Is this achievable natty?
Is this achievable natty?
brad pitt is obviously not natty but created by some government program
His physique is achievable natty but that pick is shopped. Gravity doesn't work that way.
Yes, but not the face, hair, and height.
What are you talking about? I used to do that all the time on my bike when I was a kid
No you didn't, unless you're telling me the laws of physics are meaningless?
Yes I did, it’s possible to put your whole body on one side of the bike.
>people thinking this is real
It's an obvious photoshop.
I feel really bad for people who didnt have bikes as kids. It's the kid equivalent of a car
You're just trying to get anons here to hurt themselves. Can't be done.
>just road bike with no hands for first time today
I drink natural ice every day and look like that so yeah
proud of you fren
He’s not pedaling. You pick up speed, bend your bike to a certain angle, and you put your body on one side of the bike. Idk if you think I mean he’s pedaling too, cause THAT’S impossible. But I’m telling you man, you can pick up speed, then put your body and legs to the side like he’s doing and coast
>t. sub 80 IQ mongoloid
Maybe for all of one second, before the bike topples over
None of that sounds real at all.
Different user, dude it’s 100% possible and incredibly easy as long as you aren’t a fat ass it’s just physics you apply more weight to one side while balancing off the other and you can easily glide with speed. Can anyone else please confirm this it’s really easy to do I used to do all the time when I had a bike super fun
you sound like a flat earther
Sure, it might be possible to do that in outer space where there is no gravity, but here in earth: not possible.
Brad Pitt might just be the most beautiful
HUMAN to ever grace a screen. I'm not even gay, that's just a fucking fact.
>that guy who never learned how to ride a bike or swim growing up
>always acts like he doesn't care
>dude just put all your body weight on one side while you're going fast on a bike lmao
>experienced this as a kid
>could ride around the block with no hands
>had my almost-new bike stolen
>family was too poor to get another
>just stopped riding bikes and my skills atrophied
How do people even learn this stuff?
This makes sense because he's still balanced.
I dare somebody to find video proof of anybody doing what's in the OP, without CGI
They are chads and are born with it.
>ywn be trick chad
Feels bad man.
Fuck there's some fat loser kids in this thread. we used to do what Brad is doing all the time as kids. It's easy. Just swing your leg over and feel that breeze.
great troll post
we always did this as kids, it was the cool way to stop
instead of stopping and then getting off the bike, its like you do it all in one motion, slow down, spin off your leg to behind, then stop the bike and your feet come down gently to the ground
or you could just cruise like that but personally i was always worried my pedal would snap so i didnt do that much
how the fuck do you pedal like that? or does he keep kicking off the ground for momentum like a skateboarder?
Nice larping.
His shoes have clips in the bottom that hook into the pedals.
For some reason cyclists call them clipless.
He's just riding the momentum, and probably about to step off. Its clearly at the bottom hill of a driveway or a private road. I get the impression Pitt was probably a skater bro in his youth since he was on Jackass.
What do you think that that bike seat would smell like?
u sound dumb af lol
>he believes in the gravity psyop
user you could have accomplished so much more with your life if you stopped eating the bullshit those "science" textbooks were telling you. if gravity were real why has the moon not crashed into earth? how could our entire solar system exist in the presence of the sun? it fucking couldn't. it actually doesn't, but this isn't the place to talk about that.
Cool, find proof then
Hello schizobro
>same shoes
jesus christ you guys are morons
are you joking? what's shown in OP is the easiest shit in the world, i used to do that all the time. it doesn't even take practice, it's pretty much second nature. you just lean your weight exactly like he's doing in the picture
>if gravity were real why has the moon not crashed into earth
imagine believing in the moon
Shit, man. The hardest part to watch is going down the ramp. You've gotta commit, but if you don't bail before you fall...
Only reason this looks insane is that it's hard to track how fast he was going. Good camera work.
and then topple over a second later because gravity pulls you over
no one is impresed by your lies
Yeah but those aren't clipless pedals. They're normal pedals
Have you faggots never ridden a bike? Fucking zoomers.
retard if the moon isn't real then how are they monitoring us? satellites? too fucking obvious and a clear distraction from the use of the moon. nobody is saying the moon isn't artificial but it is fucking there and that is its name
only place you'll be zooming to is into the pavement when you pretend you can ride a bike on one side like a gravity wizard idiot
If you could lean your weight like that, you must have telekinesis or something. I just don't see how it works
Jesus christ this is really fucking with my brain.
