What was the message this kino tried to pass us?
Triassic Attack
Other urls found in this thread:
>SyFy original
No thanks.
yeah, i'm thinking it was kino
Who was that cute actress in it
What happened to Emilla Clarke, did she do anything else?
>Triassic Attack
>all of the dinosaurs are from the Cretaceous
spooki film
I really liked that Emella Clark actress
I believe this was her only film
I've caught this film on British TV, the Horror Channel. It's terrible unless you like Emilia Clarke.
I have not seen it but she cute
film looks really cool
Why did the other thread get deleted?
I think the filmmakers were confused. She's the OTHER kind of Indian.
Why yes I did enjoy Triassic Attack™ a SyFy Original
>It's terrible unless you like Emilia Clarke.
haha yeah wouldnt that be weird lol
Tranny forgot to dilate
>saves your town from giant dinosaur skeletons
all in a days work kid
she cute
I heard she was on some low fantasy show, can't remember the name though
That reply post mentioned those and that which must not be named
Damn she's always had those T H I C C thighs
>That reply post mentioned those and that which must not be named
The J word?
>I'll have one copy of Triassic Attack, please. No, you heard me correctly. Yes, it's one of Emilia Clarke's finest works.
Honest I enjoyed the part where the Triassic attacked, the main actress was extremely charming and cute as well
yes, that and electrocardiogram
So you know how one of the main themes of Terminator is that Kyle Reese falls in love with Sarah Connor just by keeping a picture of her?
We are Kyle Reese, my frens.
It’s because she’s very smol, it gives her beautiful proportions
>Yes I would like the limited edition copy of of Drop the Dog (2009)
Kill the manlet Dany
I will never forgive whoever's idea it was to not include the purple eyes for the targaryens look at how memorizing Emilias eyes look in purple
Actually we are The Phantom of the Opera
Apparently they tried contacts but Emilia and Viserys' actor couldn't do it
A random user could make it in 30 minutes at his home and a billionaire company couldn't
Jim Carrey had CIA torture training to manage the pain of them in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
>wanting to obscure this beauty
user pls.
Love is the death of duty
They used the entire S1 CGI budget on the final scene with the dragons
>tfw no cute heterochromatic gf
ecg prevails over jannies
She has like, 3 colors in her eyes. Crazy.
That's when one eye color is different from the other
I think I'm the only person on the planet that watched this movie before Kit was big.
>rating commercials
I watched and just noticed it was Jon Snow halfway through
The first one was better though
Uh these Kinomercials user
Emilia Clarke as Trish in the live action part 5 adaptaion when?
What's the lore here?
>That's when one eye color is different from the other
There's different kinds of heterochromea which includes the inner part of the iris having a different color than the outer rim part. Wikipedia explains it better
>Emilia Clarke as Trish
break it down user
Trish Una
An electrocardiogram — abbreviated as EKG or ECG — is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical impulse (or “wave”) travels through the heart. This wave causes the muscle to squeeze and pump blood from the heart. A normal heartbeat on ECG will show the timing of the top and lower chambers.
gn bros
why weren't you there to protect her when she needed you most? she was all alone and scared waiting for you to show up to save her
Thanks user
Please delete this
you should have spoilered the webm user, the film is not out yet
Sleep well
Would you bend the knee in exchange for sex?
*rolls into your dinossaur bones*
its not really a dilemma since I would agree to both
No, i would bend the knee in exchange for marriage
I'd bend the knee regardless, marriage and children is just a bonus
She wouldn't fall for you If you bend the knee that easily, see Jon
based dinosaur bone destroyer
id bend the knee to kiss her tummy
she should star in the upcoming cat movie
What was this expression trying to convey?
For me? Its long brunette hair Emilia
she's so fucking ugly
"Liberate" them all
Post your face real quick
if she was 5 feet from your face would you say that? you would hurt her feelings and make her sad..
Did Weinstein diddled her?
That movie was after GOT desu. Kit was already Jon Snow.
Scuffed Emilia?
Don't know
Jurassic is where it's at.
>implying I wouldn't just drop my spaghetti
>most of the dinosaurs are still from the Cretaceous
>if she was 5 feet from your face
Oh you mean in a first meeting and not that boat scene. Nah i'd propose marriage of alliance
We should have a triassic 2
Muldoon here. Would smash this slag.
