This is the worst movie I've ever seen. Not even memeing...

This is the worst movie I've ever seen. Not even memeing. This was straight ass juice filtered through a puke strainer straight into my mouth

Attached: childs_play_ost.jpg (745x749, 81K)

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Are there any references to the old movies at all?

surely it's not that bad user.

No way is it worse than Terminator: Genisys

Why do all the ads i see for it calling it the scariest horror film ever? HUH?

That goes without saying

Was it your first slasher movie?

Chucky looks like garbage

Elder siblings let me watch this when I was 4
This is why I'm now on Yea Forums

You didn't watch Replicas, then


It's not that bad like faggot OP's portraying it to be.

Alice, sweet alice

nothing scary happened. jump scares are indicated 6 months in advance. Mark Hamill sounds like he recorded his lines in a bathroom as a joke. Weird early 90s anti technology trope. Step dad is a dick trope. kills pet trope. No one is worth rooting for trope. etc..

Is it better than the original?


>he watches horror movies to be scared

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Your first movie in theaters or something?
It wasn't spectacular but it was enjoyable and fun.
Men in Black 4 is FAR worse.

this is stuck in my head.

I wouldn't say it's better, but it's up there with the best. It's a unique take on Chucky. He can control AI now for more 'modernized' kills.

Black kid is a thug trope, sassy black lady trope, shitty mom trope

seriously his mom was the worst. Putting dick before her child triggered me on a primal level

it's not really anti tech if it was deprogrammed intentially by a human, it didn't gain random evil sentience

it wasn't that bad

The lightning looks heavily inspired by the original films, looks like that drawn in lightning they used to do in 80s films all the time. The music is a love letter to the original as well.

>Is it better than the original?

It's not terrible, but it's not original like the first two movies. Felt more like a bad Black Mirror episode in a Chucky skin. Even the kills were lacking. And I wasn't a fan of this Chucky's design.
Worst part is, that since this Chucky was an AI gone bad instead of a murdering soul in a doll, you actually feel sympathetic for him when you shouldn't

It's not even better than the two most recent chucky movies like Curse and Cult

Nah it's better than Curse and Cult IMO, it's in the top 3 best Chucky movies.

MArk Hammill is chucky now? what happend to brad douriff?

What's your top 3?

It blows my mind people would pay to see garbage like this in the theater

Yes. I suck so much dick and my favorite director is Christopher Nolan.

1. Child's Play
2. Child's Play 2 (like both of the first two equally)
3. Child's Play 2019
Never liked the comedy Chucky movies, Curse is good. Cult kinda sucked. Curse would be 3. before this movie.

Based film with a great theme track

would you reccomend Alice Sweet Alice?

how gory is it?

I disagree completely.
I'd say this movie is definitely better than 3, Bride and Seed, but that's it. I don't plan to watch it more than once where I'd be more inclined to revisit Curse and Cult and hopefully the next sequel Mancini makes.

one of the goriest Chucky movies, not as gory as Cult but gorier than Curse IMO. Scene where the dude gets his head shredded is brutal.

Well I can understand if someone doesn't like the new one as it is a huge departure from the classic Chucky everyone knows. I personally feel MGM is handling Chucky better than Mancini has done and I respect the changes.

No, I meant Alice Sweet Alice

ah fuck, I just saw the space between the first sentence and second and assumed they were both independent of each other.
Alice Sweet Alice isn't that gory, it has a few bloody stabbings but its quite reserved,

2 > 1 > Remake > Cult > 3 > Curse > Bride > Seed

You motherfucker.

>straight ass juice filtered through a puke strainer straight into my mouth

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Are there any other great killer doll movies apart from Chucky?

Small Soldiers, although not horror

Attached: small_soldiers.jpg (337x500, 39K)

>Bear McCreary did the soundtrack

Might see it just for that.

The puppet master movies

i took my 6 year old brother to see candyman fuck off

The only reason for the originals to exist was to lead into Bride of Chucky, after which point the series was over.
Kind of like how Gremlins' only reason to exist was to lead into the Brain Gremlin's Broadway act.

Attached: JenniferTillyKino.jpg (600x896, 122K)

He kills is as usual. There's a song in that movie that's been stuck in my head since I saw it.

Interesting take. I think Bride and Seed are the weakest by far.

Underage b&

>no Brad Dourif
hard pass

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Bride is one of my favorites just for the pure mood of the movie. It starts off with a bad CGI title and Rob Zombie for fucks sake, it's the perfect example of a post scream slasher flick. Plus Jennifer Tilly is hot as fuck.

It was pretty kino actually. Stop being nostalgic and see this as it's own thing, because that's what it is.

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>la la la la la
>la la la la


How is it compared to the original?



It was entertaining as fuck


It's okay, it's it's own thing. I enjoy the new chucky, there are a lot of great ideas there, but I prefer Brad Dourifs Chucky as he is more charismatic as the character. It's not bad by any means. Pretty decent modernization of the character.


On par IMO. Slasherkino to add to the list.

It's weird seeing Audrey Plaza play a parent, in my mind she's like 20.

Child's Play (1988) - Great
Child's Play 2 - Amazing
Child's Play 3 - Meh
Bride Of Chucky - Great
Seed Of Chucky - Garbage
Curse Of Chucky - Amazing
Cult Of Chucky - Garbage
Child's Play (2019) - Amazing

audrey's character was 16 and pregnant

>better than Cult

Cult was pure kino and I don't get why so many people hate it. It had a fresh setting, some cool kills, some of the best animatronic work to date, and some genuinely funny jokes. It actually advanced the overall story in a meaningful way rather than just rehashing the same tired plot without anything different.

Seed is one of my personal favorites but Bride feels kinda overrated to me, this and FvJ feel too much like a music video and it really irritates me.