The new season was bretty gud
The new season was bretty gud
Other urls found in this thread:
>handsome boy dead
>"You know how people are already confused by 5 different timelines? Let's throw in an alternative reality just to be sure"
Anyways, anybody knows who was the bloodied guy from the first and last episode of first season? I still don't know.
But Jonas still lives? 3 times?
What bloodied guy?
The guy with bloodied face. He was in the first episode when Mikkel go lost and then he was in the passage when older Jonas activated the time machine, they were looking at each other.
It's his fucking dad (who is Mikkel) you brainlet, he has hallucinations
These fucking Germans all look the same and then they cover his face with blood. How the hell was i supposed to know? And why would older Jonas still have hallucinations?
>These fucking Germans all look the same
I know right? It gets even worse when you realize due to time fuckery they are all related in some fashion. Mass time induced incest.
Is this the best Netflix show?
>want to watch a new series
>this one looked interesting for the longest time
>it's all subtitled bullshit
NOPE. No way in hell am I reading a fucking tv series.
It's certainly one of the best. Most of their foreign language ones have been pretty good really, they should put some more money into them.
>i read like a 1st grader
Hello, american.
reading ruins the immersion, pleb shitlord
Well it doesn't if you finish reading the line before before they even pronounce a second word of it.
Fuck time travellers. You know what this show proves, is my theory, that time travel is in existence and always has been: the bootstrap paradox. It doesn't need inventing. Just reverse enginner a time machine in the future, and then go back in time and create it from your own plans. Logically it must exist, and it can exist at any time, therefore it exists at all times. They are fucking with us and always have been. Shit is being changed all the time.
threadly reminder that benni is best girl (male)
So................ who's evil? Claudia or Adam?
>watch it dubbed!
>no watch it subbed!
>not watching it dubbed with german subs
this is the optimal experience, you can trust me, I'm a brain doctor
I'm leaning towards Adam. Causing the apocalypse, even in the name of starting over is a pretty evil thing to do.
I kinda love how H.G. Tannhaus literally did nothing by himself, people from the future just came and told him to invent a time machine with a manual and instructions.
It seems to me that there is no way out of the loop, and everyone who says they are going to try and change things next time, is just doing what they always did. Even at the end, the Martha who seems to be from an alternate world, she must always have been there at that time because she rescues that version of Jonas from the event. If she hadn't turned up, he would have died there, but he can't have died there, because he exists in older forms, so it was inevitab;e she would be there. No one is deciding anything, it's a fixed loop.
But Claudia is the one that insist on repeating same stuff over and over.
So is Adam though. He wants the apocalypse to happen, so the next cycle can begin. Sure it'll be a new cycle, but one that's already predetermined, so what's the difference?
>reddit shilling again
>50 mins of dialogue in a 54 min format
>time fuckery capenigger plot twists
>teens being self aware while all adults are literal retards
>"muh only g-good show on nutflex"
Yea Forums was always shit but Jesus Christ its managed to fall even lower
But if it wasn't for Claudia, Mikkel would live.
If it wasn't for Adam he would too though. He sent Jonas forwards, knowing full well what it would lead to. There was no way for him to break the cycle, because him stopping the events from being set in motion would erase his own existence, which would mean he couldn't stop anything
>agoobloobloo me reading too hard too much talking raaargh where is actionZZ like in my game of leddits!!
No joke, dude. Scrolling through Netflix's catalog all you'll be able to see is filler 5/10 garbage. Page after page of modern but jarringly sterilized tv shows manufactured to seem interesting on a surface level. It's fucking embarrasing. The only good shows I've found on N are The sinner (season 1) and Mindhunter. Maybe stranger things season 1 as well. Most of the other stuff is whack
>Reddit Things
Fucking kek
Reddit's favor for stranger things doesn't limit me from enjoying season 1. If you let Yea Forums dictate what you can and can't enjoy you'll become over-critical and jaded in time.
It's not bad because it's reddit, it's reddit because it's bad.
have sex trancel
Why are amerimongrels so retarded?
Babylon Berlin was an entertaining German show, and so was Perfume. But they both weren't Netflix original.
Incest kino
This show is so Kino that if you don't like it, you don't like audio-visual art in general and should remove you'reself from this board of kinosieurs and return from whence you came.
