Could someone please tell me what their thought process was behind this casting decision?
Could someone please tell me what their thought process was behind this casting decision?
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They brought in John Landis who suggested a fellow murderer
This was what he had to do so he wouldn't go to prison for killing those people.
Pic related would have been perfect, but he would have turned down the role after reading the script.
didnt he kill a bunch of people?
I believe this remains the only movie that I actually walked out of.
He really needed a job, badly.
Imagine killing two women in a car accident while you and your gf survive. I would want to kill myself.
>Imagine killing two women in a car accident while you and your gf survive. I would want to kill myself.
Imagine being so stupid you drive on the right side of the road in the UK, thats Matthew Broderick for ya.
this movie freaked me out as a kid, especially as a fan of the cartoon
who did it better?
He killed millions...
Yes, in Ireland. He got off scot free
At least mike tried to do the accent
Literally nobody else in hollywood would do it.
It was David Kellogg's transition from pornograpy to children's feature films. True story.
French Stewart was actually pretty good in the role.
same here, that scene with the purple beam that stops time freaked me out cause i thought it was a real thing
He actually acted like Inspector Gadget
An actor's actor.
Never seen a bad film with him
Inspector Gadget 2 honestly wasn't that bad. No idea why they even decided to make it a sequel. The character is portrayed more accurately to the cartoon, and the plot is also more similar to an episode of the cartoon. It's a much better Gadget movie. I guess if there's any die hard Gadget fans, this one is worth it.
brown bricks
Speaking of which, why do Oney and his cronies keep referencing that video? Is it really that funny?
Just take a moment to imagine a prime body horror Cronenberg film starring Peter Weller as Inspector Gadget. I literally can't imagine anything better other than Kubrick doing AI as his last film instead of EWS.
Other than War Games and Ferris Bueller, Matthew Broderick has been miscast in literally every movie he's been in.
I used to think he was chinese
What about Lion King and The Producers
Had to do the movie to get out of murder charges.
Also this actor went from iconic to a no one .
>we need someone that has actually killed people. It's a prerequisite for the role.
I actually like this movie. Fight me.
I constantly get him confused with the guy from Will and Grace
He was also well cast in The Cable Guy
He should play the villain in Fast and Furious.
So redpill me on this. How did he get away? Wasn't he on the wrong lane? Imagine being the relative of one of those two victims. Imagine seeing this bastard smirk and Go Go Gadgeting in his shitty flicks.
Money + judaism will get you far in most legal systems in the world.
Killed a mother and daughter while drunk driving and only had to pay a $175 fine.
he was popular at the time
what I've always suspected is that he was getting a blowjob and that's why he claims to have zero memory
The weirdest part is the director:
His directing credits were for softcore Payboy videos and that Vanilla Ice movie
He said he blanked out while driving
>getting into an accident while getting head
I take it you haven't seen The World According to Garp
6 million dead
Is the Inspector Gadget franchise dead for good now?
underrated post
He's good in Glory.
he's good in election though
I'm not quite sure. But what I am sure is dead for good is the 2 innocent people that Mathew son of a bitch Broderick killed
>named French
>is American
He came across as weird in Election too
He's French Canadian
Mike Matei was not available
He’s good in that documentary where he killed people
>Could someone please tell me what their thought process was behind this casting decision?
Basically pic related.
Dude, it was just a mother and her child. No big deal
Back in the day I’d say Nick Cage would’ve been entertaining as Inspector Gadget. Nowadays Adam Driver could do it, he certainly looks the part.