What the fuck is this supposed to be about?

What the fuck is this supposed to be about?

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U gay mum

Have sex


Have sex with your mom

never watched it, so I don't know lol

Accepting fatherhood.

The dangers of miscegenation. The main character is an octoroon who after mating with a white woman had offspring where the negroid gene was fully expressed.

How does his head turning into an eraser fit into all of this?

that's such a small portion of the movie

But it's the title of the fucking movie


it's about eraser head

A soon to be father's worst fears come true.

the fears of fatherhood, isn't it kind of obvious

I've read a bunch of different meanings that tied it all together but all of them seem too complex when Lynch is more of a Big Picture guy.

You sure you guys like this movie? I heard some redditors saying they liked it...

how obsessed can you possibly be

marrying, having sex, having a girlfriend and so on

Lynch is a kike-enabler.

ok and?

Actually it is warning not to do that.


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I think the title Eraserhead just refers to the protagonists hairstyle. It's very much worn high and up.

How can this one scene be insignificant if he titled the movie after it? I honestly feel like the Eraserhead shit is all a red herring, a distraction from the rest which all seems fairly cut and dry.
It probably has something to do with that

never seen the movie. i think its about living a sheltered life and the changes that occur once fully exposed to the world.

Honestly, while Lynch's movies do have themes and morals I'm pretty sure some of the more abstract stylistic decisions are mostly there because he thinks it would look cool.

>Lynch is more of a Big Picture guy
I think I get what you mean but I'd also argue that Lynch focuses much more on smaller moments and meanings rather than what they all add up to in the end

People watch Lynch shit? His movies are just an excuse for him to film shit with muh surrealism.

Film women will never understand

Which is fun, who cares

If you don't understand it, watch everything on this list until you understand it.

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shit film shilled by "OLD GOOD NEW BAD" retards

wtf is with all the adam sandler kike shit?

Film no one will ever understand

its pretty straightforward. i watched it with a big group who all, including women, got it immediately. it's about coming to terms with unplanned fatherhood and the feelings of emotional isolation that come along with it

what a joke of a list.

David Lynch says that ain't it

>Jack and Jill
Why its on the list? its a jape?

Didn't he kill that fucking baby? How is that "accepting fatherhood" exactly?

Sure, but the faggot OP tried to make sense of it.

Armond White likes the movie

These summerfags are out of control lately

Pure fatherhood fear. The fear of the news, the fear of being left alone with the child (as he does get left), the fear of not knowing what to do, the fear of failure, the fear of the entire responsibility of it all. Really touched on my fear pretty deep when I got the news my ex was pregnant, honestly.

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