Graphite in the rubble edition.
>Sitnikov's widow talking about his sickness
last thread
Graphite in the rubble edition.
>Sitnikov's widow talking about his sickness
last thread
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Fuck fujos I just want fanfiction about them being bros
first for Dyatlov
The epitome of not giving a fuck
how come Jared Harris makes anything instantly kino? is it the acne scars?
>Are we brothers, Boris?
Post the worst of the fan fiction you guys were talking about in the last thread. I don't want to go there myself
She's the harbinger of death, and I am making it so people see her right before they die. At some point the guy who looked into the reactor just says 'she was beautiful'
no smut for you fag
how's it going? do you have a readable draft yet? i really wanna see some action with core-chan
valera is still a cutie
I'm sorry user, I can't describe it, you have to see it for yourself
funny how they decided to portray Legasov as a small and meek nerd instead of the tank he actually was
i'm not complaining, show Valera is a qt
Trying to figure out how radiation works - so it emits a loud static noise when its dense because thats when it shoots out half-life bullets?
Yeah, they had to give the roof cleanup guys earmuffs because the static noise was so loud.
here's my other stuff, i'll post it in here when I finish parts of it. Might go character by character. Any requests specifically to start with?
mayyyyyybe it's because he's a really good actor
just taking a guess
I wana know why hes so fucking ugly while his dad was insanely handsome.
>jared harris
exfuckingscuse you
second for 3.6 roentgens
>Any requests specifically to start with?
hmm, maybe the powerplant worker's initial reaction after seeing the explosion
depending on how you approach it, you could even change some of the mc's talks, like making dyatlov say something like "you're delusion, core-chan is perfectly stable, she would never explode", kind of emphasising the anthropomorphic aspect of the core now
i hope you could understand what i mean, user-kun
Were their families taken care of, Tom?
good point, however there are many good actors out there that can't kinofy their movies just by being in them.
e.g. gangs of new york is a shitty experience even with DDL's amazing performance. I don't feel the same way about Harris.
>Moderator rod brothers
also, since i've already started, i'll post all my core-chan images because i dont want her to be forgotten
You just HAD to bring Fitzjames ito this
This was the one that inspired me, I wanted her to put him out of his misery, rather than dabbing. The Russians liked the atom and saw it as friendly
what are these indicators called?
they have a name, I just can't think of it
and that's all i've got, would highly appreciate more core-chan content
nixie tube, friend.
It was so fucked up when that one firefighter nigga picked up the graphite and held it right to his fucking ear.
>Vasily! You can hear the ocean!
>that ending of chapter two
how come the simplest of things make me feel like this?
Good stuff user, i liked it
Is it safe to visit? All these tour sites make it seem quite legit, but at the same time I know how post-soviet people operate
I want the sonic/mario version
up to a certain area, i believe
also, if you follow certain instructions, like not touching the trees and animals, you should be fine
that being said, i never done much research on it, i just know that there are tour guides on the region today, so i assume its somewhat safe
valoris is my new favorite couple :3
Reactions like this are why I write
I'll post the pastebin when i finish that first chapter, it is certainly not going to be chronological
If you don't know where this crossover comes from, you don't know SHIT about television
it's definitely safe to an extent, hell, there's people who still work there and chernobyl even has a restaurant afaik.
the ultimate rule is to not touch anything. follow that rule and stick close to your guide and you're golden.
Who else here /Sitnikov/?
You're welcome user!
Take your time, I'm excited to read it
Also, if you allow me to be a faggot for a moment, I'd just like to say how much I'm grateful to you and everybody who has posted on /RBMK/, I discorvered these threads completely by accident, and even if they don't last much longer, they made my day a lot better
Thank you so much everbody, especially (You)
I've been on this site for a while but it still surprises me how despite not knowing anything about anyone here, they all feel like close friends of mine, I'm so grateful for all you lovely bastards
just in case this is not a troll, the radiation doesn't make the noise, but rather the geiger counter/scintillator. it clicks every time it detects an ionization event in the detector tube. the clicks were added with the visual readout so that there would be an easily audible warning in case your eyes were focused elsewhere, such as on your lab work, and couldn't read the radiation level rising immediately.
