What was the point of this scene exactly?

What was the point of this scene exactly?

Attached: blackpeople.webm (480x882, 2.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Darwin was right

Daggering terrifies me more and more every time I see it. Jamaicans dancing is otherworldly.

This is real chimpout shit.

>one race

Attached: 1558526418180.png (600x842, 142K)

Was it rape?

Attached: 1548251769173.webm (360x480, 1.21M)

What is that mating dance called?

Attached: 1532842746997.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)


Clearly we are all part of the same species

I can't quit fucking laughing.


He worked at a resort chasing coconuts up a tree, old habits die hard.

white people did this

Literally when

during jim crow colonialism slavery

Attached: gay bowser.webm (640x640, 2.47M)

White ppl have no culture

That's quality. I love the gorilla cages at zoos.

Yeah to black women, not real people.

Attached: 1558844855610.webm (426x426, 1.93M)

about evolution? yep. soon there will be no more white people.

huh? are you a racists or something? is this a racist thread?

This is what happens when you leave Negros unattended on an island

this is hilarious so i'll allow it

I assume this is what you get when you train AI to learn to dance and then stick it in a humanoid robot.

>google this term
>wikipedia is absolute comedy gold and it includes quotes from 2 jews who say this is a beautiful thing
i love this shit


You mean NI

Attached: 1558844798907.webm (1283x540, 2.74M)

what is this called so i can find more?


quit monkeying around

I snorted air out of my nose


Attached: 1496606441543.webm (718x404, 1.95M)

Did this chick die or get paralyzed? She looks fucked up at the end.

>>Also Jamaican doctors have warned of the dangers of daggering, after having many cases of damaged penis tissue[5]. The condition can result in permanent damage, and therefore must be taken seriously.[6][7] Jamaican doctors assert that those trying to replicate the powerful moves of daggering in the bedroom can end up with dramatic injuries. They say the incidence of broken penises has increased in the past year, according to an article in the Jamaican Star.[8]

it's funny because the few niggers with an iq over 90 are trying to stop this and uplift their brethren but it's lost cause

what in the actual fuck?!

Attached: 1546742911664.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Attached: 1558036103475.webm (460x462, 2.42M)

better and infinitely more entertaining than a bunch of wh*toid boomies doing the conga line or dancing to Gangnam Style or Single Ladies lmao.

Attached: 1498251037777.webm (720x900, 809K)

Attached: 1498251037778.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Where do even find these videos


The fuck? Kek

>the one white guy quickly walks past with his head down

Attached: Untitled.jpg (614x985, 61K)

I assume they are jamaican.
Those fuckers do some weird shit on the dance floor.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x220, 3.77M)

he was indian

>white guy
Clearly not white.


Why are black people so based, bros?

When left completely alone with no interactions with external cultures Africans develop incredibly bizarre social trends

This is why you show up to rehearsals, !Undugu

Attached: oh snap.webm (272x480, 396K)

haha I like fucking. i like dancing. let's combine them.


actually apes.

jesus christ this shit is so funny

Attached: 1427724895586.webm (569x320, 2.7M)

>that one nigger running damage control for niggers itt
what's his story?

He's got hair on both chins, and opens his mouth for photos.

Black Pe*ple

I bet they somehow managed to sue the laundromat owners.

Why doesn't Vince McMann just get a bunch of Jamcians in a rung and play some calapso beats? He probably won't even have to pay them

oh my.

Attached: nigger.jpg (720x713, 81K)

Africans by average have legit retard levels of IQ. Some cultures & races seriously just need left alone instead of thinking they're capable of something they're not.

Attached: 1560249662755.png (625x910, 511K)

No fucking way no fucking way

Attached: 1496364204844.webm (404x720, 1.57M)



it's pretty hard to invent new stupid things but from them you get setting yourself on fire, jenkem, daggering...remember that thing they used to do where you try to jump on your own car while it's moving

this is some real ooga booga shit.
BIG yikes from me.

Attached: airportsheboon.webm (720x1280, 1.83M)

That made me cringe.
Bitch neck snapped like a twig.

