This is going to win emmy's left and right.
This is going to win emmy's left and right
Other urls found in this thread:
>let 13% of the population commit 50% of murders, you racist
>niggerworshiping propaganda will win hollywood cocksucking awards
stop the presses
Regardless, they were innocent.
Let's see the opposite version
>"when they stab us"
>forgets slavery
>forgets jim crow
>forgets being banned from education
>forgets being banned from legal employment
>brutalized by law enforcement
>flooded drugs and guns by their own government
>assassinated and lynched successful blacks
this didn't happen in a vacuum you deceitful whitoid
in b4 a whole lot of this
>confess to beating multiple people that night
>give police info they didn't even know about
i think you have too many chucks living sneedfree in your feed
you dont know what you are talking about dumbass. i bet you think everyone in the 60's was a hippy too, because that's all you saw on tv
>forgets slavery
>forgets jim crow
A lot of shit happened to a lot of people back then.
European workers were effectively third-class disposable labor exploited by their superiors.
>forgets being banned from education
>forgets being banned from legal employment
Segregation =/= banning.
>brutalized by law enforcement
>flooded drugs and guns by their own government
>assassinated and lynched successful blacks
13% of the population, 50% of murders.
And then there are the rapes, robberies, single-parent families, government hand-out dependency, ...
>forgets niggers are feral animals no matter where they are, how they are treated or who else they live around
>resorts to repeating his NPC stockphrase
lmao you got BTFO whitey
>single-parent families, government hand-out dependency
to be fair this shit contributed to blacks being fucked up, it wasnt the slavery and other shit, it was the government sticking their nose where it didnt belong. there are a few presidents that i imagine are i hell right now
For nogs, crime does pay
>points to africa
>where white colonial savagery and brutalization was at the highest
lmao this is what you get when you get fed whitewashed history
>NPC stockphrase
You mean "baffling crime statistic".
Europe was a staging ground for savagery, conquest, subjugation, ... all the same.
>given without context by white racists parasites who built their wealth on the oppression of minorities
Can you explain why most blacks dont have a father in their life for non Americans?
"all men are created equal" does not match up with "black criminals dindu nothing, fuck whitey"
judt say what you really mean, that being "black people are morally and racially superior and whites need some sort of comeuppance for shit that happened two centuries ago"
you absolute self-hating white assclowns
>muh colonialism
Reminder the most powerful, prosperous country in the world began as European colonies. If you want a nonwhite example India was colonized too yet they don't have half as many problems as Africa.
European people were exploited and oppressed by other European people since the beginning of European people.
African people exploited and oppressed other African people since the beginning of African people.
Amerindian people exploited and oppressed other Amerindian people since the beginning of Amerindian people.
i agree death to america
Were they brutalized, oppressed and segregated in Europe too?
>europe was colonized
>it wasnt.. but its the same..
lmao shut up you racist excuse making retard
It was the same yes.
And the past is the past.
yup peasent class were practicly free game the more east you went the brutaler it got
seethe. go back
>white revisionist fantasy
They became successful DESPITE colonization. Colonization was nothing more than theft and parasitism. Whitoids acting like the infrastructure they left behind to steal resources faster was there because of benevolence lmfao.
and that peasant class was white
I mean blacks
>tries to force a false equivalence because he was BTFO
wrong on all accounts as usual
ofcourse only mutts believe otherwise
>brutalized by class not by race
lmao more whitoid lies exposed
If slavery is the reason Western countries are wealthy today, why is the country with the most slaves by far (Brazil) so poor?
>still going with stats without historical context
you're just digging yourself in a deeper hole you white snake
I agree that colonialism was bad. There are things more important than profit and invading the world = inviting the world.
If we didn't have colonialism we wouldn't have all of these niggers in the first place.
