What about a Chernobyl style miniseries about the events just before and right after 9/11? It could cover

What about a Chernobyl style miniseries about the events just before and right after 9/11? It could cover
>the attacks
>the fires
>the collapse
>the first responders
It could be kino

Attached: 911_from_space.jpg (3060x2033, 1.05M)

You forgot
>the dancing Israelis

Absolutely based

PNAC board room scenes where Dick Cheney outranks George Bush and they are talking about the future Axis of Evil wars they plan to execute for Israel and the need for a new Pearl Harbor

We have so much documentary footage of it that a Chernobyl style series becomes slightly redundant, 9/11 doesn't have the same mystique

WTC7 would be cool.


how about you just get sleepy and go to sleep op. zzzzz

based psyop user

Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again.

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Only if a woman comes to save the day.

They probably will make a 9/11 miniseries in the future, but we're still at that point in time where everyone remembers it well, and the memory of the footage that a tv show would be based on is well saturated.

There are a few really good docs you should check out though.
>9/11 by Jules and Gedeon Naudet
They were in the process of filming a documentary about firefighters in new york, and were out on a gas leak call, testing sewer grates near a street corner when the first plane flew over them and hit the north tower, and they followed the fire crew to the trade center and collected a bunch of first responder footage, a lot of the crew from the station they were staying at and filming died in the tower collapse, and they captured some aftermath footage too.

>The Woman who wasn't there.
Really hilarious documentary about this woman who pretended to be a 9/11 hero, and took over some 9/11 survivor's group, defrauded people for years. Has a good look into how groups organized after 9/11 and lots of survivors talking about what they experienced there.

And there was this one doc, I can't remember the name of, it might have been an episode of a documentary tv show, but it was about this one lot in New Jersey where most of the 9/11 debris and wreckage was hauled to to be sifted through and sorted for human remains, personal effects, etc. They combed through the entirety of the twin towers in about 2 years, and the documentary maker collected a ton of great footage. Just can't find the name from googling it, really frustrating.

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Idk about the name of that last doc you mentioned but thr WTC debris was hauled to Fresh Kills, a former landfill-turned park on Staten Island.

They made the whole thing up for the cameras to give them an excuse to invade Iraq. There never was a world trade center dumbass.

/pol/ unironically believes this

Am I the only one seeing thanos in the thumbnail

Who will play the mossad agents posing as art students that plant the thermite bombs using climbing gear?
Who will play the crew members frantically moving the pools of lava after the collapse?


That French firefighter documentary is pretty much what you want. It's also real and therefore doesn't have any invented Mary Sues

rent free