>movie set in the future
>currency is still centralized
Movie set in the future
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is great, no central agency can stop our transactions!
>whoops, someone just stole $40m from an exchange
>fight a world war to centralize banking
>let some nerds ruin your monopoly
good luck
Ok but can I buy bread and milk with it
>litteraly useless unless you're beg a bank to exchange them for dollars
yes, all you have to do is download the milk and bread
>$2.38 fee
>took 15minutes
lol yeah na
>monthly stories about exchanges losing money/stolen
>cry government isn't locking them up instantly
>p-please invent in our fake currency!
Hello Yea Forums
I'm writing a script set about 150 years into the future but am having a hard time creating a realistic way that money will word, now I'm assuming it will be a global, digitised currency. But how the hell would people pay for food at a restaurant or something?
What is a hardware or paper wallet?
nice damage control, NSA
"I'll let you have a go at my wife if you make me those scrambled eggs Abdul"
yeah and dollars are literally useless unless you find someone to exchange them for wares
call them Credits and be done with it
It's not really a currency if the value fluctuates so wildly that a dollar might be worth ten thousand dollars today then ten dollars tomorrow.
Also, that transaction was probably someone buying his own bitcoins at a high value to manipulate it.
The true power of bitcoin indeed.
>exchanging cash for goods and services is the hard part in 2019
well luckily there's an entire economy based on that very principle
crypto seems interesting but too full of creepy libertarians at this point
Everyone accepts dollars tho at least for now.
>still shilling for bitcoin
>people commiting suicide when the value drops
>having to worry daily what you can buy with that bitcoin
>people hoard coin and aren't using bitcoin as a currency for goods
>just cash out for actual US $
t. retard who fell for muh crypto currency maymay
Answer the questions and prove the statements wrong then, saying 'damage control' doesn't do as much as you might think.
You'd be surprised how many places take bitcoin.
>15 minutes for a transaction
>buttcointards unironically think this is good performance
the absolute, final state of blockchain brainlets
No exchange will let you cash that amount out. So you're stuck with $400,000,000 that you can only buy Yea Forums passes and private tracker seed points with.
it's good we have our rock solid gold standard backed currency bros
What can i buy with bitcoins?
>bragging about a 400 million dollar exchange that literally NO ONE noticed
kind of pathetic
>there people on this board right now discussing capeshit and netflixshit who have no idea what is Chainlink
fuck man
A single point of failure.
Can't have buttcoin without drug-induced paranoia.
You’re literally required by law in the US to accept dollars as payment for ANY debts. It’s also convenient that literally 95% of the world will also accept it due to the first fact creating inherent value
>nobody actually use it to buy anything
Instant confirmation, 15 minutes transfer. Do you think when you pay with a credit card the vendor has your money immediately?
Bitcoin is not meant for everyday transactions.
And 15 minutes means only one block or two, so it's an hour for a transaction.
lol retarded miners who do not take into account the cost of electricity
>app shit
>needs 2 vendors working together
>merchant only accepts because they get $ value instantly
Other places took crypto but lost money on transaction times
This. Every bitcoin apologist flat out LIES. BTC is not a currency, period. Anyone who disputes that, please show with example how to convert arbitrary amounts of BTC into USD. Yeah. Not possible. Meanwhile i can convert 100bn yen in USD without any problem other than regulatory red tape, which at these amounts can be handled easily.
I am sure criminals and terrorists are happy about this.
crypto was interesting 10 years ago when it wasn't an obvious massive pump and dump scam. I remember people buying thousands of dollars worth of BTC back when they were worth pennies. These people are running the most humongous fleecing operation in the history of mankind right now.
>bitcoin will burst again
fucking based
the owrst part about bitkuks is that you do not even know when the transaction will end
>Do you think when you pay with a credit card the vendor has your money immediately?
What 3rd world country do you live in?
It's all instant shit these days. I even got a refund before the docket had printed at the store (phone notification)
i'm sure there are some bugmen buying bugmen-drugs with them somewhere
>implying the #1 currency used by criminals isn't the USD
>libcucks actually want a future that looks like this
Meanwhile, how many transaction does Visa handle per day? 150 million? Almost 2000 transactions per second? Blockchain is a steaming pile of shit, the steam being the CO2 emissions for absolutely pointless calculations. Those calculations aka proof of "work" is what bitcointards UNIRONICALLY call the inherent value of the "currency". There should be a word like "pitymusement" for these dumb fucks.
