>Past a certain age, a man with no $75K+ a year career, a wife and kids, and a McMansion in the suburbs can be a bad thing
Past a certain age, a man with no $75K+ a year career, a wife and kids...
imagine being over 20 and not owning 2+ houses
$75k is easily attainable. It's not enough to have a wife and raise kids on though. Women only want Chad. Plus, literally every single woman cheats. I've accepted that I'll live alone.
>t. califag
Is there anything more passive aggressive than the word mcmansion? I just can't figure out if it was coined by a spiteful poorfag or a douchy richfag.
The former
It's more a case of them having a good outward appearance but they're made of garbage materials.
How are rich people even using Yea Forums lmao get a family
what did he mean by this
Move somewhere cheaper?
>poorfag high schoolers think $75k is rich
Ive met rich arab trust fund babys through Yea Forums playing video games, no joke. This site isnt just for poorfags.
HI flyover
Le epic saturday night oneupmanship thread
imagine being a 28 yo neet living with your parents
>mcmansion in the suburbs
I've never actually looked into living in suburbia because I have a personality, but that seems way too low a salary unless you want to live in the suburbs inundated with niggers pushed out by gentrification and subsidized by section 8.
I’m 40, make $140k and no kids or wife, travel freely, have a gf and no debt.
Tell me I’m wrong.
Based. What job?
You're wrong. Take my wife and have a happy life together, I'll take your job.
You're the reason the white race is going extinct. Also that's not very impressive for being 40 unless that's all passive income from investments or something
>DUDE I just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city
this. just look at /biz/. it's a board filled with millionaires
I think I'm about to get let go from my 23k a year temp tech support job even though my boss likes me a lot because I got a 70 on the state test. I was supposed to get hired full time on June 5th but no one's emailed me in months. The only thing keeping from jumping off a bridge is it would ruin my mom's life
I've spent around 500 dollars on custom girlfriend audios. I also paid a cute girl 15 dollars to take a picture with me to convince my coworkers I have a girlfriend.
More of a rural type of guy who doesn't like having neighbors, but nice try.
If your house isn't worth over $250,000 you're poverty tier doomed to rent with bad credit and no nest egg while you waste time watching crappy tv shows and remakes to avoid the pain of your existence.
You aight whiteboi
>I've never actually looked into living in suburbia because I have a personality
Is that supposed to be impressive? You have money, a cum dumpster (because she won't have children) and you travel? My parents still managed to travel despite having 2 kids. You're a degenerate, work is secondary to family and you don't have one of your own. How can anyone even consider you to be a man if you have no desire to want children? Imagine smugly posting this lmao. I make almost as much as you and fully desire to support a loving family with it and not on hedonistic shit.
>not very impressive
Christ this website is retarded some times
But my parents only got divorced once.
probably the latter, but they're not wrong. White trash loves to buy large, expensive, but shoddy houses that fall apart in 10 years, just like their fleeting wealth
should I watch season 3?
Wow your degenerate failure lifestyle is so admirable
I would gladly wagecuck for minimum wage and come home to a family every day rather than earn above average money without kids
I make more than that and I'm only 24, retard
>I've spent around 500 dollars on custom girlfriend audios.
>I also paid a cute girl 15 dollars to take a picture with me to convince my coworkers I have a girlfriend.
>living in a neighborhood with no HOA
poorfag status
t. miserable poor zoom zoom
140k is more than double the average income.
Top boomer
It genuinely isn't though
Im 23 and I make that in cyber security just doing basic consulting
It's almost four times the average.
For a 40yo white man without kids? No
So what? Good for you. It's still a lot of money.
more like 14 and never had a job
It doesn't matter if youre a nigger with ten kids, the point remains.
The NPC meme is true, there are poorfags who literally cannot comprehend climbing a corporate ladder or getting in there in the first place. Making 100k+ is simple if you know even the most basic shit in your field
Good for you, but this isn't venezuala so 140k actually means something and is basically more money than your average person needs unless you spend it on retarded shit.
Nice bait but living an empty lifestyle like that and thinking you're happy is the definition of coping
why do you care what he does zoomer faggot? why don't you try moving out of home?
>>unironically supporting HOA
Past a certain age, a man will die.
>I'm not developed enough of a human being to maintain a relationship
>must blame a spooky "better man"
Relationships involve trust. Sometimes they break down but 9/10 times it's because of miscommunication in the relationship. That shit breeds contempt and spitefulness... It's a complicated dance... Fuck it. Don't get married.
w-what age is that?
>t. 6'6 Wendy's chef who makes 400k and has a 9" cock
>climbing the corporate ladder
>not an NPC
Obviously being self-aware isn't in your programming.
>a man over the of 18 without having sex, a full ride scholarship with job waiting after graduating, and putting a 10% down payment on his mortgage next to a good school district can be a bad thing
The world needs ditch diggers too kiddo, not every industry or career path leads to that type of money but you already knew that.
not everyone is cut out to be a parent.
