Here's your new chick in charge of fucking up Star Wars, bro

Here's your new chick in charge of fucking up Star Wars, bro.

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Have sex, stupid incel.

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literally just a mid 30s something nobody whose career history is just being an "assistant" for a couple tv shows and nu wars, promoted to be in charge of anything. fucking yikes.

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can someone explain why we're letting women ruin literally everything?

she finna boutta vore that ship

>can someone explain why we're letting women ruin literally everything?

satanic globalist orchestrated cultural marxist subversive demoralization

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Having a woman be in charge of Star Wars is the equivalent to having a man in charge of Barbie

>literal who that can be fired right away once the shitstorm has blown over.
>fucking up star wars
>implying that's still possible

>another (((white))) woman

her first credit is casting assistant. It literally means she has no degree or anything but managed to get a job in Hollywood because kike. This bitch is so irrelevant most of her job as a casting assistant are referred as "uncredited".

Jewish men are putting these women in charge. They are a weapon against white men and society in general.

>still caring about Star Wars

It is already dead.

Have sudoku, stupid incel.

It died with Luke and Han. Now it is just a corpse used to push feminism.

Why do girls pretend to like star wars?

You can’t ruin what is already ruined.

Oh no! She is gonna turn Star Wars into feminist Marxist propaganda and kill off/ruin beloved OT characters!....oh wait, that already happened.

>Why do girls pretend to like star wars?
Because Star Wars = money, nd if you aren't aware yet, there's only one thing that women love above everything and that is money, easy money, the one that come from men's hard work and they just come and grab it.

Is there anything left to fuck up? Everyone except Leia (though Carrie is dead), Lando, Chewie, R2D2, and C3PO are dead (and the last three are just props for the new characters). What is left to fuck up? Except for maybe Kotor, there ain’t much left. Everything else is either dead or noncanon.

Who is this? Is she Kiri Hart's replacement or something?

They already fucked the sequel but this bitch is supposed to oversee the future of Star Wars. The future is female and bleak too. KK and JJ will depart LFM after IX. It's like they set one of their own inside the company like a trojan horse so she can snitch for them in the future if the new CEO is dumb enough not to flush all these women hired by empress KK

More nepotism hires, except this time it's from J.J's side

they keep sucking our dicks and putting us into a post-orgasmic haze where we just give them things to ruin

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>More nepotism hires, except this time it's from J.J's side
This bastard has been doing it a lot already, he hires crappy actors he worked with on his old TV shows, he hired crappy female jewess editors for the sequels. He only help jews btw mostly women, because he's a dickless virtue signaler too. It's funny he likes to talk about diversity but his crews are not diverse at all.

I dont care I still have my dark empire and tales of the jedi comics, my battlefronts, my kotors and my jedi kinight outcasts

Literally though she goes straight from assistant: Mr Abrams to co-producer credit int he space of a year
How can even a normie look at this and think "yeah that's acceptable and normal"

don't forget republic commando, empire at war sir

Don’t forget, JJ got his son a job at Marvel writing Spider-Man.

you're one of them faggot

>one of the first things he asked was to make sure I stayed on him constantly
>And I did!
Oh I'm sure you did

Normies don't give a shit about stuff like that.

Add TIE Fighter and Galactic Battlegrounds, and you have a nice little package there.

>it happened very organically
you bet

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It's not about what we don't have, it's about what we could have gotten that is frustrating.

It's the exact same way KK became producer. JJ is a loser who wish he was Spielberg, he's iitating in every way including how he turned a dumbed secretary into a producer just like that. Also KK must have sucked thousands of cocks tp get there. Idiot JJ is probably too beta to even consider cheating with an assistant.

you're one of them faggot

daisy sucked off jj to get the part, he knows what he's doing

>Bad Robot employee in charge of Star Trek (Alex Kurtzman)
>ex-Bad Robot employee in charge of the live-action division of LucasFilm (Michelle Rejwan)
>Bad Robot gets a $500M deal with Warner
JJ is going to destroy the entire industry.

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But wasn't the whole point of Disney getting Star Wars cause they wanted to muscle into the sci-fi market for boys, cause Tron was dead in the water?

KK was Spielberg's assistant and she's been riding on his coattails since the early '80s. JJ and this chick are just the current year version of that. But you're not allowed to bring up nepotism because das racis and anti-semitic.

I on't think so, he scolded her for acting wooden on her first day. That mean she wasn't his choice but KK's. And considering she has a thing for brunettes who can't act, it's more realistic. JJ is a beta who said YES to an actress who is absolutesshite and not even sexy or just pretty. Only an old meopausal feminist would think this is a good cast

Is she jewish or something?

she sucked him zoomer tourist, regardless of what you think.

Wait, what? KK is a carpet muncher?

>fucking up
Oh that ship has sailed sweetie. I dont know who this person is but Star Wars died when Disney bought it

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>But wasn't the whole point of Disney getting Star Wars cause they wanted to muscle into the sci-fi market for boys, cause Tron was dead in the water?
I think the point of Disney is buying everything and have a complete moopoly, then you will have no choice but watching endless crap.

I know, they have destroyed so much, I have no doubt it was deliberate

yes these too

And that's a good thing!

I'm gonna be completely honest, the fact that she's prettier than that asshole Kathleen Kennedy makes me hate her way less.

What if he really is Spielberg's bastard and he's trying to bring the entire wretched Hollywood machine down on purpose out of spite and hatred

Moopoly, noun
A sturdy bio-organic polyalloy made out of reduced cow braps.

you deserve the rope

disney would need to buy the entire internet for that to happen. so I'm not sure why you think its a remote possibility or concern.

>Wait, what? KK is a carpet muncher?
Honestly KK comes of as a bizarre type of woman, extremely manipulative and cold and she has that facade of calm and composed but it's obvious it's just a public face. She's the kind of bitch that could be a dominatrix or something. She absolutely hates men and uses and abuses them. There's something very sinister about her, she looks like a fucking snake in the grass. And she likes to chastisize men by giving them their dream project and the n telling them that they have no control over it and will have to follow her lead. Then they have to choose between abandoning their dream moie or becoming an eunuch. You know which ones are the eunuchs, the others got fired, but they still have their balls attached.

She's not pretty at all, and I don't want to be mean.

I mean the studios, who cares about internet? Also they won't buy A24. Buying all major studios isn't enough, they're also making their own Netflix because Netflix didn't want to sell


And Kathleen Kennedy decides that Star Wars should be for Boys and Girls (which it already was). And by for Boys and Girls she meant Girls, Girls, and Girls.

I bet you're one of those pathetic fucks who always desperately responds to the faggots and trannies pretending to be women on here. Kill yourself.

Which is honestly welcome at this point netflix using their power to push all the weird ass far left shit, disney isnt much better but at least I can go back and look at the classics and reminisce

>White of skin, brown of hair
>White of skin, brown of hair
>White of skin, brown of hair
>Michelle Rejwan
>White of skin, brown of hair
>Kathleen Kennedy
>White of skin, brown of hair

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It reminds of feminists who say feminism is for men too. Then why is it called feminism? If it was for men too it would be humanism as this is what men and women are. But we are supposed to believe that this cancerous ideology that is literaly seeking the destruction of men is good for them.

Nono don't eat it, it's not a cock

>implying Disney isn't doing exactly the same
You haven't been paying attention. Feminism, tokenism and the LGBT agenda are the main signatre of Disney

yfw diversity means white women

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