So why is it going up again?
rent free
>our currency has value
Yes. Implying exactly that.
it isn't actually instant. everyone just pretends that it is
>you are a libcuck if you don't want mexican cartels and islamic terrorists to have an easier life
150 years is giant leap. The way they do it in the future we cant even comprehend much like some dude in the 1800's would predict that we could just move our phone over the compirer and pay for it.
I guess it would just be tracked. No actual movement, handing of money. I would go in a store take whatever, no talking, and then leave, and then it would be taken out of my account or paycheck.
>400 million
Did you attend a special needs school?
>retards not understanding that actual mass acceptance and adoption of bitcoin would tank its worth to be in line with literally every other major currency, and that its inflated value is 99% speculation
People will pump literal who company shares like 400x their book value on “holding” companies that only exist on paper in order to trick noob investors into squandering fiat on worthless investments that aren’t tied to any real-world value (goods or services), but we’re supposed to believe bitcoin is different? No SEC regulation, no accountability, all completely decentralized and anonymous? If you bought in when it was
currency has value when people agree that it does.
Literally more value than fiat has.
You can always tell them about it at recess
>$400,000,000 monopoly money
>muh zeroes
I paid my student loan and medical debt with profit from investments in bitcoin, and I still have plenty left over. Enjoy your inflationary fiat currency.
You guys realize Bitcoin is literally just the populations internet history and shit they have on their PCs being distributed around right?
ya boilin' like the simp mark you are
drugs and terrorism are based so thank you very much
>some random middleman merchant grubbing for %
lol okay
Chip and pin coming along well over there right? LOL
What use is a currency that fluctuates like Bitcoin? What use is a currency when you can't buy stuff with it?
I get the Bitcoin as a speculation object but it's far from useful
What's going on with her chest.
>student loan and medical debt
having this in the first place
i'm from poland and even here exchanging bitcoin is not a problem, took me like 15 minutes.
Why do bootlicking leftists still support central banking?
get a clue
Wrong. Your mistake: Thinking inherent value is the only "real" value in the market, while value assigned by social construct is what drives currencies. When a lot of people accept and deal with a medium of payment, value is thus established. Bitcoin does not have that kind of value. The USD has it. Bitcoin's pseudo "value" derives from scarcity-by-design, which is pretty much bullshit, only preventing the most trivial of inflation scenarios, while having no means to counter deflation (bitcointards do not even appreciate the scope of trouble deflation introduces), and "proof of work", which is basically socially constructed, albeit without consequence and without broad acceptance of the populace.
Your knowledge about how currencies work: Zero.
It's like 10 years old. Give it time.
>go to shops to buy something
>my bitcoin has lost $120
>wow can't wait for it to gain $500 amirite LOL
>the normies still don't know
holy shit we are getting filthy rich, boys
>what use is a thing i know nothing about
i furnished two apartments using bitcoin money that i now rent out for profit. you dumb dinosaurs deserve your extinction
have sex
ITT: zoomers have NO IDEA how
Nothing new really, but plenty to laugh at
exchanging worthless coins into worthless zloty
>BTC is not a currency, period
Crypto is a commodity with artificial scarcity and no inherent value. The minute there's anything resembling an international monetary crisis and it's impossible to cash out to fiat, hodlers are going to squeal like stuck pigs that their assets are useless and they can't get their money back.
also this
>I'm in debt
>Feels superior to other people
better hope your country wins with chinks in world domination contest otherwise your currency will become useless
Eventually all the crazy currencies we currently have in our anarchy economy with zero backing behind them are going to completely destablize the global economy and lose all value leading to massive violence and unrest that will take decades to quell, and thereafter they'll have to reinvent and implement a "Gold backed" style of currency that is controlled and actually has something back it. So in 150 years we're more likely to have a singular mono currency (credits) that will be backed by goods and services than the anarchy cash market we're currently entering.
Linkies still holding eh?
/biz/ lmao, thanks for reminding me that board exists. Literally created as a containment board for crypto autists who made constant threads on /g/ back then. I remember people shoving things up their ass in hopes to be sent bitcoins, then someone just made a compilation of all the timestamped photos. My ass is in there with a pen in it. Those were the days.
gain height
The market is going to dump soon, brainlet.
>Take 15 minutes to move 400 million dollars
>It's only worth 4 million by the time it arrives
>tfw trade crypto
>tfw make more in a trade than most wagecucks earn in months
>mfw spend the entire day shitposting, playing videogames and getting high
Reading sure is hard isn't it?
boiling lad
Bitcoin is literally just a way for foreign drug producers to get USD into their pocket by connecting themselves to local distributors in the US who will buy drugs worth fuck-all in the 3rd world country with untraceable currency. Once the drugs are sold, they’ll pocket the physical cash.
comprehension if harder it seems
Price of bitcoin is up to $10k after it's "dip" to like $3k and it's only going to go up until it dips again
You have to realize at some point that a resource that is artificially scarce will reach a certain price, and when there are less bitcoins than actual bars of gold on earth, that price is going to be considerably high, should people decide it has any value of course
>things that never happened
rent free
Yeah, you should work on it.