If you ever carried out your proposed fitness routine you would experience such a shitstorm of consequences my friend your empty little head would be spinning faster than the wheels of Brad's Schwinn bicycle back there.
welp, should've read the rest of the thread before responding. would've realized you were trolling sooner
im so mad wtf just belive
He has a bulbouse nose, low cheekbones, average maxilla and round, average jaw, his only outstanding feature is eye area. He's 5'11 which is slightly below the average of the modern white male. His hair is good but nothing special.
He's nowhere near incel though (in fact whites of the nordid phenotype cannot be incel)
Fact: if there is more weight on one side of a thing it will topple over. Deal with it.
It is a common bicycling posture for a rapid dismount. I have been doing that since childhood, as have many others. Quit the internet/ride a bike.
>XD I'm so cool because I can lie on the internet about riding a bike a certain way
Try reevaluating your life
He must be using some technique to have the bicycle act like a scooter. A free-floating chain that is not directly linked to the axle. I had a bike once that you could pedal backwards without any reverse momentum. This must be his secret.
>for a rapid dismount
Wow yeah I just do a backflip directly off my bicycle into a double pike twist and it rolls into place and locks itself up on its own too. Idiot
>No you didn't, unless you're telling me the laws of physics are meaningless?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the education system of the United States of America.
Obligatory reply
It's photoshopped for sure there's no such technology
He has science backing him up. You have an "epic meme".
Wow kinda racist but ok. Don't post pictures like that again in my thread or I'm gonna have to report you sorry/notsorry.
Doing it on a flat slope like that is still really hard.
Let alone that smooth.
You maintain your center of gravity over the line between the contact points where the tires meet the road, with the bike at a lean. It is not hard at all.
When you coast to where you are going to stop, you brake, then jump off while still holding the handlebars to keep the bike upright and undamaged.
You shouldn't call someone an idiot when they know of what they speak, brainlet.
Buy a lock and stop crying, then.
If you didn't know, "Nigga stole my bike" is an ancient Yea Forums meme. I am not racist.
How are there this many newfags? FUCKING how? Moot said traffic didn't increase much during the summer but there are THIS many reddit fucks who don't get the joke?
One of them is an obsessed europoor too. Get off your computer Muhammad.
ITT: Newfags calling oldfags newfags.
I've been here for fifteen years (YOU WILL BE HERE FOREVER) and I have been called a faggot, a nigger faggot, and a jew. That never pissed me off.
Calling me a newfag or redditor will cause a war, though.
Cringe newfaggot.
>Yea Forums pass
opinion discarded
What are some good bicycle kinos?
Does he now? I hold a MPhys in Physics with Astronomy and an EngD in Molecular Modelling and Materials Science and yet I quite often do that on my bike. So yeah...
You must be stupid. The bike wouldn’t be balanced and would tip over hurting brad. Stop trying to get gullible anons hurt.
mt hands get sweaty just watching that
100% fake, one of his kids would have stolen his bike by now.
is this real?
>mfw didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 25
>learned in about 30 minutes
meh its ok
It's really not difficult. You lean the bike slightly to the side you are not situated on. .
Why wouldn't this just torque off the table?
Don't argue with a flat earther who thinks hammers levitate.
No, the forces essentially act like a weak clamp. Try it out.
I did that literally every time I pulled up to a stop when I was in high school and college, it's really easy. You just flip your leg over the bike and balance like that until you brake to a stop.
Just use your brain dipshit, god damn
that is honestly the worst shop i have ever seen, he doesnt even try
I'm a fat ass and even I can do this, mounting and dismounting alike.
It actually easier for me since I'm also tall and have my seat set at the correct height (very high), so I don't strain my groin if I'm getting on or off with my feet on the ground.
Eat very clean, keeping track of calories and making sure you're never over and not particularly low. Maintain a low bf%. Lift 3 times a week, more reps smaller weights. Do cardio every day. You will have Brad Pitt's physique. The hard part is keeping it. Not enough water? You'll look bloated from any sodium. Eat dirty for a meal or two? You'll look less defined. Eat too little? Muscles will suffer.
>t. Never rode a bike before
This just looks like he's making a slight right turn at low to moderate speed, hence his bike is tilted in the direction of the turn and his clothes are being blown back