Attached: punk faggots beating the shit out of each other.webm (480x480, 705K)

called sexual energy. god i wish i was born black.

Is this Jonestown?

what the fuck did he put inside? was that a dog?

I know it might have been a nigglet but I can't possibly imagine why anyone would stuff a child inside a fucking dryer

Attached: 1393965487393.png (415x367, 142K)

>when your dance moves kill

I despise this shit so much, I hope that building got firebombed.

he probably thought it would be fun for the child


I wasn't paying attention at first and thought it was clothes. But it indeed was a toddler.

I don’t think you got what he meant

She done got culturefied.

you realise that all dancing - waltzes included - is simulated sex right?

then you have never lived around africans

Amazing thread

more like niggler

Attached: 344A2AB2-10CF-4741-81AE-FDC3162EAC2A.jpg (500x500, 25K)

Roaches have sexual energy.

is she kill?

>oh snap

Attached: 1491804550276.jpg (747x480, 59K)

white people btfo

yeah but waltzes don’t look like literal amps swinging from trees looking for bananas


>unironic nigger apologia

Attached: mfw.jpg (711x900, 84K)

thats part of the dance style

>that table smash
jesus fucking christ

They they use here as a jump rope afterwards?

Attached: 1485492954124.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

Not at all true and requires an inherently African or an American cultural perspective on the phenomenon. Conceptualizing romantic love is more in line with traditional European cultural expressions of dance or courtship this mostly came at a rejection of sexual desire or at least restration as it view it as base.

Nah bro she got a concussion for sure and is just begging him to stop, look how slow her arms move.

Attached: 1556941054618.webm (512x640, 1.44M)

which do you actually think is more sexy, that high-energy shit or a bunch of false layers of detachment and bedsheet covering that obscures the act and tries to render it bloodless

omar comin yo


whitey btfo again

Dancing is cringe bullshit that only braindead retards enjoy anyway, no matter if it's a nigger or not

at least some niggers are still based

Attached: 1546561529715.jpg (1200x888, 136K)

>didn't read lol


yea dude OPs webm is for sure more sexy/romantic

literally fucking kill yourself

Attached: 1496451679657s.jpg (250x241, 7K)

This man eyes your daughter and lunges for her

What do you FUCKING do Yea Forums

didnt you make some retarded thread on /r9k/ last week were you got your shit pushed in?

did the jannys get wasted. so many threads with 100+ post that are not Yea Forums related. I'm Lovin' It

Second video when I searched "daggering" is dailymotion.com/video/x34fffw. Holy fuck, this is great, since I know you're too lazy to click it's daggering clips with fake wrestling commentary over them.

Attached: 1517064765642.png (659x664, 888K)

>White people: Moshing by themselves giving everyone enough space that they don't hurt anyone outside of the pit
>Black guy: Attacks a woman on the outside of the pit and dropkicks another person who wasn't even dancing
Nogs are the ones that gets venues shut down

Attached: nigtwerk.webm (320x400, 615K)

what's funny is i just saw the janny delete another thread
so he must be around but i guess he likes this thread

This is not the fire crotch you're looking for

Attached: source.gif (640x290, 2.56M)

>white incel can't handle black ass


Attached: 1545548212215.jpg (464x503, 31K)

>Moshing by themselves giving everyone enough space that they don't hurt anyone

What a bunch of fags.

Attached: 1518370888084.webm (640x640, 1.03M)

They're just like us

Attached: banana man.webm (638x461, 3M)

based janny getting paid getting laid



Attached: 1519983102862.jpg (850x478, 51K)

The money parallels cannot be understated

Not to defend the kind of dancing I used to see when I was a kid at punk shows, but that looks like a case of a crackhead incorrectly mimicking what he's seeing and proceeding to assault people.

He's deliberately fucking with them, and deservedly so, for spazzing out like a bunch of faggots to some shitty scream music. That isn't what moshing is.