Have sex.
I don't agree bitcoin has value. What now?
USD has lost like 99% of its value. Venezuelan bolívar has lost like 99% of its value in 2 years.
>Your knowledge about how currencies work
BTC is not meant to be a traditional currency.
go pay your debts while I enjoy free healthcare and free education
best thread on Yea Forums atm
What happened in 1980???
What is gab? What is Mastodon? Who is this?
I dont agree paper money has any value, but other people do
You don't matter if a large sum of people does, and normies are gullible as fuck and have no idea how bitcoin works so it might as well be real money 10 years from now
Especially with every megacorp mining shitcoins out of its users (ie Facebook now has an altcoin)
150 years in the future we'll most likely be a post scarcity species that doesn't have a use for currency as there's unlimited goods and services.
How did it turn into a massive pump and dump scam?
Pretty easy if you're not tarded.
I don't agree the United states dollar has value. What now?
US went into wars again
Poorfag cope
I order once a month a high class 10/10 escort to fugg.
>pay exorbitant taxes for it
>it's free
>the market is good unless it doesn't what I want then it's bad
A reminder when crypto starts leaking out of /biz/,
it usually means we're in for a bull run or a market collapse.
>post scarcity species
I don't have any debts. Also I live in a country with "free" healthcare and "free" education as well.
>My ass is in there with a pen in it.
Because it's not traceable and you can offload MASSIVE amounts of money fast
Flunctuations don't really matter because the people that offload such amounts have the power to keep the flunctuations in the stock market secret while their trading is underway
It's one of the biggest money laundering schemes on earth right now, which is why the only people keeping it alive are megacorporations currently
I'm still holding all of mine till 50% and then selling 25, hbu
>normies are that sceptical about btc in 2019
imagine when they come running for alts
>not traceable
Bitcoin is traceable.
To be honest if someone's moving 400 million dollars that's the kind of transaction I would like there to be done oversight for
How many loafs of bread can I buy with this?
Unless you’re pocketing the profits and cashing them out, and haven’t lost any of your principal, you’re full of shit. There’s no way you saw any of the sell offs or pumps coming, because nobody did.
post a redacted, timestamped copy of your bank statement
Reaganomics. Cutting the tax of the highest income brackets while putting the brunt of most costs on lower and middle class.
kek, i dare you to post it
This cycle is so tiresome
>lmao *coin is dead
>starts gaining value
>it'll dip
>value increases exponentially
>people panic buy at high
>people with an actual knowledge of what a market is sell
>people realize they can't really do anything with bitcoin other than hold
>value inevitably drops
>USD has lost like 99% of its value.
Wow, dude, gold sure has devalued a lot, then.
we're going to the moon boys
>global, digitised currency
That's a bit optimistic.
Politics will be just as complicated as now. No country will give up their identity that easily. Competition will always exist, whether it be from outside (China, Russia, India) or within (Muslims, Asians, Mexicans)
Plus what if a solar storm erases everyone's economies?
Sounds like you want to violate the NAP there, bud
Trickle Down Economics™ courtesy of Reagan
Dumb take because bitcoin is traceable.
It's actually 1970 and see:
OK now go back to 1850
Nazi twitter
...as opposed to a currency. Which bitcoin then, for all practical purposes, is not.
If there was oversight we'd immediately see it was some guy buying his own coin to pump up the values so he can scam coinlets into buying his worthless scam currency.
>lost value
How? Relative to fucking what? The price of gold? A Big Mac was $4 10 years ago, it’s $4 now. I could get a gallon of gas for $4 10 years ago, now it’s half that. In b4 gas doesn’t have value, because of course it doesn’t if you’re a NEET that has nowhere to go outside his mom’s basement.
>what is mastodon
If you have to ask this, dont bother with *coin threads, you clearly don't even go to at least /g/, nevermind other shit
Kill yourself you brain dead leftist.
Trickle down economics is a leftist strawman argument and Reagan was a massive interventionist.
The small tax cuts Reagan put in have nothing to do with your poverty today.
>No country will give up their identity that easily.
No country would but nations have ceased existing. The world is owned and run by a few rootless billionaires/trillionaires who have no ties to countries.
>don’t agree it has value
So you don’t accept USD for your work or what?