Let me get this straight. There is only one time travel device made by tanhaus right? He gave that to claudia then she gave it to teenage jonas. But adult jonas lost it to his mom, at the same time high school kids also got one from beltrozs or whatever his name. Where did that come from? Did noah got it from adam?
It's all the same device, from different times. Like there's old and young versions of the same people existing at the same time.
the mastermind behind it all, Sneed
in case it flew past anyone, Noah fucks his granddaughter in the future who gives birth to her own mother.
No, there are three....I think?
The suitcase tannhaus
The chair device used by Noah and helge
The steampunk god particle machine used by Adam/Noah
Maybe four if you include the the god particle in the future destroyed power plant
There are 2 more alternative worlds which make 3 world.
One world is where mekkel doesn't hang himself and therefore Jonas won't be born, but it's a worse world than the current one as Claudia said, which leaves one more world that the girl with the black short hair that appeared in the final scene of the final episode came from.
Screen cap this
This show started well, but the story is already a shitshow. Production values are good, but pretty much all episodes have the same premise, building mystery upon mystery.
This is the new Lost
I got drunk and watched the whole thing last night, and all I know is the germans have an excellent sense of visual and audio aesthetics, find it natural to have sex with their own families(as long as you time travel first, duh), and Adam looking like burn victim Aleister Crowly is a boss and just wants to watch the world burn.
Are you Amerilard by any chance?
>people stare at each other or the camera and mumble typical sci-fi nonsense like "there's no time to explain" etc.
Yeah, I almost missed that, then a second after they said it I went 'Did they just say Elizabeth is her own grandmother?'
I like that they had the scene in the bunker with her miring young Noah
Based noah
Germans also have a superior acting abilities than mutts
>Straw Manning this hard
It's the kino of the year nig
If you even watched one episode and that's all you took from it, you have some attention disorder problems.
More like it started well and then got kino-er by the minute
Probably the best incest twist captured in film yet.
Just waiting for a mon-son twist and this will be a masterpiece
Girl: Welcome to the future
If I see more cringy shit like this in the new season, I curse every fucking shill opening threads here to a timely cancerous death.
>marrying your own granddaughter
Man's living Yea Forums's dream
I'll just wait for this show to get really popular with normies and reddit so you can start admitting that it's actually shit
It was bait, user. A lot of people expected the new season to be shit because of how season 1 ended; the twist is it isn't shit at all.
Yeah, young Jonas and Bartosch are really good. I didn't except that from teen actors.
Admit it, you'd lock her in your bomb shelter and keep her all to yourself if you can.
I'd expect Yea Forums to be all over her but I guess the pedos aren't watching this show
Wow, old man Ulrich is actually played by another actor. How is this even possible?
It's crazy man. Either they had a hard time looking for actors that look the same, or all Germans look the same.
Because these characters really look like the same one from different time period.
That aside, i don't remember the last time i saw a bigger CUNT than Hannah. Let me guess, she is going to stay in the past and sleep with young Egon, right?
When I first saw old Ulrich I remember thinking that they made it really obvious how he is the same person in an old guy makeup.
Who is the guy in charge of the power plant, Aleksander somebody, the guy who the detetctive thought might be his brother but seems like he is someone who took his identity, or has it not revealed that yet? i feel like he is somebody from some other time or something.
They show his younger self in season 1
He's the guy Hannah got the passport and gun from
Who was that guy with young Noah that was digging up the caves and telling Noah to not trust adam? People say he was Bartosz
Not enough evidence to speculate over anybody being him.
He could've been a literal no one from that time.
I don't think so, the "everything is connected" isn't just a meme title, there is a reason why nobody left the town and married people from the town.
Fuck she is hot !!
Who do you think she is going to birth with Egon?
>girl with the black short hair
That was Martha. The same girl who got shot in that scene.
I know, just forgot her name
No one talking about the
5 timelines, alternative realities, you are thou thou art i, i am your father and your son... what's next to the table?
Egon's daughter is Claudia is it not?
WHY THE EVERLASTING FUCK DOES JONAS WANT TO END THE WORLD when he is trying to save it,because he knows he himself wants to end it?
my brain hurts
Yeah, but no doubt Hannah is going to fuck with young Egon in the past. So who knows what/who comes out from that.
Well maybe Claudia is what comes out from that
>engaging well-written story
>no leftist propaganda
>absolutely no blacks
>young tities and long bikini shots
I couldn't believe I'm watching netflix
claudia has already been born though in the 50s timeline
I think they are just doing what they must. The apocalypse thing is what created the wormhole in the first place I reckon. So it had to happen. It's like casue and effect backwards.
