>6 months before release
>I am forgotten
6 months before release
Other urls found in this thread:
What a dumb name for a film, no wonder nobody's interested
>no Porgs
Why WOULD anyone care?
Just because you put Skywalker in your title doesn’t change what you did to Luke. Fuck you.
>push Porgs like they're gonna be a thing
>no one even cares enough to hate them like Ewoks
>a bloo bloo not muh perfect gary stu luke
>btw dae think rey mary sue xD
wouldnt it be great if no one went to see this shit movie
it might force disney into bankruptcy
imagine being one of those braindead morons that got a porg tattoo
Force ghost fight is gonna be lit
yeah its gunna be soi overload when Rey Hyperspace rams herself into Ghost Sheevs groin
I hear there are many machines on Ix
New machines
There's a reason tech companies skip 9
top kek
>Oh boy, I wonder if Rey is going to defeat Kylo for the third time in a row!
You mean you don't have a porg tattoo, user?
Honestly, it's better if Kylo comes out on top this time. The series was at its best when it wasn't about power levels, but about good prevailing over evil. Luke didn't succumb to temptation, so maybe have Kylo victorious but forced to again be confronted with a tough choice.
Oh come on. We all know for a fact that either Rey is going to kill him or redeem him. nuWars would never let their female Mary Sue protagonist lose to a straight white man.
We need a containment board for you SW fags
So much sóy in one picture.
> Jedis
> good
I can tell you are low IQ
>maybe kylo will win
How many fucking times.
>a film shouldn't be discussed on a film board
Butthurt mousecuck white knight detected. Go back to your r/cantina safe space.
They work for Disney, its staged as fuck.
Also thats a tranny
I can't wait until IX throws another curveball and all of you fags who thought you had TLJ figured out before release get BTFO again
>straight white man
kylo comes out in this movie and proposes to poe, or the hispanic fighter pilot whatever his name is and they all have a gay orgy and the force cures their aids
sorry spoilers
>”At last, after all these years, these Star Wars are over...”
My dad works for Toys R’ Us this is the final line, spoken my Luke’s Force Ghost.
I honestly can't even remember the title,
Rise of Skywalker isn't it? God, I only came to that conclusion because it still sounds dumb as shit.
Another curve ball? No one cares.
Why the homophobia?
TROS means nothing, it wont relate to the plot
Because you've seen the movie
It's even worse for non-English languages. Hollywood has been putting the
meme left and right to the titles for the past few years, which plagues the translators. In my language it translates either literally to "stands up" or also literally to "is being created". There is no figurative middle ground meant for
>Rise of the Planet of the Apes
>Dark Knight Rises
>Rise of the Skywalker
etc. So the titles sound totally retarded.
I sincerely hope that J.J. pulls off a massive MGS4-like fan-service wack off fest with this one.
That's the only way to redeem the trilogy.
The president of lucasfilm said that
Try again shill
>I want one hack to be inspire by another hack.
I have a quote from the president of lucasfilm here that says you're gay.
Is there any reply I can give you that doesn't result in you calling whatever director I name a hack?
Do you think they will take the hint with Rose and not force her down our throats or will they push her even more to annoy problematic fans?
Any reply that doesn't include a hack director. Or at least grade A hacks like Kojima o Abrams.
I want a Rose: A Star Wars Story trilogy written and directed by Rian Johnson!
Let's turn this around and have you name a non-hack director so other anons can reply to you.
Sound good?
Would be hilarious to see it bomb.
Friendly reminder that these two people are employees of Disney LucasFilm (the guy is in the Story Group). They started the social media campaign (Twitter, Faceberg) about the porgs right after the first trailer.
Scorsese, Kubrick, Kurosawa, Coppola, Leone, Tarkovsky, Fellini, Haneke, Herzog, Coen, Kieślowski.
Just a handful. So why are you so butthurt anyway?
What campaign?
Kill yourself faggot scum
I had no idea that LucasFilm employees who shill on 4channel are so homophobic.
the force might be female but it's not gay
>implying women and genderfluid people can't be gay
I hope you get fired from LucasFilm soon, you bigot.