>He was passionate about his work, and that power plant was his joy in life.
i love core-chan
He deserved more closure, dammit
>I got access to the hospital. I brought the guys newspapers, bought things for them, mailed their letters, and straightened their blankets and pillows. When they found out that I was from the power plant, and that I was also the wife of a man like Sitnikov, they were very happy, and they’d look forward to my visits, like I was their own mother.
trips of core-chan
>I remember there was this guy named Sasha, who’d been brought from Pripyat together with my husband. I’d come up to him, while he was in and out of consciousness. Once I said, “Sasha, try to look at me, sweetie. Do you recognize me? Sasha, remember: everyone’s already left here. They’ve been at the ‘Goluboi’ [rehabilitation center] for some time now.” “And Mr. Sitnikov?” he asked. I nodded, even though Tolya was long ago buried, by then. “Everybody’s already out of the woods, you see? Now it’s your turn. You’re young and strong,” I told him.
Years passed, and with another April 26, came another anniversary. Standing at my husband’s grave, someone came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulders. I turned around, and there was Sasha. “Mrs. Sitnikova, if it weren’t for you…,” he said. “It wasn’t me. It was all Tolya… He asked me to help at the guys,” I told him. In the end, Sasha managed to live another 20 years.
>Yea Forums gave in to double Crozier posting
Holy shit is she talking about Yuvchenko?
core-chans tits are too big in some pics
The radiation emitted by the exposed core varied from day to day, sometimes less than a million curies, some days more than 12 million.
>tits too big
>You look alive. I can fix that.
That interview is one of the most brutal things I have ever read.
guys, I think Yuvchenko died in 2008. I thought he was still alive.
Good night anons, I'm logging off for today, may Valera bless your night :3
also, I miss the akimfu posters
i cant possibly see that as a problem user
>“My father always spoke well of doctors,” continues Kirill Yuvchenko. “Thanks to them, he fully lived after the accident for two decades.” In the 1990s, he got a job at a research institute, then he opened a business. A few years before his death, he returned to the nuclear industry as an engineer, and was happy that he was at his favorite business again. But health was undermined: in 2008, Alexander Yuvchenko died.
How is Dark? People keep comparing it to this.
I tried watching it once, made it through 3-4 episodes, nothing fucking happens
Chernobyl gets into the meat of the story immediately.
godspeed, based yuvchenko
what a tank
Is there a list of all the historical/ scientific inaccuracies?
mazin spells out every choice he made story wise and why he had to condense some things
some woman talking to Scherbina
>he doesn't know
how did you miss this
how hard would it be to just google this yourself?
Kinda disappointed in the lack of portrayal of his hats in the series.
wow, shit, thanks.
I seriously didn't know this existed
what site?
no problem, cutie.
archive of our own
>Asian women
Real life was more diverse than the show.
found Dyatlov's book:
transcript of Legasov's tapes:
I miss our monday night kino comrades...
Excuse me, but what the fuck is this?
>tfw when 5 years
I can't find a whole lot of information, but was Fomin an electrical engineer? nothing I can find says he was a nuclear engineer.
it's amazing, so many of the people who worked there had no experience with nuclear reactors, it was totally on-site training. hell, according to , Sitnikov was a ship builder before he went to Chernobyl, and helped build the plant, before becoming a shift supervisor.
Okay faggot, I'm a poorfag and only just now got the trial for HBO to fucking watch the damn show. Jesus christ. I just wanted to know why the hell people who waifuilize a reactor core.
Why does he have to suffer in everything he's in?
You must be new to this site
people made the kiwi shooter into an anime girl, its nothing new
>kiwi shooter into an anime girl
>why the hell would people waifuize something they like
Gee user I don't know
your new waifu
What does radiation smell like?
didn't CRT's leak soft x-rays?
I think this show explains clearly why you can't have centralized and authoritarian decisions in ALL segments of the government, specially when it comes to accidents and crisis
Trying to save face and keep your position becomes much more imporant than making the most logical choice.
This show gives me a kind of fear I can't explain clearly
like bags of sand and boron
it has no smell
when she said that "his face was gone" does that mean there was bare skull? or I missed some gore?
This but worse. Less tissue. Like a ghoul from Fallout but...fresher. They didn't actually show it of course but this is my guess.
the thing is, the Soviets got away with covering shit up like this for a long, long time, just look up Kyshtym. hell, unit one of Chernobyl experienced a partial meltdown. before the full extent of the disaster was revealed, Dyatlov et al. probably expected this to fly under the radar of the Kremlin.
that's some damn fine makeup, but it still looks too moist and "alive," for a lack of a better word.