>>young tities
the red haired titties were phenomaly good looking, perfect tits honestly
Oh yeah good point, fuck this show is confusing
if anything jonas might be the kid egon and hannah have
travels back to her "future" 2019, gives herself the baby?
she goes on to be ines kahnwald
Someone make a chart for this show like the Primer one you know what I mean
i need a family tree chart honestly
Just google it, it should be also on wiki.
yeah. the other chick had surprisingly great body too. I wish we'd have gotten a better look on her tits too
why did they make makeshift time devices i.e. kidnapping kids (why kids even?)
when adam just couldve given noah the bag time travel thingy?
>young tities and long bikini shots
webms when?
which one? martha?
mfw franziska is only 21, god damn im jelly of her bf
I have no idea man. The ginger boy was never mentioned again, why did they play him 80s songs over and over again, why were they sending the kids through the time in the first place, we just don't know. And i hope they won't Araki it.
god damn season 3 is coming out next freaking year
so many questions
i need answers damnit
The kid transporter was the prototype for a time machine, although I'm not sure which one it is, but presumably it's for the second stable black hole that Adam created?
uhm when the fuck did they tell us that shes their mother?
? transporter? do you mean the bunker?
>which one? martha?
i literally forget that im watching a show in another language and that i dont actually speak german
The chair they used to transport the kidnapped kids through time in s1
holy FUCK id fuck her so god damn hard hnnnggg
Magnus is alive, user.
Adam is 100% fucking with everyone and pretends to be evil to motivate the good guys to do even more good or some shit. He killed his teenage waifu though so I really don't know anymore
Adam figured out that you cant change things in the current timeline, and his plan is to jump world lines, but things are just as fucked there. Its literally the plot of Steins;gate
why are magnus and franziska, the future versions, following adam?
Everything is inevitable, no one is making choices, that's the whole point. He had to kill her because he had a memory of her being killed, it already happened. No one has any free will they are trapped in a convoluted loop.
Didn't hobojonas have a broken one in season one and had the clock guy fix it? I'm pretty sure after returning from the alternate reality he will find the original device but it got destroyed during the apocalypse or something.
Either he's manipulating them too or Adam isn't actually a bad guy
>that speech Noah gives to his younger self about "listening to yourself"
Gave me the chills.
Absolute fucking kino.
It's cause and effect in the wrong order. Imagine someone kicks a ball back in time and it breaks a window. At the point where the window breaks, no one has kicked the ball yet. but when it gets to the point in time that the ball is kicked, the person that kicked it has no choice, they must kick it, they already did kick it, the furure is affecting the past, the ball will be kicked.
they didn't
on the contrary, it's implied she "adopted" them. she seems to be a nice woman who cares for outsiders.
Holy fucking shit if it turns out after all this that Mikkel actually isn't his dad because Hannah was hoeing through time and space this show will be kino par excellence.
Ines already appeared as a little girl visiting the clock shop. She's the daughter of Egon's partner.
Is Ulrich a "bad" guy?
He's a chad
Nah he is the one that had to suffer the most from all of this shit. Also hat actor was killing it in season one. I was bummed out to see he was barely in this season.
He's a total douche, who likes to troll Egon with one and the same line for a total of 66 years forward and backward
It's weird how they sidelined a lot of characters this season.
Since they seem to have written this one and the third almost back to back, I hope they have more to do in the final season.
Well he saved them from death, remember? The question is, where did they leave Bartosch.
Old Egon is the only slightly humorous character in the show.
Quite a good actor. Shame he is gone.
What was the point of young Claudia making some boy show his peepee?
character development
Wait a minute, that's it! Who's kid is the boy?
Do I need to rewatch Season 1? Feels like I have forgotten everything.
Agnes', he's Ulrich's dad.
He was also ordered by Claudia to aid Peter in disposing the bodies.
plenty of recaps
The woman Claudia's mother is having a lesbian affair with, whose name I forget
Ah, right. Who's the woman that shot Noah?
Aged up Franziska, wasn't it? So his own granddaughter
She looked younger compared to Magnus though?
his sister
That was also Agnes, Noah's sister.
These fucking German names and faces, man....
