Unironically the best episode of this shitty fucking season. Not saying It's amazing but atleast It was okay

Unironically the best episode of this shitty fucking season. Not saying It's amazing but atleast It was okay.

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>No male characters any more
>Unless they’re black and gay

She cute.

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i was in love

Well, la-dee-da, Miss
Park Avenue Manicure

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I did too, would have watched a full movie, it was like a Disney movie with twist. characters clearly needed more development and I liked how the more lively girl got Ashley but in the end the punk girl ended up bonding with her the most. hows infiltration had a comedic tone that did not go with the rest of the ep but im not sure if it added to the charm or if it needed to be reworked. also there was 0 reason to rush to the concert hall.

Episode 2

Also that cr0 shits gonna happen at some point

Yeah I liked it

The whole thing was pretty comedic honestly. I lost my shit when they removed the limiter on doll Ashley and she started cussing like a sailor.

Breddy gud 3/5 best of the season easily.

Want to stop complaining about Black Mirror? Stop watching the shows produced in the US.

It was basically a Disney movie with swearing. Fuck off.

>tfw no AI gf

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That's what made it fun


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Its the worst of the three lmao

Best part of the episode desu

Imagine her watching you jack off and telling you all about it when her brain is 100% operational

second one was the worst of the three

The whole show is bad.

British people really can’t into tv

>Pleb Status: Filtered

It really was. Excellent fap material, too.

Blacked Mirror went shit after the series 2
christmas special

Excepting bandersnatch this was a great season. Even that had a single great performance.

>wot if sex dolls could swer on their mum

Says the murrican who doesn't know there is a joke unless a laugh track plays

2deep4u unironically

>picking her over Davenport
Re-evaluate your life decisions.

Black Mirror and Rick & Morty are my favourite shows

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do you think s03e03 was low quality? except for the "cp is bad" which is an obvious entry level moral bait for the normies

All of these. I don't get the hate for this season but then again Yea Forums has been going full reddit lately so it's no surprise this board is just regurgitating RT opinions.

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she cute

How is Electric Dreams compared to Black Mirror? I watched the first two, they were pretty good, especially the premise of AutoFac.

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About the same really but it includes PKD magic stuff.


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>this face

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What's the shittiest Black Mirror ending or tweest so far?

>best episode of a 3-episode season
>better than a homoerotic virtual reality story and a psa about texting and driving
Not saying much. It was a fun episode. Would recommend to sister.

God I wanted the punk rock girl to bully me

I thought the goth sister was kinda cute

>everyone is into the Wall-E looking thing or the little girl
>nobody recognizes the true best girl

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what if your gran was a computer

>immediately assumes he's American

You're as dumb as one, also don't respond with reddit memes

What does it feel like to make a pretty girl smile Yea Forums?

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nice selfie

Tell me more.

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2nd episode had the highest potential but squandered it, 3rd episode was mutant disney channel spum, virtual gay sex wins by default, yet again!

She is not bad looking, but god, she has the most, raspy, white trash witch voice

Terrible. You never know if she's faking it or is genuine.

Didn't recognize it was Miley Cyrus until I saw her name in the credits. She looked and sounded familiar the entire time. I was thinking, "Haven't I've seen this bitch before?" the entire time. Color me surprised. Episode 3 was an allegory for Miley Cyrus's life the entire time.

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are there any shows like black mirror?

I did this all the time in high school, back when I still interacted with people on a daily basis. It feels nice, but then you remember none of them would ever go out with you in a million years.
Good fap fuel for later though.

>miley cyrus

I'm sorry I love black mirror but I absolutely won't watch anything this degenerate is in

I don't get why people didn't like it. Haven't you seen Little Miss Sunshine? Its the same sort of thing. Fun family adventure romp kino with occasional edgy/emotional parts.

She's a big girl

Miley Cyrus is so fucking hot it’s crazy

how can you guys watch this shit.

literally the pig fucking episode was the only passable episode. this show is shit and not even disturbing. it's literal mental popcorn.

its not even good, it's boring predictable and the stories are shit.

Only with her random prison tats covered up.