>sending from wallet to wallet is trading
so it's true what they say, Yea Forums IS the dumbest board
>not having stash of krugerrands walled up for SHTF scenario
Good luck trying to bribe someone pointing a gun at you with buttcoins
>10 years ago
10 years ago it was 2009, I understand you've lived for 20 years or less but try to consider at least
Superconductivity, space mining and fusion power would basically make goods and services so cheap that they'd be free. The value of human individuals simply liking your product is worth the literal $0.000000000000000000000001 it costs to produce and provide that good and service to them.
Sure I do, but only because I can buy gold with it
reagan busted up the unions and handed the country to the rich
Income and wealth inequality don't even fucking matter.
It's a useless statistic.
Reagan's policies we're barely even implemented.
To blame our economy's failure on him while ignoring central banking is hilariously wrong and a whitewash.
>Treating exchanges as banks.
>busted up the unions
Thats a good thing dummy
The only good thing Reagan did too, considering he fucked everyone over with central banking and interventionism in the middle east
Fuck unions, they did absolutely nothing to help the working class, they're just labour cartels.
Reminder that if you've bought Bitcoin at any time in history, excluding exactly 14 weeks of it, you are in the green
Gold is a proof of work currency
Bottle caps.
43,000 bitcoin were stolen today in a single transaction.
That's $400,000,000 stolen for a $2.38 fee that took about 15 minutes.
No government, bank or third party verified the transaction nor could they have prevented this theft.
The true power of bitcoin,
The dollar hasn't been gold backed since 1971
You're right. The trickle down will never actually happen
And if you look at when the dips first happened it's when the first attempts to cut the dollar off from gold first started
Completely removing the gold standard was the final nail in a very large coffin
Central banking has been in France for 300 years compared to only 100 years in the US. The central bank of France was also controlled by both more jews and longer by Jews than the one in the US.
Yet the income disparity in France isn't close to as bad as in the US.
It's reaganomics user.
i'll wait.
brainlet on basic economics here. Any good books to gain a decent understanding?
What does productivity on this chart even mean?
The Art of the Deal by Donald "God Emperor" Trump
Based as fuck.
This is the accurate take on Reagan.
>The trickle down will never actually happen
You're right.
That's why we need to support cutting taxes for everyone while also cutting spending, cutting regulations and ending the federal reserve.
Reagan didn't do any of this shit but you brainlet leftists love to strawman him as some free market guy, because you're easily brainwashed.
>income disparity in France isn't as close to as bad as in the US
Because French are borderline commies at this.point with their redistribution
you can see all the protests about it too, yellow jackets and whatnot
Redistribution will never work, fuck the poor
In the future, currency will be replaced by information. People will sell megabytes of gigabytes of data in exchange for services and commodities. Cheap every day items such as artificial coffee powder and protein gelatin can be bought using surveys and opinions, while more expensive things such as nylon jumpsuit replacements and goggle charges will be bought using knowledge and memories. Know how a car engine works or have a memory about what real fruit once tasted like? You can sell it! Trade an essay you once read about history for a hydro cube, let go of a memory about walking on grass in exchange for a few Dispoz-Guns. Data will be valued based on size, use, and exclusivity in a highly volatile self regulating digital market. Something big that few people know, such as a trade patent recipe or government secrets can be used to buy entire new habitat pods and such.
Also in the future suicide will be legalized, but so will recreational execution, in a controlled setting. The latter covers the logistical maintenance costs of the former. Television, literature, and video games will all blend into some VR blob of entertainment handcrafted to your individual tastes based on your personal Bezos AI and propaganda will be so seamless and subtle that you'll adopt ZOG issued beliefs and think you came up with them on your own. Heterosexuality will require a permit to maintain. Retarded indentured servants will be born in clone pods 32 at a time and if you see one that looks like you, it's probably because your great grandpa signed over his DNA rights doing a 23andme.
Read mises, Hayek and rothbard
Ignore any keynesian like Paul Krugman.
Also ignore any marxist or MMT brainlet.
The average French person is poorer than the average American, lol. Sounds like this "reaganomics" is pretty good.
salty bits and milky coins
Atlas Shrugged by Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum
And after the transaction finished $350,000,000 of bitcoin was transferred
Keep waiting and wagecucking, on second thought I don‘t want you to know about the IRL money cheat called crypto trading.
and without them wages have been frozen for the last 40 years while people have worked harder for ever
Bitcoin and Philosophy by Nick Land
>It's reaganomics user.
Imagine being this brainwashed and dumb enough to think money equals consumer goods.
If you took all of the rich's money it would just result in massive price increases and shortages because the working class basically receive 99% of all consumer goods anyway.
Reagan barely did anything yet he's your convenient strawman argument.