Is this the show placed in Germany? S01 reminds me too much of my ex because I watched this with her
I'm at episode 3 so far
This poor fucking guy
That was Agnes, Noah's lesbian sister. Mother of Trote, Ulrich's dad and Magnus' grandfather.
>Nah he is the one that had to suffer the most from all of this shit
That will be aegon
He just was a simpleminded peace and justice loving cop in an utterly complicated world
Is it just me, or is midage Egon the most comfy and sad character of the show?
I really fucking like him
Fucking Travelers, get the fuck out of my timeline!!!
What happened in the first season again?
Time-traveling shenanigans
Fuck, he really doesn't deserve any of this
Who is this?
Ulrich's mother, I don't think I saw the middle one yet
Yeah, because you killed him, you fucking cunt.
You post Lynch like you enjoy his content and then write the most retarded post I've seen this month. Fucking pleb scum.
anyone disappointed that the future girl didn't go back? could of been kino
How do you know that she won't be born soon and when she age she'll travel back or she's already traveled back by using the deaf girl's mom info
Apparently that actor has light blue eyes and they gave him contacts that matches Bartosz's eyes.
hannah best girl
I can totally buy him being Bartosz, mainly because it would be funny as fuck if it turned out that Bartosz and his immediate family had the least to do with all of this bullshit.
Still has a ton shit left to explain. How many seasons are they expecting this series to last? There's a multiverse now
Next season is the last one.
Was written almost back to back with this one.
Elizabeth is best. The apocalypse has to be stopped if only so that she is not burned by radiation.
we can only pray netflix doesn't "produce" as much as they usually do, like for other programming
This kind of situations are prevented from happening by Novikov self-consistency principle
>in case it flew past anyone, Noah fucks his granddaughter in the future who gives birth to her own mother.
perhaps that´s part of the paradox that creates new reality instead of timeline when they touch across timeline. And therefore why adam wanted the 'apocalypse'
to happen.
No user. Everything happens as it always happens.
>No user. Everything happens as it always happens.
Yes, so if the parallel reality has already been created, they already did it.. Apocalypse already happened.. they already touched and created the new reality which is what the 'apocalypse' is. and 'paradise' is the new reality caused by this paradox of her touching her own mother which she had given birth to across 2 separate timelines. Is why other reality martha can show up before apocalypse has occured and rescue jonas. The device at end bring to other reality not just simply other timeline
Just how the hell do they plan to get out of the loop, all they do and say is "next decision, i will change it i swear". Adam, Martha, Jonas, all of them.
I don't think they can.
The fact that the notebook that dictates everyone's actions exists and apparently contains the full summation of what Adam is planning.
There's nothing else they can do.
>3rd season ends up with the beginning of the first season, with some slight change hinting possible change
If they do this, i will be soooooo pissed.
a new reality would be outside the time loop of the previous reality.
Which is why adam wants the apocalypse to happen.
So then they would be actually able to change things. OR would they.. hehe
>The fact that the notebook that dictates everyone's actions exists and apparently contains the full summation of what Adam is planning.
Only all actions leading up to apocalypse.
I was thinking... do you think it's possible Jonah isn't Michael's son, given what a fucking whore Hannah is, and stopping Michael's suicide isn't going to delete Jonah?
My guess is that Adam does want to save people....just not everyone. The prophecy was that Paradise would open up with the explosion, but all that happened was Elizabeth being able to save her mother and the people in the whatever happened with Charlotte. I think Paradise is just Adam trying to make sure the people they care about are going to be okay, even if it means fucking everything else over.
Did they do a recap of the story at the beginning? It feels like it's been years since I watched this shit and I don't have time to re-watch the first season.
Not when I started, but you can play a Season 1 Recap in the "extras" section.
Meant Katharina.
I hate paradoxes. It should have a beginning.
Good thing they introduced multiworlds, now that paradox bs is out of the way
Big ending spoiler. Do not read unless you absolutely want to know.
Do you not understand what happens to charlotte? and elizabeth?. They create new reality by touching mother who she herself gave birth to! Across two seaparate timelines.. This IS the apocalypse that adam wanted to occur.. Because he thinks he can use an alternate reality to change the loop or get out of the loop or something like this. And it needed the new timeline by fusing two timelines together in season 1 to access the future one to do this. It´s future timeline and current timeline fused together in an impossible way because she´s touching her own mother whom she herself gave birth to across 2 timelines
This is probably the first time I won't scroll over a spoiler.