>dude why do you care if there's a huge manchild problem lmao it's not your concern bro
9k a month doesn't add up to more than 140k a year, fag.
that gay picture you saved from reddit has nothing to do with his post
Yes, you're right, stupid people aren't. That guy makes 140k+ so he obviously has some idea about success (in the wagecuck world)
>be paramedic
>see mangled bodies every week
>see young 16-20 year old kids ripped to shreds from drunk driving accidents constantly
>save lives every week
>get spit on, forced to restrain and wrestle patients just to get them in the ambulance
>can't even smoke weed to relax after seeing and treating "bestgore Brazil" (but in real life)
>works weekends and 50-60 hours per week
>get shit pay (~$36k per year with benefits)
Sure is great being a medic and being part of arguably the most important public service in existence and getting less compensation than some faggot Social Studies teacher at a high school. I'm only 22 years old OP, and I'm already that man. I'm already that man, OP.
I wish I had some weed right now.
>It's not enough to have a wife and raise kids on though
Depends on where you live. It's more than enough to raise a family where I live.
>what are bonuses
>what are stocks
>what is income tax return
Lmao, plus I bet that 40yo was talking about income before tax
Your fault for getting a job that literally anyone can do after a 6 month course
Thank you for your cervix. I'm one of those retards that has been pried out of a car because of drunk driving, but at least all I remember doing is glaring at the ceiling and asking over and over if I hurt anyone.
I lost my job back in October. Had a hard time looking for a new job in which my wife had to pick up the slack with her job (OTs, new projects, etc). For 7 months felt like a complete useless piece of shit. Finally had to take a job far from our place and people at my job treat me like shit. I fucking hate working here but I can't quit since I have to make payments
Fml :(
I have $6,000 dollars in the bank, haven't had a girlfriend in over ten years, no kids and I live in a garage. I'm actually holding together surprisingly well apart from some mild alcoholism, but that's mostly due to boredom.
I appreciate you bro. Take care of yourself first though or you won't be able to do what you do.
It's cool. I'm in favor of shitting on the guy who obviously was trying to brag but 140k a year is a substantial income just about everywhere in the world. You're better off saying he has a small dick or something because you're not going to make him feel bad about that income lol.
oh god wut have i done to my life. i get paid 20k a year to clean up the shit from rich peoples fancy toilets. Seeing all these rich couple living happy fulfilling lives, meanwhile I am all alone in studio apartment on top gas station in crappy town. It looking to be my time to go.
Just fucking vape already. Why are you still smoking? By a nice thick fucking box mod with a big fucking tank and enjoy yourself without smelling like shit. Unironically, vaping feels and tastes better than cigs and it doesn't fuck your skin, teeth, blood vessels, liver, and lungs up. Already been proven that vaping is over 100x healthier, and that was from a shit study trying to DEBUNK health improvements from vaping. Just fucking try it, user. It feels amazing.. not to mention the fucking ridiculous buzz you can get in the morning.
Oh yeah, well I make eleventy times what you make and my age is on the clock
Uhh user...
Imagine living in Boston
he literally posted proof, fag
What field?
This is what I imagine goes on in the minds of people who try to convert me to vaping, and I will get lung cancer just to spite you retards.
Based retard
I am turned to the thought of getting deep throated by young buck with tumors in his lungs and throat.
I work from home automating private cloud deployments
whatever he does doesn't necessarily correlate to rearing children redditfag.
how can I make a decent amount of income without going back to school bros
I bet you have a small dick though lmao
>6 month course
2 years faggot
Good luck man. Good to see your wife is helping you power through it.
This is like buying a ford f-750 stretch limo as a commuter vehicle because you met a snarky gay dude who drives a hybrid.
Oh so computer stuff.
>glaring at the ceiling
why? looking or staring would have been sufficient.
Yeah fuck me for wanting a fast-paced job that is more dangerous, debilitating, and stressful than any other public service job, including being a cop. I took the job because I enjoy it, but I do expect to be compensated for what I do. What excuse do you have? What contribution do you bring the world? Shows your ignorance that you think it's a 6 month course, that's EMT-B chuckle head. Paramedic is 2-3 years of school, and it's the same route as going into a trade. As much as I wanna die for not becoming an ER doctor, I'm sure you're even worse off, wanting to chug that bottle of mal-prescribed Xanax sitting on your desk for living a life devoid of adrenaline and purpose; and guess who will be there to resuscitate you when you inevitably try and fail to kill yourself? Medics.
see or any other skilled trade. Pipefitters, plumbers, electricians, elevator repair dudes, operating engineers. Ironworkers if you're a fearless psychopath. Join a union if there's one in your area. Be prepared to work your ass off and do dangerous shit.
do you specialize in AWS? I'm a Solutions Associate but I'm planning to take the Architect this year, kinda hilarious that most of my clients nowadays are doing Azure lol
>I'm sure you're even worse off, wanting to chug that bottle of mal-prescribed Xanax sitting on your desk for living a life devoid of adrenaline and purpose; and guess who will be there to resuscitate you when you inevitably try and fail to kill yourself? Medics.
this fucking projection lmao
t. transplant
Vaping is for manchildren with a phallic obsession and a constant need for candy, sorry.
go into tech. trades are retarded. the people telling you that are being passive aggressive.
Cringe but redpilled
what is the one pick if you are dumb as fuck and want to eventually go back to school ?