>calls other people brainlets
>makes the same arguments as all the lobbyist for the fortune 500 companies
you will lose whatever peanuts you have gained, clueless little man.
>books made of paper
i was stacking pallets in a warehouse from 2014 to 2017
made 600k dollars from shitcoins in 2017
>frozen for the last 40 years
They haven't at all. They have risen dramatically in China.
I like how every "in the future" prediction starts off with information that betrays zero understanding of any current technology.
Me on the right
Wages have stagnated because the USA has gotten LESS economically productive and is only sustaining itself due to the fact it has the world reserve currency.
If the entire country was unionized and got higher wages it would simply result in higher prices and everyone would be in the same position as before.
Have over 500GB on my ebooks/audiobooks folder friendly autist
>cash out stocks
>get all my dollars because I'm not a retard and the account is tax exempt
>cash out all my meme coins
>get half
>chinaman looks after the rest for me
>IRS man appears
isn't crypto trading just normal trading but with cryptocurrencies?
The super rich all argue against what I am saying and support the leftist idea of central banking and regulations that fuck over their smaller competitors.
Lick more boots faggot.
power to the people...
The correlation doesn't match. The disentanglement of the lines were happening way before Nixon did what he did. At best you can said it was the catalyst but even that it is dubious.
Speculators market ruined crypto and it's potential for it to be a proper currency.
... uh
Ey yo you rassist cracka support apartid? Awe hell no!
*Bang bang bang*
Or shareholders would be forced to take in less profits. Social dumping only works precisely coz other parts of the world aren't unionized/organized as the labour in the West.
im so happy that im done with crypto.
I bought cardano right before it was listed on coinmarketcap
made a lot of money (700k) and dropped crypto.
Never going back to that trading shill madness full of idiotic indians.
I already made millions, the 2017 bubble was awesome.
Now in the next bubble I will 10x my millions.
i'll stick to my stocks, thanks
income inequality does matter you fucking retard, google "gini coefficient". it probably the best predictor of overall crime rates out there. inequality causes crime not poverty.
Yes, however it's far more risky and unpredictable than trading conventional stocks.
stop larping
you make a fool out of yourself
Yikes, and when do you plan on reading all those 5 trillion words?
Speculators ruined everything they get their hands on.
>inequality causes crime
There are hundreds of factors causing crime, including genetics
But try to place it all on income
>it probably the best predictor of overall crime rates out there
I can think of a better one...
Wow, you mean we can go back in time to the 1800s where every bank made their own currency and they went out of business and we had confusing exchanges and the value of money changed rapidly for little or no reason?
You know how this ends. Blockchain just gets picked up by governments and your stupid retard lolbertarian idea goes away again. And thank god
>when you are too poor to start investing and trading
Most is reference material, if you read 1 book on networking you've read the first 3 chapters of them all
Like 1GB of all of that is actual fiction etc, most are work related and/or economics audiobooks that take a rather large space
For instance right now I'm reading chapter 7 of practical packet analysis, I skipped the first 6 because I already have the knowledge contained therein
Yea and inequality is one of the biggest factors. Hell other than crime, it has a lot of impact on other social ills.
Entire governments back dollars, pesos, euros, what have you. The only people backing bitcoin are criminals and Silicon Valley nerds. Get it brainlet?
>where every bank made their own currency and they went out of business and we had confusing exchanges and the value of money changed rapidly for little or no reason?
Replace bank with government.
>Blockchain just gets picked up by governments and your stupid retard lolbertarian idea goes away again
Why would that happen?
Sure, but it's mostly because of people's perception on what inequality is
For instance, I make $3k a month, and monthly costs are $1k at most (adjusted for dollars, actually euros)
Should I care that some people make $100 million a month?
Government can shoot or jail people for not playing ball unlike banks.
tomorrow you have to go wagecucking
Entire governments collapse. Hard stores of value persist.
investing in stocks is for when you have too much capital to reinvest into your business anyway, you can't influence the direction of a company of which you own a very small slice in the same way that you can a business that you operate - the return on investment is also much more lucrative with small sums of money, assuming you have the cranial capacity to head a successful business.
Based PayPal.
That is what the GINI coefficent is for, it is meant to objectively measure inequality instead of your brainlet hypothetical.
>Should I care that some people make $100 million a month?
Sure if 50% of the people make 3k a month or less.
All the more reason for crypto.
i will also have sex with my gf tomorrow while you will jerk of to 2d fags
>retards still didn't figure out that BTC is digital gold
Ah, so you're implying it's a materialistic 0 sum game and people can only be happy through money or other materials?