If you moved all of Africa into Europe and all of Europe into Africa, after a decade Europe would be a crime-riddled hellhole while Africa would be a paradise.
im so proud of leopold
>false equivalence
>steal all the worlds economy and fruits of their labor
>surprised people go to your countries
lmao immigrants deserve everything and more western nations have to offer. their luxury and progress were built on the blood and resources of minorities
>posting history without biological and racial context
Read a book.
Segregation is not oppression, it's literally just separation.
Yes and that's why colonialism was bad. The world and its people and its nations should be separate. Colonialism was just internationalism.
Then how come countries that never had any colonies like the Scandinavian countries are doing so well, and are also seeing major pushes for migration?
>"historical context" justifies criminality
you are aware that this just makes normal people think you insane, right?
>apartheid is not oppresssion
white bullshit logic
>made up pseudo science by white racists trying to exalt themselves and oppress others
>no argument
You got BTFO boy
because niggers want gibs
Seething commies who think success is always built on the exploitation of someone else, sad and hilarious at the same time. You still haven't explained why South America is so poor today despite having the vast majority of slaves.
>commit actual crimes
>probably involved in an even worse crime during the course the other crimes you definitely committed took place
>dna evidence doesn’t necessarily exclude you, but one guy takes the fall for his buddies that helped him
>criminal niggers sue and become millionaires because fuck america
I bet they really believe they are victims too.
>show people nothing but savagery and exclusion
lmao just lmao whiteys
>i have to use a different water fountain? oppression!
>south america
>got colonized
see the pattern
some more
>show people nothing but savagery and exclusion
yes, tens of billions spent on welfare and government programs, and forcing integration at the barrel of a gun, is "savagery and exclusion"
so did america
t. some pol beta who looks like an incel irl
say it publically so we can kick your shit in
minorities are treated pretty well in america but whites know that the favor wouldnt be returned if things were the other way around
niggaz flippin out over this shit. dem po boys wuz goin TO CHUUUUCH and fuckin DINDU NUFFIN!!!!! dat bitch linda and all the poleese is RAYCISSS
do it in america nigger so i can shoot you in seld defense
minorities are treated like fuckin gods in america compared to some other places. im east euro. if you were brown and gibsmedat dndu uppity in my country, you would seriously get an awakening just whose country that is.
>exclude 300 years of oppression in history
>look at this decade when whites eased up of their savage douchebaggery that they literally had to compensate people for their sociopathy and evil
top lmao retardposter
>say it publicly so we can commit felony assault on you. this will show how nonviolent and civilised we are
are you literally incapable of critical thought
sad but niggers would believe it in 10 years we’ll get shit like
>get killed more by police
>get less employment opportunity
>barred from leadership roles
>harassed by racists
>threatened with death
>wage ceilings
no wonder everyone hates white males. even white women want you extinct for your crimes and lies
>300 years of oppression
Sierra Leone vs. Liberia. What's the difference?
>false equivalence
>you have to tolerate the intolerant!!
lmao you dumb polposters with your generic destroyed arguments are amusing
Nice blog.
if you don't have to tolerate them, they don't have to tolerate you. you can't abuse them but cry foul when they fight back. retard
Haha, unz isn't a blog, brainlet.
>weak feeble attempt at denial
>i have no evidence to support my claims
yeah we know
If you want to know what 200 years of equality looks like refer to Haiti
>still doing his whitey denial routine
I'm laughing harder hahaha
How long are niggers gonna blame others for their failures?
>white leadership was go-
As long as we tolerate it.
it's all so tiresome
guess who cut his hands off? hint: not whitey
>Africans are capable of maintaining a first-world standard of liv-
>belgian colonization of congo
whitey cut off the hands of their children for not slaving hard enough. more history not taught to humanity. if real history was thought on whites. people would be killing them on sight.
>Africans are no different from Euro-
>prop up warlords and crime lords who will sellout their land, resources people for money after you leave
>why is this place a shithole lolol
white snakes lying as usual
>huwhite pepo is evil!!!
