Post some gems only you have watched

Post some gems only you have watched

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Good one. Rip Paxton

Here's another one for you guys

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you first

I already did, two times

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I've seen it it's good

Why are low budget sci-fi movies always more kino than AAA ones

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Another gem for the boys
This was sold in the US as a thriller but it's a literal giallo movie, directed by argento, and Elsa Pataky appears (now known as Thor's IRL wife)

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It was about people that ate science cookies and accidentally produced butt fish.

Attached: littledizzle.jpg (300x400, 16K)

This one is quite fantastic
A bong horror slasher comedy
Quite brutal

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Poor newfag probably thinks Frailty is le obscure gem

millennium with lance henriksen. i swear it used to be more popular but everyone has forgotten it exists now.

psi factor


if you want movies, try insomnia with al pacino and robin williams.

also resurrection with christopher lambert.

the purple rivers with jean reno is pretty good too but i think that one is pretty popular.

fucking nerd

who me?

That was pretty cute, almost rewatched it last night. I also liked mads mikkelsons movie Adams Apples.

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It would be cool if they spent more time out of the facility.

Step aside, plebs.
Educate yourselves.

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Saw it and loved it.

The ending blew my mind. Probably the best /tweest/ ever.