TLJ. They made fake Facebook groups, asked people to take pics of themselves with Porg merchandise etc.
>MGS4-like fan-service
C3P0 had Venom Snake's red arm in TFA, I think that's enough references to that hack.
>re arm magically gone in TLJ despite happening right after TFA
based Rian
What a lucky guy. How does one get a gf like that?
He gets it back by the end of TFA. You can see it when they wave off Rey leaving in the Falcon. I thought that was common knowledge?
I think one day in his shoes would be like a day in hell for me.
Haha you got em. Do you feel better now you fucking cunt? Fuck you.
Can I penetrate your tight virgin butt for a price, user? I'd go up to 200 bucks.
He made an add or something.
>Blue haired m2f (has penis, 10 inches, circumcised) looking for a girlfriend (male) who likes Porgs and anal. Has to be obedient and vote Hillary. May the Force (female) be with you.
Like said, the red arm was gone at the end of TFA.
Let's not forget that the true reason behind the red arm is that only JJ/BadRobot would get the revenues from the merchandise based on this OC.
>We all know for a fact that either Rey is going to kill him or redeem him
It is going to be both.
Kylo will be possessed by the empowered and ask Rey to kill him.
I don't know any of these guys
Gee... Why am I not surprised?
Fuck you. Kojima is pure kino whether you like it or not. It's the fuckers you mentioned here who are the real hacks.
>I don't know those directors
>but they're total hacks!
>brb, need to lick JewJew's and Kojima's anuses
Calm down, Yongyea.
>you know I had to do it to 'em
And that’s a good thing.
they weren't joking when they said only Reylos were excited about it lmao. The moment Daisy and MSW killed it the entire hype for the movie died out.
They should've leaned harder into Reylo instead of pussying out on it and deconfirming it. All the old fans were turned off due to a bunch of different reasons, some sensible, some not, dependent on the fan in question. The new fans were pretty much all in on the Reylo train, just look at tumblr (well not anymore because tumblr is dead lel, but you get what I mean). So by doing this they're fucking over the tumblr shippers, who are the ONLY appreciably-sized subgroup of fans still attached to Disney Wars.
>The new fans were pretty much all in on the Reylo train
Lol, no. Only the tumlbrina landwhales wanted to see that shit.
Would impregnate
God forbid a person go into a Star Wars movie with normal, or actual low expectations for once.
by doing what? Reylo is full steam ahead. kylo's going to get guts from that Rey. A nice creamy bubble-bump
>dae think
what is this supposed to mean? i realize the poster is mocking people who don't like rey, but i want to know what this particular phrase means
>for once.
REYLO IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why not both. i don't see how these are opposed?
IF YOU DON'T LIKE REYLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR A NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why cant Star Wars just die for good?
pretty sure it comes out 12/2020 bro
what still amazes me the most is how easily it would have been to write a good sequel trilogy even with using some of the concepts from episode 7 and 8 while also giving new stuff and things that the long time fans want.
I still can´t believe that the managed to fuck it up so much. first movie being nothing but a worse remake of new hope and the second being so bad that it crashed the franchise without offering anything new.
it is star wars! you literally could have done anything else and still make billions!
Is Disney finally doing the Tron/star wars crossover?
Why does your language have no word for ascension?
based african user
>letting a white man win
Silly user, Kathleen won't permit it.
Sequel trilogy should’ve been New Republic vs Empire Remnants vs Black Sun.
Rey (not a Mary sue), Dash Rendar, Finn (but not as gay), Poe for the New Republic/Jedi Order
Kylo, Thrawn, Knights of Ren, Plageuis for the Empire Remnants
Prince Xizor and bounty hunters for the Black Sun
Black Sun ends up funding both sides
>it is star wars! you literally could have done anything else and still make billions!
We have few words for ascension, but that's reserved for physics or religious texts.
