Can't be just all be friends and be nice to each other? We share a common interest at least. That's pretty rare...

Can't be just all be friends and be nice to each other? We share a common interest at least. That's pretty rare. I never meet people in real life I have anything in common with.

Attached: DE12DD84-6296-4F07-A944-48238CBF2382.png (667x684, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who isn't being friendly to you

More like a common failure.

Hillary Clinton didn't win, get over it already

i am fren and i like u

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Fuck you, people who go to Yea Forums(nel) are the worst. They think referencing jokes is a substitute for a personality.

Fuck you, all frogposters should hang. Dumb fucking cunt.

you sound lonely.

t. hothead

being nice is free. hate is baggage

Attached: 39993172_441041623054529_353292662465363968_n.jpg (640x473, 42K)

the problem is the difference in cultures
canadians are s o y boy shit
british are muslim
latinos are edgy retards
americans are arrogant

you will never see these cultures be nice to each other

nah, but I know you're obnoxious.

>We share a common interest at least
The vast majority of people don't even watch films at all here.

we can all get along if we try

Attached: 51c.png (658x545, 210K)

>The vast majority of people don't even watch films at all here.
Not for lack of trying. It's just that hollywood makes it so I start looking on my phone 5 minutes in.

I don't actually watch any tv shows except chernobyl. it will prob be another 5 years before i watch a show again.

So don't watch Hollywood flicks?

TV is dead. Youtube is TV now. Is this news to people?

I go on rarbg and look. nothing good? then i just watch youtube stuff.

I just come here to complain about sjws

Fuck you, dumb frogposter.

based braindead zoomer

Fren posters need to go back to r*ddit

What do you suggest I do then?

ah bloo bloo

frens are here to stay yaaaay!

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Watch any film that is not released in the last month?
There are so many films out there that even if not a single film was ever released again you still wouldn't have enough time to watch all the good ones.

frogposting is a treasured 4channel meme, freen.

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this thread is so comf, it made me download toy story 1. can't wait for them good feels


inclusive thread, fren

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We don't share a common interest because the taste on this board is high school pleb shit. Fuck off to reddit, zoomer.

that's not very nice

>We share a common interest at least
Yeah, shitposting.

Stupid nigger toad

lol, this.
so much this haha
epic win!

I appreciate you OP.


fuck /frenposters/ this is now a lowkey /sneedChad/ thread

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back to twitter you go

Dude from Texas saying you're okay in my book op.

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Frogposters are disease

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Based. Many such cases!

I've never even heard of twitter until today, city slickrr

lend me money bros

send nudes and I'll add you on geocities

If I could I would beat up half the faggots here. All the shits incels get over them is totally deserved.

I'll be your fren, until the very en.

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I tried that lie once and it didn't work

you don't mean that

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You fellas care if a clown poster join you?
I need frens too. I'll behave, promise!

Attached: hI_1n6v7TIo.jpg (200x200, 14K)

No, go away.
just kidding fren

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all are welcome as long as they play nice and remember to hug

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even if I'm a girl?

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off course. we are here to be comf and cuddle!

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I saw a girl at a supermarket once. You're okay fren.

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Yes I do this place is filled with bitter and hateful people and talking with them only made me less sympathetic for the losers of this world.

what are some comfy movies that aren't scary or mean?

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>I saw a girl at a supermarket once.
t. chad

The Wizard of Oz
There is no other movie like it, fren.

Attached: we.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

What are my frens watching tonight?
I'm a bit burned out and I haven't seen anything in a few weeks because I can't find anything interesting anymore

Attached: apujup.png (657x527, 83K)

let's plays of fallout76. pretty comfy

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Wanna watch Threads, finally. Yes, I know it's not "fren" material, but I've been postponing it for too long now. Gotta see what all the fuss is about.

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I'll try and find some all white cast stuff.

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Hey now, we're all frens here. What are your 3 favorite movies frens?

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Dude from Texas here I take my comment back for being ignored so you're going in my bad book ya jerk

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the terror
revenge of the frens

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See you around, buddy.

I have only one favorite movie.
Alien. Because it's very very scary and exciting. And there's an alien. I love space stuff frens.

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I'm sorry fren, I made this chart like a year ago and it's still relevant.

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why is he yellow?

Patrician as hell fren.
Jared Harris as James Bond kino when?

he's irish

Cause it's a space helmet fren. I promise I'm still green. Here, a selfie.

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Under my very careful analysis, I've deduced your list is kino, fren.
But I must confess, I haven't seen pan's layrinth
It any good?

Judge us by our number do you?

Attached: GV1Kx4nBZq.png (300x250, 51K)

It's one of the few movies I've seen 2 nights in a row. Very imaginative and magical with a touching story that's not afraid to go a bit darker if it must. I would definitely recommend it

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yes i am fren

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The fairly tale meets real life meets drama meets horror angle is alluring, I must say. Might give it a watch tonight.