Pretty based post tbqh
I sometimes use AWS or make services that can interact with it, but most of what I work with is our own private cloud
My retirement plan is to overdose
You think I care if you die? Go blow your head off with a shotgun and let the medic user in here try to repair you. I don't give a fuck. Vaping FEELS better and is more satisfying. Instead of being a faggot and saying "sorry guys, I smell disgusting because I smoke, and brb I need to go smoke again" you can vape anywhere with any type of device. In a small room? Get a Juul. In your own home? Get a nice mod setup. But hey, die from cancer if you want, it thins out the population
This. I'm also 6'4 with a 8 inch cock btw. And my girlfriend is latino
Even though my brain was more or less on drunk autopilot (.38 BAC) I was really pissed at myself and figured my life was over between the DUI and illegal guns I had in my car (no charges filed though for some reason).
i like it because it perfectly summaries america. no soul
so is she or he like eighteen
I make $45k a year.
But I have a wife who lets me stick it in her butt whenever I want. Life is pretty good tbqh.
>my girlfriend is latino
I deal with NEETs all the time lmao. It's a projection of what I perceive you to be and what I've seen from people of the same ilk. Kill yourself, live a happy life, I really don't care. Just don't be an ignorant faggot.
>no timestamp proof of anything
oh for sure my dude
grrrr im richer than you be insecure
This was so cringe it rent a hole in spacetime and now there are extra dimensional abominations destroying my house. Thanks.
how can people live in a society where generic tech service makes 5 times more than an EMT? americans are truly ultra cucked
It's a she and yes, she's like 19 or 20. It's the dumb bitch from the "Hit or Miss" vine. It's just a good reaction image desu
How fat is she?
Same bro. I only sodomize the wife on special occasions though. Feels too dirty afterward and I'd hate to prolapse her.
>I really don't care
But you do or else you wouldn't be this asshurt.
You can't. Your only other option is to sell hard drugs.
Is this your first time posting on the internet?
Very random and funny xD
>go back
I was rendered sterile by an illness in my youth, am I less of a man? Is my existence pointless? You have a very narrow view of things and it's not doing you any favors.
Correction, I said I don't care what happens to you. I didn't say I never cared about you being a retarded faggot. If you're dead, you can't be a retarded faggot.
>what is English
>which direction is the shitting street
>as rendered sterile by an illness in my youth, am I less of a man?
yes, but only because you lost the choice to be able to have kids.
>i wasted a ton of money and time going to school so now I'm gonna spread misinformation to cope
>I was rendered sterile by an illness in my youth, am I less of a man?
Absolutely yes
All that just to say you're a candy ass zoomer. Nobody cares, just stop being an evangelist faggot about how you take your nicotine.
Just stop bitching and sperging out over some reddit pic pussy lmao
You're making the best of a situation beyond your control, I assume. You should consider adopting some day though. You can at least continue your name and give some kid a chance at life at the same time.
Go ask a plumber for a quote on some simple task and how many weeks out their next available appointment is. They make insane bank
People will tell you to get into trades but don’t bother. If you’re not fresh out of school you won’t get an apprenticeship anywhere and most trade hiring is based solely on nepotism. Unless you have family in a trade I wouldn’t bother.
It's called sarcasm retard
She's not. She's 5'2" and around a buck ten.
I know what you mean, I'm doing it far less often than when we first got together but the option is almost always in the table. God I fucking love my wife.
Trade is for low IQ brainlets. Enjoy your decayed, fucked-up body by the time you turn 40.
>75k a year
Lol wut. That would hardly get you a two bedroom house with a garage these days.
Mcmansion, numbnuts.
Your housing market is fucked.
well then what the fuck should I do? I just want a stable job that pays 20 buck an hour. I want to able to not have to kill myself when my parents kick the bucket and I do not make a livable wage to support myself.
My point exactly? Everyone is telling him to go in trades as if that's good advice.
t. midwestern horsefuckers
Absolutely not. You make great money, on par or even better than most White Collar jobs.
The difference is, the nature of the work cannot support a shit lifestyle. White Collar ones have alcoholics and drug users, the difference is they don't do physical labor.
Blue Collar? You have to take care of your body. If you live a decent lifestyle, exercise and eat good, you'll be fine. You may even benefit from being on your feet all day.
If you destroy your body, though, you're just going to see the effects THAT much sooner doing blue collar vs. white collar work.
T. Machinist
Don't listen to him. You may not get top dollar your first job, but you get some experience and references under your belt and you'll be fine.
my only issue with you user is that you would have had a pretty good idea of how much you were going to earn before you got in to it.
>having useful skills is retarded
>T. Machinist
The like, single trade that fits your description. The rest of them are dangerous and harmful to your health.
I live in Tampa, Florida. If $75k/year only gets you a two bedroom house, your housing market is absolutely fucked.
become a communist and join the grand proletarian revolution and by the time you're 40 the people bragging itt about how much they make will be dead
It’s either factory labour, life threatening jobs or going back to school and learning something that will lead directly to jobs. Nothing vague. Courses that are particularly designed to get you jobs.