She's pure outside of the rape
I have now become a janitor reply to this post with dubs or this thread will be deleted
i love emilia ('s television and film career) and theres nothing you can do to stop me
Why does she keep making fun of asians
someone stop her
MBY sequel when?
Fuck it ill roll
Nice trips.
download link anyone?
the last time i watched in syfy channel was 4 years ago and cant find a dvd/BR copy
Does she have a boyfriend?
Didn't know they have dentists and toothpaste in westeros
That's just Targ genes at work
What does she snell like?
sunshine and rainbows
What does Heaven smell like?
blueberry pie
dried, several day old semen
Emilia is not lewd. DELETE THIS
extremely low quality post
she does not
cute butt
imagine getting paid to let Emilia pretend to give you a blowjob, and then getting paid to beat her to death after you impregnated her and want to keep it a secret from your wife....
Don't forget the 2-3 other sex scenes
>Don't forget the 2-3 other sex
so bland and tame
She said she'd only do nude scenes that add to the character/movie
she should find more happy roles. seems like all her roles are the opposite.
>watching spike island
jesus christ, how do humans even talk like this. i need subtitles
Gods, she was beautiful then.
I'd argue she peaked a few years later
Oh nice, an electrocardiogram thread. These are my favorite.
Check out this lovely actress when she was young, casting a love spell on us.
Why weren't you there to protect her when she needed you most? She was all alone and scared waiting for you to show up to save her...
Jesus, that hurt to watch.
Emilia or Clark?
Did they really misspell her name? What a blunder.
>ywn wake up in the middle of the night, turn over and see her
What did user mean by this?
why do we exist? just to suffer?
Kill me already.
The second photo
>if you only knew how bad things really are
as soon as possible hopefully
Because I wasn't living in Tennessee at the time
Feels bad man. Same shit with season 8. She just needed some head pats.
she literally just needed a long hug and being told its gonna be ok and we'll kill cersei together
wtf is this lifetime tv? where is my boner?
emilia isnt for boner
All women are for boners, or mothering, that is their primary function, everything else is courtship
So you're saying you want to fuck and impregnate your daughter?
7/8 heaven 1/8 curry
There's a lot of pictures of her with bananas
Was this made in the UK by Syfy or did Emilia fly to the US to film it?
It's all set and filmed in america
cute but vulnerable
lewd outfit
MBY sequel when?
I unironically want this movie more than almost any other
Any other answer than "yes" is söy
Who was in the wrong here?
Lou for being so divine that it causes him to kill himself
future fatty
It's ~10 years later and she's not fat yet
uh what
i dont blame will. he was much worse off than just being in a wheelchair
She's even thiccer now
>look guys, a manlet!
that tummy, tho.
This outfit is too much even for HBO
her boobs moved to the back of her arms
i want to touch her belly
I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.
They barely gave us a glimpse of her in a bikini in the movie
They only showed the wetsuit in the movie
Long natural brunette Emilia is clearly the best
but i would marry any Emilia
when is this photo taken
The magazine is from this year
Was this her trying to get buff for Terminator
Yes, Arnold was trying to get her buff youtube.com
If I was her I'd never go back to a gym after the aneurysm
arnie is a lucky guy
>the framing of this video
But she was with gym PTSD for quite some time, that's was one of the reasons she got pretty chubby apart from the meds. I don't blame her after having 2 aneurysms in the gym
The second aneurysm was on the operating table when they were trying to prevent another
oh shit
The sansafag is on maximum COPE after Sophie hit the wall at 16
this was this year, she is literally reverse aging
She literally had the blood of children injected into her face and body with all the GOT cash she made
You got a source for that buddy
but that isn't Emilia Clarke
Is Shackled Emilia the cutest movieverse Emilia?
This is why you don't cover yourself in layers of makeup
Bad angle, still a bad makeup though
this and and kit's wedding are the only times were she fucked up with makeup and looked older
emilia no!
You got pics of her at Kit's wedding?