I don't have any photos of end stage acute radiation syndrome, but necrosis is nastier than that.
im at episode 2
why is that doctor such a cutie
she's old but she's a cutie
It means his face resembled a microwaved lasagne
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
I recently read this and have posted it already about one guys Chernobyl/Pripyat travel experience. He got to spend 6 hours wandering around Pripyat alone
for sure they did, and that's frightening
I think the shows says it best when it talks about how an arbitrary choice made by some Bureaucrat who is loyal to a political party can't be the best decision we can take, but it's what happens every day.
Sure, Chernobyl or MK Ultra are what we look as the worst case scenario, but most choices that affect our life that taken like that. The world can go to shit and everyone could be covered in it before some people put themselves to work and make choices that put them at risk.
I actually think Scherbina, Legasov, Khomyuk or the volunteer divers are people we should admire, they knew they were already dead yet they kept going regardless, trying to make things better. However nowadays behaving like that is punished in the jobs, since you are easy to take advantage of and be the sacrificial lamb of a higher-up. Acting like a Dyatlov is what the "smart" people who get the powerful positions.
That's why I get a sense of fear out of the series, we have learned nothing at all. Things like this can happen again and I bet they do happen every day with education or public health (i.e. funding millions of dollars into proyects doomed to fail, so as the director can keep him job), although in a much less catastrophic way.
>funding millions of dollars into proyects doomed to fail, so as the director can keep him job
Solyndra, lol
huh, so Daghalian received a lower dose than Dyatlov did, but died 24 days after his exposure during a criticality accident. I guess if you can keep infection under control, the patient can survive the initial exposure.
radiation poisoning was also a much newer phenomenon when Daghlian was exposed, they surely didn't have nearly as good of an idea what they were doing back then
He's uglycute but his dad was sexy in the traditional sense.
I have never read a post so fucking wrong in my life
awww shit, dis nigga Dumbledore's son
Real Legasov was a tank. Alexander Borovoi (look him up) describes how he got into the armored military personbel carriage with the high range militaey dosimeter and drove right into the shadow of the ruined reactor to take neutron radiation readings.
Legasov talks about it in the tapes casually as if he went to the store to buy smokes.
Dude was a fearless badass.
Also -Ryzhkov who was the prime minister of the USSR at the time repeated the rant Legasov gave at the Politburo meeting word by fucking word 30 years after Chernobyl. Respect.
What they depicted in the show is a poor approximation that doesn't even come close.
He's to smug.
They rent you Geiger counters and keep you within the clean zone.
Some crazy youtuber woman sneaked around and found a speck of the uranium fuel fallout, brought it to her hotel room, handled it with bare fingers with the Geiger counters screaming bloody murder:
You need to be impaled on a graphite stake you sick Tumblr yaoi fag
Tell that to her man
oh yeah, bionerd23.
considering she has access to a gamma ray spectrometer, I assumed she knew what she was doing.
Read the Russian stuff I post with Google Translate user
>despite not knowing anything about anyone here, they all feel like close friends of mine, I'm so grateful for all you lovely bastards
welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay
Forgive my newfaggotry but what's corechan? Is it a meme or an anime?
Read the book Midnight in Chernobyl, there's some sick material there. Dude was a tank for real.
>the fireman's wife, in order to go to the hospital, pulls on an aunt on registration 5 rubles, the author demonstrated that he simply does not understand what this special clinic is
that came directly from the account of Ludmilla Ignatenko in the book Mazin drew a lot of material from, Voices from Chernobyl
Think so. But she doesn't have a decent tube wand counter like the other dudes she had in one episode. Nuclear engineering and physics students nake pilgrimages to find pieces of graphite/fuel
fuck scare mongering chernobyl has turned the zone into wildlife preserve and historically more people die from oil and get cancer from *cide chemicals and heavy metals, than from ionizing radiation and nuclear plants (which are 100% co2-free energy source)
t. thundercuck
She doesn't exist tho. Diver dudes much later told in an interview it was their job and they had no choice. They weren't exactly keen on it.
Legasov and Borovoi (the scientist who was in the team that found the elephant's foot) were experts of radioisotopes and knew 1000 times more than anyone else.
Actually no. One of the physicists from Legasov's team says it smelled like ozone around the ruined reactor. The gamma field was so powerful it was constantly ionizing the air to the point you could smell the ozone.