A lot of jobs in the medical field, like radiographer etc, event planning or something. Think of any job that sounds even remotely more interesting than grocery store work and pick one. If you’ve still got time go back to school. I swear Yea Forums acts as if every single course is Women’s Studies or Political Science.
>The like, single trade
Don't do that again
He won’t even get a first job, that’s the entire point of my post. Unless he has family in trade, he is fucked. Especially if you live rural or in small towns.
>event planning
Imagine living in your mom basement
I talk like a white girl. So FUCKING what.
>Lol wut
ignorant faggot detected
What if one of my dad's best friends is a union electrician who oversaw the electrical work on a major bridge? Do you think he can help me?
businesses and people need events planned, they don't have the nuts or the expertise to do it themselves
You've posted this before, faggot. Do you have this post saved so you can paste it whenever you think it's on topic?
>could have gone into a high paying field
>Changed degrees mid program and delayed my graduation by 3 years to 'follow my dreams' in a more stressful, less well paid but 'satisfying' job
So Yea Forums, was it autism?
This. And you can't blame it on the new world because Australia has soul.
Yes that’s your in. Rim that mans asshole like there’s no tomorrow.
Based on the statements you have made, you come across as jealous and have no experience in trades or at least observing work environments in trades
Every workplace in every trade is vastly different
so um you should like totally change your posting style
lol jk
luv u
He doesn't know the difference between a mansion and a mcmansion lmao.
That's all I needed to know. Thank you.
>tfw have a quarter mil in savings and investments from years of gig and contract work, no "solid career," and decided to take this year off of working to just fuck off and bang girls 10-15 years younger than me
Pump my gas wagie, I'll be seeing you on the summer road trip circuit!
There is no blueprint for life man, do what makes you happy, but make sure it can help pay the bills.
>Australia has soul.
This is the point where you know you're just some butthurt tard whose entire conception of America comes from reality tb
>Especially if you live rural or in small towns.
He obviously doesn't have a wife and kids to think about if his ultimate goal is 20/hr so he can move somewhere with jobs, save money, then move back or move wherever. Also, he can meet people in trade school so even if nepotism is the most important aspect of a high paying trade job, it's not like he's doomed just because dad isn't in the union.
They're obsessed.
They had entire episode of king of the hill on why mcmansion are garbage. Have fun wasting large chunks of money on trying to keep that house together.
careers are for poor people. I've never worked a day in my life, my dads rich
>No career
>Only a quarter mil saved up
Uhh.. time to start thinking about retirement, boomer
People who can just leave behind friends and families are fucking baffling to me. There’s more to life than a pay check. I’d rather earn a little less and be surrounded by people I care about.
home ownership in general is expensive and time consuming. It's why i bitched out and bought a condo lol
my family is rich because my granddad made dosh as male prostitute known as the manhole. The only punishment he got for his whoring was wrecked asshole.
theres no point doing a trade if you dont have the connections first.
Don't take your family's wealth for granted.
I don't understand why Americans build with such shitty wood and fucking carboard.
In any south American shithole, everyone who isn't a complete miserable poorfag builds their houses using ceramic bricks and concrete. Houses that can be passed down to their children and grandchildren.
I'm 25
McMansions are literally poorfag housing, one step above a trailer. Most houses are built solid
So you're banging 10 year olds
Baby boomers with more money than sense.
Speaking for myself, I don't give much of a shit about anyone. I just want 20 acres of prime wilderness to fuck off to, but everyone's different.
dumb fucks
>telling me what to do with my money
fuckk off socialist
>10% down payment on his mortgage next to a good school district
It's honestly crazy the lengths that American white liberals will go to to avoid saying that they don't want to live around blacks either
you heard it hear first folks, either this bitch is a pedo or a retarded larper.
>Houses that can be passed down to their children and grandchildren.
Good one, Paco
Waste of flesh shit talking an EMT trying to just get by and help others. How bout you do us all a favor and go buy yourself a nice fat juicy burger tonight and live up the good life. Mother fucker.
Great post
Chill out with that God complex fag, no one owes you shit.
>network of contacts and friends in my field
>can always find work
>already own a house
>already own a car that only a couple years old
I also didn't specify: this is after 5 years of working in said field. Worry about yourself, wagie, I'm set.
>How bout you do us all a favor and go buy yourself a nice fat juicy burger tonight and live up the good life. Mother fucker.
Don't mind if I do
lol can you stop being a little bitch
at least now you know.
i'm 25 and i still live with my parents.
its just like college, you can go to school but its doesnt guarantee anyones gonna give a shit.
meanwhile if dads in the union you can skip the education part.
What is your field?
lmao same here
>thinks thats impressive
I have a fleet of yachts you fucking nigger
It's the only decent way to live life, and that's how it's been for the past 500 years before 1950s "capitalism"
el cartel mi robo mi dinero y maté a mi esposa e hijos.
I'm younger than the girls you pay to fuck, married, and more successful than you. It's always so tiresome when people try to one-up me here
>tfw 25 year old male and just started schooling to be a nurse
I just want a job that’s even slightly fulfilling.
Autism affects all spectrums of life from poorfags to richfags, dumbfags to geniusfags.
>some boomer loser sweating about having no career and no saleable skills thinks everyone is in the same boat as him
hard cope right here
Can Yea Forums recommend some films about righteous punishment?
