Ohhohohoho Nononono


>Imagine being a people who hold a grudge against another country for actively starting a surprise war in your country and committing what is perceived as war crimes whose effect is felt for years after the fact.

>imagine STILL preferring that country's cinematic offerings over cgi feminism

Based chinks know what's up.

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wtf did they do to bo peep?

>suddenly sino-japan war
Kys incel

How is spirited away also not sjw feminism shit?

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>porcelain Rey

Why do you think it is?

>it’s ok for something to be SJW so long as Disney isn’t doing it

You’re talking to idiots with no real principles or convictions. It’s all about sticking it to one company for personal bugman reasons and not saving culture and media.
Just look at how many faggots on this board rode Detective Pikachu’s cock despite it being just as pozzed and anti-white as any Disney film.

>why isn't she a damsel in distress or just a background character REEEEEEE

Asia needs to shake of these western supremacy propaganda for good. When's the last time the west ever put Asian people in a good light? Never.

Made her stonk. Don't you see that "tough but not really" sour puss look on her face, user?! She means business.

If women were strong they wouldn't need told they were & shilled for constantly. It would just be the way.

How the fuck is spirited away sjw? Because the main character is female?

But she wasn't even that in TS1, she was a voice of reason for Woody. That design screams muh strong womyn.

All Redditzaki movies are left wing and shitty.

Even if he is a leftist, he is a leftist from 1960s Japan.

He’s literally no different from a 21st century Californian sjw.

The kind of mental gymnastics people use to overlook and ignore sjw crap from non-white and non-American sources never ceases to amaze me.

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>He’s literally no different from a 21st century Californian sjw.
How do his movies reflect that?

She was never that in Toy Story, you fucking idiot.

>she should just remain a voice of reason and in the background like any other female doll not named Jesse REEEE

>Women can't be background characters

Left wing views maybe but they are still good movies. Even if there is a 'strong' women character it is always more genuine and sincere with some level of character growth. Not to mention the presence of decent strong male characters to counterbalance the female protagonist who collaborates with them to achieve mutual goals. Western movies which push stonk women MCs are always obnoxious and in your face about. In Ghibli films the female protag is incidental to the plot not exceptional.

The Jew fears the samurai

If a movie is left wing then it can’t be a good movie by default.
Spare me your essays, reddit.

How do his movies reflect 21st century Californian SJW beliefs?

Its more of the issue being the women don't act like women.
They act like Men with Vaginas.

>this is the same whitoid male nerd who will cry about white male genocide if a white male isn't constantly a hero

lmao fuck off

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Where does this happen?

Your day's coming, Jew.

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Oh shut the fuck up, Quartering.

>them "Come to bed" eyes.
damn Bo Peep got sexy.

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That's not true at all though.

environmentalism isnt part of a left wing ideology in Japan, its literally a part of their religion

Dang I kinda wanna fuck her face real bad