If the US government collapsed tomorrow (not happening), no one would take your fucking Bitcoin anyways. Buy gold or something, don't be a fucking retard.
Blockchain gets picked up by government so they can make digital currency that can't be counterfeit.
Why are lolbertarians so fucking stupid? I just don't understand how you function.
>his gf is is a old wrinkly fat sack of cellulite
>I will continue ordering fresh 18yo pussy to my mansion while this loser wagecucks for 50 years LMAO
That's a lot of child porn
>If the US government collapsed tomorrow
They would take your gold. Bitcoin would go up.
>has millions of $
>doesn't get younger than 18
Enjoy your used up pussy
seeing all the normies here be clueless about crypto is a good sign. means we are still early adopters, not even other boards are aware of how shit works. buy now if you wanna make it before you kys when you find out you could of been rich down the line.
>made $500k in crypto
>still no gf
>money is just paper with a number
I say this from time to time in conversations when someone mentiones money. Usually people ignore such things but in this case they always get irrationally angry. I don't get it. How can someone just think differently about money than just worthless paper other people give you goods for?
>Blockchain gets picked up by government so they can make digital currency that can't be counterfeit.
So what? Why would a government making a crypto currency make Bitcoin go away? Half the point of crypto currencies is less centralisation.
It is not about whether people are happy or not, fuck that liberal nonsense. It is about how inequality affects and impacts other social ills. I don't give a fuck if everyone is happy or not, but whether crime and other shit like mental illness and alienation is happening.
No coz sometimes some people need to get shot or sent to jail for fucking shit up
how does one even get crypto money?
How is $ different?
What you mean?
exchanges, otc
>buy now if you wanna make it before you kys when you find out you could of been rich down the line.
truth is the normalfags will never do this, at best they will put in 100 bucks and then sell low.
they are just risk averse cucks who can't handle money.
if you don't have like 80k RIGHT NOW in crypto you won't make it in the coming bullrun to 280k.
>it is about how inequality affects...
I just told you, that is people's perception if inequality
If you weren't braindead you'd realize this works in your favor too, since you're most likely a commie and communism only works if people are ok with being broke and starving because they're content with what they have
not even remotely true dipshit. get your facts right before posting dumb dumb
The fuck? Deregulation and tax cuts are literally what they argue all the fucking time.
Who is licking boots here?
do i have to suck dick to get it or something? where do you go to get it?
go to bitstamp
buy bitcoin with debit card
make account on binance
send bitcoin from bitstamp wallet to binance wallet
buy chainlink
wait 18 months
you just x1000 your money
Thank you friends, lots to think about
>market cap: $600 million
There are literally index-listed stocks that have come and gone within 5 years that have larger caps than that. No sane, smart person put their money into them, and only the inside holders or someone’s spider actually put a stake in them. You bet I’m laughing at you retards thinking you’ll “make it” off a shitcoin.
>just go buy some obscure shitcoin
seeing all the cryptocucks blinded by greed is a good sign. means we haven't extracted enough of their money, like taking candy from a baby. keep "playing the market" until there is no more blood to pull from the stone, this is your ONLY chance to "make it" and there are absolutely ZERO other (((options))).
praise kek fellow magapedes, we will all ascend.
>I just told you, that is people's perception if inequality
And I already told, GINI coefficient is an objectively way to measure inequality and has shown to have correlation to social ills. This is happening over different countries regarding over their perception. You are literally feels > reals right now, libcuck.
>you're most likely a commie and communism only works if people are ok with being broke and starving because they're content with what they have
Could watch Avatar with this level of projection.
there's a reason why jewelry is an alloy
>objective way
You keep saying that, but it is based on a biased reasoning
Many things also *seem* to have correlation to social ills and also are not objective
ancap tech realist
Just bought pic related with bitcoins
thanks, you just confirmed we're early adopters
>Decade old """""currency"""""
>Isn't used to buy goods and services
>it's only worth is from speculation
How do shitcoiners rationalize this ?
>thousands of posts like these
>not one person ever even screencaps a bank account number or anything remotely believable to back it up
Nobody can steal that money if you post a timestamped photo of your computer showing your bank website or digital wallet balance, so don’t even bother arguing that’s the case.
i don't know what any of that means
>You’re literally required by law in the US to accept dollars as payment for ANY debts.
Nigger this doesn't mean shit if they expect you to pay up front
screencap your post and save it please
i beg you, do it
>US dollar
>government issued
>400kk moved in 15 minutes
So by the time they are deposited they're already 350kk
>>not one person ever even screencaps a bank account number or anything remotely believable to back it up
Fuck off IRS I wasn't born yesterday
>bank account number
I meant balance amount. Oops. Whenever I see actual realistic posts it’s some NEET that’s hodling like $1-3k thinking he’s gonna be nigger rich
call them coin
im sorry you may be too retarded to make it
It's a waste of time, user. Anyone can just inspect element and change their balance.
