how many times can Yea Forums be wrong?
How many times can Yea Forums be wrong?
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Those people are all ACTORS. Maybe, just maybe they are ACTING to like her.
inb4 at least 100 replies
ScarJo is clenching kek
>"CaN't StAnD hEr"
Why do people do this? Surely it's much more effort than just typing it normally
Now you're thinking on the level of a Team America character.
Yea Forums falling for the ol' coworkers hate each other trick. You just gave them free publicity.
If Brie Larson deliberately set things on fire she'd be Briel Arson!
ok, the cast doesn't hate her, just everyone else in the world
I think Leftists use it to mock straight men.
>No pictures of her and Don who legitimately cannot stand her
Don is an irrelevant fag anyways
If Brie Larson starred on a popular Fox television show from the early 2010's she'd be Glee Larson.
Kike tranny what a shock
>much more effort
wow you sure showed them
geek culture was a mistake
For all true words of tongue and pen, The truest are these, 'Yea Forums was wrong again'
God Brie is so fucking hot
It was all a ploy, guerilla marketing tactic to get Brie Larson to reside in critics heads 24/7.
She deserves a sticky
tv is not wrong
brie is the least liked marvel actor
wow what a bunch of degenerates. looks like a orgy the way they're carrying on.
least liked by a bunch of teenaged depressed virgins who haunt Yea Forums all day and won't do their homework or take out the trash like mom said to.
The damage control for Brie Larson must be so damn expensive
>one of us has to transition to set an example for them
Millennials are mentally kids, that's why they unironically think typing like a 10 year old and saying words wrong on purpose is hilarious or something.
>The damage control for Brie Larson must be so damn expensive
What damage, the 1.2 billion dollars she raked in for a mere comic book movie?
>Yea Forums is now nothing but Twitter and Reddit screencap threads
Can we just shut down this website already?
How much do I need to pay Hiro to take control of it and remove this cancer from the internet?
Zoomers are even more mentally ill.
Based and briepilled!
I'm 20 and I already have a job, i've already accomplished more than 99% of millennials who, in their 30s, when they should be having families and have a quality job, they are still watching shitty superhero movies and playing videogames.
That means exactly jack shit. If you were autistic enough, you could just as easily put together a collage of those people scowling at each other.
Reminder that millennials are the generation that decides their worldview and their opinion of entire demographics based on a handful of Twitter screencaps.
They actually, unironically consider cherrypicking and anecdotical evidence as valid arguments.
Yet I see your whining about millennials all throughout this board, you deranged weird cunt. Why don’t you work extra harder at not forgetting my extra fries with the burger, zoomie.
lol and theres photos of all the accusers laughing and hugging weinstein
In the old days, man-children drove harley davidsons.
Nowadays they own the latest iPhone, wear skinny pants, man-bun and live at home while still trying to discover what type of rights activist they want to be.
I'm in the reserve.
>Yea Forums forgot that jews with jew friends are friends with jews who have jew friends no matter what
most of Hollywood can't stand each other, if someone can screw someone else over for more money they will
Why are there so many Briefags, what a shitty waifu
It's the leftist equivalent of calling someone retarded because they're not allowed actually use the word retarded.