>constantly follows around white people and complains if unable to access white people
>if more people were taught propaganda my racist fantasies would be realised
That Korey guy was retarded
Why are the ones that were colonized the least or not at all the least successful?
Why do subsaharan africans have an average IQ close to 70, whiles East Asians are at 105? Why do Africans raised by whites only have marginally improved IQ? Why do twins reared apart have more similar IQs than to their adoptive parents?
Ottoman empire, buddy. And Muslim invasions of Europe...
Damn great job describing the show, when did you watch it?
you are a literal caricature
>David Van Reybrouck describes the mood in Belgian Congo in Congo: The History of a People:
>“The first government of Congo inherited from Belgium a well developed infrastructure: more than fourteen thousand kilometers (nearly 8,700 miles) of rails and more than 140 kilometers (about eighty-seven miles) of highways and streets had been built; there were more than forty airports or airfields and more than a hundred hydroelectric and power plants and there was a modern industrial sector (Congo was world leader in industrial diamonds and the world’s fourth largest copper producer). In addition, a start had been made with general health care (three hundred hospitals for natives, plus medical centers and birth clinics) and the country enjoyed an extremely high degree of literacy (1.7 million primary school pupils in 1959) – achievements that were truly striking in comparison with other African countries.”
based Trump
see >>steal all the worlds economy and fruits of their labor
>>surprised people go to your countries
>some alt right incel echochamber site
>bullshit straight from the 70s
>white metrics
>Timur's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[16] sizable parts of which his campaigns laid to waste.[17] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population at the time.[18][19]
>some alt right incel echochamber site
ad hominem; not an argument
Getting proven true
but ebil whitey wont let you have any, why go there? why not stay away from EVIL WHITE MAN? i think we both know
>Getting proven true
>posting the same thing again
>still inherently BTFO because of black white historical context
fuck off already NPC
>more loose false equivalences
>steal all the worlds economy and fruits of their labor
>white metrics
>Jews and East Asians score the best
>Blacks score EVEN LOWER lower when "cultural component" is removed
>Randomly saying the concept of general intelligence is from the 70s
>p-please d-don't c-come
>I c-can't c-compete even s-sexually
lmao white countries are going to be browned and blacked and there's nothing you can do about it. it's just inevitable karma for stealing and murdering
>data doesn't matter because "historical context"
not an argument
>In 2010, disaffected Congolese would ask Reybrouck questions like “How long is this independence of ours going to last, anyway?” and “When are the Belgians coming back? After all, you’re all uncles, aren’t yout?
>“What seemed like a reactionary standpoint at the time was a widely heard lament in Congo in the year 2010, a lament prompted by all the recent misery. Many young people blamed their parents for having demanded independence at all costs. On a street in Kinshasa, someone once asked me: “How long is this independence of ours going to last, anyway?” As a Belgian, I had heard it countless times: “When are the Belgians coming back? After all, you’re our uncles, aren’t you?”
Lmao at Africans literally BEGGING for the white man to come back
>fuck white people!
Shitskins were a mistake
So you admit your presence is punitive and causes a decline in safety and living standards
>whites are evil
>i must be around them we deserve it
any more nigcel drivel dequan?
yet whites will still claim to be superior to jews and asians. it doesn't matter they'll just cherry pick their polluted stats to whatever fits their white wank agenda
>clean up your mess and give back what's ours
BASED but misinterpreted by egotistical whites
>still BTFO permanently because of white atrocities committed against blacks
I'm still laughing because you know you're responsible
>putting words in my mouth
fuck off whitey
>lmao we're going to destroy your countries and there's nothing you can do about it
>we're not violent or destructive. you're just an evil racist
imagine being this stupid
>putting words in my mouth
oooh jamarucs that 70 point iq is showing. quick talk about your bbc im sure that'll trick those ebil huwhites
>just minorities existing and living
lmao this is how fragile the white male is
not an ar-gu-ment
>still BTFO permanently because of white atrocities committed against blacks
*alleged atrocities that you refuse to substantiate
>So you admit your presence is punitive and causes a decline in safety and living standards
>putting words in my mouth
>"inevitable karma for stealing and murdering"
>Karma refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths
I know you're only a nigger but christ
>bongistan lets refugees in
>their culture disappears overnight
really made me think watching it happen from burgerlandia
>denies historical facts inconvenient to him
you just said you were going to punitively "black and brown" white countries. can you even follow your own retarded logic?
