Other urls found in this thread:
start working out, bro
i just want to kill people
get it together, user! just be yourself and it will all work out :^)
this wojack looks like a trannie depressed because they know they will never pass & thinking about ending it
kino death
Unrelated but does anyone know if its ok to break an excedrin and take just half?
Unironically this. You piece of trash OP do something positive with your life and change your circumstances instead of being a faggot loser.
why is his niece so magic for my dick
You're people
why is life so dreadful
>23rd June 2019
Suns coming up here also, and need to get to sleep because im hanging wirh my gf, and two other girls!!!
And like always nothing will happen. and ill never get to have a 3 some...
Fuck off
I feel alright to be honest.
When did Yea Forums get so infested with normalfags?
I swear it feels like just a couple of weeks ago I was 18 and still had hope and a future.
I'm almost 30 now. I never achieved anything and haven't left the house in years. I'm bald, lost teeth due to being unhygienic. I have no friends left. My parents have died and I have no contact with my extended family. I literally have absolutely no one I actually know.
I lost interest in Yea Forums years ago but this place is the only place I know of. I just spend my life sitting on here 16 hours a day. I'm not depressed as in wanting to kill myself. It's just that I'm trapped. There is no escape from my situation anymore. I will never be able to make new friends, get a job and reintegrate into society again. I'm merely a husk of an actual person.
Years go by like days and I'm probably already halfway. I've done absolutely nothing. I've never been on holiday. I've never had true friends. I've never felt a true connection with my parents that are now dead.
Why was I even born if I didn't even get to have a life? I'm merely undead.
Natural and normal - quotes have been paraphrased for readability
Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]
High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]
a. sciencedirect.com
b. link.springer.com
c. psycnet.apa.org
d. researchgate.net
e. psycnet.apa.org
f. mayoclinicproceedings.org