Cause they are people and people can go to the most batshit insane places
I can't believe I'm wasting my OC at 2 am
who the fuck has requests
This man is delusional, take him to the infirmary.
You can smell ozone during storms too.
>more people die from oil and get cancer from *cide chemicals and heavy metals, than from ionizing radiation
shit, uranium itself is far more chemically toxic than it is a radiological hazard. if you ingested a significant dose of uranium salts, like uranium oxide, you'd be killed by heavy metal poisoning long before you'd have to worry about the potential radiation. additionally, coal plants have historically released far more radiation than nuclear plants. for whatever reason, actinides like to precipitate in fossil organic matter.
how can the ligt kill them?
more core-chan pls
regardless, it says something that the radiation from the exposed reactor was powerful enough to ionize enough oxygen that it was detectable by the human nose. lightning strikes are one of the most extreme releases of energy in nature on the planet.
what's aaaaahhh posting? I'm new around these threads
if you would be so kind as to point me toward an English translation of the Legasov tapes, I would deem you not a faggot
Why is this the most realistic depiction of sleeping I've seen on television in years
also look at those cute freckles
These threads leave much to be desired. Why is that?
heres what Ive got
Too many pro-nuclear shills
That will be all. You can go.
every RBMK OP should include this video, thank you.
well, Jared Harris IS Irish
No prob user, I have always found this shit fascinating and this miniseries made me get serious with my autism about it
nukes or communism?
Soviet coverups, and how they got away with it
the podcast had a very interesting segment about the bureaucracy of it all, and even though 'circle of accountability' was made up, it was fucking right in that made up bullshit excuse way people would tell themselves to feel less bad
go jerk off somewhere else, like on Yea Forums
Thanks for spreading the word user.
It puts tears in my eyes.
Here's part 2
There's some overlap but not a lot. The end part of this vid is fucking damning.
gays flock to rmbk. don't know why
such cover-ups exist in any significanty large organizations that with size eventually get unwieldy and slow to respond to change.
Try to work for a big international company and you are guaranteed to hear one or two massive insider fuck-up stories
I work for a financial company, and yes. I do know.
but my god the soviets were fucking effeceint and good at it. it fascinates me how people just naturally did it, without thinking.
it's eerie how part of his tapes echo the testimony of Richard Feynman regarding the Challenger explosion, specifically the outline of what is necessary of what is necessary for a successful technology. I have no idea if he would have had access to that at the time (the US didn't make the report secret, but I don't know if the Soviets would have allowed its dissemination in the USSR), but they both come to similar conclusions.
that conclusion proves why it's necessary to employ inflexible autists as safety officers.
Instead of this we could have core chan porn.
I hate our times.
You can't even have some good old bromance without deranged faggots turning it gay
Why did they make him so based in this shot lads?
Lmao that's so anime
He just oozes sex and confidence
he's a cool guy
He had a real cool motherfucker vibe wherever he went and even though he was an irredeemable cunt, he wouldn't be so cocky with the reactor if he knew about the graphite tips.
normal version of that core-chan pic pls
Dyatlov irl had tango'd with radiation once and lived, he was probably pretty smug about that shit considering his son died of cancer
This entire thread reads like something from reddit but with a few Yea Forums memes sprinkled in.
> he was probably pretty smug about that shit considering his son died of cancer
Careless, not smug.
I mean, he basically walked away from shit that should have killed his ass slowly and painfully twice
what does that do to a man i wonder
hollywood propaganda boring
>he wouldn't be so cocky with the reactor if he knew about the graphite tips.
I doubt that he didn't knew about it
>you saw how the helicopter fell apart
do you think it did hit those wires but he was just bullshitting and saying it was radiation to scare them into listening? I think about that a lot
well anything other than at least 4-inch thick lead plated suit or a suit made of gold is pretty much useless against gamma rays.
It's length of time of exposure that does it with gamma and beta radiation.
Source: High school physics & majored in applied physics - radiation physics in college/university
>local meltdown too good for this world
>too pure
Literally stole a reactor and shared the fuel around.
Fucking Brazilians...
Dude's the character of the year, let's be honest. I haven't seen one spawn this many memes since Breaking Bad.
You tell me man. I suspect they are Tumblr yaoi fangirls pretending to be gay here.
Volkswagen emissions cheating is a good example.
No, Dyatlov was just immune to radiation. He is a total Chad.
