What was your theater’s reaction?

What was your theater’s reaction?

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captain fungus deflated all the tension

a few gasps but pretty much silent
I can't imagine how painful watching this part must be in america

>going to theaters
you think I'm rich or something?

people actually went see this in theatres?
oh no no no

What are you talking about nigger? She did nothing and only had like 5 min total screentime. Even Elizabeth Olsen pulled more weight than brie in the final battle. Did you even watch the movie?

There was a lot of clapping and cheering throughout the film

> did you even watch the movie?

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Some cheers. Then a few gasps when they realized he was kill

Biggest reaction though was to Thor bullying Star Lord at the end

There was a super far autistic dude the row in front of us who was ooohing and ahhhing and talking really loudly the entire movie. He was a complete retard, literally. When the first Ronin scene happened, after he pulled his mask off, and then they talked for two minutes, RIGHT before the scene ended this guy says "OooooohHHHHH ITS HAWKEYE!" Like he figured it out for everyone in the theater. When the SAME EXACT RED SKULL SCENE happened as in the last movie he was jumping up and down yelling OH LOOK WHO IT IS?! LOOK WHO IT IS!!! Like it was actually a surprise. I had seen the movie The night before at midnight so I was laughing my ass off, but multiple people were starting to yell at the guy. I would have kicked him in the head if it was my first time seeing it.

Anyway, tldr the iron man scene. "I.. Am . "
-"iron man"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP"- Some random dude

Overall it was one of the greatest theater experiences of my life

This is why movie theaters are doomed. Thanks autism.

A Teenage girl sitting behind me started bawling her eyes out when Iron Man died. I felt bad for her, I assumed her father had passed away.

some "whoah's" and "nice" but overall nothing much

A pregnant woman next to me started to cry, some boomer a couple of rows down also did the same.

I'm glad I'm in the UK, I've been to the cinema once where people clapped and it was embarassing

This was the real emotional moment in cinema.

i didnt go see it i watched the HDTC copy

Do you think he ever fapped with the infinity gauntlet?

No, because he immediately died after using it.

>omg I can NOT believe hero #57571 beat bad guy #83947!!!!

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Thanos desperately tells his lackeys to bomb the battlefield and everyone is barely holding up, Spiderman takes cover in a little hole and Rocket shields Groot and then suddenly they stop firing, Captain Marvel enters the battlefield and just tanks all the hits and fucking flies through the big ship, destroying it. Thanos does a D: face. She then walks over to Peter, does a little /ss/ bait and the female Avengers supposedly assemble to help her but she just flies ahead and destroy all of Thanos' defences and only gets blasted away because Thanos destroys the van. Then Thanos takes the glove but she stops him. Thanos headbutts her but she doesn't move. He then has to use the power stone to finally hit her


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>Ummm did you just say Endgame wasn't the best film ever created?

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A few slight gasps of surprise. My city doesn’t freak out and scream at the screen so going to the movies here is usually fine.

Some autistic nerds who were clearly at their second or third viewing screamed "I AM IRON MAN" after loudly shouting at the film throughout the evening and the guy behind them dumped his drinks over their heads.

They tried to start shit but he stood up and was like a foot taller than them so they just left, and another guy near the exit called them pussies.

Some people walked out after this scene. Movie is too long



>unironically watching this crap for the second time

>paying for films let alone cape shit

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Actually it was a cool moment when she showed up, as though Superman showed up and everyone's thinking "we're saved!". But seeing her getting BTFO was an even cooler moment.

Could have been worse, they could have kept Black Panther alive and he would have done it while yelling FOR WAKANDA!

"I understood that reference."

>Actually it was a cool moment when she showed up

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that guy is wearing a superhero t-shirt though
haha I don't think you really thought your meme post through kiddo

I went like second day so lots of cheering and clapping that entire battle

Silence, if you do anything but laugh at some jokes or whisper something to your friend at a moment of downtime in the movie you're a faggot/American.

I don't know because I'm an adult and I don't watch capeshit

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My theater was pretty quiet until the final battle. They went ballistic during the Tony snap

Kinda the exact opposite as Infinity War, where my theater was loud and hooting/hollaring throughout the whole movie but as soon as Thanos snapped it was dead silence until the credits

girl power roll out scene was cringey, "i am iron man" line was cheesy, time travel was boring and felt like an asspull, fight for the soulstone felt like a scene from a shitty manga.

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