I've never understood why people think she is attractive

I've never understood why people think she is attractive.

Like is it a joke I'm not in on?

Attached: Nicole-Kidman-Hot-Lips.png (477x595, 149K)

before cosmetic surgery bro

Shes perfect milf

She was hyped by high end brands because wealthy boomer women relate to her.

think you might be a gay bro


You know there was a time before you hit puberty when she used to be younger, right? She didn't always look 50 her entire life you absolute nonce.


she's always been a 6.5/10, i assume she got famous by sucking the right cock at the right time

so how did your parents react when you told them you're a homosexual?

yeah women are attractive when they are young and fertile, after 25 they keep thinking they are and nobody usually outright says that they have hit the wall

post who you consider a 10/10

Attached: 220px-Peter_Griffin.png (220x320, 59K)

Attached: Nicole Kidman Batman Forever.webm (1920x1080, 3M)


Attached: Venus Dimples.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

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Attached: Nicole Kidman - Birthday Girl 2.webm (1280x718, 2.97M)

Literally every modern girl BTFO this pancake assed ho

Attached: matt damon interviews nicole kidman.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

Attached: Nicole Kidman Birthday Girl 3.webm (720x720, 2.83M)

Attached: Nicole Kidman Birthday Girl 4.webm (1280x718, 2.28M)

Attached: MV5BYzY3YjBiMTYtNWJmMS00ZjQ2LWJjYWMtNTFmYWEyYjc1YmNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQ4ODE4MzQ@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x999, 84K)

Clearly no one itt has seen Moulin rouge because she was hot as fuck in that

Brie Larson Queen of Yea Forums


Gemma Arterton

Attached: nicole kidman malice.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

Attached: nicole kidman dead calm 1.webm (1212x800, 622K)

stay the fuck away from my girl user

Attached: 031iyd.jpg (2048x1200, 458K)

She has the face of a 12yo boy.

>being this gay

Attached: 1538753008593.jpg (915x1072, 206K)

If your dick doesn't go diamonds when u watch Eyes Wide Shut you are gay

Honestly, I think shes just one of those people that look weird when they age a bit

She was really hot though and has a nice voice. A lot of people might not seem super attractive in a photo, but (especially actors) they have a better presence visually irl and/or a nice voice that sets them apart

Fucking zoomers I swear

>shit hair
>shitty eye color
>olive skin
>average nose with lowered tip
>completely non sexual vibe

Objectively 8/10, 8.5 if you're into Latinas/mud looking women

t. ape

>This scene was necessary to the plot

Kubrick was a hack. Literally made the film because he knew parents would hire it and their teenage boys would want to watch it.

Attached: brie cute.jpg (4671x3114, 1.94M)

>this scene is crucial to the plot now stfu and put your bra on or Tom wont get is Mission Impossible:2 green light

Attached: nicole sees your dick.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

There are at least 3 women hotter than her there.
I respect her for taking the risk though.

You got the other one where she's riding the guy? Great movie by the way. Cheers.

I have the same feelings about Angelina Jolie, she's very angular and lips full of botox.

If you grew up in the 90s, this wouldn't even be a question. I can't even imagine how many sexual awakenings she was responsible for.
But even now, she's a very attractive milf


Attached: swing.jpg (500x595, 68K)

literally look like my bf...

This right here

i want to punch that whore in her anus

i've never met a gay in my real life, but why do i see them everywhere on Yea Forums ?

>before cosmetic surgery bro

This. Too bad she answered the call.

Attached: 001x0021.jpg (1211x1496, 776K)

I'm with you, OP. She's not terribly attractive and a million YouTube and Twitch thots are hotter.

Post your twink bf.

A quick glance at the /gif/ catalog should answer that question. Honestly it's at a point now that I'm seriously starting to believe the conspiracy theory that it's an orchestrated psyop.


What's the deal with her and being with smaller men?

Attached: Nicole Kidman.png (900x472, 160K)

Considering how easy it is to force a meme, one should realise how easy it is to control the popular consensus on this site.
As soon as you realise that, it becomes ridiculous to think there's any chance that any consensus here isn't completely artificial. The only thing that messes with it are the constant tourists from other sites

She likes to bully

Attached: Nicole Kidman Fuck.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Batman Forever is definitely where she looked the hottest. Practical Magic is a close second

/gif/ five years ago:
>one or two active fetish threads
>one or two active trap threads
>obligatory gay thread
/gif/ today:
>five or more active trap/trans threads at any one time
>two standard gay threads
>two black bull on white sissy gay threads
>sometimes up to a dozen sissification hypno threads
>"you are the girl" thread
>two or more "help me suck my first dick" threads
>obligatory ylyl, rekt, ygyl etc
>everything else is cuck porn

There has been a definite hard demographic shift in recent years and it's hard to believe it isn't orchestrated. Used to think it was da juice but after seeing all that shit the tranny discord cult was getting up to it might actually be a handful of mentally ill individuals putting great effort into spreading their disease - and succeeding.

She was cum in your pants hot back when she was in ‘Dead Calm’.
She was also very attractive in ‘Billy Bathgate’ and ‘ Days of Thunder’.

BMX Bandits.

Attached: 76a9b858e09ab772476ee0d7efbd373b.jpg (1080x1226, 201K)

She's a sociopath, the sheeple are easily fooled by her seductress act.

they aren't succeeding. trannys will always be a joke

You try to pass as a woman connoisseur on internet but you really have shit taste. Brie isn't the most attractive woman ever but she effortlessly surpass that bunch of generic blondes

She's almost unrecognizable now.

There's not much info about why Tom and Nicole broke up, but in one interview Tom slipped and said that Nicole knows what she did. There is a very good chance according to some sources that Nicole was messing around with Harvey, which is why they are not in good terms and later on Tom even happily mocked the producer in Tropic Thunder despite being almost unrecognizable in the role.

Attached: 452B14D400000578-0-image-a-14_1507670693697.jpg (634x919, 95K)

Agreed. I get that aging is hard on women, but it's probably better to sag with grace than to turn your face into a weird, plastic mask.

>olive skin is bad
incel BTFO

visit /lig/ to see what people actually find attractive

They're a protected class and have enough political clout to have children in schools taught they can choose their gender and their parents punished for not agreeing to go along with it and start hormone therapy. You and I can be defamed or even arrested for simply not agreeing with their delusion. They're succeeding.

Batman was her best movie. Such a hot slut.

Attached: 1545315343.jpg (680x531, 43K)

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That's just zoomers. They literally don't know any better and can't get it up to normal porn.