what facts? you haven't provided any
>too dumb to understand without his easily threatened whitesplaining
lmao go ahead and look like a paranoid loony tho
Not once does he adress the DNA evidence.
>just minorities existing and living
Yup, they're one and the same. Why do you think property values plummet when niggers move into the neighbourhood?
whites will always lie and hide their crimes. the white male cries out in pain as he strikes you
>disappears overnight
last time I checked britain is still there. show some proofs. oops you don't have any other than racist scaremongering
>The riot began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. A subsequent gathering of angry local whites outside the courthouse where Rowland was being held, and the spread of rumors he had been lynched, alarmed the local black population, some of whom arrived at the courthouse armed. Shots were fired and twelve people were killed; ten white and two black.[14]
stop hiding your crimes, negroid subhuman
this is why the white male will lose in the end. all you have to do is exist :) and they will die off like a wailing angry dinosaur
cant wait for glorious chinl future did you know they castrate the niggers in congo and eat their balls now that’s setting a new standard
>this is why the white male will lose in the end
yeah white males will die off, because of murder rates rising as the pigment darkens
>Poverty rates and unemployment are on a downward trend
>Crime rates also decreasing
Damn, was it always that simple?
>threatens lynchings he can't do anymore
>reduced to feebly shitposting on an anime board where they don't immediately laugh at his face and kick his ass
the world is more flat. it's not going to get better for your type :)
>multiracial earth is multiracial
wow big surprise there sherlock. if you wanted white males and white males only 24/7 I'm sure there's some gay porn site that can accomodate you
>he can't do anymore
you hope. keep pushing. see what happens
niggers gonna nig
These are conservative estimates so as to reduce panic.
>posts a guy from a jewish movie who stops being racist
lmao the irony and stupidity. also we know what you look like incel. don't kid yourself
>please fuck my wife mr black man sir
Does Nigeria need more white people? Does Japan need more Amerindians? Does Turkey need more blacks?
>caused by white slavery, oppression and racist exclusion
Sad! Tsk tsk
>if i keep saying it, it will become true
>immediately goes into the deep seated insecurity and inherent cuck desires of the white male mind
this is what you and your fellow revolutionaries look like, comrade. please start it already
>retard who wants more blacks in his country accuses others of secret cuck desires
nice projection
>it's true
why yes it is :)
>nonsensical communist strawman
Alpha Black males make white boi smol peepee shrink further if they so much walk into the room. Know your place.
keep your "alpha black males" fantasies to yourself, degenerate
>why yes it is :)
yet you can't provide any data to support it
>posts WHITE and MALE as the poor weak examples
ahahahaAHAAHAHHAHAHAHA even you realize your own inferiority
keep poking berries up your nose "alpha"
Unironically expecting an OJ show soon that portrays him as an innocent angel and the victim of a witch hunt fueled solely by racism. Bonus points if they have a white actor play the "real" killer.
This graph is misleading. White people are taking up a smaller portion of the global population because birth rates in third world countries are excessive. Besides, there are way more Indians and Chinese than white people, and look how bad they're doing with overpopulation.
>my grand grand grand grand father was a slave
>It's now ok for me to murder and sell drugs
How long are you going to ride this horse?
till they get enslaved again
>I has ta go out and rape white wimminz cuz' 60 years ago we hads ta drink from different water fountains!!!!
Kill yourself, ape.