Yes, but skip the last episode
sorry didn't mean to trigger you so hard
It's not what anyone owes me my smooth brained friend. It's what we owe each other.
Same except my dad is bipolar living in a care home and my step-dad died of a heart attack at 50 so really it’s just me and my mom renting a house together
I've genuinely thought about buying a microhome but the hipsters who make them want $70k. Suck my dick.
>hard cope
>Implying vaping won’t give you some fucked up never before seen disease in 20 years.
Dude nobody knows what fuck you are doing to your body long term. If you vape you are literally a guinea pig, sucking on devices made very cheaply with horrible QC in China with absolutely zero regulation even in the states. Vaping is a recipe for disaster mark my words it will reap a shitload of people out of this generation in a decade or two.
>"Sorry, user, can't afford to travel to Cabo twice a year every year unless we get an offer of at LEAST $500k..."
Buy a house somewhere the price is booming and make it part of your retirement plan for free
>he actually believes this
Same, I pay half of rent though so I don't feel too bad. Still trying to move out soon though.
>Younger AND married already
If you're more successful than anyone here (doubtful) you're a fucking chump dude, just sayin. No man making a living and getting his dick wet with daddy's mistake girls, plus packing real estate+ other investments that also net enough of an annual return to pay the property tax each year, will ever be impressed by you. You're a wagie chump and you've already wasted your life. SAD!~
It's nothing like collage, if you have useful trade skills you'll always have work. The union and your faggot father have nothing to do with it.
Honestly might as well do some research, buy the materials, then pay someone to build it.
I dont live in the middle of nowhere in some flyover state
Looks like Phoenix. A desolate wasteland of dirty fast food joints.
no big deal, the chinese and arabs will keep the housing market alive
Keep coping wagie, we can smell the sweaty stink of your broken lazy ass from here.
Chinks and arabs don't buy outside major cities. No oil sheikh is buying plywood castles out in surburbia
Is this guy serious right now?
Lol ok have fun settling for a roastie and barely having enough to retire
You don't have to keep replying to my post ya know
That's America as a whole. As much as I hate the smugness of euros, we really are a cultureless hellhole 30+years in a decline.
that's not a bad idea user, actually didn't think of this.
That doesn't look like Phoenix at all.
holy shit you're a faggot
Phoenix isn't that green, you idiot. It's Breezewood, PA.
Americans have no right to complain about the housing market. It’s so cheap. Look at the UKs. Possibly the worst in the western world.
i'm 32, and live with parents right now after quitting my job and blowing all my savings on gambling and whores. recently i lost $60 from horse betting. small potatoes i know but i make only a few hundred shekels now from freelance work. just fuck my shit up.
if you are a wagie and hate it, just know that there are worse outcomes than being a wagie. at least as a wagie you can have total freedom. now when i go places i have to take my parents or else they complain i never take them anywhere. freelancing is OK but then you have to deal with clients and the uncertainty of whether they will pay. it's all fucked. either get good at crypto/gambling or start your own business or just COPE with being a wagie like 90% of the human population. you don't want to end up like me. it's extremely pathetic.
Right? Sperging out at a reddit screencap wew
>more successful than me
yeah probably, except i have inter-generational wealth son, and thats the whole game, you'll figure it out when you burn out at 35 and wonder what the point all was
and no dont bother responding, there is no point, the game concluded before the instance of your birth, i have already won
When/Where did America lose its way? For me? November 7, 2000.
It's not rocket science dude. I always know I'm talking to a dipshit when they talk about it like this.
College isn’t just social science courses. There are many courses that will lead directly to jobs.
The hard part really is finding someone who knows what they're doing who wont rip you off.
and yes before someone corrects me, i know wagies don't have 100% total freedom. they have to be at work and be nice and positive and "bring their A-game" between 8am-5pm M-F or whatever your schedule is. but what i am saying is at least you have time to yourself at night and on the weekends. when i was a dumbfuck wagie i went out any night, even tues or wednes.
>that paranoid schizo flex
No trust me dude there are at least three people here who actually believe you're a fucking joke. Crazy right?
Are there any girls itt
I just want to say I spent a single Saturday night talking to girls
>burn out at 35
If I'm not retired by then, I'll let you know in 11 years if working on a computer from my couch burnt me out
Shh let them continue to think da jooish marxists force everyone into their bullshit at college
nah mate, that is fecking lie. I managed to buy a nice castle in real posh neighborhood for 132,800 galleons.
oh you're small potatoes, fair enough, if you just want to make enough to 'retire' early thats fine, its not success though
Idk m8 I'm salaried so I basically come and go as I please and still mark my timesheet for the full 8 hours
pretty based
i am probably the least successful user in this thread right now. call me a poorfag all you want. it runs off like rainwater on my coat. time to go get drunk so i can forget about my mistakes, like not buying any bitcoin when i first heard about it in 2012 or whatever early-year it was.
if your net worth is anything below $5MM right now, you are still not guaranteed to make it. Need at least $10-20MM these days, with at least $2MM liquid, by mid 30's, and no i'm not talking about "to impress roasties" i'm talking about to be secure into the future.