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A red pepe has invaded our thread, frens!
Look at pic related for reference.
We must ignore the non-fren at any cost!

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you can't bully us!

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Sigh.. I'll make the sacrifice and hold hands with the intruder.
It's the only way he can be stopped. I'm sorry frens.

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>mfw this is the best thread on Yea Forums right now
I'm going outside for a while frens, ttyl

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Me too fren. Boy's gotta eat you know

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i stay in comf thread for good feels

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apu fucking sucks

What's with the yellow badge, fren?

You don’t know people who like movies?

/trek/ fren

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I don't watch movies because hollywood is too shitty

Hi, I'm Chucky! I'll be your friend till the end!

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2/10 but keep at it

Don't trust him friens. This thing is pure evil.

any good ww2 movies from the german perspective. not das boat or downfall.

Andy, you little cocksucka. You can't protect them from me forever. I'll be back.

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And I'll be here, waiting.
Valkyrie and Cross of Iron come to mind. But Das Boot is still the best one.

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>people literally have to act like retards in order to discuss movies in a civil manner

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>Lacks the courage to correct my spelling directly

As I grow older I find myself drifting further and further away from my old friends, I'm the type that doesn't really make new true friends, only acquaintances.

Attached: cool frog.jpg (628x390, 33K)

More like lacks the eyesight kek.
Well, as Tom Hardy put it once, You are what you is.

Catch you later, buddy!

I'd imagine most of us are like that. Just try to take initiative in actually making friends, whenever you feel like there might be an opportunity.
Also, invite people over to your place for gatherings. Say you have a couple of coworkers that you kind of get along with? Invite them over.
At least that's what I do whenever I start feeling too lonely.

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People should have devices which indicate whenever there's someone really similar to you, and just teleport you to them.
A lot of unnecessary hassle over socializing would be vanquished. Doesn't help that everyone wants comrades but doesn't put in the work to actually do something about it.

frens worldwide

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if you like/watch movies I can't pronounce, you're a fucking faggot

Yea Forums - Television & Film

and this shit is still not banned

Better than another capeshit thread.

You should be crying about the wojak/chad/political garbage threads, not this.
If you don't like the board fuck off to timbuktoo fren.

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what are some kinos about digits?

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frogposters are the niggers of shitposters

American digits comes to mind

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can’t believe this site has been taking over by baby talking nazis

>not sneed posters
Lurk moar newfag

What kinda movies do you like breh

no nazis only gamers

Attached: 1534742921655.jpg (768x768, 376K)

Sneedchads are based. Stay jelly

>I never meet people in real life I have anything in common with
That's because you're closed off and don't try hard enough, start working through your emotional trauma and getting outside of your comfort zone. Life is out there waiting for you but you gotta do 50% of the reaching

What's the last game you played frens?
I've been doing reruns of Wario Land 4 for old time's sake.

Attached: download (7).jpg (225x225, 12K)

what's our common interest? hating niggers and trannies?

Only a retarded newfag like you would think frogfaggots aren't the absolute worst cancer on this website. It should have been banned years ago.

All memeing aside, this guy is right. Just go out there and try your best. If you don't succeed in any way, THEN complain. But you might be surprised with the results in the end.
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" like that old fart used to say.

me on the left

pokemon platinum and dark souls 1

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There's a cancer far worse than even frogs, but for the sake of not turning this already soiled thread into a Fight Club, I'd rather not delve into specifics.

It's okay bro you can say it. Weebs are terrible too.

>dark souls 1


I wasn't talking about weebs. I'm talking mostly about people who bring politics into blue boards, whatever their stance might be.
But it doesn't matter. I don't actually "hate" anyone on here. Just another window into the human experience.
If I couldn't tolerate this place, I wouldn't be here right now.


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I completely agree with you, other me. I'm always your friend no matter what.

froggies' just tryin' to make ends meet, fren.

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>"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"
Earth is technically among the stars, so you can just sit on ass.

I wish we could be friends. you sound smart and measured.

pic relatd reminds me of that webm of ana hugging that kid

Fuck Frogs and Frogposters

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apu is love
apu hugs world

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I'm your fren op

It's just a Pepe that looks retarded. It's barely above the faggot clown edit.

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an frens stic togethe

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i hope u let go of hate

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imma all u the quotemastah

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thenx fo da (you)s

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no, fren, it's not worth it!

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Every fren is welcome here.

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so, so sweed

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>Can't be just all be friends and be nice to each other? We share a common interest at least.

Tried that through irl/discord for years with very limited success >That's pretty rare. I never meet people in real life I have anything in common with.
Welcome to realising most (people) are morons

do you frens watch telly while eating breakie?

