What went wrong??
What went wrong??
no political agenda
Just the third movie, really
Third was fine if it wasn't for that cracker Ryan Reynolds.
Unironically the plot. God everything that wasn't an action scene or a cheesy moment sucks ass.
Wesley Snipes isn't likable, he should only play villains. Michael Jai White would have been a better choice
>Wesley Snipes isn't likable
I thought Blade does not have to be likeable
Third was kino, gaytard
He's an anti-hero but that doesn't mean I should want to see his face punched in every time he appears on screen
On the first movie? Literally nothing, it's perfect even today.
I never considered this but it's exactly true.
I never said he should be hated
Third movie was trash.
It was literally Biel and Reynolds costarring Snipes. It wasn't even a Blade movie.
Blade was the black superhero movie before the black panther marketing team decided to act like there's never been a black super hero movie before.
Additionally, as a virulent racist, there's just something kino about a superjig in a black duster slicing up vampires with a fuckin sword.
Blade 1 and 2 are really good, great late 90s/early 2000s gothpunk vamp kino. Third movie lost its way.
Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.
blame Snipes and Goyer for it, not the others actors
um w-what are you gonna do to me?
so cute
Why blame snipes?
If he was being an ass on set, he was entirely justified.
Fuck (((Goyer))) and fuck New Line.
It was ok, goyer fucked it trying to set up a spin-off franchise
He was in passenger 57
snipes is the shit, but i have heard that he can be a pain to work with. i dont however blame him for the movie being mediocre
Lucky you zoomer cucks and the mcu didnt exist when they did blade.
>If he was being an ass on set, he was entirely justified.
but maybe if he had been professional and not a diva, the movie wouldn't have been bad
>Additionally, as a virulent racist, there's just something kino about a superjig in a black duster slicing up vampires with a fuckin sword.
I couldn't have said it better
Reminder that (((Goyer))) and New Line unironically filmed this scene for Blade Trinity’s post-credits.
Yes, they sabotaged Trinity so they could use the movie as a jumping off point for their gay little PG13 spin off franchise about Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel going on their happy little monster hunting misadventures while dressed like pokemon trainers and quipping like it’s guardians of the galaxy.
Fuck anyone who tries to blame Snipes for Trinity.
blame goyer and the other actors for trying to fuck snipes over in his own series.
msybe if they dudnt try to fuck him over he wouldn't have been upset.
>the other actor
why? they got hired, they had no power
Blame Goyer.
His entire goal for Blade 3 was to push a spinoff called the Daystalkers starring Reynolds and Biel. In the commentary of Blade Trinity that was 60% of what the fucker talked about. He basically wrote Snipes out of his own series, and it pissed him off. That is how the friction on set started. Snipes than took it out on Reynolds and Biel for basically replacing him.
Blade 3 is the only movie I ever heard about him being difficult to work with. Amazing you don't hear any of those stories during the filming of the first 2 Blade movies.
they knew they were signing up to fuck him over
Apparently the part where Ryan says “he hates me, doesn’t he?” wasn’t part of the script.
Snipes unironically hated Reynolds.
they wanted her buffy/angel, those series were so popular then, what's the problem
Huh didn't know that but I did notice the wierd shift in tone and sudden introduction of these "badass" regular vampire hunters who then took over 2/3s of the film.
fair point
now you are talking nonsense
They also tried really hard to make the character of Blade unlikable in Trinity.
>pointlessly berating the night stalkers and making him seem ungrateful after they rescued him
>shooting the guy in the blood bag warehouse despite offering to let him live if he ran away quickly
>his weird reaction to Jessica biel mourning her dead lesbo gf
It’s not the worst example of character assasination but it’s obvious what they were trying to do. They tried to elevate their shitty spin off OCs by bringing down Blade instead of just making new and likable characters.
idk but i miss that edgy matrix aesthetic
>they wanted her buffy/angel, those series were so popular then, what's the problem
The problem is that the movies name is Blade.Trinity as in third movie of the adventures of a badass halfvampire battling Dracula that turns around 1/3 into a movie about these other people who we have not heard about and do not care about at all.
I cared because whistler's daughter.
I would've much preferred some freak accident that turned biel into a hybrid like blade so they could team up in a 4th film.
Ryan Reynolds was only good for the scenes when the mean bitch was yelling at him.
Honest to god the worst part about blade 1 is the shitty, shitty cgi. Rewatched all 3 recently and they're all enjoyable movies about a black weeb fighting vampires.
I kinda wish they'd do a soft reboot without science vampires because all the explanations they give are dumb. Just say that they're magic.
post biel armpits
For the past 10+ years the British actress Kate Beckinsale stole the vampire/dracula limelight and Snipes has had to suffer.
