Why didn't they just wear bulletproof vests?
Why didn't they just wear bulletproof vests?
Other urls found in this thread:
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they were outlawed in Genevieve's Convention
why didn't they just nuke germany?
Why didn't the US Army just kill their own soldiers that way the Germans wouldn't be able to?
Why didn't they just let themselves die and then demand reparations for their 6 billion loss in the future?
Why didn't they just call for an airstrike?
bot thread
Why didn't they parachute in?
it would cost too much to save American goyim. besides, there were plenty of replacements
>Why didn't they just wear bulletproof vests?
They didn't exist back then. Even heavy steel plates were not bulletproof against rifle bullets and they weighed too much to be usable.
Even in Vietnam all they had were flak jackets which were made of many layers of silk cloth.
Only with the creation of advanced polymers and postwar advances in ceramic technology were bulletproof vests viable.
americans were just too weak to wear armour unlike the CHAD soviets
That one didn't even hold 9p of the time.
Didn't the Communists lose more soldiers to Germany than any of the Western countries comibned?
The communists were also fighting the Germans for a full 4 years nonstop and krauts lost 80% of their soldiers in the east
Sov losses were 26 million total, including civilians
military losses were around ~9-11 million
Axis (germans + allies) losses in east were about 5 million, meaning that the ratio was about 1:2 instead of the 1:4 or whatever that most people think it is.
>that one day you forget to call in sick and it turns out to be THE day
I bet there were more than few dudes who went to sick call the day of the invasion. Hell, we have guys go to sick call just to get out of range days. I wonder how they felt after hearing about the aftermath.
Not that user but do they not go to range days because they don’t want to police brass? Or just being lazy? I’d imagine getting to shoot would be more of the fun things to do while in service.
why didn't they just dodge the bullets
Why didn't they just fly the eagles to Berlin?
Why didn’t they just shoot the bullets out of the air?
Because they would have drowned.
Why didn't they just spam z to dolphin dive?
They want to sit in their barracks room and play Fortnight instead of shooting actual guns, but yeah they also don't want to police brass and shit because they are lazy as fuck. Our newest privates are so fucking entitled and caught up in their feelings that it hurts my fucking soul.
I'm in the chair force and a pussy compared to army but the kids that come in now are the exact same way. I don't know if boot camp is cake now or just a culture shift
They didn't have enough money at the beginning of the round.
I'm pretty sure the Soviets even killed their own people, even shooting down their own soldiers. Don't forget the harsh environment that also cut down the Germans. I remember watching a History program about the Soviets launching a counter offensive against the Germans. At night, the Soviets were to aim high powered lights at the Germans so that they would be easier to see and spot so the Soviets can kill them. Actually, those lights provided the Germans with outlines or silhouettes of the Soviets and actually got the Soviet soldiers killed. Don't forget, the Americans, British and Canadians were fighting the Germans in North Africa, Italy and in France.
Basic is cake now I'm sure, I mean it was cake when I went through in 2014 but now they have women in infantry basic, so I imagine it's even more cake.
I forgot about the French and the Polish people, they were also fighting the Axis powers since some of the military forces of conquered European countries were able to make their way to the United Kingdom/Great Britain and still continue to fight the Axis powers.
The armor is just for show, he stopped the bullets with his mind
Does that kind of shit happen in the marines too?
>I'm pretty sure the Soviets even killed their own people, even shooting down their own soldiers.
dumbass meme forced by enemy at the gates, in reality it happened but its heavily, heavily exaggerated. It was stopped not long after it was implemented because of how stupid it was.
Most of the time deserters would be apprehended and put into penal battalions, where they would serve for a few months undertaking dangerous missions, and if they survive they'd be put back into normal service.
Which, surprise surprise, the Germans also had penal battlions.
>north africa, italy, and france
africa and italy were absolutely tiny theatres of war in comparison to western, eastern, and pacific fronts. Again, just look how many Axis soldiers died in the east compared to other fronts.
>a-at least the book was good though
why didnt france resist?
It's every branch. They are all the same at their core. It's mostly a bunch of 18 year old kids who don't want to be there because it's not what they imagined it to be when they signed up.
Why didn't the burger generals use a dozen Hobart's Funnies to storm the beach? They would have destroyed the bunkers and been impervious to MG fire. What made them think 'yeah it's much better to have a few hundred humans just blob together instead of tanks'?
>everyone memes about soviet human waves
>americans do the exact same thing and face no criticism
The difference is that soviets were subhuman jew slaves
((why)) indeed
Retarded commieboo cope.
>I'm pretty sure the Soviets even killed their own people, even shooting down their own soldiers.
Yes, happened very frequently, not even counting the massive purges.
africa and italy were absolutely tiny theatres of war in comparison to western, eastern, and pacific fronts. Again, just look how many Axis soldiers died in the east compared to other fronts.