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who here /thirdcuppa/ today?

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>I never meet people in real life I have anything in common with.

I don't eat breakfast but I sometimes eat while watching football or the news in the evening

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Broadcast TV? Fuck no I consider streaming pirated shit tv
Oh I do their just shit cunts who I never keep around long term
Well that's not true it's just so hard to see them when their normie shit like wives gf kids work life gets in the way

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Mods should delete this shit.

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close enough, frene

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Just starting my first cuppa here, fren.

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apu is board culture

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Why u so upset fren?

My fren's BBQ got cancelled due to rain, but at least I can frenpost while I get some work done.

Attached: funfren.jpg (400x267, 64K)

Your mother's pussy is the neighborhoods culture but we don't spam it like Pepe.

yaaaay! based making the best of it-fren

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I detest potato chips. They turn my stomach sour.

did you check to see if he lied to you?

Why the heck are these threads so darn cuddly and comfy?

no because I secretly didn't want to go
and it's a girl

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>no because I secretly didn't want to go
You dastardly, devilish fiend, you.

Attached: 1560883884524.jpg (234x180, 52K)

We are. It's only trannies and shills that come to ruin the board.

but if jews are nasties, the if we are nice, they loose their power, don't they?

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does anyone have that apu staring at his phone on the bed


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Friendly people- how does being friendly irl work out for you? I really try to be nice but I always have to slip a bit of dickish and cynical behavior to not feel like a hypocrite/ overyl friendly loser. and don't 'be yourself' me, there's no going back to 'being yourself' once you've become self conscious about social behavior. i'm

I'm not very friendly irl. I act cold to keep people at a distance. Not really bothered with making new friends at my age. 34

So much that I'm getting palpitations. Or is it other illness who knows

steady on the cof-cof, fren
stay helfy

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How does one make internet friends? I've been wasting my life on the internet for 15 years and I never talk to anybody, I just shitpost and play vidya.

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I wish ot would rain here rn

based asshole boomer

if you play mmo with peeps they can ask you to become frens on social media

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I have a close circle of friends and I don't really need more.


Pepe be like "Bloo-hoo-HOOH!"

based keeper of thread archives

i fucking love Yea Forums culture

ya'll are alright

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any movies to watch when you're lonely?

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I actually don't like Apu. He's kinda lame and dumb.

Any good moobies to watch with no violence or dying only frens and their adventures?

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apu is too old now. reddit needs to take him for a couple years and we must shun him before the counter contrarianism allows us to pick him up again.

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Have dialate sex

Got any more poképus?

Is our common interest wanting to kidnap and torture Warwick Davis?

torture is bad, fren

Attached: 1549824986640.png (941x887, 244K)


Mind if a IMDb forum refugee joins the fun gang


pwease join us as lon as you are caring and make others happi

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>girl is nice to me
>have mini heart attacks whenever I see her

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I'd love to buy Warwick Davis a birthday cake. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of surprise merriment and candles under his chin, send that little friend jumping for joy.
As he sits in his chair, plump and contented and and almost chocking on strawberry jam, his jaw a fondant mess of icing detached from the rest of his cake, I stand over him and laugh joyously. He looks up at me in happiness and glee, his eyes searching, begging me for cake. He finds some. I raise my butterknife then slice down, splitting another slice like a doorstop and finally ending his eupeptic hunger.

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nice and frenly

Attached: fren.coco.png (1063x683, 349K)

Why are these threads allowed? I don't get how they're TV related.

I will rather have a full catalog of frenly posters than fucking capeshit and star wars.

you just don't like those franchises.

keep it frenly

Attached: 1555660172689.png (568x544, 91K)


>Yea Forums-Random & Politics
That's why.

No, i don't and i don't need to discuss the same shit over and over.
Shut up nigger.

look at all his little frensies

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sneed lol

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At least they're movies, you cum guzzling faggot.

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They are fucking garbage you dumb cunt. If you need to discuss something as primitive as capeshit then you are lost. Go back to Yea Forums with that infantile nonsense.

some of the films have girls

Yes, girls are also outside.

>How dare you be on topic! Yea Forums should be /pol/SHIT, off topic and Peeeeeeepe!!

Girl's Last Tour?
It's anime tho

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Why she beat fren? Did he stick in his peepee in the poopoo hole?

Sure, post about some real movies then i will be against pepe threads. If the majority of this board is capeshit and star wars this board can fucking rot. I will rather have pepe threads.


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Masculine people talk shit and bully each other. It's not toxic. It's just bantz. It helps you learn not to take shit too serious, how to build bonds of humor and how to deal with other men in real life.

Just relax and enjoy it. Stop internalizing shit strangers say. And maybe be less of a pussy.

