Any kinos about hell on earth?
Any kinos about hell on earth?
Those are rookie numbers. Next week will get another 10-15°C on top of that.
Never thought it could be this hot in my russian shithole
that's weird I thought socialism was supposed to appease mighty Climate
Sitting at a comfy 15 degrees in Dublin.
Seems like pretty normal temperatures this time of year
climate deniers on suicide watch
See 26 here, sources saying 36 mid next week
Spanish Galicia conformed white
>30 Celsius is hell on earth
Are you from Sweden or something?
>temperatutes at 30°C and over
>Why are mediterraneans brown? ARAB RAPE BABIES
is that fucking 20C in SIBERIA?
How hot does 42 feel?
the faster we pollute this shithole planet the sooner we can summon the next ice age to kill the lesser humans
I'm sorry for not believing in climate change, make it stop
t. WE
>Thread about weather
>Suddenly sperg out about getting fucked by Arabs
Calm down, Jose.
Wildfires across Europe when
Greece here. Like you are in an oven.
Even if you are outside and just standing still, you will still get sweaty.
Well, those possible temperatures are not normal for most part of Europe this time of year, but OP image is nothing to be upset about.
I am french you faggot
Imagine fever. Just without sweating because the sweat will instantly evaporate in a feeble attempt to cool you down. Your body's proteins coagulate at 42°C. If you'd heat up to "room" temperature, you'd be dead. Better keep drinking and don't forget the electrolytes.
That's not even particularly warm.
Trump is unironically one of the biggest dangers to the planet, if only because he convinced a whole generation of boomers that climate change isn't real.
gorious mild climate east-anglia master race
my everyday life
Everything above 20°C is too much, fuck this nigger weather
What, yuropoors don't have A/C?
i was in France during the 2003 heatwave and it reached over 40c multiple days in a row
43c you cant do anything but sitting in the shade drinking water
>tfw get highs of 112f in arizona
its always cold in my basment
Not really, a lot of houses are built to keep heat in also.
>26 degrees is hell on earth just because I'm using a dark shade of red on this map
26 degrees isn't even hot enough to go to the beach
>28 celsius
Isn't that only like 80 fahrenheit? That sounds like a really mild summer, what on earth are you complaining about?
Now do the other 4.5 billion
it's 22C outside and I'm sitting comfortably at home with sweatpants and socks, don't even need a fan
28 C = 82.4 F
It's HOT.
Its cloudy, drizzly and 17°C where I live in the UK right now,
Why not just build a massive AC to cool the earth?
the other 4.5 billion doesn't matter because we didn't exist and we wont again
the air in space is cold, just use a vacuum to bring that down to earth and cool it down
this is all carefully planned and designed. first they imported millions of brown people, now they change the weather to help them feel at home.
Just build a bunch of rockets on one side of the earth and push it a little further from the sun
Happy Summer
t. Australia ;^)
where will you be wednesday?>
It rarely ever gets to 40+ anyway except for Athenistan or Larissa vlachs
It's seems a dumb investment when you won't need it for like 350 days in a year, but a lot of people have it yes.
it's not "not believing", it's denying.
this can't be real
Vote for socialism and you will be forgiven, my son.
13 degrees here
It's only 40 Celsius. Not great, not terrible.
RIP Europe
You mean winter?
Boomers will mostly die in 20 years. Then the millennials will dominate for a long time because gen Z is significantly smaller and less intelligent per capita.
drop dead eurocucks
arizona is dry though, europe is very wet so you are being cooked more thoroughly
yeah but it's a dry heat
why buy and install a jew device if I won't use it for 350 days in a year
>tfw only 10C during most of the summer here in mid-Norway
global warning is just a meme, bro
Warm and overcast here
The eternal anglo wins again!
because it only costs a couple hundred bucks?
Climage change denial is the true white supremacist agenda. The thing is that the first places to become uninhabitable is places like Africa. So by denying climate change you're effectively destroying Africa. You'll cause social unrest on a level unpredecented in the region. Sky rocketing food prices, farmers going bankrupt, entire nations falling into a slow decay from which they'll never recover from.
However, you might say that this will just trigger migration movements and yes that would be correct. However countries can't absorb an infinite amount of migrants and at some people you'll have to forcibly close the borders even when there's millions of people coming at you. Their situation will be so dire that they'll have to fight to get into the country. At that point you can't do anything else but stop the invaders by force. Effectively the genocide will be justified as self defense.
It's not. Climate changes all the time. There was a small ice age only a few centuries ago.
Yet people are surprised when this happens.
Hopefully it gets scorching hot enough soon enough so I can move to the badlands and live in peace.
That's fine, do you people not have AC or something?
dry climate is ez run (especially w/ water source nearby - just put up swamp cooler and enjoy the ride
melting already snowniggers?
you need to be comfy for 4-5 months now. worth a couple hundred euros in my humble opinion. you're welcome to sweat your balls off though if you prefer that.
So if I deny climate change all of Africa will die?
Uhmmmm based?
high adriatic sea city
32 C: not great, not terrible
Sweet, what a nice world that sounds like, I can't wait to live in it, thanks baby boomer
>2000s: Climate change isn't real
>2010s: Okay climate change is real but it has nothing to do with humans
>20202: Okay man made climate change is real but its too late now anyway
This is you
They won't just die, they will flood into Europe. There are like a billion africans, good luck lmao
>25c+ is hot for yurocucks
lmao, @ me when you have 5 40c days
someone turn this into kino already. it's clearly the way things will play out.
>that feelio when it's super chill and comfy in the commieblock
It's not just about temperature my dude, humidity
I never said any of this. Also it's not man made, humanlets can't terraform.
