do we like it or is it sóy?
Do we like it or is it sóy?
>ywn see the original cut
It's good, but it could have been great.
They should seriously remake it as intended
With the original cast
qrd on the original cut?
iirc it's just extending the visions of hell to include a fuckton of gore and rape scenes
chantards are onions
sorry but you are
Wtf they cut that? That’s the whole shtick of the movie. Unbased. Oh well even the cut version is good and not soi I never see this movie mentioned
It's enjoyable
i cant believe people hate on it
its so fucking spooky
It's still one of the best horror films, sci-fi wise. I'd put it up there with The Thing.
I enjoy 40k, therefore I enjoy Event Horizon. It's all the same.
it's a reddit urban legend
>worrying if someone on Yea Forums calls a movie sóy
You could post literally any movie in history on here and there would be at least 20 rando anons ready to call you a sóycuck for even knowing about it.
Just watch what you like.
It was pretty good. The visuals and set designs were god tier.
reddit-tier mildly better than your average capeshit whores abortion of a "movie"
>Lawrence of Arabia
>Das Boot
>The Thing
>The Abyss
>Master and Commander AKA Boats
>Seven Samurai
>Saving Pvt. Ryan
>Fistful of Dollars
You're right. IMHO everything made after The Great Train Robbery is onions.
Which survivor's last name was Geller. The nigger or the roastie ?
um hi, new guy here, what does onions mean?
i've been seeing it a lot lately and i think it would help to be a part of the community faster if i understood the lingo a little bit more lol, know what i mean?
sunshine is pretty much the better version of this movie
I love the atmosphere of the movie
It's a masterpiece about the peril of no-brakes technological progress stripping us of our humanity and leaving only our creaturely lusts and capacity for violence.
>You see plebs, a wormhole is like a pencil shoved through a folded peice of paper. Its simple really.
it literally becomes a comedy at the end. impossible to take it seriously or be spooked at that point.
I love the atmosphere of your mom's bedroom.
Sunshine was so damn kino, still SEETHING over the fact that it didn't do well.
cult classic
She spent a long time remodeling it.
is crap.
So like what happens to Laurence Fishburne's character in the end? Does he get tortured and ass raped in Hell for all eternity?
Sunshine is shit you absolute faggots.
Great set design. Everything else is garbage because it was directed by Paul WS Anderson.
The absolute state of (You)
Had potential, but succumbed to the "GOTTA MAKE EVERYTHING BRUTAL AND EDGY" directing of the 90's. The editing is also pretty atrocious, with shitty pacing in the second half of the movie.
Still, the beginning is pretty goddamn kino
Babby's first sci-fi; basic scares in a spaceship
It's rubbish with a couple of nice looking sets.
it means cocaine
Always thought a good sequel idea would be the engine reappearing somewhere in the future and a colony ship unknowingly docks with it because the original story was covered up. Fishburne goes on a rampage and the film ends with someone forcing the thing to crash into Neptune or w/e planet it was.
Alex Garland is pure kino, you incel.
lol okay, how do you feel about blues music?
How was it not made as intended?
Is not
Same Movie
Not an argument pleb.
You are so wrong. Just leave. Go back to plebbit where you belong. Yea Forums isn't the board for your kind.
Nothing went right with the filming, a bunch of film was lost and the final cut was a hack job.
It's really fucking boring shit that plebs only pretend to like because they enjoy the idea more than the execution, and borders on comedy
>You are so wrong
no u
no (you)
nein (You)
нeт (you)
Yeah, if you're gay.
It's kino. One of the best sci fi horror movies. Its up there with Alien.
The film didn’t come out bad for a hack job.
Maybe the originsl inteded film would have been better, but I still thought it was much better than what critics said
I can't believe there is one person in this world this retarded. Sunshine didn't have hell in it. Sunshine was boring. Sunshine wasn't scary. Sunshine was shit.
não u
it's a good B movie. It has some real script problems regarding plot and characters.
Shit opinion, user.
Unironically this, the premise of sun going out isn't exactly a scary premise, no more than 2012 or any other disaster movie premise is. Sure it had some good visuals, but overall the movie is a total drag. Event Horizon is a proper sci-fi horror, and sunshine is a "thriller" (not much of a thrill though). The movie was not even more exciting than that one where they drill into the earths core to restart it.
What the fuck happened to the original cut? This is not a clueless post, I know what happened and the legend and everything, but a few years ago they said they FOUND a version of the OG cut somewhere and they were gonna check it out and release it or something, then no word ever.
>The Great Train Robbery
Pure onions
>Employees Leaving the Lumière Factory
Now that's KINO