What went so wrong with the west?

What went so wrong with the west?

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It is a mystery.

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>the west
You mean America? Don't lump Europe in with you pedofaggots.



whypepol too weak

The Jews hate homosexuality

Remember learning about Germany before WWII and thinking "why in the world would Germans start banning art and literature?"

>9-year-old austin drag queen spreading

Would child drag queens be deemed child pornography in some places?

For themselves. It's a great weapon to destroy their enemies though.

Not one decent American has the balls to stand up and say how wrong this is. You gonna let these scumbags parade your kids around like this? next they will be raping them.
Get off your sorry asses and boot these fuckers back into the shadows.

Wait until the barista/banker economy fails and the US gets hit with a hard depression haha. Its going to be so bad haha.

imagine actually thinking we're in weimar2.0 without any disenfranchised proletariat

israel is the gayest country in the world

And then one day...

Yank culture warrior hours?

Europe isn't much better muhamad

m-maybe if we just kick the can down the road, again, that will fix things haha

I bet he's being raised by dykes

why are we suddenly conflating sex with love?
isn't this sending mix messages to all the victims of child sexual abuse, all the women in the metoo movement and countless rape victims?
That sexual gratification is just love?
Because I'm pretty sure predators have used that justification.

>Yea Forums
truly the most pathetic of the /pol/ colony boards

People voted Trump but he dindu nuthin

Just wait

Didn't say it was, but it hasn't become socially acceptable to dress up small boys as slutty women here yet!


Too tolerate and accepting


This isn't /pol/

>why are we suddenly conflating sex with love?
Who are we?

glow harder

surprised this and child beauty pageants haven't been yet.

kids love to be sexually abused though

I failt to see the problem with that.

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Based and leftypedopilled

In some places like Japan or China, this would probably be outlawed.

CIA? I'm doctor Pavel

Because there's no sex involved? You are the ones bringing sex into this.

Problem is this little shitso is making no attempt to pass. A disgusting b*y

Christ almighty deliver us from this tranny evil

>clearly jewish

lol jews are literally destroying themselves with their won bullshit


They could argue that it adds to the problem of pedophilia and collection of child pornography.

whites still want something new meaningful and cool despite being creatively bankrupt.
they cant admit they cant produce anything creative and accept "barbarian" cultures like anime form other civilizations are becoming mainstream in the west. they are refusing to learn from non western stuff, so they are being utter autists and huge assholes.

In anywhere outside America it'd be outlawed. America is a degenerate shithole.

you realize makeup is inherrently always about sex right?

>what is wrong with the media
Essentially, they're a vocal minority of degenerates trying to normalize their bullshit, but civil war will happen before the masses ever buy into this sort of weimar bullshit (unless they get to the churches first).

How many times must this thread be deleted?

you know you can move to Oceania as a white American if you have even the barrest minimum skills and do quite well, right?

NZ is basically permanently trapped in 1997 and while Australia is on the same moral decline as America its about thirty years behind the fall.

there's literally no reason to tolerate this shit in this USA. just leave.

We used to shun single mothers into raising serial killers.

Now we encourage them to raise suicidal degenerates.

Imagine thinking anime is becoming mainstream

>child beauty pageants

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>it adds to the problem of pedophilia and collection of child pornography.
That makes no sense.

would you rather they be serial killers?

>NZ is basically permanently trapped in 1997
In terms of internet speeds maybe. Place is crawling with chinks now

I don't see anything wrong here
He's a cutie

>he wouldn't

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You guys ever see kids do stupid shit but have no care in the world because they want to impress the adults? This kid is going to feel a ton of regret one day.

At least they make for kino documentaries

Even if there's no sex involved, having children in anything revealing or sexually provocative is enough.

in the global geek industry , definitely. maybe except in america. your shithole is becoming totally isolated culturally

you can push normies past their supposed "brink" in many areas. finance, media, race-hate...they'll groan but they'll deal with it. but normies are fucking crazy about their spawn and turning children into sex objects is a clear overstep that I honestly cannot believe the media is clueless enough to think they can get away with

I feel like the west today was raised by a single mother.

lmao Joe Biden said Jews were responsible for legalizing gay marriage

You mean what went so right with the west.
This is actually based.

Why isn't this subreddit loading?

Why are they pushing this so hard? It took them decades to make homo shit acceptable this stuff has appeared over the space of what 5 years less than that? Surely they know how disgusting this is to everyone outside of typical liberal cities?

Probably not this one since he's a celebrity. Will probably make a ton of money with this shtick.