Those 2 vids are made by an autist who doesn't even speak Russian. That's autism of epic proportions you have no idea user. They explained the process on Twitter
most have enough sway they just pay politicians to keep it quiet though
These graphite tips the show and people are talking about alk the time are multiple segmented graphite displacers with a total lenght of 4,6m, not some small tips.
They are actually part of what makes an RBMK even work in the first place. Today these tips are still in RBMK Reactors, because you need them. But the overall design of the manual RR-Rods was overhauled, so you cant get a prompt criticallity in the lower part of the active zone anymore.
I'm the autist who can do that but I need the whole audio. The transcript is shitty and doesn't 100% match the audio and needs proofediting badly.
good post
I think they went too far with Dyatlov. Like you dont even need to make a spoof of what happened cause the portrayal is already so comically over the top.
It made the scenes very hilarious but I could never see a guy going on like that in a reactor with other professionals. Theres no way he would be throwing around manuals like a lunatic over simple questions.
I mean the one who drew those pictures totally is. The person who draws the miner/Shchadov pictures is also a girl.
They should be impaled on saguaro cactus covered with ghost pepper extract.
Fuck those people. Scum of earth right up there with the child porn peddlers.
People who worked with him said he was intimidating and a dick but very professional. He didn't throw temper tantrums.
The show portrays him as a dick.
In reality he made sure the firemen could put the fires out and made sure the neighboring plant 3 wasn't damaged.
So how hard in denial was he really? In the show he literally sees graphite and still pretends the core is alright.
He was socialist government/10 in denial. It wasn't just a job, it was lives of him and his extended family and friends on the line.
Everyone from the Soviet block can confirm that his behavior was usual reaction in that system and the show did awesome job portraying it. Everyone's initial reaction to any bad news in the first two episodes was 'What will the party think?' which is spot on.
Can we bomb some bad ratings do make it 3,6? It is at 4,2 stars now
meh id feel too bad. This isnt some Disney set profiteering overpaid hollywood shills.
Its there partly in the memory of people who died containing the accident.
I don’t remember him from anything else so I don’t know what you’re talking about
Why does the KGB chairman have a different name on the show?
Now I feel bad for thinking about that.
That'd be honestly insensitive.
I'm ok with bombing the Mouse or holohoax fags and whatnot but Chernobyl was real deaths, not only memes.
>not ''get out of here'' at the red bar
Excuse me this is a Christian power plant
it almost certainly wasn't, but neither it was fag-tolerant
What kind of drugs are the remaining monotheistic fates?
If they live in Russia they should be ratted out. Let Putin disappear them.
These cunts have serious boundary issues and they need to be taught some respect. It's one thing to make gay porn of fictional characters and whole another thing to shit on the memory of martyrs.
Fuck them with a graphite block.
Putin doesn't persecute fag stuff nearly as much as people think he does.
I understand your disgust but why do you all keep confusing Russia with China?
It's not a part of USSR anymore
"Mr. Putin, there's a fourteen year old drawing gay porn."
People have gotten into trouble over Christian memes, though.
Mini series when?
Christ, Russia's just not allowing fags to get married and have their lifestyle promoted on media, they don't have faggots rounded up and murdered.
Fujos drawing porn to schlick to isn't any worse than this board making memes about what happened.
The quote refers to all religion iirc
>thousands of fags personally killed by Putin himself
People have gotten into trouble over politically incorrect tweets in the us, however i doubt us gvt will do anything with hundreds of burgers shitposting on /pol
Sure some folks get arrested for shit posted on the internet, but its pretty rare i guess
Lmao have u guys seen this
So did Dyatlov understand what the black bits were? Or was he, like most people that worked the plant, not really knowledgeable in RMBK reactors?
They write fucked up rape porn too.
Fuck them. I don't have a problem with fags I have a problem with the scum who disrespect the memory of the dead like that.
You'll never get this much soul out of western capitalist roasties
In the interviews he says he had a hard time processing it cause RBMK reactors aren't supposed to explode.
>be retarded underage kid on first trip to Russia
>go on some rule34 site
>really official looking message pops up saying something like "Your internet has been blocked for viewing homosexual propaganda" and that I have to pay a large fine or face jail
>freak out and tell my dad
>he laughs for a solid 15 minutes, apparently this is how Russians scam dumb foreigner homosexuals
>he tells my 90 year old grandmother and she laughs at me too
Reminder that Ignatenko is a huge thot that after killing her baby with radiation out of stupidity fucked around and made another one.