>You keep saying that, but it is based on a biased reasoning
Which you have yet to prove otherwise other than gripping about other people's personal perception of inequality.
>Many things also *seem* to have correlation to social ills and also are not objective
Sure and the existence of other factors that affects these social ills would not magically absolve inequality from being part of the problem too. But the unique thing is inequality is correlated to almost all social ills.
>ancap tech realist
The most liberal bullshit there is.
>all these LARP posts
for what purpose?
>the illustration is a bunch of rocks and trees
carter. regan wasnt even elected till the end of the year, and sworn in the next.
what's a chainlink
its actually all crypto chads who made it who like laughing about wagecucks like you.
denial posts and calling them Larp makes their dicks even harder.
haha, yeah... so true
Of course i do, satan.
realistically how much would i need to invest to make a good amount from some kind of crypto if i got lucky
>easy to counterfeit
Anyone with a $10 Reagant test and a sharp knife can prove if it’s real gold or not brainlet
where were all the cryptocucks when their "market" was in shambles for the past year LMAO
Wew, not gonna go back to barter trade you communist fucks. Fuck off chapotp trap house.
around 2k dollars into chainlink and hold for a couple years.
will unironically make you a millionaire.
>Movie set in future
>Communism hasn't won
I mean I get suspension of disbelief but this is just ridiculous.
>yet to prove
Well, inequality implies some sort of injustice, "not equal"
The paretto principle implies that 20% of the people produce 80% of the products, so the other 80% have no claims to that 20%'s wealth
Of course, the paretto principle is also heavily biased and doesn't take all factors in consideration, because all those principles cannot take into account the entire scope and range of human and market interactions, by mere perception, no need to actually prove it
They are an abstraction, and when taken as rule can only cause harm
>is only gold coated on the outside and inside is worthless scrapmetal
wow your test worked so gud
>where were all the cryptocucks
Which ones? The smart ones were accumulating.
its a thing that will make blockchain useful and coupe days ago got confirmed to be used by google itself. pic related
in a nutshell - blockchain is like super advanced highway of data, but the problem now is that it is closed down loop, there is no path to go on in from the outside, no way to put in real world data that would make it actually useful, chainlink changes that, its a link between real world data and blockchain, it will save industries hundreds of billions of dollars, will be the start of 4th industrial revolution, will make people lose jobs, will start the AI revolution - and its main community is autist neets on /biz/
>bitcoin is literally made up currency which has value based on people willing to accept it as currency
This shit kind of blows my mind, how does this from currency even start? Then get to the point of being worth actual money?
now they shill to you and your wagecuck loser ass will buy their bags.
>m-muh accumulation
fuck off incel
>where were all the cryptocucks when their "market" was in shambles for the past year LMAO
I dunno what the fuck you talking about I bought in at 300usd/btc
>any sort of material is made up currency which has value based on people willing to accept it as currency
see read through it and you will understand why.
or don't and wagecuck the next 50 years.
More real than US funny money
Literal P&D, brilliant. Truly the currency of the future.
Unironically shilling
>what are stablecoins
>Well, inequality implies some sort of injustice, "not equal"
Suck it up buttercup. What you feel about the word is irrelevant to the conversation, let alone the reality of the situation.
>The paretto principle implies that 20% of the people produce 80% of the products, so the other 80% have no claims to that 20%'s wealth
A vague statistical model created by someone to narrow down factors' weigh age over a certain effect doesn't become a rule of law to obey or worse to enforce. Feels > Reals.
You still haven't told me how is the measurement of inequality, GINI coefficient is biased.
Sounds like something to do with renting horse stables
statement is wrong, because exchange is not bitcoin. You can still get your home robbed, it means bad security on your side.
Because inequality isn't real you brainlet
Half the world or more also believes in the afterlife, grow up and try to be objective
Your feefees about how much Disney makes doesn't wish into reality a statistical model that can gauge what the chances are you snap and murder everyone when the next capeshit releases and you can't pay for it
keep wagecucking boomer
money isn't your thing
Correct. Currencies of the future will be horse stable backed.
If you’re fucking paying for shit in GOLD, one of two things will occur
>buyer does a “bite test” on every bit of coin or buillon
>the gold will not be physical but given out in ETF form where people’s entire lives are devoted to ensuring its purity
Unless we’re talking about millions of kilos, or some grifter passing off small amounts of counterfeit to retards, it’s virtually impossible to counterfeit
sorry i'm too dumb to understand any of that. it's like a foreign language to me
see and thats why Crypto is much better, dont need to bite your harddrive to figure out if its real BTC.