Parker Posey with fangs was super hot desu
starring Idris Elba
Looking at that clip again, it really does look like a cheap TV series as well.
maybe that happened because his problems with goyer
Maybe his problems with Goyer started when he realized what was happening
Some motherfucker's always tryin to ice skate uphill
Blade Trinity
>What went wrong??
People were stupid enough to think David Goyer can direct anything. That's literally it.
>iconic opening scene
>kino fight scenes that are still enjoyable to watch
>Wesley Snipes is an actual martial artist so no shakey cam bullshit
>awesome sound track that I still listen to
>Fantastic world building and cool ass goth punk setting. Reminds me a lot of the Matrix.
Blade 1 and 2 are amazing and I will punch anyone who says otherwise. Goyer fucked up Blade 3 and I believe Snipes career after that. I've always hated Ryan reynolds and him since then. Blade 3's only good part was Parker Posey who is smoking hot holy shit.
Nice trips.
>awesome sound track that I still listen to
Find me a more kino opening scene then this
Reynolds was so fucking annoying in the movie. He really was trying too hard to be funny. Every single line was a fucking quip.
Reminder Blade came out a year before The Matrix, so it wasn't just riding the trenchcoat cyberpunk aesthetic wave that came after, did it all on it's own.
Twins of Evil (1971). Good Hammer horror kino.
The entire opening sequence was amazing.
>the rave
>Blade intro
>Blade beating the shit out of suckheads
Great comic book movie intro.
>cunt punch to head shot combo
You can do a search and find that a few years ago, Jessica Biel was asked about another Blade movie and she said "it's in Wesley".
they knew it was attempting to set up a spinoff and anyone who read the script could see blade was reduced to a side character in his own movie
That's why Snipes was perfect for Blade.
The character is a nigger in a black leather trench coat who kills people with a sword and machine guns. He's not supposed to be an unambiguously good character.
next you'll be telling me pierats are people too
>I kinda wish they'd do a soft reboot
I kinda wish you and your cock sucking cunt of a mother both get cancer.
This is why I loved how Wesley did it. He's a much more believable anti-hero.
nothing. blade 1 and 2 are great. blade trinity doesnt exist
are you telling me he didn't read the script? because I would have been like: I don't feel it, call me when you have a better one
>Reminds me a lot of the Matrix.
the matrix stole a lot from blade
>Girls with fangs.
I hate that all my fetishes are super fucking niche.
Snipes was so good as Blade, that they changed the comic book version to be more like him. Only Kano from the Mortal Kombat movie I think had the same effect. They were so good that the creators changed the source material to be more like the movie version.
Same bro, chicks with fangs are so hot to me too
>isn't likeable
>Passenger 57
>White Men Cant Jump
Snipes has played likeable characters. Hell even his villain roles are charming such as Demolition Man and New Jack City.
>anyone who read the script
that includes Snipes
One of the best things about those movies is that Blade doesn’t really quip at all. He’s just incredibly tenacious and just oozes attitude without much dialogue
Deadpool fucking ruined the super anti-hero. Now every anti-heroic character has to be an annoying jokester.
And that was why the third movie was full of drama. Snipes was pissed that they wrote him out of his own movie. Yes he could have been more of a professional, but I don't blame him for being a dick.
Nothing went wrong. The first 2 movies are kino.
Its just been pushed under the rug by Marvel because they wanted to push Black Panther as the "First ever black hero". That's how based the late 90s were. We had none of this identity bullshit that the left has used recently to wage war on culture.
They've did the same thing with Iron Man. And honestly a lot of characters after movies come out, they're just usually short lived because they don't draw in new fans and instead piss off existing fans.
>I believe Snipes career
that was tax evasion
I always got the feeling from the movies that you're not suposed to like Blade as much as you're supposed to think he's a badass. At the most you're supposed to feel bad for the guy just because the situation he finds himself in. The whole refusing to drink human blood thing was a good touch that really drove his identity struggle home imo.
as I aleady said he could have said I don't feel it give me a better one, because correct me if I wrong, was he a producer?
>Snipes was so good as Blade, that they changed the comic book version to be more like him. Only Kano from the Mortal Kombat movie I think had the same effect. They were so good that the creators changed the source material to be more like the movie version.
That actually happened with mr Freeze in Batman comics aswell. There was this really popular version of him in a animated series that gave him a backstory and the DC comics about Batman started using the same background and motivation for the character.
Blade 2 intro was pretty good as well. Not as good as the first movie, but still cool.
Triple H and his bling fangs
Vampire chihuahua
Patton Oswalt
Dracula being resurrected dug up for no fucking purpose he wasn't even a villain he was just a guy that liked to fight.
Come the fuck on there was no shortage of shit wrong with that movie.
lol I thought you were gonna say they made comic Freeze more like Arnie's Freeze
Agreed about Dracula.