I'll be a girl for you tonight ;P
>"hurr you won't have a PURE DEMURE waifu like the ones in my Japanese animes!"
I think you also missed the part where he said he already owns real estate and is getting returns on investments, to say nothing of further work he can do before he retires. You're clearly a fucking brainlet if you can't comprehend how this shit works and it's embarrassing to watch 2bh.
I'm actually debating it. I thought I wanted to. I've been working 3 years now and I feel like I'd be bored if I retired early so I'm just playing it by ear
>at least as a wagie you can have total freedom.
Whenever America became the melting pot of the trash of the world. And I say this as the descendant of a factory worker from Poland.
i used to do that too but they started to give me shit about taking 2 hour lunches. my timesheet was all over place, some days work 6 hrs, sometimes more than 8 hrs. fucking hate timesheets, one of the reasons i quit that place. trying to get back into the salary game now so i can afford a quick vacation to nipponland.
>i am probably the least successful user in this thread right now
not even in the slightest. 26 with no degree living with parents making 15 hour in crappy shoe store job. I wish I had the money and brains to go back to school.
You don't have to defend yourself in 3rd person, it's creepy.
You're throwing these numbers around like it's concrete numbers m8, you still gotta factor in cost of living and standard of living
Yeah you better get out of here before you start crying
It was coined by someone with taste.
It's a larping samefag
Not that guy, but how is he wrong?
i have you both beat
21 with no work experience whatsoever, never worked a day in my life that wasnt some unpaid chore shit. dont know shit about anything and cant afford college
I could retire and live like a king in Thailand for one million
Do you live in the US? Because I'm pretty sure poor people qualify for the Pell Grant which will easily cover community college at least.
>got first job
>saved up 30k
>saved up 40k
>left job
>bled money
>got another job
>back to 40k
>left that job
>bled money
>was at 20k, now at 30 again
I'm in a position to hold onto this job for a while. At what point should I consider my savings to be solid? At what point should I start to consider buying a house?
26 is still very young. i'm not trying to give you advice but if i were you, i would look into nearby adult schools, community college, or think about "the trade school meme". my dad was a fully licensed welder and he was basically retarded. there will always be a demand for welders. in my city there's an intro welding class for $100 at the local adult school.
i'm personally gonna try to take a few courses at the local community college so i can meet 18-19 year old sluts and get that student ID for discounts. i lost my original student ID 10 years ago.
again, not trying to dole out advice. like i said, anyone without land holdings, passive income assets, or at least $1 million liquid is still going to struggle right now. even worse if there's another recession/global financial crisis.
Same here except I'm 22 and dropped out of college. I've dedicated myself to trying to get a job every day for the past 2 years and I keep failing, I've tried it all. At this point I think I'll just have to be a purposeless cuck cursed to volunteer work.
>>HOA community
>>paying rent on property you own
>>not being able to do what you want with property you own
>>asking permission to paint your own house
What a fucking retarded FAGGOT.
>not owning land in the country
join the military
Generally you want to have at least 6 months of living expenses saved up for emergencies. If you already have that, and have a positive net worth, then start saving for that down payment on a modest home.
Buy a house ASAP before chinks completely ruin all the markets. Only put 3 months worth of living expenses in savings, everything else should be invested
they're not concrete but fairly accurate if you want to live in english-speaking developed countries. any /biz/tard knows you can live for much less in 3rd world SEasia countries.
i tried living in an Eastern Euro country but rent alone was still around $600/month. if you can be very frugal then of course you can live on much less than $1 million per year. it just gets annoying having to budget.
Make $50k/year at age 34. At around 40 I hope to make $80-100K. Not terribly easy in my field (publishing), but I'm pretty much a perfect employee, so I can do it.
I also live on the west coast
Good god son, never breed.
You will be fulfilled, man. The issue with public service and health careers is the stringency.. RIP your days of smoking weed and say hello to alcohol for the rest of your life. If you don't care about occasional drug use then the above doesn't apply to you. Being a nurse is not stressful (usually) and they are compensated much more than Paramedics for MUCH LESS work. The schooling should be easy but likely tedious, boring, and expensive; it's like 1-2 years longer than paramedicine. Once you get used to the fact that 99% of people on Earth hate going to work and living 4-5 days of the week, life actually gets simpler. Nursing is an easy and well compensated job (easy is relative, the hours are A LOT.) Sometimes I wish I went into it because it's much higher pay... but personally I just can't sit on my ass 8-12 hours per day so I went the medic route. Becoming a nurse will get you more than enough money to be happy, and if you hate the job you'll still have your degree and be able to transition to other health jobs.
>if your net worth is anything below $5MM right now, you are still not guaranteed to make it.
Nice. Keep it up bro.
that's great if you want to live in thailand. i personally don't and assuming some others here want to maintain some sort of residence in euro or anglo homeland.
anyone can bang whores and live for less than $500/month...but the question is whether that's sustainable in the long-run. i could do that if i were already a boomer.
too late, incel
>i'm 32
posts like a 20 year old faggot.
