comfy sunday simpsons thread
just started season 3 bros
Comfy sunday simpsons thread
Other urls found in this thread:
It's coming...
>season 3
How many episodes are you watching per day?
Formerly started season 2
So, the Simpsons is still on TV? I’m honestly surprised based on what I’ve been hearing about it.
Not that I know anybody still watching it, I’m guessing at this point it’s still going because it’s been on for so long.
Everybody has pretty much given up on it actually producing quality episodes anymore, but who knows, maybe they’ll make a comeback soon.
Everything seems to be going against the current writers though, with them coming up with generic modern shit to parody. It’s just boring at this point.
Does anyone on Yea Forums still watch this show’s newest episodes?
Heh! You ain't gonna find comfiness in the Ol' Simpsons thread! That's why the cringeposters abandoned it!
imagine taking the time out from talking or having sex with your wife to make this picture
Seven to eight, max
Le comfortable man
I bet you thought that was so clever
The sneed niggers and trannies have teamed up to help kill what remains of old Yea Forums
My gf likes new simpsons. It's honestly hit and miss. For every five crappy episodes there's one ok episode.
Imagine replying to that post legitimately
The greatest tv show of the 90s has been reduced to the word sneed, blame trump and /pol/
sounds comfy
comfy simpsons thread
comfy snimpsons thread
comfy snempsons thread
comfy sneepsons thread
comfy sneedsons thread
hell yeah
lol you guys sure are a barrel full of laughs
Bad Feed and Seed
Imagine being that one guy who keeps posting "Comfy Simpsons thread" to bait in Sneedchads
haha yeah imagine
Comfy sunday afternoon
cast them
Why does the man keep fucking with the free simpsons website
I used to watch the entire series from start to finish every few months but they kept taking down the website
I’ve watched them. They’re not bad. It’s weird to see Bart and Lisa using iPhones and shit and using current “lingo” or whatever but they stay relevant and true to their roots at the same time and it’s usually pretty funny
It’s retarded to assume the new episodes can’t be good simply because they aren’t old
Imagine being that retarded
Sneed xD
faggot shill
How can it be worse than the never ending family guy or American dad?
South Park actually, amazingly, has kept up their quality the best
Sneedson's thread
why make this thread
fuck man it’s not even worth it to see sneed get posted a billion times
>'My eyes have been opened (formerly closed)'
I genuinely really like this
pretty good/10
I love these weirdass edits, give more please.
This one will get you chuckling.
most based post
You're right, I do like that one.
Sneed's feed & seed
A business formerly known
as Chuck's feed & seed
There are animation domination threads on Yea Forums every Sunday
*chorus plays*
The Seeeedsooooons...
Based Sneedposters dismantling another thread for this wretched zombie show.
>Shota seedlings
The sneedsons
Actually they're high schoolers
My name's not Max
3.6 roentgens
I'm a sick Chuck I like a quick Fuck and Suck
So, the Sneed is still on TV? I’m honestly surprised (formerly uninterested) based on what I’ve feeding hearing about it.
Not that I know anychuck still watching S11E5, I’m guessing at this point it’s still going because it’s been on for 7-8 seasons max.
Everybody has pretty much fucked and sucked up on it actually producing quality seed anymore, but who knows, maybe they’ll pull up in their fancy german car soon.
Everything seems to be going against the gucci loafers though, with them coming up with generic old simpson place shit to parody. It’s just boring at this point (formerly exciting)
Does anyone on Yea Forums still watch this sneed’s newest episodes?
all me
I got 5 (You)s