I wonder if some black people get embarrassed watching this shit

that's the most jewish looking person on the planet, fagtron

Attached: 1558650533086.jpg (358x368, 196K)

you are right about one thing I didn't consider, daggering is in fact the niggerized equivalent of a waltz

Attached: 1546651632476.jpg (531x683, 73K)

That fucking filename kek

Attached: 1560079737262.jpg (700x789, 72K)

Attached: monkeys escape.webm (320x240, 1.98M)


wiggers hahahaha serves them right

How can you hate black people after seeing just how entertaining they are?

Attached: 1560744867075.jpg (600x594, 67K)

Attached: 1549515176333.webm (476x476, 459K)

>t. has never been to a hardcore show and thinks moshing is an excuse to fight
It is a fucking dance faggot it's dangerous but not intended to hurt someone not involved

i had an idea for movie where wiggers are the ones getting picked on by back and white cops.

that is the fakest shit I've ever seen

>decide to google this webm for backstory
>top result is some black forum where everyone is saying the white kid was right

top zozzle

fake and gay

There's no way this is a serious post, there just can't be any way that it is.

Do you not see how fucking fake this is?

Retard for posting this.

beyond based. where is it?

I don't know what that is

Doesn't count, because uuuuuuuhhhhh

you mean Malibu's Most Wanted?

It's as much of a dance as these niggers humping each other, faggot.

This is obviously choreographed, stop wasting our time with this horseshit

this is how the Cobra Kai season finale would have looked like IRL

the white girl didn't even react, also fluorescent hair so she was a thot. No sympathy.

Attached: 1546367287034.jpg (209x190, 7K)

Roasties taking roasties out.

sure thing buddy

Attached: hjhjhgjgjgj.jpg (638x330, 86K)

it ends with the wigger pathetically begging for his life as he is about to be lynched.

I am absolutely shocked that they didn't all just rush him. He has a good woman to atleast try to hold some off while her husband dismantles them one by one.

>literally chimpin out
how can anyone get mad when these creatures are called monkeys?

here ya go big guy

Attached: sheboonexhibit.webm (640x360, 2.61M)

that has got to be fake basketballs never go one on one ever

he also does it to the black dude faggot

>has never been to a hardcore show
Why the fuck would I want to? And once again, that retard shit is not "moshing" and I fully commend the nigger for putting them in their place.

Attached: bohemoth slam.webm (640x480, 2.86M)

i explicitly said sexy and you tried to twist it into romantic which is the opposite
I forget that a lot of you guys have never had sex but w.e
I mean i wouldn't ever want to see a blond white woman anywhere near any of this shit but a spanish chick or something, this is what you'd want to be doing if you had the stamina which you don't which is why she's not going to stay with you

it's like a MMORPG raid.

having a hose ready shows even the dumbest whites are capable of planning ahead

he looked indian. he didnt even want to be in video with this degeneracy

How does that invalidate whitey doing the same thing, you mongoloid?

10/10 filename

man, shut the fuck up nigger lol
who cares what you literal subhumans think about anything lmao. look at this thread. this is what you are

>i explicitly said sexy and you tried to twist it into romantic which is the opposite
>you guys have never had sex

Attached: 48t103894nyt.png (159x208, 45K)

holy fuck it looks like everyone's moving underwater

Attached: 1544577921370.gif (240x228, 845K)

basically blacks are animalistic for sure. But i once had a gf, and she wouldn't allow doggy style because it was "animalistic". and that's pretty much the same vibe a lot of you are giving off

absolutely based

>unironically fetishizing black culture

have sex you nazi incel

Attached: black birth control.webm (736x364, 964K)

Didn't help. Fire still burning. Cope

This one's just rad
Celebratin with ya boi one last time

>pours milk on head

>she doesn't even react
>too busy on her phone

Deserves it for not being more alert.

>that guillotine at the end

haw haw

This is actually a super good way of redpilling white people on how black people actually think, notice how they dont even give a shit about the race of the girl who pushed the other the fact that the other bitch violated the girls personal space has them all on the white chicks side. Niggers have a really weird way of thinking its something ive noticed I intuitively understand better then other people(I am white) but always fine difficult to explain to others but this is pretty much the perfect example of a window into their minds.