The closest word to "rising" used in the movie titles accidentally also means "uprising" and that's the first thing people will think of seeing the translated title.
What does the full title translate to in various languages? Skywalker is literally two English words, do they translate the name as well or just make you spit out a foreign word every time?
it's rise as in lazarus' rise (i.e. from the dead, fedora fag)
what's the resurrection of jesus called in you language, have they used that word?
It's actually Polish, but you can slap pretty much all Slavic languages here.
you must be illiterate. i'm a slav myself. the word is възхoд in my language. or възкpeceниe if we're using the biblical "rise" i don't believe polish doesn't have an equivalent
Resurrection = Zmartwychwstanie
It's basically a word built with three different ones, just like the Germans usually do.
z = from
martwych = the dead
wstanie = arise
They did the most retarded thing ever and created a monstrosity subtitle
>Skywalker. Odrodzenie
Yes, with a period in the middle. Oddly enough, "odrodzenie" is a synonym to resurrection.
We have an equivalent of resurrection / възкpeceниe, but we're talking about "rise" and our literal equivalent of it sounds exactly like "uprising".
Shhhhhh how else are they gonna get the fans they took a shit all over back. In all honesty the minute i saw the title i said to myself here we go on the apology tour.
"Dont worry guys we swear this last film in a letdown of a trilogy will be the best!! Please go see it!!"
This was a few years back. Shes probably cheated on him by now.
>what is what happens when you put a bunch of women in charge of a brand they neither understand nor ever really cared for, Alex
The fact that they're so desperate to appease to Luke fans who hated the last movie that they put "Skywalker" in the title is amazing. What a flaming garbage of a franchise.
ix sux dix
does anyone else
>7 does absolutely nothing to move the saga forward. Just a boring a retread.
>8 is just there to shit on Luke and make Rey look even more powerful and virtuous.
What the fuck were they thinking?
what did john boyega mean by this behavior?
Jesus fuckin Christ, how much are they paying these sad cunts?
You are correct. Reylo fans are literally the only people who are truly committed fans of Mouse Wars, so by not confirming Reylo, the retards at Nu-Lucasfilm are literally alienating the only people who still truly care about Mouse Wars.
>Only the tumlbrina landwhales wanted to see that shit.
The Tumblrina landwhales are literally the only people who still truly care about Mouse Wars and only because they want to see Reylo confirmed, dipshit.
Being woke aint free
Gotta break a couple billion dollar franchises first
Yeah, im pretty sure Diseny Star Wars is finished. When episode 9 fails as well as Jedi Fallen Order vidya, you will hear "rumors" that the trilogy made by Game of Thrones creators is cancelled which will turns out true few months later.
And Mark Hamill already confirmed that he only appears in Episode 9 as the force ghost. What a fucking joke.
>The Tumblrina landwhales are literally the only people who still truly care about Mouse Wars and only because they want to see Reylo confirmed, dipshit.
So it's only 1% of the old fanbase? Good. No go suck your daddy's dick, as you usually do at this time.
they just look so fucking ugly bros
go to asia and every other small business or company will have a cute, poorly drawn mascot
even the worst among those look x10 better than these porg abominations
>So it's only 1% of the old fanbase?
No, it's 0% of the old fanbase, that's the whole point you dumbass.
>No go suck your daddy's dick, as you usually do at this time.
No, I'll leave the cocksucking to you, since you're such an expert at it. *unzips his pants* Suck it, faggot. Now. That's an ORDER!
>6 months
Fuck off user. No-one thinks about Christmas during Summer.
Shitsney has no problem sending Mark to Galaxy's Edge to promote it (even though Luke nor even other pre-Disney Star Wars character appears in Galaxy's Edge), yet they can't even make Luke appear in Episode 9 as more a mere cameo as a Force Ghost? That's bullshit. I'm so hyped to see Mark openly shit on the Mouse when his contract with Disney finally expires after Episode 9 comes out.
* even though Luke nor even any other pre-Disney Star Wars character appears in Galaxy's Edge
Not even C3PO and R2-D2?! That's fucking horseshit
>Not even C3PO and R2-D2?!