>Houses that can be passed down to their children and grandchildren
Non-European western boomers honestly do not give a shit about their descendants. Everything they've supported politically - literally everything - has been about concentrating wealth in themselves. Inheriting everything from their parents, bleeding the government dry, bleeding the third world dry, and cutting the services their kids use while increasing their own welfare, to be paid for by said children.
These tacky, poorly-made shithouses give the impression of wealth while not costing very much and providing no value to anyone after the boomers are dead. They are entirely consistent with boomer attitudes.
I hope you get cancer
you know its true frogboi
>t. reddit socialist
>schizo flex
zoomer nigger
whats the easiest job that gets you 75k-100k
drug dealer
good looking female
Good choice.
I'm a 26 y/o nurse and very quickly went from hospital/ICU bedside nursing to supervisory/management and I'm currently entertaining a management position in a small hospital with a salary over 6 figures. The job market is booming right now, there's 10-15k sign on bonuses everywhere in the field at least here in New England. Was the exact opposite 5 years ago when I graduated. It's a good gig beyond the money too, fulfilling work and really excercises the mind.
Some nice irony right here. I almost came actually
this post reminds me of how racist and nazi used to be insults because society's only argument was "you can't say that". and suddenly there was a legit far right movement and the insult didn't work anymore.
Will the same thing happen to socialism?
Haha I bet you look cute in those scrubs haha
>retire at 35 with enough money to last another 60 years
>LMAO my dude thats not success
You faggots still have time to fix it. Do something like a trade, college, or become a boss wagie before you get too old to have kids or get hired in any job.
Ah yes, sitting in a crane moving shit around all day is very dangerous and harmful to your health.
You gotta big butt, dude? YOU GOT A BIG OL' NURSIE BUTT?
I bet you look cute in the 3 week unwashed PJs you wear everyday in Yaya's attic.
>Will the same thing happen to socialism?
No because those idiots want big daddy government to distribute the wealth instead of taking the elite's wealth themselves.
i don't know how
>Past a certain age, a Man that fails to embody the Randian, Stirnerian ideal of self mastery, who hasn’t developed Mind to the degree that all is Ego and Owned, can be a bad thing
How the fuck is anybody supposed to live up to these standards? So unrealstic.
Start by cleaning your room first, bucko!
What the fuck is a Yaya you thin-skinned homo?
I imagine these guys are sawed off Elliot Roger looking guys with button-up daily wear and shitty overstyled hair/shaped beards/niggy skin/etc. Probably some fucking azns
Depends entirely on what you're doing, even within the same trade. If you weld in a fab shop you're really not going to be doing anything very dangerous or destructive to your body, and you'll make insane bank at what amounts to a pretty cushy job. If you're doing field welds on-site that's a whole fucking other ball game, and you're going to earn that money.
I have 2 choices
>computers/computer engineering
>psychology and similar fields
How'd you get into publishing? Always been interested in it and I'm looking to change careers from high school teaching
You don't even need socialism to fix the boomer problem. You just need a return to the economic protections they had in the post-WW2 era. They loved them when they were amassing wealth, but as soon as they no longer stood to benefit, they scrapped them. Then imported millions of immigrants to depress wages, make goods cheaper, drive up their house prices and to fund their welfare in old age.
That their descendants will suffer and have been suffering from it doesn't matter to them. An absolutely garbage generation.
this or have every advantage and end up like Pat Bateman
How much do you want money?
You can do it. Repeat this confidence building mantra three times with me "I got a big cock that all the ladies like to rock".
t. milquetoast suburban white nigger who larps as a hardass right winger but will never do shit complain about taxes.
everyone would love lots of money but of the 2 options psychology is the one i could see myself actually having a passion for
do you also have a passion for money
no just coke.
Research your potential career options within psychology and see if you'll be happy with that lifestyle. Simple really.
I was never taught about the value of money or how any "real word" money/job stuff works. I'm shit at math (like worse than high schoolers). I'm 23 and I've never worked.
Is it time to neck it?
Not him but I thought psychology and shit like that were all dead-end? Granted I never really looked into it but I'd think you would want to go for something more practical.
Thanks user, I needed this post. Much appreciated.
So become a drug counselor and get all the plugs.
no, wait till your kin kick the bucket or throw you out first.
>no one check'd any of these
This thread is full of fucking posers and redditors.
As someone who was in a similar position to you, trust me the 'passion' won't last. When normies talk about being passionate about their job they mean the money they earn and the satisfaction they get from doing a good job. Passion is wishy washy bullshit, money is concrete and betters the lives of you and your loved ones. Go the software route, it'll keep you loaded
Heh, pretty close actually
history degree, then law degree. Bad choice bc terrible debt, but law teaches you excellent writing/excellent skills if you work at it, and I liked writing analyses and editing them.
From your position, maybe get a not insane tuition Masters in English, internships at publishers, and learn everything you can about the English language. I've seen a lot of high ranking corporate writers/marketing communicators/etc. that only had average BAs, so if you show real skill, you can get a legit job after a few years of experience. you might have to me somewhat poor for a couple years though while gaining exp and proving your skill. Try temp companies that hire writer/editors or project mngmt if that's what you want as well.