He actually didn't seem all that bad. Just an old warrior that loved a good fight.
Him being a producer doesn't override his contractual obligation to do the movie.
Which was in accordance to the Dracula character of Stoker; a warrior aristocrat.
>as I aleady said he could have said I don't feel it give me a better one, because correct me if I wrong, was he a producer?
Might have been contractual thing as in he had to do the third film or pay heavy fines if he didn't.
>he didn't like the bling fangs
it's a COMIC BOOK movie
but gives him access to things before production starts
kill yourself zoomer poof
productions are always delayed and he had the power star to reject scripts
DVD up his ass?
Logan and Deadpool proved they can get away with R rated Marvel movies. Wouldn't mind seeing another Spawn or Blade movie
The action choreography in 98 was better than modern capeshit
Blade Trinity is a masterpiece compared to today Marvel and DC crap movies.
Wow, Christopher Lee used to be cool. Did not know this.
You're silly.
Kill yourself zoomer faggot
Devil Rides Out? Great movie, the novel's a great read, too.
>tfw the rights died lee to a remake
>tfw no genteel wizard aristocrat fighting the forces of demonic evil with a no-nonsense american friend to punch satanist fucking shits
>tfw brendan fraser would have made a perfect rex in the 2000s
>tfw anthony hopkins would have made a perfect mocata back then too
>and christopher lee could have still easily pulled off the duc de richleau
Not a zoomer. But that doesn't mean I watched every movie in existence and then watched B-Movies after. Give me a break, I have sex.
He did exactly that but then Goyer threatened to have him replaced.
kill yourself zoomer piece of shit, your entire generation is a fucking disgrace. an entire generation of niggers and trannies proud to be ignorant.
t. generation of leftists, immigration supporters, and racemixers
the chad generation of zoomers will be conservative as fuck and save the west. Race traitor boomers will be among those who receive the rope.
>chad generation of zoomers will be conservative as fuck
that meme is long since disproved
Most likely because of boomercucks teaching kids to suck BBC
Zoomers are a ruined generation, the first generation on the downward slope of global culturelessness, radicalization and the destruction of roots.
You guys think he got fucked in prison?
Is that the dude who plays that one general in Star Wars?
Famous people are treated pretty well in prison. Oj and Cosby are/were treated like kings. Only child molesters, snitches, crooked cops and rapist are usually targets in prison.
>Goyer threatened to have him replaced.
with whom?
some motherfucker tired to ice skate uphill
>with whom?
Cuba Gooding Jr.
1 > 3 >>>>>>>>> 2
you're jocking
>give me the money, give the money
Blade 2 was by far the best of the three. And Trinity was without question the worst.
except you are wrong. How does it feel?
fuck off faggot, gen x raised this crop of human garbage. zoomers emulate the worst aspects of nigger culture and the one's that dont never shut the fuck up about how emasculated they are by black cock. The entire generation needs the rope.
this fight alone made me hate Blade 2. Especially around the 1:25 mark. Guess it's considered great by today's standards though
>Blade 2 was by far the best of the three
le romance subplot
le vampire eats vampires
Blade 3 is regarded by pretty much everyone as the worst movie of the trilogy.
it was always cringe, and originally it was even longer with mostly more of that sub-PS2 level CGI.
I guess this is what happens when a Spanish director directs in "English" a kung fu fight between a black guy and a woman
The actual fight choreography is pretty decent. The music also fits. Only thing that bothered me was the cgi they used to try and enhance the scene. It really wasn't needed. And looks awkward as fuck.
>The actual fight choreography is pretty decent
>post biel armpits
Not saying its great, but it sure as hell isn't terrible. I have seen far worst, especially in today's comic book movies.
>It really wasn't needed. And looks awkward as fuck.
del toro even shits on it during the commentary.
Third movie and even that was serviceable third movie is essentially marvel formula nowadays
>used to be
>6'4" giga-Chad
>fought in WWII twice (for the Finns and Brits)
>classically trained accomplished theatre actor before he decided to do movies
>one of the greatest Draculas put to screen
>played a host of other memorable and iconic film characters
>only member of the cast and crew of LOTR/The Hobbit films to have actually met and spoke to Tolkien himself
>reread LOTR every year; one of his life's goals as an actor was to play Gandalf
>when Jackson's trilogy is finally made, he settles for Saruman because he realizes he's too old to play Gandalf at this point
>vocalist in a black medieval metal band
>literally didn't stop working until the few weeks up until his death
Sir Christopher Lee is one of the most based motherfuckers to have ever lived. Don't you forget it.
>>Don't you forget it.
O-ok.... I w-w-won't...
The movie was awesome. I don't think anything went wrong. What exactly are you asking about? The nigger didn't pay his taxes and got thrown in jail for it. I guess that could be a what went wrong.