Kek, I'm a Greek, not a Ruskie but a similar message was shown to me back in 2007 or so when my family got our first computer and I learned what porn is and it said the cops were on their way unless I paid a fine, so I just legit pulled the plug on the pc and thought the cops would bust the door open at any moment for months
Just waking up and followed the conversation back up the chain, I agree with you guys.
I don't have anything against homosexuality, but these dipshits that keep spamming gay pictures here can fuck right off. There's a difference between a homosexual or gay person vs a faggot. These people are faggots.
You fucking faggots crossed the line this time
That's such a cop out answer though. No reactor is SUPPOSED to explode. But it's always a possibility no matter how small, that it can happen
I'm gay and reading the Legasov rape fanfic has temporarily turned me straight. You could torture prisoners of war with this.
I did the same shit, there used to be an image floating around on Yea Forums something like a decade back that told you to search "loli" on some website I forget the name of and it pops up with a notice saying your IP has been logged and the local police notified. I was shitting myself for weeks after
There's probably also shock at play.
He was in charge during a fuck huge explosion when he was doing things he shouldn't have been doing. Even if it was just the hydrogen tanks he's still in trouble.
Also as far as he or anyone else knows, it is impossible for an RBMK reactor core to explode, and they had already SCRAMed the reactor.
Also the Soviet justice system was guilty until proven innocent, and those big public trials were put on as a show for the public, and in reality didn't happen like it did in the show, but dramatically it's a good closing point for the show, and a way to re-enact the moments leading up to the explosion and the guy hanging himself, wraps it all around.
What was that about, user? Apart from obvious rape
Blast every western capital with tsar bombs
What he means is that it was explicitly designed to be physically impossible for it to explode, or even melt down.
Through gross negligence they managed to push the reactor to its limits creating the conditions where the AZ-5 button turned into a detonator.
It would be like if you flipped on a lightswitch in your house, and simultaneously your neighbors house exploded.
You'd think "Shit that was a weird coincidence" but you wouldn't causally connect one to the other.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was rused like this. Makes me feel less retarded.
I think in real life Scherbina was actually nice. In the video where Legasov pets the dog, you can hear him telling the liquidators that he knows how tired they are and he sounds genuinely concerned and sympathetic.
Just imagine, in an alternate universe Dyatlov didn't fuck up the test and Bryukhanov would have ended up the eighth Secretary General of the CPSU.
I don't and won't ever read such filth (allergic to fanfics to begin with) but hearing that it exists and seeing people's reactions here made me want to hurt people bad. Like make Stalin look good bad. That level of sick should not be allowed to draw breath. I don't care if the whole world turns gay, I'm totally cool with gays. But I wanna burn sick scum alive impaled on a stake.
In one of the eyewitness interviews, they said that his nose and part of his upper jaw was gone and there was just a big hole where his face should have been. His skin turned black.
The worst part was that he was still conscious through most of this. He was able to communicate by tapping his fingers could answer questions in Morse Code. That's how they did the last interview with him.
What's their ship name called?
>there's an alternate universe where Legasov took his family to the dacha that day and didn't have to suffer
>whole world runs on clean Nuclear Power reducing the strain on resources and air pollution.
It would be a different time... although some second or third world country would eventually blow one without the lessons of Chernobyl to drive home safety measures
So you're saying he's got a broken face?
I just watched evangellion on netflix yesterday and it's going to be another 5 years before I can listen to that fucking song again.
All the great intros netflix skips over by default and I've got to listen to gookity-gookity-goo 24 fucking times in a row.
Would you be man enough to embrace Core-chan?
Oh fuck I remember that one
It told you to search lolita, not loli, on some image site and it showed your IP.
It freaked me out too since I knew jack about how computers worked and legit thought I was logged in some pervert list. I was like thirteen
But think about it. In like 40 years from now you get diagnosed with some kind of cancer. Now of course, you could have developed it anyways, maybe it was a genetic thing or second hand smoke or whatever. But you’ll always wonder “fuck if I wasn’t retarded and stopped myself from going to CHERNOBYL for a holiday, maybe I’d be healthy right now”
>dark, eerie, atmospheric, suspense build up, character development, a bone-chilling slow burn.
>Mosfilm logo
Nice detail
lmao, what happened to your thread?