Yes, not even C3PO and R2-D2. This is nothing less than historical revisionism of Star Wars and it's fucking disgusting.
He's a faggot.
>It is going to be both.
such is the power of Sue. not just one but both.
Kino. Shadows of the Empire is underrated. So is the Vong invasion.
>IF YOU DON'T LIKE REYLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you won't like this movie. this is a drip fed spoiler, lads.
Yeah I’m gonna need the sauce on that obvious crock of bullshit.
Did Rose even survive TLJ? I don't remember seeing her among the remaining rebels on the Millennium Falcon at the end.
Is there a worse fanbase?
To be honest even if episode 9 does well at the box office and it gets good reviews from critics I don’t think that would really save the franchise because this new trilogy will likely not be able to stand the test of time like the previous movies or have the same kind of staying power
I mean like 30 or 40 years after episode 9 comes out are people really going to be super nostalgic for this sequel trilogy and its characters and declare them as cinematic classics to the same extent people right now are like with the OT and its characters?
Or better yet will anyone actually care about the sequel trilogy or the spinoff movies after 10 years?
Like I highly doubt this sequel trilogy or the spinoff movies will have anywhere near the same kind of long lasting impact on pop culture or the film industry as the OT
This is absolutely retarded, God I hope it's true.
It would be hilarious after having her down our throats during most of the other movie if she turns out to die and doesn't even appears in the last one.
After Ryan burned all of JJ's mystery boxes I can see him killing his projected school crush.
bill sheeve poutine had clones made of himself in EU trash books. they may have incorporated that into the film. now we'll be stuck with shela for the rest of canon until it gets rebooted in 40 years
It is going to be worse since Disney plans on making fifty more terrible Star Wars films per year. They are going to dilute the brand so fast. It will be the franchise that mankids use to like but the current generation doesn’t give a shit about.
>The guy
Theres two guys in that pic user
>nigger doesn't know how percentage works
somehow I'm not surprised.
now be a good girl and suck your daddy's cock, just like he taught you.
Metal Gear Solid and My Little Pony come to mind.
It really is crazy how little hype there seems to be. Yea Forums was filled to the brim with SW threads from the moment the trailer dropped to months after TFA released
I'd unironically probably go watch it if it's name was actually Ix
MGS fanbase is fine, it's all boomers
>gary stu luke
I can't wait for the shitposting threads that will be interrupted by people begging for (You)s by repeating the same debunked defences over and over
>make the emperor alive again
>give Rey all the twirling OP shit that defenders of TLJ said would have been stupid
>Luke is still dead as fuck though
The entire film will be incredibly "safe" and downplay everything stupid from TLJ. It will still be shit. And the worst offences won't be retconned because KK is still in charge and won't let them.
So less Rose but Rey will still be annoying overpower cunt who never struggles to be perfect
>The fact that they're so desperate to appease to Luke fans who hated the last movie that they put "Skywalker" in the title is amazing. What a flaming garbage of a franchise.
What's even more ridiculous is that they've clearly acknowledged (internally) that they fucked up by pissing off Luke fans. But yet they still won't correct that initial decision to kill Luke off unceremoniously like a bitch.
Combined with that picture of the offices where they'd crossed out Luke's face in red, is there really anyone who could possibly argue that they don't clearly hate Luke?
I like rose cuz it un-gayed finn
His legacy on-screen needs to be further destroyed you see.
I imagine that KK threw a bitch-fit when she learned that Gunn wanted to hire him for GotG 3
i can't figure her out
is she stupid, vindictive, or does this all actually make sense to her somehow?
>So it's only 1% of the old fanbase? Good.
exactly LFL point. they care about new fanbase and likeminds to those 1% of old fanbase make 99% of the new fanbase.
>MGS fanbase is fine
Kojimacuck detected.
shes a women so yes to all
Daisy didn't kill shit, Reylo is still popular and 100% going to be canon and you are delusional if you think otherwise.
