What will the left kill next?
What will the left kill next?
your virginity
have sex
this website hopefully
hopefully you
Haha I sure don’t like those libturd SWJ with their safe space trigger warning snowflakes, I make zero effort to understand where they’re coming from (LGBT people and PoCs getting murdered in the streets, perhaps???) but I know I’m right because my professor made me write a 200 word essay on diversity which made me feel very oppressed. I am a victim.
>the left
This isn’t 2016 anymore, Sargon
sadly not jews
The sjw's are jew slaves, and jewtube is already lost.
Family values and Christian culture
>PoCs getting murdered in the streets
by PoC, don't forget
stop falseflagging mobile nigger
Are you trying to tell me you found at last?
SJWs are the wests version of ISIS.
kosher fanatics made to act in the interest of organized jewry.
This place has been raided by massive, blatant faggots that stick out like a redditors wive's half black son
>SJWs are the wests version of ISIS.
>kosher fanatics made to act in the interest of organized jewry.
literally no
>understand where they’re coming from
What was the point of this scene exactly?
so heres the deal im basically a monke
post height and jaw
thats right user its the tolerant liberals who are terrorists and the anti-government, anti-gay anti-women religious fanatics are the good guys. its so obvious in my late stage gamer brain
Its been like this for a few years.
none of you are entitled to youtube. defending crowder's right to call someone a fag isn't fighting for free speech
How do the sjw "kill" a website?
i farded and shidded and sjws didnt eat my bungus
Christ, I miss 2009 era Yea Forums.
Since when are s.o.y boys right wing?
by joining a site's administration/staff and subverting it from the inside. that's what they've done to this site
Young virgin males before their time.
Since 1933
Youtube was mortally wounded a few years ago, crippled and struggling, and they just delivered the death blow a month or two ago. Might want to update the image.
The only time someone is called a reddit fag shill is when they're posting blacked porn or communism shit for the 500th time.
You'd know this if you ever went to /pol/
wtf I hate onions now
I am now a Cruz Missile
The soi itself isn't what makes a person a soiboi
This post has been brought to you courtesy of the Master Race™.
Nonsense, Hitler's favorite food was bratwurst. He went hunting with Goering often in the Black Forest.
You are just beginning to believe UK disinfo propaganda, such as the made up stories of homosexuality among the inner circle, drug use, pagan worship, etc...
>the tolerant liberals
can't tell if this post is ironic or not.
>b-b-but wataboutpol
No (You) for you.
>he thinks that isn't literally the same poster crying because he went over there and posted retarded shit and people told him to leave
Look what he's posting here.
people like pjw and mike thernovich made a bunch of videos talking about how the estrogen in s*y made men more "feminine" and implied that's what made them touchy-feely liberals
How many fucking trannies post here? Dilate.
it's summer, they'll get the memo eventually.
You know this pic isn't really contradicting. You are free to say what you want, but that doesn't mean your message will be well received. There is no censorship, thus it's not a circle jerk.
it's settled science
is this supposed to mean something?
They're mentally ill and unemployable. They're here to stay.
Based. Only a retarded tranny would see anything wrong with this.
This board really is a bizarro reality.
>the left killed movies
that would imply that the only movies you care about are capeshit and star wars. you don't actually consider those worthwhile films, do you user? the left doesn't have the ability to kill things that matter because they only go for the lowest hanging fruit, ie. entertainment for basedbois like yourself. if you care about movies the left has no effect on you.
It's the faggot /pol/tard who tried to start a mass shooting and got blasted.
Then follow his lead and die bleeding out in a car park.
>that obviously fake headline
All of the Internet, it's already started
Well i'm not pjw
and what does that have to do with this site's staff's being infiltrated by leftists from other websites?
It's /pol/-lite at this point. I miss the days of LOST.
it is mindboggling that leddit just cannot grasp that concept no matter how many times it's repeated to them
Don't even know he is because I don't seethe about /pol/ all day every day like you do. But how about you die hanging from the rope in your closet with a gaping hole where your balls used to be? A fitting end for a tranny, luckily 40% end up that way.
The infestation of sexless right-wing nerds is significantly more annoying.
>the US is the only country that makes movies
incredibly how all these alt-right shooters sound the same. like some sort of npc
False equivalence, shitheads
Right wingers have more sex snd more kids, this is a statistical fact. Cope?
pjw also hocks pills full of onions to his right wing cock suckers.
Trannies live rent free in your head KEKEKEKEKEKEK.
nah. they don't have any power
>It's the faggot /pol/tard who tried to start a mass shooting and got blasted.
Bullshit, he wasn't rightwing at all. He loved anime, that says it all.
/pol/ hates anime, its gay as MLP
not even the right buzzword fag
Learn what words mean before you use them faggot lmfao, dilate bud.
Not the nerds like you who obsess over "infiltrating" websites lmao
You have to work harder if you want another (You), I've already dispensed 2 which is more than generous for such low effort.
>Bullshit, he wasn't rightwing at all
Your sister doesn't count, Cletus.
As for less kids, that's because we can afford birth control. Cope?
I'm engaged. Big cope? Maybe a seethe, leftcel?
No, it's not, you dickless faggot. Go back.
Lol no you aren't, pussy.
I can't relate to these kids even on an ironic level. None of this shitflinging is ever humorous or interesting. Where did they all come from? Of course, they claim to have been here since 06-08. Sure.
>this cope
Have children, incel. And no you can't get asspregnant sorry to say LOL
>implying Yea Forums isn’t dogshit
>Go back.
what do incels mean by this?
Nah the mods let any rightoid spam threads with copypasta. And I've been banned for having anti-trump opinions in trump general. It completely is a circle jerk.
>Of course, they claim to have been here since 06-08
Been here since 2009, can confirm these fuckers definitely weren't around then. Or if they were, they stayed contained on Yea Forums.
Cope and seethe lmfao. You will never be a woman and you will never find a woman. You will never have any children while my fiancee wants 3 kids. You will still be spamming your folder and seething while my kids grow up. How's it feel, incel? How will you be coping?
The day of the rope is coming, tranny
So why are you here? Just can't stay away even though you seethe and get triggered every time you show up. Just buzz off you sad retarded faggot lmfao
>LGBT people and PoCs getting murdered in the streets, perhaps???
In what year? 1850?
Your kids are gonna be mercilessly bullied by blacks and Mexicans lol
>Roman republic consisted of self-interested wealthy oligarchs
>US republic consists of self-interested wealthy oligarchs
Why would you want to defend that?
>he lurks reddit
What did reddit say when you asked them if you passed?
"Go back" means return to Reddit, Twitter, and every other social-media platform you neolib cucks came from.
Yea Forums should've died with moot to be honest.
Youtube can ruin itself just fine. you don't need to blame *everything* on SJWs
why the fuck do the mods delete based bleh poster threads but leave this shit up?
when was the last time you touched a girl user? be honest
Not when i kill their parents before they're born
In minecraft of course nothing to see here fbi
That's all you got left? That's your cope? Pretty sad, not quite worth a (You). I'm not even racist but my kids will be going to a mostly white school. I guess you can jerk off to this retarded fantasy while I raise my kids if it makes you feel a little better about your pathetic NEET life.
post the posts you got banned for, go ahead
your shook