I got dubs at least 3 times that I remember plus one of the trips listed. I felt validated even without the check desu
As other user said, "passion" is bullshit and won't last. Everyone has this idea of their "dream job" and having fun while working but in the end it means jack shit. If you really are interested in psychology then just dabble in it for classes but don't make it your endgame.
I know but the thing they don't teach about the early 20th century in school is that socialism and communism actually scared the shit out of western governments.
the reason the US started social programs, high corporate taxes etc was a compromise with moderate progressives and unions because the government was scared that if they did nothing there would be a legitimate revolution. And there were socialists and communists in the US who made that seem like a real possibility. So you don't need to be socialist, but there does need to be some sort of threat in order to get the government to behave itself if that makes sense.
psych involves helping people with real problems. You either have to be a "philanthropic" person who wants to help people with bad lives, or maybe go into private practice and help Tony Sopranos to make better money.
My dad is a psychiatrist at a state/public inpatient mental hospital. You don't do that unless you REALLY want to help poor wretches.
No one asked for them to be checked.
Also checking is an outdated term since the digits aren't censored anymore. We should go back to saying "doubles GET!"
Lottery winner here with more money than can ever be achieved through actual wagecucking.
If you want to earn a fortune, you don't do it by building something for someone else. If you are working right now, you need to do it in order to get the funds and resources to create something for yourself. Be it a business, a film, a game, a new toy, even a book if you feel like it's worth it. After having spent so much time fucking around with rich people, I can tell you right now that maybe 1 out of the thousands of people I've met actually got to where they are from being a bean counter and slowly climbing upwards, and I can also tell you that literally none of them got to where they are "alongside" a superior. Wagecuck only as long as it takes you to create your own riches, and use said riches to continue making more riches, and eventually you will make it. But you need to do something you are either amazing at, or are passionate enough to do every single day until you die.
also, HS teaching is a decent previous exp. Get some usage dictionaries, master English and become extremely articulate, be the best at your first low paying jobs, and then you'll get a real publishing job. That's what I did.
Bros what does 75k get you in the Midwest? Can I live there off that?
If you’re over 21 with no work experience or qualifications then your choices are the military or burger flipping. As a former burger flipper myself it’s not so bad. The work environment fosters camaraderie and even an autist like me got laid, it’s great for easy work experience and they’re always hiring.
Eh, that's basically all of us since taxes are about the only thing we have any control over without taking up arms.
Raul's shack
if you have just a BA in history whats the best route to corporate writing/communications/ marketing stuff? I heard they make decent money
>dude just dedicate yourself 24/7 to building a business!
>dude waste your entire young life chasing more money than you need!
>dude get a roastie and a yacht at 40 and die of a heart attack at 50!
He said that's if you want to earn a fortune and be a multimillionaire/billionaire. Different priorities.
They do, but they mostly have marketing/comms degrees. You'd have to start low, maybe temp agencies, get a lot of rejected resumes.
Those are decent career choices though. Know a 30 yo girl who makes $35/hour as a marketing manager (though nepotism and a grad degree were involved). Research those positions and go for it! And there are prob some schools were an MA in comms for example wouldn't be insanely expensive, if you could stand taking the GRE and 2 years of school. It'd actually prob help you skip some of the low paying/temp jobs.
i dont care about getting colossal amounts of money, i just want a decent job that can support me living by myself in an apartment
I'll also say publishing is an interesting field. Depending where you work, you get to learn a lot about interesting stuff, like leading tech research, business consulting, all types of software and financial issues, future tech, etc.
I'm only talking about those who want to be exceptionally rich. But even then, if you just want enough money to live out your youth in happiness and comfortable peace, you can still do something that will put money directly into your pocket, rather than siphoning money through your corporate overlord and letting it seep into your hand. If you think you're good at programming, make an application you think would be valued. If you think you're a great critic, start your own criticism podcast/website/channel and get your name out there. The instant you succumb to working for someone else until you retire at 60 is the instant you have resigned your life to slavery, and you should never, ever want that. Not for yourself, not for people to come after you, not even for your enemies.
Also, word to the wise: When you have nearly bottomless wealth, you don't need a girlfriend, a wife, or any form of significant other. People bring it up like it's some necessity, but really you will find pleasures in things in life you would never have dreamed of, such as aimless travel, or an exotic hobby that you wouldn't even consider otherwise. Dating is a romantic trait that gets fluffed up in film and television a lot, but is not the end-all be-all of life.
World needs average people as much as it needs billionaire entrepreneurs. Godspeed in your average life user.
>all that bad advice
>incel cope to finish it off
Nice, this should be a copypasta
I don't really want to work a job or live in a city. I want to escape this world, run away to Alaska, and spend the rest of my life as a hermit in a log cabin.
You need the first part along with the bank account screencap to make it work.
>tfw stuck supporting my jobless mom
At least tell her to sell her dirty panties/socks to perverts online.
ok thanks user. i prefer the writing over the academic study so im looking for any way to leverage that
>Starting your own business instead of working for someone else
>Attempting to monetize that which you are skilled at rather than letting your abilities go to waste
>Desire more than accepting your station and working upwards instead
>Bad advice
>There are more things to life than women
>Incel cope
This is why none of you faggots will ever make it. He's clearly a shitposter, but nothing he said was wrong.