Isn’t one of the goals of drag is to look as sexy as possible?

enough for what? to get me hard?

>as a kid I once tried on my mom's heels and walked around in them
>mfw if I was a kid now there would be a good chance I'd have my balls chopped for it

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Degenerates have become so common they'd be killing more of themselves. A problem that would solve itself.

>I read and believe Yahoo news

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Ah yes the grand old, kicking out veterans of ww1 art and literature out for being babies, technique.

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>man gets erection because he finally thinks le rope day is coming

>Why are they pushing this so hard?
Destruction of the nuclear family and the subversion of Western Society

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Short answer is that we let women vote.

More QE and low interest rates
>To infinity and beyond

It's actually the opposite. Drag is inherently humourous. It's meant to look overdone and ridiculous. But there's still something deeply sinister about involving children in it.

the nuclear family was created to divide large families into a mobile labor force to staff factories built in places no one would want to live.

Enough to be deemed such. There's cases where someone has videos of little kids in skimpy outfits, not having sex, but suggestive enough to count. Some people get sexually aroused by crossdressing and more.

>Boomers wanked to CP of Brooke Shields and Jodie Foster
>Virtue signalling just now
Boomers need to #PayTheDebt and let go

Ok, then what about The Washington Post?

>true controllers of hollywood
>control politics and deep state for decades
>connected throughout European nobility and upper class
The jew fears the pedophile.

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Are people logging names?

What's that Fermi Paradox thing that sci-fi writers talk about? Where we haven't observed spacefaring advanced civilizations even though it seems very likely? I think it's shit like this, the last ~60 years. Inevitably a civilization that becomes advanced enough to conduct missions or signals into space collapses before we ever see them, I propose it's because of SJWism on the homefront turning their scientists, engineers, commandos, governments, etc away from the stars and toward "helping the disenfranchised" whatever the fuck that means.

The Universe has a thousand species and planets with civilizations that could reach across the stars, but instead they all sit at home babysitting dindus and raising pozholes.

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>there's something deeply sinister about children being exaggerated and humorous


post more cute girlboys

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Nope. They're still fucking pussies especially when it comes to sexualizing children. These fuckers pushing the envelope know that and that's why they feel more emboldened. Child grooming is more prevalent then ever.

so fucking cute

So what you're saying is you want another brainless wojack image?


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This career disappeared after he pulled that stunt kek

>Child grooming

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>dressing little boys as girls and molesting them will be legal in your lifetime

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>it will never be your job to buy little boys/girls from poor families in the third world and train them to become compliant little whores

feels really bad


You're saying that like it's a bad thing

Why is it that everyone wants to ignore this and blame something else?
Exploiting childrens' bodies is bad but exploiting their emotions is a good thing?

I'm confused. If this was an actual girl I'd probably find it pretty hot. Any of you have bad news to break for me?

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You realize there isn't a country in the world where you can get sex reassignment surgery younger than 16, right?

It's an adult thing. There's no good reason for children to be involved in it. Something doesn't have to be sexual to be bad for children. I would equate it to taking a child to see an 18 rated comedy with cursing and dirty jokes throughout. It's just irresponsible and unnecessary.

making a paraphilia legal would just reduce occurrences of it

''It's bad'' isn't an argument, why is it inappropriate? I don't like drag shows (the campy, overly caricatured shtick isn't entertaining to me) but just saying it's bad for kids over and over again doesn't make it true.

>When did Yea Forums start letting in faggots?

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It's not a paraphilia it's normal.

>I would equate it to taking a child to see an 18 rated comedy with cursing and dirty jokes throughout.

Kids have always cursed and told dirty jokes

Is it because you are a tranny and you tried to cut off your dick at 14?


It's inherently sexual and degenerate. Involving children in it is indoctrination.

Let's see it

Discord trannies have been raiding this place since 2016 after Trump's win

No, I'm just not 10 years behind on the medical literature. When I first started seeing this stuff turn up, I actually read things instead of getting upset and basing my entire view on it off of screenshots of literal whos on Twitter.

>no sex (yet)

>inherently sexual
Where? How?
Not an argument.

penises and vaginas are inherently sexual, we should remove children's penises and vaginas so they won't be tempted

yeah, jet fuel cannot melt steel beams



>I read books from people trying to say it's okay and that means it's okay
Kill yourself, faggot

America and their cult of individualism where the only things that matter is how I FEEL about things.