>being this retarded
bitcoin is like gold not dollar, comparison is not fair.
at this point it's no longer a viable currency but a valuable asset, that's why so many other alt coins spawned (a lot of which are worth way more than dollars)
dont need to understand it to get rich from it
must suck to be a brainlet.
Remember the millennials who spent $30k on graphics cards in order to farm bitcoin?
Not gonna fall for this scam again.
*posts proof*
>hurr durr WHaT iS inSpeEcT eLeMeNT? hurrrr
Literally drugs, cp, and human trafficking primed the pump. The Jews and NEETs (both as consumers and investors driving the price) did the rest. No but really the only reason it ever took off was Silk Road and degenerate fiends.
>le reddit asterisks
>le ebin "one letter in high case, one in lower case"
Really trustworthy.
>bunch of kids larping becuase they made 10$ after traiding for several hours
that's the height of black achievement you're talking about
tomorrow is wagecucking 9 hours a day for you lmao
meanwhile pic related my profits from yesterday.
Okay, as some other guy said people were willing to post timestamped pics of their ass with shit stuffed in it. You’re telling me not one of these LARPers is gonna post a timestamped photo of anything they actually fucking BOUGHT? Not a nice car, not a stack of physical buillon, nothing? It’s almost like making shit up on Yea Forums is easier than posting a timestamped photo of you in front of your Benz that you can supposedly afford. Every other board where it’s relevant has posters flexing on people (/fit/, /k/, /o/) and showing off their assets with PROOF, yet everyone on /biz/ is a millionaire and nobody has ever even once showed a pic of them in their jacuzzi they bought with bitcoin? I mean even if there were a half dozen LARPs that were completely bogus would be one thing, but these retards don’t even have that kind of proof. Almost like it’s all a scam.
wait, suicide is illegal?
how do you buy it? is a program or something?
but sufficient to impress Yea Forums imbeciles I guess
Why not put a hundo or two into it though. Im thinking about it
It's only a hundred in the end and worst that can happen is you only made a thousand and not a hundred thousand off the venture
on binance. you buy it on binance with bitcoin
>not trading the USDT pair of his shitcoins
never gonna make it
>unlike banks
If you think the banking industry hasn't funded wars or murders in various parts of the globe, you're an idiot.
and then what? money just appears? don't you have to work for it?
what about binance stopping trading in the us
you keep those chainlinks on binance till the price explodes and then you sell
Trump didnt work for a ton of his money
He bought stuff and then made money off the appreciation of its value
there are other exchanges that trade chainlink
coinmetro for example, google it, fren.
are you braindead you fucking moron?
you have no idea how a market works?
you buy high and sell low
>you have no idea how a market works?
are you trying to impress me? i know this is all you have and bought over several months
i earn double that
I made $33,000 this year off bitcoin and you normie faggots will never know that feeling since it is already out of your reach. Literally stay poor and dumb you shit eating livestock.
Keep watching your media garbage while missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Not like any of you have savings to speculate with anyways lmao.
I made that literally in a day.
you earn breadcrumbs in your wagecuck job lmao
>Literally stay poor and dumb you shit eating livestock.
i know that you didnt "made" that in a single day
you dont have to try anymore, I know now.
I want to believe.
What could someone anticipate getting out of buying $200 of bitcoin then sitting on it for six months
how do you expect people to react to you stating something obvious and acting all smarty pants about it?
but I did, stay Jelly wagecuck.
Bought this house with crypto last year. I don't understand why people still chose to be poor.
>nocoiner still exist
not much
the only way to make proper money is by doing pump and dumbs with other idiots
otherwise you can just invest into bitcoin right now and hope it will 5x in the next 6 month
I would advice you to not get into this.
these kids dont make money, they spend more and more on it because they thing they invest into some special coin.
they all lose out, all of them.
the only smart ones are the ones who invest and wait.
these people right here are total shills, they try to increase the bubble so they either can get out or make some money.
no you didnt
i know you are just a kid typing on your parents computer
Thanks for the honesty
yes I did, stay poor wagecuck.
I am just going to leave this here.
This kills the Bitcoin.
different user here
go to /biz/ archives - 2017 summer - 2017 december
look for portfolio/blokfolio threads
>look for portfolio/blokfolio threads
you just have to be kidding me right now
Why would they need to show off or buy a dumb car?
They're rich. They don't fucking care about a few tards on Yea Forums.