Muh numbers. Learn why the N. Africa and med campaigns were fought, you mouth breathing retard.
Honestly, chest armor, if it can stop the necessary bullet types, wasn’t a bad idea for some of the areas the soviets were fighting in.
With forest warfare, there was likely a lot of hiking thru trees, with minimal crawling unless two sides were fighting.
Since soldiers generally shoot for the larger chest area, rather than the head, the armor might save soldiers who thru surprise, ran into a company of enemy soldiers.
The first soldiers might get knocked on their asses, but the noise from the shot and the hit on the body armor would warn their fellow soldiers of the danger, so the company could seek cover.
The other advantage, even if the armor failed to save the wearer, is that the round would likely have slowed down enough to prevent casualties in the group of soldiers behind the lead soldier.
In fact this seems like a more likely scenario for why the armor was issued.
A large group of soldiers could storm a position, and even if the position was guarded by medium ofr heavy machine guns, the lead troops would likely prevent casualties in the trailing troops, allowing the back ranks of troops to overwhelm the machine guns.
Why didn't they just use african-americans as cannon fodder to clear the beaches?
>no one is yelling nigger and shooting people point blank with sniper rifles
What kind of shitty FPS is this
Why didnt they stay home?
Yeah but think of the heavy piece of shit you'd have to wear to stop a rifle caliber bullet. Not to mention that piece of steel could go into another T-34
What do you think they imagined? I think it would be a strict schedule, your whole day planned out in advance, and lots of exercise, classes, and training.
Maybe thats because im 30 tho
>Yes, happened very frequently, not even counting the massive purges.
Show me where NKVD blocking detachments were shooting their soldiers with machineguns on the frontlines instead of detaining them. A small number would be executed as an example, and the rest thrown into penalty battalion.
>15,649 people were arrested along the Stalingrad Front, 244 people were arrested, 278 people were shot, 218 people were sent to penal companies, 42 to penal battalions, 14833 people returned to their units and forwarding points.
>On the Don Front, 36,109 people were arrested, 736 people were arrested, 433 people were shot, 1056 people were sent to penal companies, 33 people were battalions, 32933 people were returned to their units and to transit points.
I bet you think the bullshit where soviets had only 1 rifle for every 2 men is true aswell
That's from NKVD documents.
>massive purges
before the war, doesn't count in casualties during the war, which is what I was talking about.
>Muh numbers. Learn why the N. Africa and med campaigns were fought, you mouth breathing retard.
I was responding to him talking about losses, not reasons behind the fronts.
Understand the context.
Yeah, turns out repeatedly purging your officer corps, sending men into combat under trained, under armed and and under supplied leads t high losses. Also apointing Jewish NKVD and commisars to carry out summary executions doesn't help morale.
Communism is moronic.
High amounts of seasickness plagued the invading force because they'd been floating about for a few days in storms. They were hence eager to get off.
They did, but aimed at the wrong church steeple for nav, and the waves crashed over the skirts and they sank.
Human waves were the only soviet tactic though. Which is a good thing, dead commies make the world a better place.
back then they didn't know jack about would care. they would literally pass out these packets of salt as an anesthetic for you to 'salt the wound'. it would hurt so much they pass out immediately
>wearing something heavier than you are used to
One of these is a deal breaker for you. That's honestly amazing. I almost guarantee that you are an american.
Why didn't they just book flights to Berlin and attack from there?
"communism" sure had nothing to do with the bolshevik kikes
G-g-guys we can totally trust the NKVD.
So summary execution didn't exist? And eye witness testimony (from both sides) doesn't matter. Yes, when an attack broke and turned to a retreat, they would be shot at from their own lines.
Purges occured during the war too. N Africa and Italy were not tiny theatres of war, evacuations were permitted and successful.
Why is there always people trying to validate Soviet narratives? Oh right, commieboo. Bet you believe Vasily was a real person.
No, wrong. It was some sort of sulphide, SteveMRE has a video with one.
Those of flak vests retard. They are good against shrapnel and won’t do shit against bullets.
>not using tactical dreadnought armour
Shhh, the western dogs are not ready to know yet.
>Those of flak vests retard
Silver compounds such as Silver Nitrate and Argyrol were also used to prevent infection of wounds.
because it weighs 45 pounds, jumping in the sea wearing that is not the smartest decision
Why didn't they just not go to war?
And now amerimutts are the subhuman jew slaves today...
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram it?
>claims NKVD documents are bullshit
>proceeds to show zero proofs to counter proofs
Why did Steven Spielberg neglect to show all the brave women soldiers who fought in WW2?
Then why weren't people in World war 2 in full hardened steel plate armor you brainlet?
> Have to fight all the way across the steppe to Berlin with your shitty unmotorized infantry unit
> Would voluntarily wear a thick piece of hardened steel that more than likely won't even work, and at most turn getting shot into all of your ribs being broken.
