Whos the cutest and why is it adam?
>started watching their videos
I hate myself for this. Last year I didn’t know even what Game Grumps was, other than something for Yea Forumsedditors to watch.
I love cute girls who don't know they're cute and come off a super awkward
You sound like a soiboy tryharding to be le hip and contrarian.
You obviously enjoy them, why do you need to defend yourself for doing it?
game grumps is garbage tho
Which one
Why are all women whores?
the one that isn't ugly
Bruh moment
this is my friend simulator
I'd fuck the shit out of both of them, no idea what are you talking about
>You obviously enjoy them
I don’t, which makes it worse. James and Elyse are the only thing I like, because I thought they were siblings for a while. Lawrence is pathetic, Adam is boring, and Bruce is funnily pathetic.
Alana is a cute slut.
I only watched Game Grumps so that I didn’t have to replay Majora’s Mask and I very quickly learned to hate Arin and Dan.
>watching youtube series after 2014
You poor bastard
Why is James the hottest one at the office?
Cos hes literally the only one that doesnt have a body made of play dough
*replaces Adam, Bruce, James and Elyse as the perfect Funhaus team*
Whatever happened to them all working out together?
Sleepycabin > Cow Chop before James left > Creatures 2009-2014 > Funhaus > AH
For me, it's James, the hottest funhaus cutie.
Reminder that Brucefags are just nerds who want to bang Autumn.
>muh wheeze muh gay vr porn muh fake excitement
True patricians understand that James carries all the videos he's in, and that him and Elyse could leave Funhaus any day if they wanted.
Also Elyse >Autumn don't fukcing (You) me
>inb4 go back to your muppet wife, James
Fuck outta here
I only know what Sleepycabin and Funhaus are from those
Alannah is terrible can't stand any of the videls featuring her, she even managed to drag down that tournament series they did a few weeks back. How did they go so right with Elyse but so wrong with Alannah?
For me, its watching them getting drunk
Elyse is actually funny (was fucking hilarious a couple of years ago), Alannah is mostly another straightman. She needs a row of weirdos like in for her to shine
>haven't checked their merch out in over a year
>actually like some of their shirts
Am I really going to drop 30 bucks on this limited edition shirt right now?
Any Yea Forumsbros wanna star an YouTube frend-crew channel together?
Yeah but you're a beta, nobody cares what you think