"Hey Howard, listen man, I can't make it in again. Not feeling good, drank too much last night. Yeah...yeah..oka...yeah...

>"Hey Howard, listen man, I can't make it in again. Not feeling good, drank too much last night. Yeah...yeah..oka...yeah...Well can I at least pick up my check at the door?"

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is there anyone who fucked up his career as hard as artie lange? dude literally got paid a shit ton of money to sit on his ass and tell ranchy jokes on the howard stern show. even before that, he was on madtv. when he got fired from madtv he got a second chance with stern and he blew it

what the fuck is wrong with his nose

snorted a line of coke with glass fragments in it

He snorted coke that had crushed up coral reef in it.

the fuck? did someone put them in his coke on purpose or did he make the lines on a broken glass table?

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>making $400 an hour to tell jokes on the radio
>snorts $500 worth of coke an hour up nose

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How the fuck does a rich cunt like Artie get shitty fucked up coke

Apparently he tried to drink a coke through his nose and the glass broke or something.

How do you not just end it all at this point?

because there is still coke in the world

Walked into a door

Artie, go lay down man.

can he smell at all?

>Gar it's Art *coughs* Listen man I'm not gonna be able to make it in today *coughs* I'm sick as a dog and it's coming out of both ends *cough* sorry man

Cocaine use causes sores to form in the membrane, and also perforation of the nasal septum. In Artie’s case, he did so much that his septum collapsed.

If Artie can be believed (he can’t), there was a broken bottle on the table and some of the glass got mixed in.

That's not what happened, he literally snorted glass

He should just get a new nose built out of ear cartilage like Michael Jackson did when his nose collapsed in the early 2000's

According to who?
Mr. bullshit junkie himself.

Dont see why he would lie, either case makes him look bad

Snorting broken glass makes him look like a crazy badass, being a sad addict doesn’t.

>makes him look like a crazy badass, being a sad addict doesn’t.
Both make him look like a sad addict and it's not like he claims to have done it on purpose, supposedly a hooker accidentally crushed some glass into his oxytocin.


Sounds like some exaggerated bullshit to me.
Other cocaine addicts have had the same issues with their respective noses collapsing and they managed it without broken glass.



He also snorted a ton of heroin.

would you do a gram of high quality colombian white gold with artie
i would

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Is this guy immortal? A mortal human would have been dead years ago.

It’s his treenigger Native American blood.

>I believe every nonsense story a junkie tells me
You sound smart.

Septum collapsed from snorting.

literally just google 'coke nose'. He says he snorted glass but fuck him.

How did he get fired from Stern?


He seems like the type to go halvesies on a gram and hoover up 90% of the bag in one line, so no.

>on Stern

What year do you think this is faggot OP? It's Cumia he's calling begging for a paycheck.

allegedly he came in drunk, was unable to perform coherently, and Sirius told him to leave.

Either way makes him look like a pathetic junkie, I fail to see the reason why he'd lie in this case, not that I particularly care how he got his nose fucked up. Neck yourself.

Gotta compete with Brother Joe and shemale prostitutes for that dwindling handout money

that short period where Artie and KC were both there was gold. Stern hadn't gotten old and PC yet, KC was just fucking comedy gold. If only Sal and Richard had been there then.

what's so fun about coke?

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it's generally a shit drug. It's fun if you're doing something that requires focus/energy. It's amazing to do with sex, and a lot of fun while playing an instrument or video games. Otherwise, I'd avoid it. If it's just you hanging out with friends, you just talk about retarded shit and then get strung out. Not worth it.

coke and heroin will collapse the tissue in a person's nose too, seen it dozens of times
t.works in a rehab facility

Napoleons troops shot it off

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It’s a meme desu. Maybe I got shitty coke but I hated it. Addy is much better and cheaper(my script cost me like $7.00USD).

You'd be surprised just how hard it is to kill the average human. The human body is amazingly resilient, it's actually a medical miracle how resilient we are because we routinely survive wounds that would kill the average animal

i punched him super hard in the face one time when he was high on coke

Addy is work. Coke is for fune. Good coke gives much better euphoria and a very smooth confidence/energy. Addy is rougher. Both have really shit comedowns though. I wouldn't use either unless it were the near-perfect situation (e.g., jet lag for addy, sex for coke). My opinion

it feels amazing, you get a tremendous burst of energy

Adderall comedown is rough, but it's so chemically similar to meth that you almost have expect it. Used to use it to pull all nighters in college

Yeah, I wish I had more access to it when I was in school. I can avoid rough comedown if I do 5mg or less, but that limits its effects. It'll help with sleep deprivation though.

Ever here of modafinil? it's a dopamine reuptake inhibitor (similar to coke and addy, but much less "reuptake inhibiting"). If you take the right amount, you get a nice smooth energy that's great if you didn't sleep well, but you don't get the euphoria of coke or addy. It's a lot more functional I think than addy since it doesn't give you a high and then a comedown.

He's a liar. He just snorted so much fucking coke the cartilage between his nostrils disintegrated

your shoop is shit, op.

Didn't he even fall asleep on air once?

2-3 times that became "bits" and probably many other times that weren't as noticeable.