here's your Yennefer
Here's your Yennefer
cuuuute :3
here's your Triss
>actors being cast for roles even though they don't fit the character's description? Well that's alright by me as long as they're not a bigoted white male
If the show were based out of Kenya and white people were cast as people who were previously portrayed as black this would lose all funding and the creator blacklisted.
Why couldn't they have chosen a good mixed-raced British-Indian actress.
Kenya isn't a make believe fantasy world.
But it should be
>Fringilla describe as pale
>cast the blackest female in the show
lmao this show it's going to get cancelled after the first season
No, here's your Triss
>Kenya isn't a make believe fantasy world.
That doesn't matter. Kenya has specific people living in it that look a certain way, and the books and games have characters that, while they may not be real, are still clearly stated to be NOT niggers.
They're the ones behind the camera, they should be the ones in front too
t. jew
This series is going to be cringe as fuck.
It will tarnish the reputation of quite possibly the best game ever made.
If you think either Yea Forums or /pol/ are white you are desolutional
>quite possibly the best game ever made.
Come on now.
>quite possibly the best game ever made.
Nah, she looks too, young, qt and innocent.
Yennefer should be older and have that bitchy domineering vibe.
This is unironically how the stunt-casting defenders think. They believe that if you're a minority, you literally can't enjoy a production unless your skin color is on screen, at all times.
it's an adaptation
adapt these nuts nigga lmao
A poor one at that
Why even live?? :^(
I am most definitely one of you people, please take my opinion as though it were one of yours!! We are all the same, after all! Am I right, fellow white people?
Adaptations should follow their source material. If you're going to do your own thing, then go do your own thing, Hollywood needs more of that. But don't do your own thing, and just slap a brand on it regardless. If I buy a can of Coke, I don't want Pepsi inside it.
They don't just exist. They exist in places where they shouldn't, and much much more.
I wish I had an Anglo-Indian gf
what a shitty, low-effort attempt to try and fit in
fuck off back to instwitbook
>Netflix missed out on this
Found the roastie.
There was a blacked pornstar begging to be cast as Yennefer on Instagram lmao
>They believe that if you're a minority, you literally can't enjoy a production unless your skin color is on screen, at all times
Nah, they're just selling you that concept.
And morons eat that shit up.
>seething 2% jews
> live in Tennessee
> have literally never even seen a jewish person
What does that even mean?
I'm 100% Jewish
it does, the characters don't look the same is all. Or are you telling me that the thousands of Shakespear adapations done over the last half millenium aren't adaptations?
Netflix, not even once
They niggerfication of anything that was meant to be white
Yee haw brother Cleetus!
Did you read what you were replying to? Did I say "adaptations must do", or "adaptations should do"? Do you understand the difference?
If you make a Harry Potter TV show, I want Harry to have glasses, and it doesn't mean I hate the well-sighted. I want Hermione to be a girl, and it doesn't mean I hate men. I want characters to look how they're supposed to, and if that means I'm not a fan of agenda casting for the sake of Netflix's hard on for race swapping, that doesn't make me a racist.
More like they exist in places where they historically didn't exist. Like that BBC show that casted a black ancient Greek Troy LOL
>when you stop making any sense
and yet you'd be fine with a pale white american with swedish ancestry taking that role, fuck off euromutt
>when u try and damage control from the fact u got exposed as a jew
at least she's hot i guess
Why is there literally only one race on planet earth this fucking frail?
mental illness from millennia of inbreeding.
> being so frail that you get upset about not being included in stories that aren't inspired by your culture, and don't take place in regions inspired by your nations
imagine being remembered as the race that shoots up kindergartens over not getting pussy and crying about fictional videogame characters.
>shitting on gross minorities makes you a jew
You're not even trying
is it the jews? or the fact that minorities want to take "white" roles? which is it you mental /pol/tard?
fair enough
>gross minorities
here's your "attractive" majority
grow up kid, stop blaming jews and blacks for every problem you have in your life
Which race?
exactly, yen is a super imposing, dominating master sorcerer but she gets played by a litle cutesie girl
no it doesnt make you a racist. but the chances that you are a racist that frequents /pol/? pretty damn high.
I'm blaming them for the societal destruction they're causing in my lifetime.
But other races engage in shootings as well. In fact, some statistics would seem to suggest that some races are a LITTLE bit more predisposed towards it than others.
And you routinely get upset about "fictional videogame characters", if their skin doesn't look like yours.
If you're already a racist, you don't need to add staggering stupidity to the mix.
I've literally never been to pol. Not everyone who disagrees with you is the hated other.
Why? If you admit that it doesn't make me racist, how do you then assess that I must ALSO be a racist, who frequents pol?
Not everyone you disagree with, shares opinions and stances on every topic with everyone else you've ever disagreed with.
nah, you idiots do it to yourselves then try blaming everyone else.
>that guy who's 6% jewish?
>that black guy walking down the street
well, do you think your superior to other races? if so why?
>quite possibly the best game ever made.
Played some The Witcher 3 and gave up again after running into another instance of stretching out content. "Before proceeding in Family Matters Geralt must find the Baron's wife Anna, which can only be done by completing the quests Hunting a Witch, Wandering in the Dark and Ladies of the Wood."
Finding the Bloody Baron's daughter has already been like five different quests.
I just want to meet Ciri already and move the story on, dammit.
Then I was going to meet Triss but when I got to her home I find out I have to follow a bunch of thieves and talk to some beggars and there will probably be ten more quests after that before I can talk to her.
Why does The Witcher 3 draw things out so much and have annoying quests like finding someone's lost goat and why do gamers not mind it?
>this game has too much content
>>that guy who's 6% jewish?
Literally never
>that black guy walking down the street
If i'm on a street with a nigger i know to NEVER relax, given their tendencies.
Not inherently, no. I don't want characters to look how they're described because I think they happen to be described as "the superior race". I don't want Wolverine to have fucked up wing hair because I believe in the fucked up wing hair master race. I just want him to look like Wolverine.
But if I say that, I get a lot of low functioning types who decide I'm racist, because suggesting that any given black person might not be best for a role is basically joining the klan.
A smaller amount of good content is better than a lot of shit content to get to the good stuff.
Lmao at the seeething /pol/tards the black woman looks far better than both the game version and shitty drawing, wh*Teoids in denial
>the black woman looks far better than both the game version and shitty drawing
I know someone who hated True Detective S1, but thinks Chrissy Knows Best is legitimately the best show she's ever seen.
Some people just have seriously bad taste. But don't let that stop you from living a full life.
Literally who?
what's wrong with her torso and her butt
>and why do gamers not mind it?
It was enjoyable to most.
Not everything is going to appeal to everyone, and that's okay.
>this guy arguing for over an hour using circular logic and name-calling while addressing no points made
You're nowhere near as smart as you think you are :-)
>he thinks when peoople say "minorities" they mean in terms of the entire human population and not in a certain area
based retard that thinks indians make up the majority in america
Fuck man that would be perfect casting
Imagine being remembered as a race that accomplished nothing except leeching off superior races and blaming them for your pathetic existence
>they mean in terms of the entire human
When they talk about the witcher series they do.
This is a multinational production, not american.
Yes, it's sheboon ass and not the fact that nearly 50% of niggresses have aids that racism exists
I wish she wasn't so pretty. Then I could be properly angry. As it is I'm just hoping she gets her tits out.
Love watching retards argue with each other
someone finally says it. i was too scared to.
Fucking a sheboon would be disgusting.
The smell, their manliness, the grease... all big turn offs.