As far as I understand it, there's no parallel reality apart from the one introduced in the last episode. The loop they're on have always happened and each traveler caused an event that triggers another event that ultimately leads to the apocalypse. they're lock in the loop. the only other reality is where that dark martha came from
Can't remember shit Yea Forums so you're gonna help me
>Jonas' dad kills himself
>he's Ulrich's son who travelled back in time and didn't know how to come back so he married Hannah who gave birth to Jonas
And that's all I can remember.
>This is probably the first time I won't scroll over a spoiler.
Yes. Very important it is only for those who ALREADY HAVE WATCHED ending of season 2. Because it is explanation of ending. So please do not read it unless you watched ending already, and are confused about wtf happened.
Thats bullshit tho. The present exists as a frame, just like a line is an infinite amount of points lined. If someone went back and killed his younger self, it woudn't be a paradox and wouldn't magically erase himself. It's only a paradox if you believe the line continued or should've continued from that frame onwards. It doesn't, tho, as whats in the present already exists. The problem is travelling back in time of itself while keeping one's bodily matter instead of it going "back" to where it was.
You mean your interpretation. Or is this coming from the writers themselves somehow?
Thats just headcannon. The problem wasn't mother and daughter touching, it was three gates activated at the same time
Oh, see, I meant Katharina when I wrote Charlotte.
>You mean your interpretation. Or is this coming from the writers themselves somehow?
No, do you think the writers are fucking idiots.. ofcourse it doesn´t come from writers, they would never tell it´s my own analysis from how season 2 ended.
Here´s also further explanation of ending from my perspective.. HUGE SPOILER warning again.
Why can´t noah kill adam when he tries to, who does young noah look like?? who was taken in by adam.. And called noah.
So you have in end noah killed. Who is father to charlotte, who is daughter to elizabeth who is her own mothers mother, who touch eachother across two timelines... Causing alternate reality to form. This would not be possible without the split timeline in first season. Where it jumps the 3 (past present and future) to a future one. AND you got martha from another reality showing up at end! just before apocalypse occur..
So it is setup for a VERY interesting 3rd season with many possibilities. And they ofcourse already have planned it like this from beginning.. You see how connected it is to eachother. Which is ofcourse the theme of the whole series..
>three gates
It was five. The chernobyl gate, the cave gate with the little door, Martha's alternate reality gate, Adam's secret lair gate and the hobojonas suitcase gate
I was thinking about the ones at the same place because there is where the only explosion shown happened but maybe the other ones caused strain to time and space and whatnot. Who knows. It just seems very arbitrary and magical for the world to end because they touched.
It´s also obvious why jonas calls himself adam. He´s the first cause of the entire loop, because he was never supposed to have existed in first place!! that´s why it loops because his father is mikkel from another time!
The only way to undo it would be to prevent mikkel from travelling... which they can´t do from within the loop. Since they themselves are part of it. And are tied to adam/jonas somehow which for good reason can´t do it himself he can´t by cause of action make it so he doesn´t himself exist. Therefore they need to make a new reality to break out of it the loop to either modify it or something like this. Which is what 'adam' wants. The whole season 1 and all that happened in it, is necessary to create the situation that happens in end of season 2.. Without that it would not be possible.
>It just seems very arbitrary and magical for the world to end because they touched.
The world didn´t end. Go watch it again. That´s not what the apocalypse meant. But something happened! And it happen exactly when they touch. not before or after.
NO way in H E double hockey sticks am I READING a TV SHOW. FEED ME MORE MCDONALDS AND BRING ME A DUB!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what did they change to create this new reality then? What makes you think the alternate reality wasn't part of the loop from the beginning? What saved Jonas from the apocalypse before they created the alternate reality?
>So what did they change to create this new reality then?
several gates open at same time from different timelines. and charlotte touching across timeline, her daughter in the future who is simultaneously her mother. And charlotte was herself brought to past from future.
It create some kind of reality splitting situation apparently. Which you can see when
martha shows up from another reality to save young jonas from apocalypse, showing that it has already occured. So now they are not only in a multiple timeline loop, but in a loop involving multiple realities and multiple timelines!!
So if you think it was complicated before. It just got more complicated, so season 3 which is the conclusion is going to be pretty darn interesting!
>The world didn´t end
You know what I meant...