I love black people
kill yourself in the most painful way possible, pal
just because you're a stupid worthless cunt who can't process a sentence with more than 5 words in it, doesn't mean that the evidence is wrong
not an argument
Where is the documentary about pedophobia?
Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]
High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]
Why do people always have to make excuses for niggers being savages?
Entire progressive left playbook is sucking dicks of megacorporations, there is no reason for them to know how to meme.
Niggers have always been primitive and violent, are primitive and violent and will always be primitive and violent. Their only hope is being interbred with other races in a globalized world.
Kill yourself
>ambiguity leads to misinterpretation
>misinterpretation might lead to wrongthink
liberal memes need walls and walls of text to prescribe exactly what conclusions the audience must draw. That's why stonetoss triggers triggers the fuck out of them. On the right, we don't have the burden of needing to bullshit over fictitious grievances or to generate fantasies about racial equality.
on the right you don't need much of anything
you don't need facts, proof, realistic solutions, being in touch with reality
you can make shit up on the go and some bitter virgin alt-right basement dwellers will call you based and give you money
If you think historical context excuses violence and crime, you’ve got another thing coming. Here’s to hoping you get gang raped by a bunch of nogs. Then I bet you’ll think it was historical justice.
>all the white incels getting btfo and exposed to real facts
>you don't need facts, proof
and seethe
On the left you need massive walls of text to rationalize ever growing cognitive dissonance. Perfect example was recent Oberlin college trial where college leftshits for months harassed bakery that called cops on a bunch of dindu shoplifters, only to turns out that Oberlin had college grounds ban list that was more than 50% blacks.
>real facts
What is it about Yea Forums that has made it so attractive to trannies?
Science says pedophilia is natural and normal - quotes have been paraphrased for readability
Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]
High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]
How did he get out of that ball n chain?
White population percentages are declining rapidly in their own fucking countries. This is not a good thing.
>reponsible for the most wars, genocide, oppression, racism, sexism, colonization, planet killing
white males is literally the default enemy of humankind and deserve extinction. even white women know this.
do you have any evidence for that or is it something you just randomly decided to believe without question?
shut up you pinkoid nerd
colonization was unironically a good thing for the country, sure they lost some resources but in return we educated their population (the ones who ended up ruling the country as dictators after we left) and built plenty of infrastructure and services, that they were treated like a conquered people is not literally not an argument because everyone everywhere did that
t. actual historian
that's not evidence. it's a series of random images
You realize if we didn't do it someone else would have, right? Probably the Chinese. Honestly, nigs got lucky it was us who ended up coming out on top otherwise they'd probably still be slaves. We seem to be the only race with enough guilt/empathy to give a fuck.
Any legit replies here? Can anybody recommend the Ken Burns doc or is it the same trash as the Netflix "doc".
>what if all boys were created equal?
then these lil nigs wouldn't have even been in the park assaulting people that night and wouldn't have been arrested in the first place
>being parasitized and leeched and enslaved is good
t. lying whitey
>e-everyone does it
>classic white male projection
Nope. Just you. People catch on now
post something that isn't an old racist man blogging at the clouds next time, sweetie.
>being parasitized and leeched and enslaved is good
according to you people, yeah
>they took some resources, barely making a dent in the total amount available
damn that explains why they're still dirtpoor
Fucking this. Whytes are pure evil! We should all pack our stuffs and move back to Wakanda where there is no whytoids!
>unsourced incel stats
just lmao
Why is Yea Forums so racist
because reality is racist
because most 4chins are american, and it's really hard not to be racist when you have to live around any large population of ameriblacks. it's also why you'll notice the liberal cities of the west coast claiming they're totally not racist; they have very low black populations compared to the south or other large cities in the east and don't actually have to deal with them on a large scale
>rob and beat people
>get off scott free because you managed to not rape a woman
>later be awarded millions and have a tv show made about you
Land of the free, home of the brave.
