and everything, I'm still disgusted at society though. Plus my dad's a cabbie, and if I was more motivated I might be one too.
this level of based shouldn't be possible, so based i think you might be lying
Let me guess, its either the new Joker or Gossling from Bladerunner?
the fbi watches this place, idiot
Unless you're a literal billionaire you're on the left.
lol wtf is this
It wasn't gay, right?
why is he licking that guy's bellybutton?
That's how OP was born
i am the daniel but without the wealth
Send help, or russian sailmans.
I'd rather drink than fuck.
Has RMS gained weight?
>be economics student
>during class
>handed over some tasks
>it's teamwork but I do it alone
>place all my stuff on the floor
>blast some death metal in my phone
>waving pencils like drumsticks
>pacing around the room, stop and draw some doodles on a paper sheet
>professor orders me to turn off the music
>pretend not to hear him
>take a big chug of water
>get kicked out, never show up again
>tfw over 100k in student loans
comfy desu
classic paul dano
Raised by wolves and born in a cave
Truckin and fuckin is all I crave
>I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people. There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money that I can get away from everyone. I see the worst in people. I don’t need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I’ve built my hatreds up over the years, little by little, Henry… to have you here gives me a second breath. I can’t keep doing this on my own with these… people.
the only difference between me and plainview is he is he was a hard man who did hard work. I'm lazy and weak. so maybe im more like eli.
tom hanks in terminal
Is this American Psycho or something else
implying i give a shit about amerilard special police
It doesn't take much motivation to become a cabbie. What are you now?
>" match to John Connor."
I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's from The Big Short
he looks too old for it to be American Psycho
>Someone once told me time is a flat circle. That everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again. And that little girl and that little boy, they're gonna be in that room again, and again, and again. Forever.
I a m t h e l i q u o r
Nice. You figured out society, a like minded spirit.
My point exactly, you suffer from NPD
It's all a joke.
literally me