Attached: downloadfile-6.jpg (720x607, 57K)

>we share a common interest at least

Cropping alcoholism and a propensity to waste time?

In my 9 years of browsing and being the usual cunt, I can only remember two occasions on which I felt like an absolute piece of shit for going the extra mile to break someone down because I myself had had a shitty day. Those times were also the only times I've ever apologized to another user.

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And now, you seek forgiveness...


we get it, dude

Shit I would appreciate it if people would just act ambivalently with each other. But it seems like every Yea Forums user hates any other present consciousness.

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we can be frens

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Ah bloo bloo what faggot? Nobody here is posting apu and whining

Yeah this thread is going in my cringe compilation

ah-bloo-bloo ish doo-weeng Kong Foo


i am good at et

Attached: 1548182653949.jpg (567x633, 53K)

stop leaking retards

any good Apu movies?

Attached: 1548129481365.png (1067x851, 181K)

No shit


Most of them are shit like 12 angry men



No, they are not. There are ton of great films out there. If watching too much capeshit haven't rotted your brain yet then you can find things which are good.


ah-bloo-bloo ish miekhul jak-sohn

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Denis the Menace


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ive tried so hard to be nice to people on here but they rarely allow it to happen.
and what am i gonna do? not defend myself?
yeah nah cunt. im nice by default but I do not stand idly by either

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see? this is what i mean

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not cool , bro

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based independent poster

I like you friend and I like your nice thread. Hope you have a wonderful day.

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based brainlet poster

they don't want to get along. they want to take their anger out on anonymous people.
i would also assume a lot of them fell for the meme and think theyre punching nazis. when in reality, theyre just being assholes and squandering the opportunity to make new frens

Attached: 1538088226199.png (713x611, 52K)

>then i just watch youtube stuff.
and then angry retards call you cancer if you try to discuss it here. instead of just enjoying the things they like, they have to hate the things that other people like


so true and basedpilled

Attached: 1547428815055.png (950x968, 189K)

they have nothing but hate in their lives. it's so sad

Attached: 1551548703617.png (721x548, 90K)

Bro, I understand and am probably just as bad, just against commies and SJWs.

Why would you want to hurt other posters?

Most people on Yea Forums are actually nice. It's just a few pedos and incels that ruin things from time to time.

i mean i can relate but i still try to make the effort to get along. everyone seems so obsessed with fitting in and being exclusive and being seen as "based" and ive definitely fallen prey to this phenomenon, but there are too many of us for everyone to get on the same page (and it would probably be boring if we all got along all the time)

thanks fren

Attached: 1541161547076.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

Has diversity reached Yea Forums?


uncalled for

High IQ post.

There are more pedos now than two years ago.

i have my own preferences but im also willing to strike back at either side if someone is being an asshole.
luckily ive had sex before but i still see incels as "my people" so i find myself sticking up for them a lot of the time. because i know how much it sucks and i know how "disposable" young men have been made to feel and not many other people seem to feel empathy for them.
i am the White Knight's White Knight.

No matter the case, be it pedos, incels, doomers, boomer, zoomers, us bloomers have to accomodate everyone and make sure they feel at home. It is our destiny. YOUR destiny.
We were sent here for a reason.

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This, unironically.

patrician opinion. fuck those losers

far out

all are whalecum

Attached: 1558306961986.png (640x655, 186K)

Based and hugpilled, and checked

im on board with your message, i just wish people didnt make EVERYTHING so political. its so fucking boring and bitching about it here wont actually change anything

I love apu. He gives me hope for all posters.

>bitching about it here wont actually change anything
Yea Forums is a huge audience, dude.

he liks u too fren

Attached: 1541985621592.gif (495x525, 2.36M)

im aware, but bitching and moaning and bickering never fixes anything, it just divides people more and increases resentment and loathing.

also what is Yea Forums? is that a cute nickname you came up with? i like it!

*then tries to kiss*

based coming together-user

b-but im pure!!!
ah well *smooches*
mmm just the right amount of tongue

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it'll never happen though, i was just being idealistic and naive

Yes you should be nice and polite and friendly always. This way I can easily manipulate you and stab you in the back

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frens believe in each other

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yes but also see the wolves are out there waiting and biding their time

wolfposting is scary

wish I had frens

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everything besides frenposting is scary

you guys rock!

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Apu is a child

We're all frens here, fren!

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Attached: yaaaaaay.jpg (360x257, 29K)

Why are they all drawn so shit?


When did Apu become associated with Star Trek?

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You've never been to /trek/?

based ipadposter

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pepe jr. is a fag and so are you

apu (and pepe in general) is associated with everything.
its easy to make edits or draw your own.

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ah-bloo-blooish ow-teesh-teek

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H-How did you know?

No. Quick rundown?

the pixel count

general about star trek. it died during GoT season 8 but it will be back