Im black
It has more to do with the fact that the prospect of becoming a minority in your own homeland is fucking absurd.
there's nothing wrong with a black individual who integrates into civilized society, but the higher the black pop you get in an area the fewer of them decide they need to integrate and the whole place inevitably goes to shit because blacks have no racial or cultural history of civilized society on their own. it's sort of like one marine vs a group of marines, if you've ever had to suffer through that experience.
That was 200 years ago. What's your excuse now? When you're afforded every scholarship, every leg up in terms of college admission, and special treatment when it comes to hiring? When you're routinely lionised in film and media? What about the fact that rich blacks do indeed comit more crime on average than poor whites?
Jews are the most oppressed ethnic group in history and they are doing fine
>get killed more by police
1. objectively and statistically incorrect
2. 13/50
>barred from leadership roles
Leadership is earned by being intelligent, educated, competent, well-spoken and charismatic. Why do you think Dems loved Harvard-educated Obama but would never vote Tyrone Muhdick Johnson into office? This also applies to all of your other points outside the police brutality myth which is already destroyed by factual reality.
The right of conquest was universally recognised at that point in time. Africans were warring with and enslaving other Africans for centuries prior to the arrival of the white man. So why continue to blame whitey simply because a fraction of a fraction of their ancestry happened to be better at playing a game everyone else was engaged in? Why not blame the Arabs? You know, the Arabs who operated a far more expansive and enduring slave trade, a slave trade that operates in some fashion to this day. Why are you always seething about the white man particularly when practically everyone, including the Chinese, has taken advantage of you at some point.
>Leadership is earned by being intelligent, educated, competent, well-spoken and charismatic
Must be why Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner is in the White House.
there was multiple men's seaman on her. just because they didn't find those specific 5 men's doesn't mean they didn't participate in the act
you would be hard pressed to find many people outside of fanatical trumplings who actually consider what trump or any of his nepotistic appointments are doing as "leadership", and in fact he's generally considered one of the least "presidential" presidents in the history of the nation.
>there was multiple men's seaman [sic] on her
no, there wasn't. maybe read about the case before you decide to retardpost about it.
I love how the seething nigger itt just up and ignores this post.
okay, maybe there wasn't. but multiple men did rape her.
Your very first premise is in fact totally wrong
>but multiple men did rape her
How do you know?
are you arguing that blacks can't integrate into normal society at all?
Multiple people raped her, and not every rapist was apprehended by police, as the original prosecutor stated decades ago during the trial. Moreover, DNA had only been permissible evidence for six months back when this happened, so no shock that they only collected and analyzed cum from one of the multiple gang rapists that were rampaging through the park and attacking people that night
You didn't really answer my question. How can you prove multiple persons raped her?
>they only collected and analyzed cum from one of the multiple gang rapists that were rampaging through the park
The DNA evidence was gathered from the victim herself, and there was only one perpetrator based on the DNA evidence, which was later matched to a man who confessed to the crime after the statute of limitations was up and he could not be further punished for it. You really just didn't read anything about this case, did you? You need to stop posting.
I wish /pol/ would leave
You claimed that shoving hordes of alien races to tear apart any semblance of community is just fine
And it isnt
are you literally retarded?
'I so wish the case hadn't been settled': 1989 Central Park jogger believes more than 1 person attacked her
>any opinion I don't like is /pol/
all the facts of the case were just lies by the jews anyway
t. A darkie
>women are full of shit about their own experiences regarding sexual assault
>except for when they accuse a NIGGER
Based belgians
she was beaten to near-death and remembered nothing about the incident. thanks for outing yourself as a complete fucking retard who didn't read anything about the case, though.
Ours chads ancestors at least
Belgium is (and has been for a while) a shitfest
sheeeeit nigguh we wuz only robbing and beating up white people that night, not raping. That'll be 7 Emmys plus tip
>she was beaten to near-death and remembered nothing about the incident.
then why take what she thinks about the incident seriously?
you don't 'take wealth'. you make it using your mind, dumbass.
that is the problem, yes. this case has established facts and /pol/front is coming in with unrelated racist emotional opinions and shitposting.