You picking out the 1 white person webm in a pathetic attempt to cope with the nature of black people in general.

man i finished watching CB yesterday and just understood this pic


nigs can be pretty heartfelt with their dead friends

I hate doggy style, worst sex position ever. Can't see her bobs, can't see her face. Can't kiss her. Puts her sweaty asshole directly underneath your nose. How is that attractive. I don't want to watch and smell asshole when fucking girl?

I want a video of her queefing out the scrambled noglet

>celebrating people turning your funeral into a fucking farce

Attached: 1557975441350.png (605x678, 327K)

Attached: f270e2912a0061c5.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

>we'll cut a hole in a sheet

>doesn't count because you're mad as hell
Got it. I'm not an autist such as yourself. That's why I don't have countless webms saved of whitey doing retarded things.

it's not really white people or black people, it's Americans in general

Attached: americans.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Yeah, it's called a "celebration of life"
You may notice it's not just a black or islander thing
They just have different customs for it

If you can only fuck a girl while looking at her asshole you may be gay

>Not going out with style and taste while your bros allow you to literally dance your way into the afterlife

Not only do you have no friends, no one will attend your funeral.

Attached: rapistdecideshisvictim.jpg (214x300, 72K)

Attached: insert disc.webm (526x360, 2.96M)

maybe someone has the video of a marriage with niggers chimping out and Caucasians watching confusingly whats going on

this is why you nail the damn thing shut

that's not quite comparable to getting your coffin paraded in costume

Attached: 1557327609486.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

>the chick running people over on her scooter

I lol'd.

>that moment she goes stiff
>how one nigger turned herself into a mannequin through the power of African dance

Attached: 1561132047257.jpg (249x265, 23K)

Holy shit I think we have an actual nigger on our hands here.


I can't believe that each of those has another gun under it

i'm with you to an extent, in that blacks have a very particular way of thinking, but almost all of them are remarking on the race. they might have took whitey's side in this case, but saying black people don't care about race is wrongo
notice how everyone took the side of the black guy in this case for pushing the two homos down. doesn't mean we don't care about race either.

>that fat bitch doing drive-throughs

is she deb?

This is like, the best example for an analogy ever.

why the hell does this look like a horror movie?

I actually really like this.

Ballet was always trash.

>we don't understand this dance
>so we'll just ruin it with our modern hip hop nigger shit

Attached: 1554347843081.png (228x221, 88K)

this is your future ballet zoomers

Attached: 1558546653560.webm (480x276, 2.48M)

kek that blue haired girl looks like a libtard

that is pretty legit sad
>got you a blanket haha
>figured you would be cold and ain't got no chicken soup out here haha
>not that you could be eating anytime soon haha
>it's about 7 degrees out haw
I didn't ask for any of these feels

just give it a dollar and it'll go away

You said yourself it wasn't the child it was a niglet

I am calling bullshit Brazilians English Africans and South Africans all act the same

the thing about actual in person sex as opposed to porn watching or porn-conditioned sex-approximation is that in actual sex you're really close up and you aren't 'looking at' anything much, you're feeling much more than you are looking

not really a bad thing at all

although it IS bad that they don't probably understand the point of the forms of ballet either

Attached: 1547034643699.jpg (554x439, 106K)

>if you can only fuck a girl while looking at her asshole
No one who was talking to you ever implied that.
You might actually be a closeted homosexual.

i mean, clearly they're actual ballerinas, this monkey shit aside. they successfully balance on their tippytoes for one

That's actually pretty cool.


>he's personally acquainted with every black person

Attached: 1560363556791.png (1243x719, 429K)

pls kll yourself

pic is literally me

>someone's calling me out for being frail and bloodless
>gotta dismiss it from my mind at all costs
>muh nigger

I didn't understand how the fuck could an exhibit like this exist and then I saw the japanese characters. It immediately clicked.



Whiter than you.

I am, I am personally friends with every minority in the entire world. Bet you feel stupid now huh bitch?

Attached: 1488805901697.gif (322x242, 1.99M)

i believe you

Vile ape

gayer than me lmao


fake and I'm gay

>the discord trannies and niggers came into the thread to run damage control for niggers

Attached: 1494247341719.png (664x520, 219K)

Execute all muslims, negros, jews, homos and trannies.