>And it happen exactly when they touch
Obviously for artistic purpose. You might say it's because two persons crossed the "same gate" at the same time, that might also be the reason the gate bugged out. There is no reason to believe it's because of the paradox, tho. Considering all the time fuckery that already happened, there is no way this one fuckery would that
What happens in end of season 2?
Basically. Do you remember how adam via noah in season 1 sets up so they fuse past and present to skip to future timeline?
2053 or whatever? Well this allows them to create other feedback loop, much more complicated that happens in end of season 2.. that happen in 2nd season that skip to another reality. Which adam calls paradise, where he think they are able to break the loop and make it to whatever they want.. This is the gate that opens up with light in front of katharina. Hence why he call it paradise. However this shortcircuit skip requires massive destruction of their current reality. With that shockwave. Hence the apocalypse. And why adam says. To make a new forest you burn down the trees.. Because they are stuck in loop in this reality anyways hopelessly.
>There is no reason to believe it's because of the paradox, tho. Considering all the time fuckery that already happened, there is no way this one fuckery would that
Ofcourse it is. BECAUSE..
Elizabeth is charlottes mother and same time her daughter! noah is her father! She was born of her own daughter then brought into another time by noah! So when she touch her own daughter and also her own mother who is her own daughter and mother. Across two timelines.. It creates some kind of immense paradox.
It´s not two i guess more 'random' people touching.. Like in season 1 that caused timeline to future to open up and jump to. This is much different! Also remember who those two were aswell.
So is Jonas Adam or not? They keep saying he is but it somehow feels they're hinting he's not.
I think the guy with eyepatch will be really important the next season. So far we know nothing about him, other than that tranny is his brother.
the shape of her eyes are godlike
Also very importantly creatus sic mundus est means this is how the world was made. So the theme is also that essentially by manipulating timelines, you can create millions of years of effort, and it looks like you did it in 1 second. Like they do with the time machine..
Because past present and future can influence eachother whilst in a closed loop. And now they bring alternate reality into it aswell for season 3. And it was all planned this way from beginning. Which i think is super cool.
>43 years old
I don't see it, why didn't the same thing happen when Charlotte touched her daughter (Elizabeth) before?
Eh sic mundus creatus est, my bad.
what are you implying? she basically looks early forties
I heard there was incest in this. Is there a lot or what
One of the guys fucks his own aunt and one of the women is her own grandmother
>I don't see it, why didn't the same thing happen when Charlotte touched her daughter (Elizabeth) before?
they are both simultaneously eachothers daughter and mother. So when they touch eachother trough the gate from present to 2053 and in that order, with the other gates open aswell.. weird fuckery happens.
It´s not about can´t touch eachother in general. But about them doing so across time, AND having that kind of ouroboros relationship due to the short circuit allowed by the future timeline skip from season 1.
for instance noah can stand next to younger version of himself without problem
is it all in subtitles? season one too?
There is dubs and subs. Strongly recommend subs..
but very beautiful
>by the future timeline skip from season 1
what do you mean by this exactly? there wasn't a general timeline skip, only two people skipped timeline: Young Helge and Young Jonas.
I agree
how the fuck do you guys finish a new series so fast it usually takes me a couple of months
>what do you mean by this exactly? there wasn't a general timeline skip, only two people skipped timeline: Young Helge and Young Jonas.
Wrong. Season 1 ending
created portal to future. 2053 or something.
This was configuration prior to season 1 ending.
So when jonas and helge touch, they end up in 2052 (jonas) and helge ends up in 1986. This allows then to set in motion what occurs in end of season 2. Because they needed two people who simultaneously is daughter and mother to eachother to split to new reality. And create the 'apocalypse' in order to try to get out of the timeline loop
>created portal to future. 2053 or something
but only a temporary portal for a few seconds. after that the portal is closed, Older Jonas even says so in S2 E1, he tells Hannah: your Jonas is in the future and the passage is closed, that's why he can't get back.
Does anyone know if Winden is a real town and if it has seen any tourism thanks to the show?
Same here dude. Sometimes I'll watch one a day, but I'm still trying to finish a number of shows like Hannibal still.
meant for
>Because they needed two people who simultaneously is daughter and mother to eachother to split to new reality. And create the 'apocalypse' in order to try to get out of the timeline loop
what does Jonas going to 2052 and Helge going to 1986 have to do with Charlotte and Elizabeth specifically?