There are better ways of not getting shot, like proper infantry tactics and maneuver. Unless Eastern Front 1946 was gonna have kevlar, it's impractical
this image is so over the top. there wouldn't be that much red in the water.
Robert Rogers' 28 "Rules of Ranging"
>Whenever you are ordered out to the enemies forts or frontiers for discoveries, if your number be small, march in a single file, keeping at such a distance from each other as to prevent one shot from killing two men, sending one man, or more, forward, and the like on each side, at the distance of twenty yards from the main body,
Troops being spread out will help prevent a single round from killing more than one soldier, however in larger formations and with the higher velocity rounds used in WWII, a round might travel a considerable distance after passing thru a single soldier.
The steel amor would likely slow the velocity, screw with the trajectory, and defirm a round, or multiple rounds, enough, that even if it killed the first soldier, the soldiers rear of him would only suffer minor wounds.
Hence the armor would act as protection for the entire group of soldiers, even if the soldiers in front were fucked.
Wow, looks like we've got an expert in killing thousands of people simultaneously at the beach here.
Anyone who got hit with a rifle bullet would still be out of the fight for a while, the bullet might not penetrate but the impact still goes through, they’d almost certainly have shattered ribs and it’s very likely serious internal bleeding would occur. Not to mention that in order to stop a rifle bullet in the first place the armor would be very heavy, and for long hikes through the forest as you mentioned, more weight is the last thing you’d want. It would seriously slow down the speed of any unit for very little benefit.
>*zeroes in on your Hobart's Funnies and other armored units on the beach, as combat engineers clear out tank traps and the like, with mortars and artillery*
nothing personnel kamaraden
Canadians did
> Adding to his sweaty discomfort, under his battledress he is wearing the body armour that was issued to all infantrymen and artillery carrier crews coming to Normandy: the fabric-covered, moulded pieces of dense plastic, designed to yield, but not break, on catching the impact of a bullet or shell fragment. Unlike the medieval variety, body armour in Normandy, 1944, is made up of separate pieces that dangle on shoulder straps, and is usually (but not always) worn underneath battledress pants and blouses. Your back is protected by one piece, and upside-down "T" across the kidneys and lungs, with the perpendicular part running up the spine between the shoulder-blades. Across the chest is a breast protector, and from it a belly-pad hangs down loosely, so that when you bend over, the two will fold. But when jumping down into a trench with knees bent, you can knock your wind out, since the lower piece is inclined to get jammed up and strike you across the belt line.
> For this and other reasons - not the least of which is the very disturbing psychological effect of being constantly reminded of the vulnerability of your vital, life-sustaining and life-giving organs - some men have quit wearing it after only a few days.*
> *While body armour largely disappeared from use by the end of the summer - as much left behind with the wounded and the dead as was discarded by survivors of Normandy - some men who came through it all unscathed or who actually knew they'd been saved from death by it were still wearing it in October along the Scheldt. And some looked like ghosts from the past as they wore it flapping outside their battledress - boldly, without apology, almost as if it were the mark of the long-service veteran.
-- George G. Blackburn, M.C., The Guns of Normandy
Will have to look into those. Cheers. Sulfonamide is what I was on about. en.wikipedia.org
I'm good cheers. I don't bookmark all my knowledge and I'm not going to go googling for evidence to back up my post.
It's safe to say I'm right as I'm not a commieboo.
He did, all that red stuff is the result of free-bleeding brew bitches.
>get through boot camp
>travel overseas to murder your brothers to please your ((overlords))
>get on landing craft
Whites aren’t brothers you dumb nig.
wicked, what a surprise
Ah, I see you can talk out of your ass without knowing anything as well
why are you squatting in a Yea Forums thread spreading propaganda, posting replies again and again, for a regime that failed before you were born, you goddamn nerd
not reading all that dumb shit you typed btw
They would just drown coming out of the barges, niggers can't swim
>seething commieboo
Errr it isn't propaganda because he cited the NKVD! kek
fuck off commie
Why should the NKVD lie in sekrit dokuments that wouldnt get released to the public?
why didnt the germans just let them through so they could run all the way to the soviets and start fighting them instead?
Because the nazis had the high ground
Neither is charging unprotected into machinegun fire LOL
Pssh, come on. The Germans didn't have artillery ready on that day. If they did, why didn't they shell the Allies?
why did they die for israel
So? They weren't all that high. Barely a few dozen feet at the absolute most. What difference would it make?
Israel wasn't a thing in ww2 retard
Dey gud boyz dey dindu nuffink
Kek, good goy.
>war movie
>guys are desperate to go
thank (((you))) hollywood
>NPC response
shooting isn't fun, it's easy but tedious shit
picking up spent cases, waiting for your turn, waiting for transport, waiting for everyone to finish, waiting waiting waiting
cleaning your weapon is fucking boring