They love spreading homosexuality because homosexuals are braindead consumers of jewish filth. It's all about selling them shit just like the female liberation. Single independent women women buy the stupidest shit ever, a shitton of clothes and shoes they will never wear, makeup alcohol, magazines and shit. the jews hate the nuclear family because it's about responsible parents who won't wase money on useless jewish crap. The homosexuals and and the single women are rabid consumers of their shit.

Turning kids into faggots that won't have families is not a good thing
>Not an argument.
It literally is. Just because you don't understand what it means or the greater implications of it doesn't mean it isn't.

lmao check out this faggot who the fuck reads lmaaaaaaaoo

>9 year old molestation victims trying to lecture me on love and sexuality

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>faggots can't have families

>''They're trying to chop off the balls of toddlers!''
That's not true.
>''Heh, what are you a tranny?''
No, I'm just educated on the subject.
>''Uh.. surgeries can go wrong dude.''
>we should listen to our feelings rather than the opinions of medical experts
Should we move to an entirely feels based governance, little snowflake?
It isn't an argument, buddy. Just because you and the Roman LARPers you hang out with think it's the height of comedy doesn't give it any logical salience.

The Jews want us to engage in transient sexual relationships and destroy our ability to pair bond. Just look at the average partner count of homosexuals. It's obscene.

Which are the /pol/ colony boards?

having a family is inherantly sexual

No, faggots cannot biologically create children, and they are not equipped for the proper raising of children.
Kill yourself, faggot

>No, I'm just educated on the subject.
Education isn't the same thing as intelligence, retard.

"Muh degeneracy" isn't an argument because there is no defined state people are "degenerating" from.

Why do people ignore this and double down every time I post this shit? It's not gonna make it go away.

Going to a parade where people get in a kiddie pool for people to piss on them in public is inherently sexual

Daily reminder that homosexuals reproduce by molesting children

>No, faggots cannot biologically create children,
but they can

what if hitler won?

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No it isn't. Sexuality isn't the primary goal of starting a family. It's simply a means to an end.

>Not knowing that uterus transplants exist

/pol/ can call me a spudnigger all day, but I know they’re all self hating mutts and majority American, the home of the queers and the state of california and new york, the nests of degenerate shit.

>having a family is equal to going to a pride parade

its good to see you're starting to understand

it's not even faggots causing this, it's jewish attention seeking parents

He meant they can't using homosexual sex you silly billy tranny

I want off this ride

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>That's not true.
Yeah it is
>No, I'm just educated on the subject.
You mean you support it. I can understand that they are mentally ill and believe that they should be purged for the betterment of society.
>Should we move to an entirely feels based governance, little snowflake?
"Medical experts" that want to get paid to perform surgeries? Or kikes with a vested interest in the decline of the west?
How about we use actual historical sources that show this degenerate shit leads the the downfall of civilizations, is that evidence based enough for you?
>It isn't an argument
It literally is. Just because you don't understand what it means or the greater implications of it doesn't mean it isn't.

>there is no defined state people are "degenerating" from
Do you use utensils to eat food? Do you sit at a table to eat with your friends or family? Do you chew with your mouth closed?

Get your eyes checked

>there is no defined state people are "degenerating" from
Yes there is.

Children are supposed to be descended from the parents in the family.

They don't allow it in their ranks, but love to push it to Gentiles, along with other degenerate behavior like pedophilia, abortion, drugs, gambling, alcohol, bestiality, war, general bad behavior, crime.

Jews are fucking rats.

Europe is worse

>Cursed Imagine

>You mean you support it
I tend to side with experts over the fragile feelings of ideologues like you, yes.
>''Medical experts'' that want to get paid to perform surgeries?
They get paid either way, are you retarded?
>Or kikes with a vested interest in the decline of the west?
Ah yes, da jooz. It's actually the shadow cabal that is making this - I can't prove it, of course, but that's why it's BAD and DEGENERATE. Deus Vult, fellow fedora wearer!
>It literally is
It literally isn't, fat Roman LARPer.

Obviously not together though, it’s done through unnatural procedures


maybe if she hadn't worn the same dress for 10+ years

>They get paid either way
Do they, though?

More like what went RIGHT?

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>It literally isn't
Ah, yes. The old "nuh uh!" argument

>I tend to side with experts over the fragile feelings of ideologues like you
Why is the trans suicide rate so high? What's the expert explanation?


Give me one example of this shit happening in Europe.

Samefag here and there, wont even botter giving you more (You)'s

the good guys lost ww2


We fought the wrong enemy. Mongoloid communists poisoned our culture.

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It's only a matter of time before history repeats itself

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