Literally and actually disgusting. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Like holy shit many people of all races and creeds are just like viruses.

Doubt. Even if you were, that would make it even more pathetic that you think that nigger shit is "pretty cool". You should probably kill yourself either way.


Attached: 1559139857726.jpg (785x731, 101K)

Get the fuck out of here, you newfag cunt

stop being gay, that shit will kill ya

>Haha, I'll make fun of them by assaulting this woman. Bet they'll feel like assholes now

>falling for bait

Attached: 1544822348855.jpg (450x450, 38K)

kys faggot no one will care

>dismiss it from my mind
Sounds like something a nigger would do. I can't dismiss anything from my mind.

Exactly who are these "discord trannies" and why are they legion?

I wish there was never slavery in the US so there would be no niggers and no civil rights

Attached: 1521344201554.jpg (1022x575, 89K)

they sacrificed their dicks to the dark gods

why do the men like doing it? i dont get it

>those two
One day I'll stop replying to bait, but today is not that day

isnt that the african pastor that convinced his congregation that eating grass is a holy act?

Attached: wut.gif (232x218, 2.96M)

Finally found the other part of this chad stride guy

Attached: chad stride.webm (640x360, 1.92M)

>I actually really like this.

>not really a bad thing at all

>That's actually pretty cool.

Attached: 1560910874208.jpg (574x767, 80K)

here you go, it should explain everything

Attached: R9CUTE.jpg (2400x7000, 2.04M)

Attached: file.png (1287x837, 538K)

looks delicious, why did he have to steal guise?

Attached: 1544741668711.png (400x205, 45K)

How could you not react from having liquid poured all over your head, seriously. Don't even care about this one, no sympathy, that's just fucked.

what a pathetic creature he is
why would you make yourself this way

>/pol/ irl

Dinner time


The other is a nigger, they are liberals by default.

That kid is ITT as we speak


Attached: 1544252165790.webm (480x480, 2.94M)

>chimp dance thread goes to 300 posts
>on topic threads get deleted

Attached: 1429611698338.png (456x538, 23K)

Where the frick are the mods?


It's the horror of America in the 21st Century.

which on topic thread was baleeted

Better dancers than whiteys

Attached: power.webm (640x360, 2.58M)

they really do get happy with just trinkets

Attached: 1547351549329.png (321x322, 40K)

That probably counts as their history lesson fucking lmao

Attached: 1518619464668.png (536x898, 404K)

Here come the SEETHING liberals.

my /alita/


Attached: 1547908432615.webm (404x720, 383K)

How did jannies get so fucking based?

>when you and ya niggas gotta stunt one last time

>when you were the panic at the disco

>when your boys refuse to let you down

can i just say in all seriousness though that first turn around though is so fuckin sick.

BASED on the novel "Push" by Saphire[/spoioler]

Attached: 2jquz1.jpg (1286x997, 118K)

>i mean, clearly they're actual ballerinas, this monkey shit aside. they successfully balance on their tippytoes for one
Sure i'll let them destroy ballet because they can balance

omae wa mou shindeiru

trad russian orthodox dances got me lads
youtube.com/watch?v=pRHjRr4sV60 r

Attached: 1559835675970.jpg (1080x1920, 142K)


tits on the left

>a /k/ funeral


damn those commie blocks look pretty good
nice renovation work

Attached: 1550787080140.webm (250x250, 2.73M)


Attached: mcdonalds slowmo (2).webm (640x800, 1.21M)

A gangsta funeral.

Is the picture on the shirt really him signing and/or holding his hand as if it were a gun? Where's the self-awareness?

>American ""people""

this is some Zack Snyder shit

>Still acting like niggers

Well I never!

Attached: 1525716767152.webm (640x360, 2.84M)

based and redpilled

LMAO, based boomer-killer

Leftist roastie btfo

what is that? he just wanted to attack people?

>the one girl who acts normally is a qt
damn physiognomy is real

I dont think chimping will help the nigs

I dont understand, do they not know what fire is?

By another leftist.