My grave. Or some other sunless, cold place.
Greek here
Most people have an AC in each bedroom and and one on the living room
THIS is IT, time to raise taxes to ban summer once and for all!
well... since've got another 18.000 years before phase 3 i'm going to relax
>tfw 11 °C
feels cool guys
Yes, if it keeps going the entire continent will just become to hot and dry that nobody can live there anymore. There'll be wars over whatever usable land is still left, genocides, diseases, etc.
So if you don't like Africa, just keep denying climate change.
learn about humidity
>tfw house built so well it's cold to the touch in the middle of summer
Americans and their paper houses.
There are people who deny climate exists? It really is a clown world
Climate changes all the time naturally, correct. However, we have non natural CO2 & other GH gases in our atmosphere. As this inevitably warms the planet, more gases trapped in glacial ice & suboceanic vents will be released. It's the combination of non natural and natural gases which will tip the planet out of its natural cycle and past the point of no return. It's highly likely that if non natural gas production continues by 2200 our planet will tip into overdrive and boil us all to death.
Nuke America, China, and India. Problem solved.
>oh no it's 20-30 deg C during the summers in Europe
Proofs lacking. World was iceless at some point in time and it didn't kill the planet. In fact it let life thrive all over the planet.
it will be 42 C by wednesday
also humid as fuck
Unless you're a soft cunt it actualy feels amazing, it's like a sun blanket
>It's highly likely that if non natural gas production continues by 2200 our planet will tip into overdrive and boil us all to death.
You are being optimistic with 2200, more like 2050
The houses aren't built to "keep heat in", they are built to insulate the inside from the outside. If its too cold, all you need to do keep the cold out is to shut all the windows and doors. However this also applies when its too hot, if its 30-40 degrees, you just close everything and you'll shut the heat out. If you want to really go wild you can cover the windows with aluminium foil and it'll reflect a lot of the heat.
You're right, it's not like 99% of all species ever to exist have gone extinct or anything
I can finally post this pic.
>by 2200
who cares lmaooooo
80º weather. Oh you poor souls.
will be 107º by wednesday, and humid aswell
They went extinct because of the cold created by a natural disaster.
The earth warmed up in time to the point apes shed their fur. People act like the end of the world because the earth might become a little more tropical. Bullshit. Doomsayers have no ability to look at the big picture.
who wants to join my crew after the climate collapses
Bruh just detonate and trigger a few volcanoes lmao
pretty smart indeed. nuclear winter would cool the fuck out of the planet for a couple years.
Foil on the outside of the windows is a bit better than on the inside as well.
>mfw 33c in central Russia
Might as well call us just niggers instead of snowniggers
Protip: dozens of species go extinct every single day even if no human ever lived.
Only braindead twitter mental midgets think that if humans don't exist or do anything Earth will stay exactly the same till the end of times
we do
Yes, but this is linked to our sun orbit. In our ice free past we had a peak CO2 of 750ppm, as measured through ice cores. We are currently over 300ppm even though we're nowhere near a warm age based on the natural cycle. We're going to tip over, cause a non natural warm age, and add all that natural CO2 into the atmosphere too. We're talking 100% higher than natural CO2, so where it could be 40C in a warm age it will be 55,60C.
Obviously the biggest cause of our current problems is the massive over population of the planet. But its not a viable solution to just say kill all nogs, poos and chinks so we have to adapt new technology which allows equivalent power generation for less emissions (because the Africans aren't going to do it them selves are they).
we do
>and what should we do about it?
>raise taxes
>be poor
>submit to communism
This is you
why's the heatwave skipping England? I want to experience 40'c bros
wtf I love making species go extinct now!
>why's the heatwave skipping England?
Because brexit
Pacos and Giuseppes will be burning up soon
Reminder that it's just temporary and climate change is just an overused meme.
I bet you are American
If it's any relief, widespread phone and internet usage seems to limit population growth worldwide at a much faster rate than 20th century trends predicted
We live on an island. Cold sea in summer, warm sea in winter due to thermal effects of water bodies means that we have a much more stable (and wet) climate. Same reason we don't have massive snow storms.
Eastern euro
Almost as if your >models and >trends are worthless as technology constantly advances.
You can't burn us with a mere 40°C come on, even northern Italians who like to larp as white can withstand that and much more
I bought a mobile jew device for €200 that keeps my living room at a comfy 22C.
Feel free to die of heatstroke to save some pocket change tho.
Oh, my numbers are out of date. Anyone thinking that our CO2 output levels won't cause problems is a genuine spastic.
even worse
Are you telling me previous extinctions are man made?
is it the kind that has to stick out your window?
Any city that allow gay parades is Hell on Earth.
Well, one can only hope technology keeps advancing at the steadily quickening rate it's at and provides increasingly better solutions to the problems that face us, if we make it to 2200 without blowing each other up or melting I think we'll be set
You are aware europe is a pretty big place, right..? 42 C where? If it's 42 C in Stockholm sure: that's a bit odd. But if it's in Alicante it's not really out of the ordinary
Nice dishonest graph.
Am I awaited?
This. Climate change is G*d punishing the world. All cities will be destroyed like Sodom
>muh small ice age
Absolutely hilarious how that is still the go-to response for anyone who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. You got memed hard my dude. Do some real research instead of taking an arbitrary graph you saw on some climate change deniers Twitter at face value.
all animals will be dead by 2100
learn about humidity my dear dry friend
>Do some real research instead of taking an arbitrary graph at face value.
The lack of self awareness
Yeah I know they're pretty inefficient as far as AC units go but convenience trumps long-term energy savings for me.
>muh humidity
cope harder pussy