Womanlets can get away with calling it fashion
What kinda reason is that? You don't feel them once they are in your eyes
Tiermaker of Emilia when? tiermaker.com
Fake lens can irritate the eyes pretty easily dude
cute also what movie?
I think it's another perfume ad
>The One and The Only One
Couldn't they be a little more creative
I don't care since they are making Kinomericals
i pushed her
She doesn't even look bad here
>emilia goes with a super conservative dress
>maisie and sophie goes looking like unironically hoes
What do they mean by this
So either syfy held auditions in the UK, was a large eniugh production that Emiliaheard abiut it and flew to audition or she was already in America and auditioning when she heard about it
Imagine being a fucking Sansa fag
The difference is glaring, damn
Imagine being so much of a fag that you would bully Lolimilia. I wonder what those niggas are doing nowadays.
Who wears that to their friend's wedding at the bride's family castle? Literally no fucking class, not like Sophie shouldn't realize she's dressed very differently from everyone else
Emilia so pretty
Were her outfits in Me Before You all out of Emila's closet
I seriously don't doubt it
crossover with liz and leelee when??
Emilia >>>>>> liz >>>> powergap >>>>>>> all of those other uggos
>everyone got a fairly happy ending except Dany/Emilia
Fucking hell even Cersei got to die holding the man she loved and he come back to protect her, even knowing her faults.
leelee was a dime back in her day but sadly thats long passed now
Cutest psycho!
Of all the Disney endings possible they picked the worst fucking one
You sure this isn't from the Me Before You set?
if i saw a woman wearing this half my brain would be concerned with her being mentally disabled and the other half would be concerned with how am i going to marry her
The ending that was denied
canon ending
Holy shit Clark is Clarke up to 1000x isn't it
I did a bit of searching and can't find her wearing this in any on set or behind the scenes pictures for MBY despite her having the same braid across her head that Lou has in a bunch of her scenes
She looks like she listen to Oasis
pic was related
I saw Emilia Clarke at a grocery store in L O N D O N yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “It's fine! I don't mind at all!”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she cut me off and laughed and pulled me in for a selfie. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her laugh and wave at me as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” She turned around and said "I'm so sorry! I'm so scatterbrained, I didn't mean to!"
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she realized she had forgotten her credit card in her car. I offered to pay for the Milky Ways and she said "Wow, you're so sweet!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I will never wash my face again.
What is this face meant to convey?
Peter's checking out her ass.
It's a but hard not to when you're 4 ft
*stares into your soul*
Where can I find a torrent for Triassic Attack?
no idea i just watched a shity quality stream
I doubt there would be any with seeders
If rather have her sick out my should than Daddario
Daddario is a literal succubus
I've already see pics where her eyes are blue, green and even brown, they vary according the light. This is really the superior genetics i want my sons carry
Imagine my son having her eyes and eyebrows with my jaw, the true Übermensch
chances are his height would be lacking
Height have 70% chances of coming from the father and i'm 6'3. Atleast they would be king of the manlets
Imagine if she had died during season 2 and was replaced by some brish slag hahah
Imagine working your ass off while 2 Jews collect all the awards
Reminder that she herself replaced some British slag after the pilot was filmed.
who she replaced?
Some uggo looking slag by the way
Thanks god
Emilia Clarke is a shit actress. Her career is dead.
Incredible how everything you just wrote is wrong
I will laugh at you when she win an emmy this year
holi fuk!
she aged so badly, is this how she looked before game of thrones!
Nobody is young forever
>star wars
>2 movies in 2019
What is dead career to you, user
Nothing for 2020 and beyond. This is the last year we'll ever see her.
The 2019 movie was filmed in 2016 and theres no actual release date because they can’t find a distributor
Now compare how many movies Sophie/Maisie/Kit/Bran actor will come out in 2019
>implying that's all bad
It just increases my chances
Nice, 12 hours after my last post, this electrocardiogram thread is still up.
I sure do have a bit of an infatuation with this qt actress, you guys.
From -1% to 0%.
From 0.1% to 0.2% i'd say
The OP was too niche and didn't lute in any passerbys
She always will be inside our hearts
I'm casting her for my wife soon enough, don't worry
nuffin wrong with that lad
What movie?
Cutest bank robber!
Above Suspicion
Above Suspicion