Ben Stiller walked a mile. Downhill. To show his solidarity with migrants
Is this a joke ?
#open borders for israel
walking downhill is terrible for your knees
Okay the ones coming from Latin America are not fleeing oppressive governments as political dissidents. You don’t get asylum because you want more money.
I walk six miles total every day(to work and back home) because I have to not because I want
oh yeah well i got these 117030956 for closed borders haha
I despise those plastic clear frame glasses
Not if you do it backwards.
>"I walked 1 mile. Downhill"
He says that like it's supposed to be impressive.
This actually seems comedic, but I can't even tell anymore with these twitter #challenges.
Close my nigga, close. F for effort though
Lol I walk a mile to the cheaper convenience store sometimes to get cold canned coffee and a pack of smokes I'm making a difference
What's the significance of downhill?
my new law is that all people who have mansions must welcome refugees in their home
It parallels his career trajectory.
its obviously comedic you autist
>open borders, just not on my doorstep ;-)
No way this is real.
The same rich faggots saying we need open borders would lose their shit if just one house in their neighbourhood was turned into temporary housing for refugees.
I've seen stupider twitter challenge posts than this, so I can't even tell if this is supposed to be serious.
Is Ben /ourguy/? Making fun of the vapid celebs? If this was ten years ago I'd believe it but now celebrities are fucking mental, I'm skeptical
Celebrities are always boasting like this on twitter about stupid or minor accomplishments so it's difficult to tell.
1 mile downhill in his gated community.
I just ate a sandwich for closed borders.
No it isn't; he would be in a ton of shit if it was meant to be comedic, instead he's just an out of touch commie boomer.
I remember Ben Stiller being pretty fit, why would he have a problem going downhill for a mile?
Why is virtue signaling such an epidemic in America and western European countries?
>1 mile. Downhill.
is he making a joke or just really, really out of shape
I’ve walked a mile to buy prepackaged Ramen and Real Sugar Pepsi.
Then I walked a mile back home with it.
Stiller is pathetic.
It's not. Which makes it funnier.
I just donated to the border patrol
I just donated my sperm to an immigrant woman's face if you know what I mean.