Why though, kids love violence
Why though, kids love violence
Please George, kill the white slaver mouse. You have to for the good of all of us
Lightsaber duels can never be accurately portrayed in video games
Why is it that everything related to Disney Star Wars sucks so much? It is like Disney is trying to make Star Wars boring.
Everyone should have seen this coming.
These are the same people that banner Han from smuggling drugs. These are the same people that banned Slave Leia and sexy aliens. Disney is obsessed with making Star Wars safe for little girls. Star Wars might as well be in the Princess aisle.
Jedi Academy didnt have dismemberment either, long before Mouse owned the franchise, who cares
You could cut people’s arms off in Jedi Outcast.
>white male mary sue protagonist stronger than Luke, Rey or Kylo
real crime hear tbqh
Because you have been brainwashed by violent movement like the alt right. Go outside and normalize yourself
You could cut off hands and arms in the standard game, and add in full dismemberment with the codes everyone knew.
Why is this an issue? Disney has shown BLOOD in their Star Wars movies and had people die.
Don’t worry, they will make sure to kill him off.
I really didn't expect Disney to butcher Star Wars THAT hard and fast.
I thought it would be a painful, slow process but they went straight down the hill since day 1.
because some idiot kid, not all of them, but that 0.0001% idiots in the population is going to copy it and get themselves maimed
I guess the American education system really is dumb, huh.
>George! Destroy it!
I'm pretty sure it's a lot more than 0.0001% and it's also entirely encapsulated within the USA.
I despise cock sucking faggot scum like you
>these are the people in charge of Wolverine and Deadpool
I hope you so’yboys are happy now Fox is dead. Enjoy your sanitized kiddy shit.
Sadly Starwars is Gone Never to return
It’s honestly amazing, they took a franchise that survived and thrived for over 40 years and crashed it into the ground on fire in only a couple.
It takes lots of effort to kill something that big so quickly and throughly its impressive.
>Yea Forums only just waking up to how safe Disney is
Think about Endgame. There was a big battle for the fate of the universe and apart from Tony nobody died. Nobody even got hurt.
Guys, you haven't even played it yet. Give it a chance. I think in time you'll see these changes are for the better.
The Transformers movies had dismemberment and brutal killings in their movies and games and no kid attempted to tear another kid’s face off.
is it your first day?
Honestly this process was happening to star wars before Disney took over. The later legend comics were a fucking joke.
Wait a minute. Is this why no one's lost a limb so far in the new movies?
I was hoping Disney would at least be less lenient at the video games. I mean I get not trusting EA after Battlefront 2 but the comics had Darth Vader stab a woman and call her trash so I figured the games would be safe.
I think it has more to do with the fact that Star Wars Battlefield 2 left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth (heck, EA is in court trying to defend their shitty Lootbox scam). So much so that Disney threatened to pull the license. They are probably afraid of losing sales and hurting the brand and are taking a more direct control.
>main character is still a wh*toid
Thats gonna be a YIKES for me dawgs
Why couldn’t George just let 20th Century Fox make Star Wars films? The Disney sell was stupid to me. This was the studio that made Avatar and Titanic. In 2012, when George sold Star Wars, Disney was hot off the failures of John Carter and The Lone Ranger—it’s also worth noting that Marvel wasn’t an asset that they were able to flaunt just yet seeing as The Avengers was a Paramount film.
It doesn’t make sense George. I’m leaning towards the notion that he actually did sell the series to Disney in order to spite fans.
Dismemberment has no place in Star Wars.
The old EU may have had lots of dumb shit, but at least it had the decency to not have a fucking fart wedding as part of its canon.
The first glimpse into this new Disney Star Wars universe being Boyega sticking his head out of the sand is kino to the highest order.
You're saying a kid is going to invent a real life lightsaber and dismember someone??
I absolutely fucking hate what they've done and are doing to Star Wars.
this is unironically a good thing
If disney cared about the brand they'd have exterminated everyone at LucasFilm already
Threadly reminder that George "based prequels" Lucas invented the character of Jar Jar Binks and criticized the haters because "dude Star Wars is for kids."
He’s right though
>Star WARS
>No fighting
How is Jar Jar any more pandering to kids than bumbling androids or a giant furry dog?
mesa poo poo
no the American civil court system let’s people sue at the drop of a hat. people are idiots everywhere. but in america you’re allowed to force blame on people with more money than you that you did something stupid
Jar Jar is fucking based though, fuck you
Holy fuck that’s where the laughing shoe came from?
It’s depressing
>Defending your own post in the third person
Oh no you didn’t!
epic mouse cope
I don’t think they are the same person though
duels might not, but the damage they do can be.
>It's another Yea Forums falls for clickbait even 60 year old women don't fall for thread
Yep, btfod alt-righters A-hole, right on time, like clockwork
>Is this why no one's lost a limb so far in the new movies?
Yep. Finn got his spine cut in half by Kylo Ren in TFA but a few hours later (beginning of TLJ) he was back on his feet.
During the horrible combat sequence in Snoke's throne room, Rey's lightsaber went through a bunch of the red guards but they never lost a limb or blood, you could only see burned marks on their armors.
With Disney being anti-violence, I'm surprised that there's still a war in Star Wars.
I think Abrams tried to end it like the prequels and probablyy accidentally topped the violence of ROTS (who already stretched the rating in some scenes), they might want it to tone down on the level of ROTS.
the only good star wars games were the X-Wing and Tie-Fighter series.
>inb4 knights of old republic
get fucked it's trash
>implying it wouldn't be a pay2dismember download content
Why censor when you can shake shekels from fanboys?
Kyle Katarn games are pretty good