Films about friendship

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Men age like wine.

How do I stop balding, bros?

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In another few years they'll all be trannies

>Moved ~9 times from kindergarten to 12th grade
>Never had a group of friends this consistent

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Damn, left and second to left's hair just fucking disappears

>second from left
his smile and optimism: gone

The dorks got Chadier and the Chad's turned into basedlets.

The chaddiest ones. Probably got actual families and don't still live in their parents' basements.

>the guy on the right who never changed
absolutely based

None of those guys really got super bald.


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Finasteride and minoxidil only clinically proven things that will help you and their results aren't stupendous and you will need to do them both for the rest of your life or you will lose anything you regrow.
Hair transplant can also cure it but that's expensive.

Based, same here. Well I landed up in one spot once I was fourteen but even then, the new kids would attach themselves to a social circle better than I did.

I remember each time being the new kid where kids would try me out as a friend before realizing I was a lost cause in less than a week's time.

Guy ont he left hit the wall badly and the guy second to the right aged like wine

>fat guy ages the best
Hate this stereotype.

I like how the ones at the back get whiter with every picture

I am 38 years old and I am lonely, no friends or girl friend, my life is worthless ...

How much less work will get done when they cure baldness because guys are now getting laid... actually I didn't even get laid when I had hair... scratch that.

>fat kid becomes skinny
>handsome teen becomes fat bald guy


>have only one close friend
>always there for him through what he thinks is a tough family life
>nowhere near as bad as mine
>does nothing for me, isn't there when I need him
>moves across the country without even mentioning it to me
>now have 0 friends for the last 10 years

>all of them started balding and got soibeards

None of them were really that handsome as teens. I get that you mean the one furthest to the left but he has those mutt features.
Probably had no great issue getting laid though.

>their smile, hairline and optimism: gone

Tfw my old friends are all dead or simply vanished

The guy in the back magically turned white.

>have tons of male friend
>easy as fuck to make friend with other guys too
>once asked literally who who i saw once in a life to go out and bbq
>ever since then he my best friend
>every day get call from 200 male friends
>they pay shit for me one even fixed car for free
>literally 0 female friends

>tfw friendship has and will endure everything with your best friend
I love bro

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Genes are funny in that regard. No telling when or if certain things will get triggered. That being said, it’s easy for handsome guys that peak early to party too hard or just let themselves go in their 20’s, whereas more homely fellows work hard to boost their appeal.

Are you old?

Two of them receded and the other's look fine. Not sure what you're seeing.

My hair came out in clumps at 21 and by 24 I looked like Heihachi.

or maybe the camera just got better?

I'll be ur friend user. Jk haha.

You get 200 calls every day? Do you even have time to eat or sleep?

no. Im on phone right now.

Lel, hairlet cope

>Married dudes always post pics with their wives on social media, but never post pics with their bros
Explain this shit.

Cope beard and everything

Balding is just another one of those stupid things we like to obsess over that don't really mean much to women, unless it's an extreme case - man boobs, dick size, etc

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28 here. Im I going to be alright?

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Le abominacion...

Social media is mostly done by the wives for the wives, men (actual non zoomers) dont give a fuck about it.

Im 100% white dude. Just not a nord thank god. 99% Med ancestry. Guarantee Im whiter than you.

More like a fat (((g0y)))

>Second from left
>Mexican slowly turns into a white person

Do you not realize that people can get a tan if they go out under the sun?

What the fuck happened to the chad on the left?

I had golden locks... never saw the vag, lost all my hair and got laid.

While hair is preferred, it's not a death sentence. Hair won't help a mediocre face much.



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Meds are the most successful and best looking of all the white races. Meds are wholly responsible for the birth of western(white) civilization and all of our advancements.

Youre just a salty nord or anglo

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don't ! I am fucking boring and shitty ...

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Why would anyone ever want to move to the midwest anyway?

>shit bait

All my friends are dead or have gone away

>nerds turn into chads
>chads turn into balding losers
All hot women take note.

Med countries are all at the brink of financial disaster though.

full carnivore diet

Goddamn mate what's wrong with your eyes? Is that a tumor of some kind?

I have one such friend, we met on his 4th birthday and have been good friends ever since, we've been sharing an apartment for about 6 years now, this year on his birthday we'll know each other for 26 years.

fr*ckin epic!!!1