Ids fine lol :DDD
>Nuclear meltdown in an African country without even the resources in the URSS
You know, maybe it was for the best. A nuclear meltdown in Africa would have fucked over the entire world.
I will never let this show die on Yea Forums
netflix version is worst of all editions
>he doesn't know about the natural nuclear pile in gaboon
One of Baxter's Manifold books had a post-post-post apocalyptic tribal punk civilization that turned a natural nuclear pile into a reactor by using burnt tree trunks as moderators and an endless supply of disposable slaves to work the reactor until they died of overdose.
>some woman
>As radiation from the explosion of Reactor No. 4 began to engulf the town, Protsenko was responsible for organizing the evacuation. She planned the escape of every family from each apartment block in Pripyat; and, as more than a thousand buses arrived to take them to safety, she stood at the entrance to the city with a map and gave the drivers instructions on where to go. As the last one departed, Protsenko remained behind, convinced by Party assurances that the citizens would soon return to the homes she had helped build.
>Months later, she would still be at her desk in the heart of the newly-created 30-kilometer Exclusion Zone when a KGB officer arrived. His request? To help map a fence intended to permanently seal off the city she helped create from the outside world.
what a thot
>put a woman in charge
>largest nuclear accident of all times
woah, shocker
Fomin had a nuclear physics degree, but it was bogus. He received it by correspondence.
they fucked.
didn't they?
>woman in charge of evacuation, big success
>woman not in charge of anything to do with nuclear reactor, big failure
Drown yourself, incel
зaймaтиcя ceкcoм
holy kek, can you read?
she was the architect of Pripyat, not the power plant
>90% of each video is just repeating all previous videos regarding that topic
How can people stand him?
Do people who say shit like this not only have no friends but have also never been around a fellow human being for more than 5 minutes?
waffling and going into the off-point details are the worst part of his vids, but the second he's on point (first 1/3 of the vid or halfway through, usually) - he's on a fucking point.
Not really, most of his opinions (especially those that pertain to politics or the world at large and not just an interesting science topic) are worthless.
also, for a newfag all the regurgitated footage would seem fresh anyway (but yeah, the re-runs might get on one's tits after a while)
Jared is sexy af what are you talking about?
Imagine being old enough to post on this site and unironically watching and enjoying Thundercunt. Just imagine.
why didnt they just throw a nuke on it
politics are the matter of taste (i usually agree with him, but sometimes disagree wholeheartedly)
He moved all discussions and guesswork on his secondary channel - the main one contains only scientific work and deconstruction of others' factual bullshit (where he shines)
At least no fly me to the moon nip karaoke ending credits.
>a geeky scientist that can have a laugh at mainstream culture references, like a normal humam being
feels good, comrade fucknovich
>a geeky scientist that can have a laugh at mainstream culture references, like a normal human being
feels good, comrade fucknovich
So there weren't any useful women throughout the whole thing they had to make one up to please the feminists? Fucking pathetic.
I didn't want 1 (You) from you, much less 2.
who fucking cares, Slava? Back to your wasteland shithole
This Core-Chan meme is fucking cringeworthy and disrespectful, the people involved in that meme should be gassed.
How old do you have to be to watch Chernobyl? Because my 13 year old sister suddenly started liking the USSR and communism and I want to scare her.
do any of you have the "the user is delusional" pic?
Dyatlov posting on the other hand...
Watch it with her.
>implying Hiroshima doesn't make Chernobyl look like a joke
He unironically looks better without the beard. He's genuinely attractive in the Terror up until the last couple of scenes where he has the beard.
>Because my 13 year old sister suddenly started liking the USSR and communism
She sounds based. Show her The Death of Stalin as well, that's fun and easy to get into.
here fampai
Why didn't they just take all that radiation from the planet and use it to make tomacco?
Just got one of my friends from work to start watching the show.
>my exceptions were high, and they surpassed them!
Dr. Guskova at hospial #6 was a pioneer in radiation medicine. She developed a method to identify what patients are going to make it and how much dose they got (if the dose was unknown) and was the most experienced Dr in the world who knew how to treat radiation poisoning and burns from her years of work at top secret nuke production facility where they had a plutonium storage blew up and irradiated a shitload of Gulag prisoners working in the uranium mines there.
She saved all but 30 of the 200+ victims.
I guess they had no room for her so they invented a fictional character instead.