REYLO IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK 4CHANNEL AND FUCK NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are leaning harder than ever into Reylo. Have you been paying attention at all? All they talked about at Celebration was Kylo's shirtless scene and the only thing Daisy gets asked about is her relationship with Kylo and she gives the "we shall see" with her cheesy smile every time.
The cover of Vanity Fair is a Kylo/Reylo cover with romantic color tones. They were referred to as "star crossed" as well.
Just stop posting forever.
KK is a Kylofag, do some research based retard.
You're delusional. TROS title clearly refers to Kylo and this was alwasy his trilogy. Luke is most likely even talking to him, not Rey in the trailer.
Yeah, that's why Kylo was trending during Celebration and why he and Reylo were trending when the VF covers released.
>no one likes reylo
love me some star-crossed romance
I still to this day can't believe how awful the st is. My main complaint is how hard they assblasted me regarding Luke, but what they did to the setting and Han in the first movie is just as bad.
Make like a tree and kill yourself
God I hope this movie is massively underwhelming at the boxoffice.
fucking based
IM A REYLO TRASH TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REYLO TRASH IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rey woke up after the hyperdrive crash before Kylo but didn't kill him knowing he was going to kill everyone she knew. Is she secretly a villain?
This will be ignored entirely in IX
Still want source bro?
>final chapter of the saga
>still no idea what the saga is about
Literally what is this about? Rebels destroying the empire? That already happened in a better movie.
they're nuts, but porgs were literally the best thing in that film.
> I X
> eye-ks
You can literally buy a $25,000 R2-D2 at the droid depot in galaxies edge. Honestly, that’s a lot worse than them not being there. Plus, R2 and 3PO are already part of star tours
We need another war
I haven't forgotten about the nerds of IX. Are you guys the ones who created the face dancers and gholas? Or was that the Tleilaxu?
Well, I just checked google, and got you Ixians confused with the Tleilaxu who are the ones who create the gholas and face dancers. So I'm guessing you create those ships that can evade detection as well as hide from prescience, that ability the God Emperor and other Atriedes have.
No, she's in love with him dumb incel.
where are they now?
It's about the Last Skywalker aka Kylo Ren/Ben Solo redeeming the entire shitty legacy by saving everyone, balancing the Force, and actually having a family with Rey where they raise their children and don't die.
It's about Rey busting her nut by fucking space Hitler to prove how strong and independent she is
I'M WITH YOU SISTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REYLO IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally I can relate to Rey! Based ST!
she in the movie and is expecting finn's baby.
>Star Wars: Ix
>It's not a Ford Prefect movie
imagine being one of those braindead morons that got a Jar Jar tattoo
Good to see this board return to form
I don’t get it
This. The ST has no lasting power at all. It's only 3.5 years later and everyone can already see that TFA was a fan-fiction tier piece of shit. Even the people that liked it when it came out can see it's shit now.
The prequels, despite how much hate they got, still stand the test of time.
>when your wife's bull demands you get a jar jar tattoo
Damn that tattoo artist is pro as fuck
Well, first you would have to dye your hair blue.
The Hitchhilker's Guide to the Galaxy is a great series, you should read it
I read the first one when I was 13 and loved it, something about Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe turned me off and I stopped reading after it.
I just didn’t remember the ‘Ix’ thing
That's a shame lad, Life, The Universe and Everything is my favourite one. Maybe you'd enjoy the audiobooks more? Douglas Adams' reading is hilarious, his comic timing is absolutely perfect.
Plot twists =/= good movie
You understand MGS4's fanservice was passive aggressive and backhanded, done by a creator who had nothing but disdain for his fanbase at the time, right?
Rey lesbian?
Rey Gay
I would just suck his dick user, you seem to be uptight from the mouse pounding you over and over.
>it was bad on purpose
It couldn't possibly be that Kojima is Japanese George Lucas.
What do you think they did with all this stuff when porgs turned out to be literal nuisances that even chewbacca couldn't stand them?
