Is cinematography the most important thing?
Is cinematography the most important thing?
Head Feed & Seed Operator is the most important position in a movie
who is the qt
No. Writing is.
STOP posting this fucking girl. She looks like my ex and every time I come to Yea Forums I'm reminded of this.
nell free of tigers
You can make a film withiut writing
Myrcella should stop smoking or she'll look like Cersei soon
No. It is having a story or at least a theme to convey. Some of the more esoteric artsy fartsy types scoff at this idea, but it is true. Cinematography in its broadest sense (color, blocking, composition, ect.) is #2.
>doesn't smoke
I bet you vape or something
this guy gets it
Smoking is aesthetic
Yes but it would be pretty boring. Even if you had no dialogue you would still need a script of some sort to have a story.
She literally doesn't.
Also, script is first. Always first.
she looks 30
wrong faggot i dont vape either
for trash it might be
>He got to fuck a girl as cute as this
Don't rub it in our faces dude.
so.. only a few more years to go until she's perfect
thanks user
smoking is sexy you fucking queer
It's because she got her eyebrows filled in
making a film without a story is like talking gibberish
Shitty self tan and lighting
it's a real tan
>She looks like my ex
>all these people saying script/writing is the most important factor in cinema
The clues in the name. You don't go to read a script you go to watch a film. Scripts are necessary but when everything is considered it's not the most important thing.
Plot will always be the most important aspect of a movie, no matter what self-proclaimed film experts will tell you. Whether or not the movie has pretty pictures is just a bonus.
Is she on cocaine?
>that clavicle
>white woman
is girl skin as soft as it looks?
Yeah. If you touch the fat under your armpit where there isn't any hair. Its like tht.
>smoking is sexy
For me it's really bipolar; I either find it to be incredibly attractive or just repulsive. Like in a Blade Runner, film noir sense is looks so fucking good but then I see some photo of a chick smoking a joint or even just a regular cigarette thinking she's so artsy and sexy and it just repulses the fuck out of me.
It is a visual medium, but it is encoded with more than just what you see.
Why is the sweetest fruit there is so forbidden
second only to butt design
wtf happened to her
Is refn obssessed with nubile blonde teens?
did dabibs harvey her?
wher this from?
this is his daughter
>those 18th birthday balloons
Absolute diamonds right now.
Editing is the most important.
Writing>Cinematography>Directing (actor performances)>Editing>Sound>Anything else
Actually I'm having a second thought.
Writing>Cinematography>Directing (actor performances)=Editing>Sound>Anything else
Looks like a dude in the thumbnail, not even memeing
do you think he only casts the goose so they have a better chance of mating together?
Yea Forums has made you paranoid
Scripts are mere starting points for the director to then execute his narrative. You can have the same exact script and make 20 extremely different films out of it, execution is what matters.
Almost every great film ever made is great because of it's execution and not the script, from 2001 to Blade Runner. Even most Tarkovsky films have a pretty simple script if you take it just as an on-paper story, but because of his great non linear poetry-like execution they are considered as some of the best films ever made.
Now back to your tarantino flicks
Reminder that her predecessor was qter.
No, you just don't understand how much of the film is, by definition, determined by the script. The director and director of photography might be able to give a film a completely different tone, but they cannot change the subject matter. The script provides the foundation of any film. Everything else might be important, but it still comes second to the script, literally and figuratively.
Nice eyes.
Nell Nigger Free
Well ofcourse it has importance, just as any other element.
A single line in a script can be 5 second or 5 minutes long, depending on how the director interprets that line.
And even if you have the greatest script in the world, if it's given to a lousy director or a lead that has a terrible performance then it doesn't matter at all.
nice blog
>it's my first time user.... I'm kinda nervous. D... does it hurt?
>Editing is the most important.
Have you seen most American films?
Entire portions of a script can be cut, added or rewritten during filming at the whims of the director and how he feels.
>smoking is sexy you fucking queer
>yellow teeth
>yellow fingers
>that fucking stench
so hawt
Editing is not the most important, but it is the easiest way to ruin an otherwise good movie.
mommy's boy
I can tell you amateurs know nothing about filmmaking. A bad film with decent sound is still watchable, a good film with bad sound does not exist because bad sound will break even the best script or cinematography
Anyone else watch Orson Welles dabbing on Refn and Cosmatos from the grave?
Depends on what you're smoking. Cigarettes sure as hell are neither sexy or aesthetic. A cigar or pipe for a special occasion might be.
Read a book
Because you are subconsciously picturing it as a cock
Audiences will accept bad cinematography. They won't accept bad sound (unless they're shills or deranged fanboys (see Nolan films))
This. I have Batman Vs Superman and the sound is dogshit, also with Spiderman Homecoming, can't watch either. Conversely the soundscape of Let The Right One In is exquisite.
now that's a well written scene
>muh script
read a fucking book, faggots
If you think that the film within a film's criticisms apply to Refn then you might just be retarded. Like genuinely, you'd have to have zero awareness of Refn's films or what Orson's criticism was.
Anyone who didn't watch all 13 hours of Too Old To Die Young should be barred from Yea Forums and forced to post on a special pleb board if they want to talk about tv and films
>he never idolised the man with no name
I actually feel kind of sorry for you
Directors and actors get the glory for a reason.
>tfw no bad poosi and myrcella gfs
This. If cinematography were the most important, then all Yea Forums posts would be pictures and videos instead of texts.