Please don't attach Lynch to your low-IQ posts.
>but only a temporary portal for a few seconds. after that the portal is closed, Older Jonas even says so in S2 E1, he tells Hannah: your Jonas is in the future and the passage is closed, that's why he can't get back.
They need the future reality to set in motion a situation where you have two who are both daughter and mother to eachother, to touch hands across timelines
And they could not do that without the time jump from season 1. Because it was only present and 2 pasts. That was the 3 accessable timelines at that point.
So they needed to jump jonas to future, so he would then jump to the past! Giving them access to the future!!! Which is what happens in end!!
It´s extremely complicated ofcourse and is meant to be.
Made up, but based on a real town. Not in Germany though, in Switzerland
Yeah the facts that he A) uses a made up new name and B) is disfigured beyond any recognition should make the viewer at least be a little doubtful of his identity. Especially since they introduced the new cop character only to focus a lot of time on the identity theft subplot that doesn't really seem to have anything to do with the rest of the story.
I agree with you, they needed Jonas to go to 2052 so he will set the apocalypse in motion, which creates the anti-matter in the first place.
I just disagree with you that it heavily depends on Elizabeth and Charlotte touching.
we're reached a point where you can't go anywhere on the internet without getting spoiled. When platforms release their load in one shot, the onus falls on you not to be spoiled. I would like Netflix to move over to the normal model of weekly release, keep those subs going kind of strategy. Plus having a anticipated weekly viewing pleasure during the week is a good feeling. Additionally, most people on this website are either in school, neets, or wagecucks...lots of free time
>school, neets, or wagecucks...lots of free time
nigga it's the fucking weekend and a season is only 8 episodes.
The jump to 2052 is made possible by the short circuit touch with him and helge, sending helge to 1986 and jonas to 2052. What do you think the shortcircuit in season 2 does
when you understand they are both mother and daughter to eachother!!! It´s obvious what it does since martha from ANOTHER REALITY shows up and saves jonas
Go watch again see what happens..
This could not happen without the 2052 jump!
>most people on this website are either in school, neets, or wagecucks
Leaving you with......?
>What do you think the shortcircuit in season 2 does when you understand they are both mother and daughter to eachother!!!
When you strictly apply the logic of season 1, Charlotte will jump to 2053 and Elizabteh will jump to 2086.
>quoting the spoiler.
You are a fucking idiot you know that right?
Or.. It split a new reality which one of them get jumped to, due to their relationship with eachother.
I just don't see what their relationship would change. They lived in the same home for years without causing any problems.
most normal people dont watch 8 hours of shows in 2 days
lots of time to watch tv/play vidya games
>most normal people dont watch 8 hours of shows in 2 days
They do nowadays
If you like Lynch you should like this series
hannah did nothing wrong
>mfw Everytime Adam says "apocalypse" in the German language
They did before too, just not of the same show and you had to fight over the channel with your family.
Wrong. Adam already has device that can send him to ANY TIME HE WANTS!!! who knows what timelines he has been in. Or why he change his name to ADAM.. but no matter which timeline he goes he and the others are stuck in the loop!!! so he need to gate to a new alternate reality which he call paradise, to stop the loop! That´s his idea.. You can also see adam is so worn and torn cause he jump so many times that his body is destroyed.. WHERE HAS HE BEEN.. probably all over timelines in the reality in which they area stuck in loop in. Martha comes from different reality than one they are in. Showing that they successfully made a gate to another reality (the apocalypse), or she could not come, and she has device that is able to cross not just time but other realities. Which again creates massive problems, because she apparently need jonas from another reality than hers to try to help fix whatever situation that has caused.
Why is Jonas all scarred and shit?
>I just don't see what their relationship would change.
You don´t seem to understand their relationship.
they are both mother to eachother, and daughter to eachother if i understand it correctly. She had charlotte with noah.. And same time elizabeth is charlottes child. So when they touch eachother one from future the other from present.. well?
This is why charlotte suggests herself that somehow this is about her.. who are her parents??
Why won't he?
>Why is Jonas all scarred and shit?
adam claims to be jonas
He jump to many different timelines which destroy the body if you jump sufficient amount of times. Shows that he has jumped who knows how many times. To try to sort all this shit out and just made it worse and worse each time..Probably thousands upon thousands upon thousands of times he has gated.
Claudia is the worst fucking character and all of her actresses are shit.