Why do niggers love saying this word here so much? Same as lanklets

I'd kill every one of those cunts, and I wouldn't lose an hour of sleep.


Of course they dont, they are nigger women.

>that walk after
Dude is on some type of drug.

Attached: 1547127905688.webm (640x640, 2.78M)

that UNIT doesn't stop for a fucking soda wtf bitch

Attached: 701.jpg (673x1024, 65K)


this. you can see they set themselves on fire intentionally but they act surprised afterwards.
what the fuck is up with that

>everytime the media walks back the truth, we must fight like hell and walk it foward
>because Jussie was attacked

They have to corrupt everything.

>Holds up a Gay Z hand gesture

>There is something else that is striking about blacks. They seem to have no sense of romance, of falling in love. What brings men and women together is sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude openness about this. There are many degenerate whites, of course, but some of my white students were capable of real devotion and tenderness, emotions that seemed absent from blacks — especially the boys.


>the walls of Jericho
Based submission move!

whites wont touch this

>The white man invents these machines to keep us black people back.


They are animals, of couree they dont.

guy on the left shat his pants

el cangrejo submission

I don't think there's a person on this planet I want bad things to happen to more than white girls who burn coal & behave this way.

Attached: interracial_dating.png (906x594, 437K)

russia destroyed ballet you fucking faggot

fucking disgusting

Attached: 1550893873763.png (1000x1000, 367K)

has anyone ever doused themselves with alcohol and self-immolated without getting harmed?

do they think the flame will only last a moment? what do they expect to happen?

Remember, the only difference if skin colour; they're the same as us.

>white men here are laughing at all the webms not realizing that their women love it

Attached: 1489729074666.jpg (1200x948, 121K)

Reminder that leftists defend and what to racemix with this.

Ballet is for slavshits and faggots like you

>look, a webm, I guess that represents an entire demographic
Millennial detected.

Imagine being the father of someone like this...

Certainly not as badly as dumb sheboons would

Attached: 1544908900087.jpg (997x968, 150K)

Robert, no!

I was having a legit shit night of depression but these three webms made me burst out laughing and lit a tiny spark that drove off the dark ever so temporarily. Thank you.

best thread on Yea Forums

You know that these webms represent a really tiny minority of blacks right? Typical cherrypicking from loser white failures.

Blacks actually think that if you cover something in alcohol and set it on fire only the alcohol itself will burn and not the thing covered in it. It was a common myth I remember them bringing it up a bunch of times in middle school and high school.

These ladies are challenging the stereotype of the ballerina
>by using the stereotype of the nigger

he's a nigger

The liberals arrive, but too late.
Go and make a racemixing propaganda thread, leftist subhumans.

>hey janny kinda cute! Let's dance with him

>their women love it
>Inb4 webm of a white whore dancing with a shitskin
I've gone through this a thousand times. Most women desire a white man.

She looks like a bearded lady from a nineteenth-century freak Show

hey now, you don't have to be white to laugh at niggers

maybe 10 yen ago, white women want korean man now

>That's actually pretty cool.

Attached: 1561227253872.jpg (423x456, 35K)

Watch out, you'll anger the liberal cuckolds and make them spaz out and spam blacked shit in pure, impotent rage.

zoomers need the rope

Shut up stupid slant

why are niggers always dancing on tables at school?

Thread hit the bump limit lol. Jannies confirmed Jewish

He's not an asian, he's a white american leftist.

I hope your cock sucking cunt of a mother gets cancer

For letting us have a glimpse at these fascinating creatures?

your little daughter touching herself to yun kim now ahaha

They just deleted a Nat soc thread lol


What did the obese, purple haired liberal mean by this?

BASED jannies

Attached: black school 1.jpg (320x288, 28K)

niggers always slave but white man daughter slave too soon

New thread

this thread wouldn't be as funny without someone getting mad that people are posting videos of niggers being niggers

Does anybody else here have black friends? They're actually pretty based
Only thing is if they get going on the topic of DBZ or fighting games it takes a long ass time to move past those topics

Now now, thats a very racist attempt at sounding like an asian, dont you think my american leftist friend?

>long ass time
shut the fuck up nigger