>I would just suck his dick user
I bet you would
>I would just suck his dick user
Hahaha. What a worthless faggot you are. I bet you're like that after your ad. Or your other dad.
What did FAS Jenny do with her pork?
I never said MGS4 was good, you retard. I'm saying that the artistic intent of the fanservice was to mock and belittle its audience
>Snake is back? Oh yeah, he's old and is constantly crying about how he shouldn't be here and is only there out of a sense of obligation
>Raiden is le epic Cyborg Ninja? It ruined his fucking life and he's even whinier than before
>Return to Shadow Moses? It's beaten up, decrepit, and falling into the ocean
>Who are the Patriots? Oh yeah, they're a bunch of people who are long dead and it's not even relevant to the current conflict anymore
>Biggu Bossu returns? He begs for Snake (and by extension, the player) to move on with their fucking life
These can all be simultaneously true alongside MGS4 not being a very good game.
It will make more than TLJ and you will all be here, scratching your heads wondering "How could we have possibly been wrong!"
I fucking hate Disney Wars but this is just what will happen
The pattern for both previous trilogies has been:
>First movie makes a shit ton of money
>Second movie makes a ton of money, but has a 33% drop or so
>Third movie makes more than the second but not as much as the first, as people come back for the grand finale
Sequel trilogy has followed this pattern so far, but both Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith were marketed as a finale. They're trying to do the same with IX, but everyone knows Star Wars is going to continue forever now even if IX is the end of the 9 episode mainline saga.
What the fuck, Solid Snake and Big Boss are not the same character?
tooth grindingly unfunny
You just know she cucks him.
>he's old and is constantly crying about how he shouldn't be here and is only there out of a sense of obligation
Like Indiana "part time" Jones in Crystal Skull
>he's even whinier than before
Yet robo-Raiden got his own spin-off game
>beaten up, decrepit, and falling into the ocean
Like the Death Star in IX
>bunch of people who are long dead and it's not even relevant to the current conflict anymore
Yet TPP goes into detail about Zero's plans
>Biggu Bossu returns? He begs for Snake (and by extension, the player) to move on with their fucking life
Yet 4 is followed by three Big Boss games
Kojima is no different from the Hollywood hacks he admires, but fans like to read into things too much.
You're that asshole who complained every time he was made to analyze authorial intent in English class, aren't you?
It will make money but I ain’t paying for it.
Oh? Yes
Was there ever a doubt?
Is there anything I should watch in place of Star Wars?
>Lynch’s Dune
Fucking contrarian piece of shit poster
You can watch Lynch's Dune or the Miniseries by the Sci Fi channel, or you can watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Or you can read the books, the Dune saga or Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I meant that David Lynch directed that movie, you asshole.
thats "ewww" in greek
Thoughts on the Expanse? From what I’ve seen it’s alright, but not stellar.
I’m sorta desperate for good media since Disney will not provide it through SW. Sci fi or Fantasy, if anything else.
The only reason I have any anticipation. The sheev-posting will be glorious
>They are going to dilute the brand so fast.
And yet they've barely made any video games, the one form of media best suited to franchise-spamming.
Actual good scifi movie with desert aesthetics coming next year.
>Black Sun
Very un-kosher name though, probably why the Jews didn't go with it.
The Chinese names usually sound kind of cool, Solo translated to something like Wondering Ronin/Ranger Solo. But I think this actually hurts the movies in the viewing process, because the first group get disappointed when the movie is garbage compared to the title and they word of mouth the rest from watching.
Expat, not a bugman.
Jar Jar tattoos are kino
Should have been Outer Rim trilogy with the first movie being a contained, isolated story against the black sun that only goes to a starfighter battle with hints of protagonist force sensitivity at the finale. Then the second one brings in empire remnants along with a Sith and increases the scale. With the final movie, we return to the Republic and the Sith and unified Black Sun/Empire doing a last ditch terrorist attack on Coruscant.
And if Disney still needs to expand, they leave a Yuuzhon Vong Easter egg in post credits and a few hints throughout the movie.