Is that one of the dozens of leftist awards that nobody watches?
>she was raped by multiple persons
>how do you know
>she said so
>but people lie
>she was beaten to near death and remembered nothing about the incident
Are you retarded?
exactly. I didn't read that post until I had already hit reply, or I would have quoted it as well.
so you took my >implications
as my actual opinions?
>she said so
she never said so. she didn't remember a single thing about the incident and all of her opinions on the matter were from hearing about it via news coverage and being told about it after the fact by the same cops who coerced the children into confessing despite DNA evidence to the contrary. this is literally in the case file information you absolute moron.
you're literally agreeing with him while calling him a moron
what the fuck is wrong with your brain dude?
please tell me this isn't you
It isn't. I don't give a shit what she said, since the facts of the case clearly show that she didn't remember what happened during the event and all physical evidence points to one rapist, not multiple, which was confirmed by said rapist coming forward with a confession years later and confirming a DNA match.
"I always knew that there was at least one more person involved because there was unidentified DNA," Meili said. "So when I heard the news that there was an additional person found whose DNA matched, that wasn't a tremendous surprise. But when he said that he and he alone had done it, that's when some of the turmoil started, wondering 'Well, how can that be?'"
reminder that reyes confessed to being the only attacker as a favor to wise who had become a prison shotcaller by that point.
So why the fuck do you reply this to this ?
you're literally quoting the part where she talks about the actual rapist coming forward and confirming his DNA to match the only DNA found on her. the only reason she believed there were "other people involved" aside from the DNA-confirmed rapist years later, was because the cops told her these 5 kids raped her so she could testify at their trial, all this despite the fact that there was never any DNA evidence linking them to her.
the presence of DNA proves a positive involvement but why should the absence of DNA prove a negative involvement?
in the real world you actually need to prove things happened and existed. the legal system does not work like your fantasy sky magician faith cult.
yeah, das right. but you're also allowed to use people's self-admission of guilt.
>why should the absence of DNA prove a negative involvement?
Your own DNA wasn't found on this victim, user. Why did you rape her?
>rapists aren't allowed to use condoms
>you're also allowed to use people's self-admission of guilt.
yes, as long as you didn't psychologically torture it out of them despite no physical evidence to support their actual involvement. and when the actual rapist came forward years later and cofirmed his DNA match as the sole rapist along with his own confession, the false confessions and convictions of the five kids were tossed out.
>15 year old black kids use condoms
fucking lmao
fuck off to your containment board you dumb /pol/ incel
except that /pol/smokers create off-topic threads constantly that have nothing to do with television or movies to recruit people
>literal 2016 election tourist screencap
pottery. also you need to go back.
>as long as you didn't psychologically torture it out of them
there's no evidence for that either though
False confessions are a thing.
rent free, leftist cuck
you don't complain when Yea Forums or Yea Forums post off topic garbage, or when leftists spam blacked porn or scream "incel" for the 10,000th time
>this can happen therefore it did happen
wtf I love /pol/ infestations now!
wtf i love leftist invasions now!
>you don't complain when Yea Forums or Yea Forums post off topic garbage
first of all, you're straw manning. secondly, yes, you fucking retards get told to fuck off to your containment board when you shit/pol/st on Yea Forums and Yea Forums as well.
>or when leftists spam blacked porn
blackedcucks are told to fuck off on every board they're posted on except for their containmebt threads on a handful of porn boards. what does that have to do with leftists? in fact the only blackedcuck I've ever met in real life was an avid trump supporter.
>or scream "incel" for the 10,000th time
the word would have no effect and stop being used if you literal /pol/ incels stopped getting autistically triggered at its mention, you dumb incel.